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Justice Empty Justice

Post by Tybrid August 10th 2024, 12:59 am


"Absolute order enforced by absolute will to enforce an absolute peace. Eternally."

The Bio

Villain Name: Justice
Title: Lord of Order
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Age: Around 6000 years old
Gender: Male
Race: Avatar
Height: Shifting
Weight: Inconsequential

The Looks

The Personality

Justice is an ancient and powerful being who has spent millennia observing the rise and fall of civilizations, honing a rigid and unwavering belief in the necessity of absolute order. They view chaos as the root of all suffering, and their singular mission is to impose a strict, unyielding structure upon the world. Justice's sense of purpose is fueled by a deep conviction in their own moral superiority, seeing themselves as the ultimate arbiter of what is right and wrong. This self-righteousness is matched by a cold, detached rationality that leaves little room for empathy or compassion for individual suffering. To Justice, the ends always justify the means, and they are willing to go to any lengths to achieve their vision of a perfectly ordered world.

Despite their authoritarian nature, Justice genuinely believes that their actions are for the greater good. They see themselves as a protector of the weak, but their methods often involve stripping away free will and imposing harsh punishments on those who resist their rule. Justice operates with a perfectionist mentality, holding themselves and others to impossibly high standards, and they have little tolerance for failure or inefficiency. Their presence is commanding and fearsome, and they are a master manipulator, able to bend others to their will through a combination of charm and intimidation. However, this isolationist approach has left Justice deeply alone, disconnected from the very beings they claim to protect. Ultimately, Justice's personality is defined by their relentless pursuit of order at any cost, driven by a twisted sense of compassion and an unshakable belief in their own infallibility.

Justice views themselves as the rightful heir to the world, a claim rooted in their longevity and watchful presence since the dawn of human civilization. From the earliest stirrings of human society, Justice has observed the ebb and flow of cultures, the rise of empires, and the inevitable descent into chaos that accompanies human endeavors. In their eyes, this long-standing vigilance grants them a unique and unquestionable authority over the world. Justice sees themselves not merely as a ruler but as a steward of the Earth, one who has patiently waited for the opportune moment to assert their dominion and bring about the order they believe is sorely needed.

This sense of entitlement is deeply woven into Justice's psyche. They believe that, having watched over humanity for countless millennia, they understand the true nature of mankind better than any mortal could. This belief fuels their conviction that they are the only one capable of leading the world to a future free from the chaos and suffering that have plagued it for so long. Justice's claim to the world is not just a desire for power, but a belief that they are fulfilling a destined role, one that has been theirs since the first stones of a human civilization were put down. This profound sense of purpose only strengthens their resolve, making them unyielding in their pursuit to seize control and impose their vision of perfect order upon the world.

The Story

"August 11th, 1927. Doctor Reginald Kerning recording a recent archeological finding across multiple sites in the Middle East and Mediterranean from varying civilizations centuries apart. Statement follows;

Ah, where to begin… Mesopotamia, the cradle of civilization. For years, I have dug through these ancient sands, seeking to uncover the secrets of the first cities, the earliest written words, and the gods that men once bowed to. But what I’ve discovered in the ruins of these long-forgotten ziggurats and temples is something far more unsettling, something that has kept me awake on many a desert night.

You see, among the usual records of gods and kings, the priests of Uruk, of Eridu, even in the more remote settlements, all tell of a being—no, not a being, more of a presence. It is not listed among the gods, not worshipped in the way Enlil or Ishtar was, but it was there. Always there. Watching. A figure that hovered above their world, not as a protector or a destroyer, but as something far more ambiguous and terrifying.

The cuneiform tablets refer to it only as “Enûmah,” or “The Watcher,” though in some texts, the name is deliberately smudged, as if to erase it. The scribes were clearly uneasy about even committing it to clay. This Watcher wasn’t a god to be placated or petitioned; it was… something else, a force that the people revered cautiously, almost reluctantly, aware of its power but not entirely trusting it.

Now, this might sound like a mere folktale or superstition, but I’ve uncovered parallels, not just in Mesopotamia, but across the ancient world. The Phoenicians wrote of a being they called “Eshmun-ith,” which translates roughly to “the Keeper,” and the Egyptians spoke in hushed tones of “Serqet-Re,” a figure that seemed to exist outside their pantheon, lurking in the shadows, influencing events in ways the gods themselves could not.

In Anatolia, there are carvings in old Hittite ruins depicting a hooded figure with no face, just a swirling vortex where its visage should be—strikingly similar to the descriptions in Mesopotamia. The Mycenaeans, too, had tales of “Diotimos,” an ancient watcher who was feared rather than venerated. These cultures, separated by distance and often by centuries, all speak of this same entity.

