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The SuperHero RPG :: Applications :: Character, Minion, and NPC Applications :: Character and NPC Applications :: Approved Heroes
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Real Name: Louise Benoit
Hero Name: Blackjack
Title: The sleight of hand hero
Alignment: Hero
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 175lbs
Charming and slick, Louise is every bit a huge flirt, and ladies man. An incredible liar, with a master-class poker face, Louise can tell you anything, and you’d be hard pressed not to believe it.
Under the charm and smile, however, lies a cunning and bold hero, who will do anything he can to protect others, and keep his city safe.
Born into poverty Vegas, Louise had to learn how to survive very quick. While his mother was often high out of her mind, and his left him behind after making it big at the casino, Louises life was a constant battle to find ways to eat and survive. He would resort to stealing, pickpocket, and various other crimes to make ends meet, and put some food on the table for him and his mother.
When he became a teenager, Louise turned to learning card tricks, and sleight of hand, using this skill to con people out of money on the streets. Among the skillsets, he learned how to properly throw cards, able to hit targets precisely.
When Louise turned 21, his life started to look up, as he upped his game, moving from conning poor souls on the streets, to hitting the tables themselves. He was a natural player, and quickly earned himself a decent amount, which he was gonna use to buy himself an actual home, and get his mother into rehab.
He never got the chance, however, as when he tried to cash out his money, he was grabbed by the security and sent into a back room. He was beaten nearly to death, as the man who ran the Casino turned out to be from one of the many crime families in the city, and didn’t appreciate Louise taking his money.
Rushed to the hospital, Louise spent months recovering, but was eventually back to his old self. Realizing he wasn’t the only victim of the system that kept him down, Louise decided instead of letting the greedy get away with their heinous acts, he would take action.
Making himself a cheap suit, Louise would swipe some throwing cards from a local shop, and quickly went to work. He started small, attacking money shipments, taking the money to fund his mission. He became well known for his card throwing antics, being dubbed “Blackjack” by the locals.
As the money grew, so did his gear and cards, connecting with an arms dealer in the city, Louise would use the money he stole to stock up on special throwing cards, made with different effects.
Now, he is known as a major threat to the crime families of Vegas, upgrading from petty theft, to raiding their cash houses, taking out key family members, and even assaulting the casino he was nearly killed in, making it to the boss himself.
Adopting the name he was given by his peers, Blackjack is a hero the city will never forget.
Human: Louise is human, and can be taken down by conventional means.
Custom Cards: Louise has a vast collection of steel edged throwing cards, which he uses as projectiles when fighting.
Escrima: Louise carries twin escrima sticks, which he is highly trained in using.
Body Armor Louise wears a ballistic grade body armor, which can withstand small arms fire.
It cannot endure armor piercing.
Arms Dealer: Louise met an arms dealer on his journey, who provides him with his special cards, and armor.
Throwing master: Louise has trained in how to throw his cards with expert precision. He can hit a target from several yards away while they were moving.
Escrima: Louise is trained in Escrima, a martial arts based around the use of melee weapons of the same name.
Freestyle Fighter: Louise isn’t trained in any specific Martial arts, but he is still a highly skilled street fighter, using a mix of various styles to hold his own, even against master martial artists.
Sleight of Hand: Light fingered, Louise is a master pickpocket and locksmith. He can take the watch off someones wrist without them even noticing.
Stealth: Louise grew up a thief, and learned how to sneak around, remain unseen, and get into places without being spotted.
"I always got an ace up my sleeve"
The Bio
Real Name: Louise Benoit
Hero Name: Blackjack
Title: The sleight of hand hero
Alignment: Hero
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 175lbs
The Looks
The Personality
Charming and slick, Louise is every bit a huge flirt, and ladies man. An incredible liar, with a master-class poker face, Louise can tell you anything, and you’d be hard pressed not to believe it.
Under the charm and smile, however, lies a cunning and bold hero, who will do anything he can to protect others, and keep his city safe.
The Story
Born into poverty Vegas, Louise had to learn how to survive very quick. While his mother was often high out of her mind, and his left him behind after making it big at the casino, Louises life was a constant battle to find ways to eat and survive. He would resort to stealing, pickpocket, and various other crimes to make ends meet, and put some food on the table for him and his mother.
When he became a teenager, Louise turned to learning card tricks, and sleight of hand, using this skill to con people out of money on the streets. Among the skillsets, he learned how to properly throw cards, able to hit targets precisely.
When Louise turned 21, his life started to look up, as he upped his game, moving from conning poor souls on the streets, to hitting the tables themselves. He was a natural player, and quickly earned himself a decent amount, which he was gonna use to buy himself an actual home, and get his mother into rehab.
He never got the chance, however, as when he tried to cash out his money, he was grabbed by the security and sent into a back room. He was beaten nearly to death, as the man who ran the Casino turned out to be from one of the many crime families in the city, and didn’t appreciate Louise taking his money.
Rushed to the hospital, Louise spent months recovering, but was eventually back to his old self. Realizing he wasn’t the only victim of the system that kept him down, Louise decided instead of letting the greedy get away with their heinous acts, he would take action.
Making himself a cheap suit, Louise would swipe some throwing cards from a local shop, and quickly went to work. He started small, attacking money shipments, taking the money to fund his mission. He became well known for his card throwing antics, being dubbed “Blackjack” by the locals.
As the money grew, so did his gear and cards, connecting with an arms dealer in the city, Louise would use the money he stole to stock up on special throwing cards, made with different effects.
Now, he is known as a major threat to the crime families of Vegas, upgrading from petty theft, to raiding their cash houses, taking out key family members, and even assaulting the casino he was nearly killed in, making it to the boss himself.
Adopting the name he was given by his peers, Blackjack is a hero the city will never forget.
The Powers
The Weaknesses
Human: Louise is human, and can be taken down by conventional means.
The Items
Custom Cards: Louise has a vast collection of steel edged throwing cards, which he uses as projectiles when fighting.
Escrima: Louise carries twin escrima sticks, which he is highly trained in using.
Body Armor Louise wears a ballistic grade body armor, which can withstand small arms fire.
It cannot endure armor piercing.
The Minions
Arms Dealer: Louise met an arms dealer on his journey, who provides him with his special cards, and armor.
The Fluff
Throwing master: Louise has trained in how to throw his cards with expert precision. He can hit a target from several yards away while they were moving.
Escrima: Louise is trained in Escrima, a martial arts based around the use of melee weapons of the same name.
Freestyle Fighter: Louise isn’t trained in any specific Martial arts, but he is still a highly skilled street fighter, using a mix of various styles to hold his own, even against master martial artists.
Sleight of Hand: Light fingered, Louise is a master pickpocket and locksmith. He can take the watch off someones wrist without them even noticing.
Stealth: Louise grew up a thief, and learned how to sneak around, remain unseen, and get into places without being spotted.
The RP Sample
ProwlerKnight- Post Mate
- Status :
Online Offline
Quote : When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move. Your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth and tell the whole world:
“No, you move.”
Warnings :
Number of posts : 155
Location : Bangor, ME
Age : 32
Job : CRMA
Humor : Dark, Goofy, Nerdy, pretty much anything
Registration date : 2022-01-29
Re: Blackjack
Demonhunter- Post Adept
- Status :
Online Offline
Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.
Warnings :
Number of posts : 383
Registration date : 2020-05-01
The SuperHero RPG :: Applications :: Character, Minion, and NPC Applications :: Character and NPC Applications :: Approved Heroes
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