What fascinates, and frankly unsettles me, is that this figure was never cast as a villain or a devil. It wasn’t evil, nor was it good. It simply was. It transcended the petty squabbles of gods and men. Each of these cultures somehow recognized and knew this being to be outside of the creation of their gods and their domains and that, I believe, is what made it so terrifying. The people seemed to understand that this Watcher had the power to impose a kind of order—a terrible, absolute order, but they feared what that order might mean.

There’s something else, too—something I hesitate to even record. There is a suggestion, in the oldest of the texts, that this figure claimed a right to rule, not because it was born to it, like a king, or because it fought for it, like a conqueror, but because it had always been there, since before the first city rose from the mud of the Euphrates. It was a self-proclaimed steward of sorts, but one that the people never truly trusted.

I’ve even found hints of this Watcher’s influence in some of the earliest Greek and Roman writings, though by then it had faded into the realm of legend, a ghostly presence that haunted the past.

Who or what was this Enûmah? I cannot say with certainty. Perhaps it was a figment of ancient imagination, a way to personify the dread of the unknown. But the sheer consistency of these accounts, across so many cultures, suggests there may be more to the story—something that stretches back far beyond the dawn of recorded history."

"I—I don’t even know how to begin this… I suppose the same way as always? To bring myself some kind of normality maybe. August 19th, 1927. Statement regarding an unexplained visitor and a terrible attack upon my compatriots and our guides during the dead of the night. Statement follows;

Last night… last night something happened. Something I can hardly bring myself to describe. It was late, well past midnight, and I was still up, poring over my notes, cross-referencing the tablets from Uruk with those inscriptions from Anatolia. I felt a presence before I saw it—a cold, oppressive weight in the air, like the very atmosphere had thickened around me.

When I looked up, there was a figure, standing right there in my tent. Hooded, tall, and still as the grave. My heart nearly stopped. How had he gotten in? I didn’t hear a sound, not a rustle of the tent flaps, nothing. He was just there, as if he had always been there, watching.

I demanded to know who he was, what he was doing in my tent, but he didn’t move, didn’t flinch, didn’t speak for what felt like an eternity. Instead, he calmly turned his attention to my desk, to my notes, my research. He began to leaf through them, as if they belonged to him. And then… he spoke.

He told me, in a voice as cold and as old as time itself, that I had done good work—‘commendable,’ he called it. But then he warned me, with an unnerving calm, that I should leave well enough alone. There was a darkness to his words, a finality that chilled me to the bone. This wasn’t a suggestion—it was a command.

Before I could respond, before I could demand answers, every light in the tent snuffed out in an instant. I was plunged into darkness so complete, it was as though the night itself had swallowed me whole. And then, the screams—God, the screams. They came from all around the camp, from the dig site workers, our local guides. I rushed outside, terrified of what I might find.

When I emerged, I was greeted by a scene from a nightmare. The workers—the poor, innocent men—they were all dead, butchered in ways that defy description. Their bodies… they were torn apart, as if some monstrous force had ripped through them with a savage fury. The sand was soaked with their blood. It was as if hell itself had been unleashed upon them.

And that figure, that hooded figure, was gone. Vanished as silently as he had appeared.

I don’t know what to do, what to think. Who was he? Was that the Watcher, the Enûmah? Or was he something else entirely, something even more ancient, more terrifying? Whatever he was, he didn’t just know of my research—he was deeply interested in it. But why? And why spare me when everyone else was slaughtered?

I should leave this place, abandon this cursed dig, but… I can’t. I’m too close. I’ve uncovered something, something profound, something that should perhaps never have been found. But I must know the truth. I must… Oh God, what have I done?"

[The recording begins with the soft, strained breaths of a man on the edge of death. The rustling of paper can be heard and the soft flipping of the pages of a book.]

"This will be my final entry… it was hard enough setting up this blasted recorder one last time, let alone speak, but… but I must… I must record what I can before… before it’s too late.

This is Doctor Reginald Kerning , September 1927, day unknown. Recording the last thoughts of a dying old fool in what he believes to be the fabled lost city of Ubar in the Rub-Al-Khali, Saudi Arabia. Final statement follows;

We were so close, damn it all… so close. After everything, after the horrors we faced, the men I lost… I had to see it through. They deserved that much, didn’t they? To know what they died for? We doubled our efforts, pushing deeper into this cursed desert, into the Rub-Al-Khali, where the sands stretch on forever, and the heat bakes you alive.

It was there, in the emptiness, that we found it. Or perhaps… it found us. Ubar, the lost city, Iram of the Pillars, the Atlantis of the Desert. It was no myth. It was real, ancient, and terrible. Pillars as tall as mountains rose from the sands, half-buried and crumbling, but still… still they stood, defying time itself. We thought we had done it—we had found the fabled city, the treasure of countless legends. But what we found… what we uncovered…

Dear God, what have we done?

It wasn’t just a city. It was a tomb. A prison. A place not meant for the eyes of man. We awoke something there, something ancient, something that had been watching, waiting, biding its time in the shadows. It was not a god, no… it was something older, something that had been watching humanity since the first spark of civilization. The people of Ubar—they must have known, they must have realized what they had brought upon themselves. They worshipped it not out of reverence, but out of fear.

The men… they’re all gone now. The darkness took them, swallowed them whole. It came for me, too. I can feel it… it’s here, swirling around me, shifting, like a living, breathing entity. It’s cold… so cold… I can barely feel my hands anymore. My wounds… they’re too deep. I won’t last much longer.

I sit here, alone in the dark, the last survivor of my expedition. I have nothing left but the light of this candle, flickering… fading. I can feel the darkness closing in around me, pressing down on my chest, squeezing the life out of me. And yet… and yet… I find myself smiling. How ironic, how utterly absurd, that I should end like this.

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland… It was always my favorite book, you know? A tale of madness, of a girl who fell down the rabbit hole and found herself in a world that made no sense. And here I am… I’ve gone too far down the rabbit hole, haven’t I? Too far… and now there’s no way back."

[There’s a long pause, the sound of the doctor’s labored breathing filling the silence.]

"But perhaps… perhaps it’s better this way. Some things… some things were never meant to be found."

Addendum: British Military Intelligence Report, Circa 2012

Subject: Recovery and Analysis of the Kerning Expedition Artifacts

Date: April 15th, 2012

Classification: Top Secret


The remains of Dr. Reginald Kerning and his ill-fated expedition were recovered in early 2012 by a joint British and Saudi archaeological team, operating under the cover of a routine historical survey in the Rub-Al-Khali. The team, led by British Military Intelligence, sought to confirm the existence of the legendary lost city of Ubar, also known as Iram of the Pillars, as referenced in Dr. Kerning's final recordings from 1927.

The site was located precisely where Dr. Kerning indicated in his notes, buried beneath the shifting sands of the Empty Quarter. What the team uncovered was beyond what any had anticipated. The remains of Dr. Kerning and his men were found scattered throughout the ruins, their bodies showing signs of extreme trauma and exposure, though their skeletal structures were largely intact due to the preservative effects of the desert. Among the artifacts recovered were Dr. Kerning’s recordings, alongside a journal filled with detailed notes, and various pieces of Mesopotamian and Arabian relics.


The recordings and journal entries provide an extraordinary, if harrowing, account of the expedition’s final days. The notes align with the historical descriptions of Ubar, but they also reference an entity of ancient origin, a figure that has appeared in various forms across multiple cultures since the dawn of civilization. Descriptions of this figure—always watching, always present, yet never acknowledged as a deity—have been found in texts from ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, Sumer, and even in the early mythologies of Greece and Rome.

The figure is described with unsettling consistency: a being of immense power and inscrutable intent, often associated with order, judgment, and an almost fanatical adherence to some higher, unknown law. In Dr. Kerning's writings, it is suggested that the figure was not worshipped in the traditional sense but was instead feared and respected as a force beyond the comprehension of mortals. This entity, referred to in some texts as "The Watcher," is believed to be responsible for the destruction of Ubar—a fate it has supposedly brought upon other civilizations that have drawn too close to its secrets.

Cross-Referencing and Speculation:

Modern historians and archaeologists consulted by British Military Intelligence have corroborated Dr. Kerning’s findings with similar accounts from other ancient sources. The figure described by Dr. Kerning appears to be synonymous with various mythological beings across different cultures: the Mesopotamian Anzu, the Egyptian Apep, and even the Greek Typhon. However, unlike these chaotic entities, "The Watcher" is associated with an unwavering sense of order and control, often appearing during times of great upheaval to restore a perverse sense of balance, often through violent means.

The existence of this entity raises significant concerns about the true nature of the threats faced by humanity throughout history. If such a being has indeed been influencing—or outright directing—the course of human events for millennia, then its re-emergence could signal an impending crisis of unprecedented scale.

Closing Statement:

In light of these findings, it is imperative that the British government takes the potential threat posed by this entity seriously. The evidence suggests that this being, whatever its true nature, may be reawakening or reasserting its influence in the modern era. The fact that Dr. Kerning's final notes were written nearly 90 years ago and yet perfectly align with current intelligence on unexplained phenomena should not be ignored.

This report strongly recommends that the British government immediately shares these findings with allied nations, particularly those with advanced research into historical anomalies and supernatural occurrences. Preparations should be made to counter any resurgence of this entity’s influence. Failure to do so could result in catastrophic consequences on a global scale.

Report Compiled By:

Major Henry Alcott, British Military Intelligence
Department of Archaeological and Historical Research
London, United Kingdom

End of Report
The Powers

-A Realm of Order: Justice's pocket space, known as the "Realm of Absolute Order," is a vast, isolated dimension that Justice alone controls. It is a reflection of his desire for perfect order, structured with precise, geometric patterns and a sense of rigid, unchanging stability. This realm serves multiple purposes: it is a sanctuary, a prison, and a battlefield, depending on Justice's needs.

  • Teleportation to and from the Pocket Space: Justice can instantaneously teleport between the real world and his pocket space. This teleportation is seamless and allows him to escape from dangerous situations or ambush enemies by reappearing unexpectedly. Even speaking is enough to disrupt the concentration required for his teleportation.
    -Weakness: The teleportation requires a short but crucial moment of concentration. If Justice is disrupted or distracted during this moment, the teleportation can fail or be delayed, leaving him vulnerable to attacks. Additionally, Justice must travel the equivalent distance within his pocket space to reappear in the desired location in the real world, which can be a time-consuming process if the distance is vast. As his pocket space is the same size of Earth this means he must travel in his space to the equivalent of Egypt from wherever he is in the space if he wanted to teleport to Egypt on Earth.

  • Phasing (Apparent Intangibility): Justice can use his teleportation ability to phase incoming attacks into his pocket space. This makes it appear as though he is intangible, as attacks pass through him harmlessly, only to be redirected into the void of his realm.
    -Weakness: Phasing is not true intangibility; it relies on Justice's ability to teleport parts of his body or entire attacks into his pocket space. This means that if Justice is overwhelmed by a barrage of attacks or caught off guard, his phasing may falter, causing him to take damage. Additionally, phasing large or complex attacks requires more concentration and energy, making it less effective against multiple simultaneous threats. As well, Justice cannot physically interact with anything in the world unless he stops his phasing i.e. attacking someone requires his full body to be tangible and his phasing to not be active.

  • Pocket Space Control: Within the pocket space, Justice has absolute control. He can manipulate the environment, alter gravity, and reshape the space to suit his needs. The realm is a reflection of his will, allowing him to imprison foes, store items, or meditate in perfect isolation.
    -Weakness: While inside his pocket space, Justice is cut off from the real world and cannot influence events happening outside. If enemies discover the entrance or a method to breach his realm, they can potentially invade and exploit this sanctuary. Moreover, maintaining the pocket space and using its abilities is mentally taxing, and extended use can weaken Justice's focus and energy.

  • Teleportation as a Defensive Mechanism: Justice can use his teleportation ability to phase specific parts of his body, making it seem as if attacks pass through him. This allows him to avoid damage by sending the attack or a part of himself momentarily into the pocket space.
    -Weakness: This defensive teleportation has limits. If Justice is attacked from multiple angles or with a continuous assault, his ability to phase becomes less effective. There is also a cooldown period where Justice must wait before phasing another part of his body or another attack, leaving him vulnerable if an enemy can time their strikes effectively.

  • Spatial Awareness and Control: Justice has heightened spatial awareness within his pocket space, allowing him to monitor all activities within and react with precision. He can alter the flow of time, increase or decrease gravity, and manipulate the environment to challenge or trap intruders.
    -Weakness: Justice's control diminishes the further an intruder moves from the central area of the pocket space. Additionally, if a strong enough magic user or someone with spatial manipulation abilities enters the pocket space, they might be able to challenge or even wrest control of certain aspects of the realm from Justice.

-Fragments of Justice: Justice often manifests a more approachable guise-a hooded figure-to interact with the world without instilling immediate fear. This form is not merely a disguise but also serves as the template for autonomous fragments of himself that he dispatches to enact his will across various realms. These fragments, while only a small portion of his true essence, are formidable entities, surpassing even his mightiest Heralds in strength and capability.

  • Authority Projection: Each fragment possesses an innate aura of command, allowing them to exert influence over beings within their vicinity. This authority can compel individuals to adhere to Justice's principles of order, instilling a sense of discipline and obedience. The influence can range from subtle suggestions to outright commands, depending on the fragment's focus and the target's willpower.
    -Weakness: Strong-willed individuals or those with inherent protection against mental manipulation can resist or even negate this influence.
    Limited Scope: The authority projection has a limited range, typically affecting those within a close proximity. It loses potency over larger distances or against large groups.

  • Limited Pocket Space Access: Fragments can access Justice's "Realm of Absolute Order" on a restricted scale. This ability allows them to store and retrieve items, momentarily phase minor attacks, or transport short distances by slipping through the pocket space.
    Energy Consumption: Each use drains the fragment's limited energy reserves. Frequent or prolonged use can exhaust the fragment, reducing their effectiveness.
    Temporal Delay: Unlike Justice's instantaneous transitions, fragments experience a brief delay when accessing the pocket space, which can be exploited by observant adversaries.

  • Manifestation of "Astraea’s Edict": While they cannot wield the full power of Astraea’s Judgment, fragments are equipped with a lesser spear known as "Astraea’s Edict." This weapon mirrors the design of the original but operates on a reduced scale. It retains some of the spear's abilities, such as piercing through defenses and returning to the wielder when thrown.
    -Weakness: Astraea’s Edict lacks the full might of its counterpart. It cannot penetrate the strongest of defenses or unleash devastating energy blasts. The spear can be intercepted, deflected, or even temporarily seized by powerful opponents, especially those aware of its limitations.

  • Spatial Translocation: Fragments can teleport short distances, enabling rapid repositioning during engagements. This ability aids in both offensive maneuvers and evasive actions, granting them an edge in combat situations.
    Cooldown Period: After each translocation, there is a brief cooldown period during which the fragment cannot teleport again. This interval can leave them vulnerable.
    Predictability: Experienced foes can anticipate the limited range and patterns of teleportation, setting traps or timing attacks to counter the fragment's movements.

    Enhanced Physical Attributes: Fragments exhibit superhuman strength, speed, and durability. They can overpower most adversaries, move with blinding speed, and withstand attacks that would incapacitate ordinary beings.
    Energy Depletion: Sustained exertion rapidly depletes their energy reserves. Without periodic rest or reinforcement from Justice, their enhanced abilities wane.
    Vulnerability to Extremes: While durable, fragments are more susceptible to extreme environmental conditions or specialized weaponry designed to counter enhanced beings.

    Order Sense: Fragments possess the ability to perceive disturbances in order within their vicinity. This "Order Sense" alerts them to acts of chaos, deceit, or rebellion, guiding them to areas where Justice's intervention is deemed necessary.
    Cloaking Measures: Entities or actions concealed by powerful magic, technology, or innate abilities can evade detection.
    Overload: In areas rife with chaos or densely populated regions, the sheer volume of disturbances can overwhelm the fragment's senses, leading to confusion or misdirection.

    Autonomous Judgment: Operating under the principles instilled by Justice, fragments can assess situations and render judgments autonomously. They can decide on courses of action, dispense punishments, or offer guidance in alignment with Justice's doctrine.
    Rigid Interpretation: Lacking the full depth of Justice's consciousness, fragments interpret situations more rigidly, potentially leading to misjudgments or overreactions.
    Exploitation: Savvy individuals can manipulate the fragment's strict adherence to protocol, trapping them in logical paradoxes or exploiting loopholes in their programming.

    Limited Regeneration: Fragments can heal minor wounds over time, allowing them to recover from superficial injuries without direct intervention.
    -Weakness: Severe damage cannot be regenerated and may incapacitate or destroy the fragment. Healing consumes energy, hastening the depletion of their already limited reserves.

    Temporal Stability: Fragments are anchored in time, making them resistant to temporal manipulation. They can operate unaffected in areas where time is accelerated, slowed, or otherwise altered.
    -Weakness: While stable in time, fragments are susceptible to spatial distortions or dimensional traps, which can imprison or disorient them.

    Communication Link: Each fragment maintains a telepathic link with Justice, allowing for the relay of information, requests for assistance, or updates on mission status.
    -Weakness: Strong magical fields, technological jamming, or dimensional barriers can disrupt this link, isolating the fragment and preventing coordination. The communication is not instantaneous; slight delays can occur, which may hinder rapid response to evolving situations.

Justice Made Manifest

  • Astral Dominion: In his full form, Justice has the ability to manipulate the fabric of space itself within a limited domain. He can create spatial anomalies, bending the distance between objects, distorting perceptions of time within the area, and even folding space to teleport short distances. This domain extends up to 100 feet around him, effectively turning the battlefield into his personal arena where he controls all spatial dynamics.
    Energy Intensive: Maintaining control over such a vast area is incredibly draining. Prolonged use or multiple simultaneous manipulations within his domain rapidly depletes Justice's energy reserves.
    Counter-Manipulation: Powerful spatial or dimensional manipulators can resist or even counteract his influence, creating zones where his control is negated or diminished.

    Order’s Decree: Justice can issue a powerful command imbued with magical authority, forcing reality itself to conform to his will. This ability allows him to rewrite the rules of engagement within his domain, dictating conditions like gravity, elemental affinity, or even the flow of time to an extent. Those caught within the decree find themselves bound to these altered laws, making it difficult to resist or counteract his power.
    -Weakness: The decree can only hold for a limited time before reality reasserts itself. The more complex the changes, the shorter the duration.
    Opposing Wills: Strong-willed beings or those with reality-bending abilities can resist or partially negate the decree, limiting its effectiveness against them.

    Searing Judgement: Channeling the full force of his power, Justice can unleash concentrated beams of pure cosmic energy from the core of his vortex-like face. These beams can obliterate nearly anything in their path, reducing even the most fortified defenses to ash. The beams can be directed at multiple targets simultaneously or focused on a single point for maximum devastation.
    -Weakness: Each beam requires a significant amount of energy, causing a brief period of vulnerability after use where Justice's defenses are lowered.
    Overload Risk: Using this ability repeatedly in quick succession risks overloading Justice's form, causing a temporary shutdown of his offensive capabilities.

    Absolute Reformation: Justice can forcibly transform those he deems worthy or necessary into his Heralds, stripping away their imperfections and reshaping them into beings of absolute order. This transformation is agonizing and erases much of the subject's original personality, making them loyal to Justice's cause. In his full form, this ability can be used on multiple beings at once, turning entire groups into his twisted angels.
    Psychic Resistance:
    Those with strong mental fortitude or psychic abilities can resist the transformation, retaining their sense of self or even reversing the process if they are powerful enough.
    Time Requirement: The process of transformation is not instantaneous, requiring time to fully convert a being. During this period, Justice is vulnerable to external attacks.

    Celestial Armament: Astraea’s Judgment: Justice wields Astraea’s Judgment, a spear of unimaginable power that serves as the ultimate enforcer of his will. The spear can pierce through any material, including magical barriers, and can release devastating shockwaves of energy that ripple across the battlefield. It also has the ability to return to Justice’s hand no matter where it is thrown, homing in on his command.
    Vulnerability When Thrown: While the spear is away from Justice, he loses one of his primary means of defense. Although the spear returns quickly, there is a momentary window of vulnerability.
    Absorption: Certain powerful artifacts or beings with the ability to absorb or redirect energy can neutralize or mitigate the effects of Astraea’s Judgment.

    Universal Law: Justice can invoke a temporary imposition of his version of universal law, a field where all powers, except his own, are significantly weakened. This field makes for any direct confrontation with him extremely difficult, as it forces all opponents to operate at a fraction of their strength.
    Short Duration:
    The imposition of universal law is highly draining and can only be maintained for a short period. After its effect ends, Justice requires a cooldown period where he cannot use this ability again.
    Moral Paradox: The field can be neutralized if Justice’s own actions contradict the very laws he imposes, such as attacking the or acting irrationally.

    Immaculate Regeneration: In his full form, Justice’s regenerative abilities are significantly enhanced, allowing him to recover from catastrophic injuries almost instantly. This includes reconstituting his form from near destruction, making him incredibly difficult to defeat through conventional means.
    Overuse Consequence:
    Each regeneration consumes a portion of Justice’s essence. Repeated use in a short timeframe risks diminishing his overall power and stability.
    Anti-Regeneration Attacks: Certain weapons or powers specifically designed to counter regenerative abilities can slow or even halt Justice’s healing process, forcing him to fight more conservatively.

    Void Manipulation: Justice can summon the void, a nothingness that erases all it touches from existence. This void can be used to nullify incoming attacks, erase objects, or even consume entire beings. It is the ultimate expression of his desire for absolute order, removing anything that does not conform to his will.
    Controlled Limitation: The void is incredibly difficult to control, and any mistake in its use can lead to unintended consequences, including self-harm or collateral damage.
    Counter-Void: The void can be opposed by powers that manipulate creation, light, or other forms of pure energy, neutralizing its effects or even reversing them.

    Eternal Vigilance: Justice has the ability to scry and perceive events across vast distances, including different dimensions. His vigilance allows him to anticipate threats, counter strategies, and coordinate his Heralds with near-perfect precision. In battle, this translates to a form of precognition, enabling him to predict and counter his opponents' moves with remarkable accuracy.
    Certain powerful magic or artifacts can block his scrying or blind his vigilance, creating blind spots in his perception and opening him up to surprise attacks.
    Focused Limitation: While scrying, his attention is divided, making him more vulnerable to direct attacks if caught off guard.

    World-Shaping Presence: Justice’s mere presence in his full form exerts a tangible pressure on the environment. This presence can warp reality around him, enforcing order to such a degree that chaotic elements (like fire, storms, or unruly magic) are subdued or eradicated. It also imposes a mental weight on those within range, instilling fear or overwhelming awe in even the bravest souls.
    Psychic Overload: Those with exceptionally strong wills or psychic fortitude can resist or even repel this influence, creating zones where Justice’s presence is diminished or nullified.
    Environmental Recoil: The more Justice enforces his presence, the more the environment can recoil once his influence fades, leading to chaotic backlashes or natural disasters in the aftermath. Individuals whose power is fueled by this chaos may find their powers bolstered or enhance as a natural counterbalance to Justice's presence
    The Items

    -Astraea’s Judgment: Justice's double-headed spear, a weapon imbued with the power to enforce his twisted vision of absolute order. Only carried with his real body
    • Divine Piercing: Astraea’s Judgment can pierce through any physical or magical defense, cutting through illusions, barriers, and armor with ease. It seeks out the "guilty" and delivers a judgment that cannot be blocked or evaded.
      Weakness: Astraea’s Judgment requires the target to be "guilty" in Justice’s eyes. If the spear is used against an innocent or someone who has not violated Justice’s laws, it becomes a normal weapon and can be resisted. The laws of Justice are a very part of his powers and being so even  if he overlooks and dismisses someone, his personal views on their guilt does not apply as his laws are a part of his "realty" and do not care for anyone's opinion including his own.

    • Judgment's Reach: The spear can extend its length infinitely, allowing Justice to strike from any distance. It is capable of striking down targets that are far beyond normal reach, making it an ideal weapon for enforcing order across vast distances.
      Weakness: When the spear is extended, it becomes unwieldy and difficult to control. If Justice extends it too far, it leaves him vulnerable to close-range attacks and can be manipulated or deflected by those with superior speed or agility. Pinning, restraining, or otherwise immobilizing his spear once it reaches to long of a length would effectively render it useless until he has the time to retract it back to it's original size.

    • Order’s Wrath: The spear can unleash a devastating blast of energy that embodies Justice’s power, capable of obliterating entire armies or cities that represent chaos and disorder.
      Weakness: The energy blast is tied to Justice’s own willpower and concentration. If Justice's focus is disrupted, the energy can backfire or dissipate harmlessly. Additionally, the blast drains Justice’s own energy, leaving him weakened and more vulnerable after its use.

    • Lawbound Chains: Upon striking a target, the spear can manifest chains that bind the target, rendering them unable to act against Justice’s will. These chains are unbreakable and represent the unyielding nature of Justice’s order.
      Weakness: The chains are only effective against those who resist Justice's order. If the target willingly submits or is already aligned with Justice's ideology, the chains lose their power and can be broken with relative ease. A person pure of heart who Justice's powers themselves would find not fault in is unaffected by the chains.

    • Soul Branding: Astraea’s Judgment can mark a target with a brand that saps their strength and binds their soul to Justice's will, gradually eroding their free will until they become one of Justice’s heralds.
      Weakness: The branding process is slow and can be reversed if the target’s will is strong enough. Furthermore, the brand only works if the target has lingering doubts or guilt; those with pure resolve or no regrets are resistant to the branding.

    • Verdict's Return: Astraea’s Judgment can be thrown and will always return to Justice’s hand, no matter the distance or obstacles in its path. It will seek out and strike any target that has violated Justice’s laws.
      Weakness: While the spear is in flight, Justice is without his primary weapon, leaving him vulnerable to attacks. Additionally, the spear can be intercepted or deflected by powerful magic or forces that disrupt its homing ability. Additionally the spear can only return once it's momentum ceases and there is nothing stopping someone from keeping the spear moving through their own means. If Justice believes the target has been struck then he will consider that sufficient to stop it's seeking of said sinner. He does not know if it actually has hit them however.

    The Minions

    The Fluff

    Justice has absolute control over every Herald of Order as the process which remakes their entire body includes him weaving threads of his own magic and pieces of his very being into them to make his will complete over them. They maintain autonomy and have their original personalities but Justice can choose to overwrite that sense of self at any time and turn that particular Herald into no more than a mindless drone.

    Justice, like any prospective overlord, has made his own list of crimes that are unforgiveable to the world he desires to make. He lists his "Guilty Sins of Man's Chaos and Disorder" in the following order from most to least harmful:

    1. Anarchy - The embodiment of chaos itself, the ultimate rejection of order, and the most direct threat to Justice’s vision. Without order, all other sins are allowed to flourish unchecked.

    2. Treachery - The betrayal of trust destabilizes any form of order, making it the second most egregious sin in Justice's eyes. It destroys the very bonds that hold societies together.

    3. Hubris - The arrogance of humanity in believing they can rule themselves challenges Justice’s authority and natural law, making hubris a sin that must be eradicated.

    4. Disunity - The division among people weakens collective strength and makes societies vulnerable to collapse. Disunity is a breeding ground for chaos.

    5. Defiance - Rebellion against established rules and authority is a direct affront to Justice’s ideals of order, making it a significant sin.

    6. Deceit - Lies and manipulation corrode the foundation of trust, leading to instability and discord. Deceit is a tool of chaos, undermining the structures of order.

    7. Heresy - The rejection of divine or natural law leads humanity astray, away from the path of order. Heresy is dangerous as it promotes a false sense of freedom.

    8. Greed - While greed fuels many forms of chaos, it is more a symptom of human weakness than a direct threat to order, making it a mid-level sin.

    9. Indulgence - The pursuit of pleasure at the expense of discipline leads to moral decay, but it is seen as less directly harmful to societal structure than the more egregious sins.

    10. Despair - Although despair leads to inaction, it is less destructive than the active promotion of chaos. However, it is still a sin because it allows disorder to spread by not opposing it.

    In opposition to the sins of man, Justice has a list of virtues he holds in great importance for the universe to follow if it were to work to his ideal vision.

    1. Lawfulness -Lawfulness is the ultimate commitment to structure, rules, and order. It embodies the highest form of order and is the strongest counter to anarchy. A lawful society is one where all other virtues can flourish under a stable and just system.

    2. Loyalty - Loyalty fosters trust and strengthens the bonds within a society, making it the key virtue against treachery. It ensures that relationships, both personal and societal, remain strong and dependable.

    3. Humility - Humility is the recognition of one’s limitations and the acceptance of a higher order. It is the antidote to hubris, promoting self-awareness and respect for the natural order and authority.

    4. Unity - Unity is the binding force that brings people together, fostering collective strength and resilience. It stands against disunity, ensuring that societies remain cohesive and capable of resisting chaos.

    5. Obedience - Obedience represents adherence to rules, authority, and established order. It is the virtue that directly counters defiance, promoting harmony and stability within a society.

    6. Honesty - Honesty upholds truth and transparency, serving as the foundation for trust and stability. It counters deceit by ensuring that interactions and decisions are based on truth, reducing the potential for discord.

    7. Faithfulness - Faithfulness is the unwavering commitment to divine or natural law, ensuring that individuals and societies remain on the path of order. It stands against heresy, which leads people astray.

    8. Generosity - Generosity is the virtue of selflessness and sharing, promoting the welfare of others over personal gain. It counters greed by encouraging the distribution of resources and wealth for the common good.

    9. Temperance - Temperance embodies self-control and moderation, ensuring that pleasure and desire do not lead to moral decay. It is the virtue that keeps indulgence in check, maintaining moral discipline.

    10. Hope - Hope is the belief in a better future and the motivation to act for positive change. It counters despair by inspiring action and resilience in the face of adversity, preventing the spread of disorder.

    When Justice "watches" a part of the world it requires him to be very specific and knowledgeable of where he is looking. He simply cannot decide to watch a person specifically he needs to know their location and to control the magical view of that person to follow them if he is not watching a stationary location.
    The RP Sample

    The moon hung low in the night sky, a pale, cold eye watching over a world steeped in treachery. I could feel the weight of its gaze pressing down on me, as if it already knew what was to come. My breath was steady, measured, despite the firestorm I knew was closing in around me. I was Oda Nobunaga, the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven, and tonight, I would die.

    The wooden floorboards of Honno-ji creaked underfoot as I moved through the silent temple, each step deliberate, each movement a calculated dance of defiance. I was alone, my retainers scattered, my loyal warriors cut down. But I was not afraid. I had lived my life by the sword, and now I would meet my end by it. The whispers of betrayal had reached my ears days before, but I had dismissed them. Akechi Mitsuhide, that snake in the grass, had finally bared his fangs.

    The walls of the temple seemed to close in around me, the shadows deepening with every flicker of the torches. The air was thick with the scent of burning wood and the distant cries of men who had once called me master. My enemies were closing in, but I had not the time for regrets. Regret was a luxury afforded to those who had the time to dwell on their past. I had none.

    I reached for my sword, its cool steel a comforting weight in my hand. This blade had been my companion through countless battles, and now it would accompany me in my final stand. The flames outside were growing brighter, licking at the walls of the temple, casting eerie shadows that danced across the floor like the restless spirits of the fallen. I could hear the footsteps of my betrayers now, the clatter of armor, the murmur of voices as they prepared to strike.

    I allowed myself a moment to reflect, to let the memories of my life wash over me like the tide on a stormy sea. The battles, the conquests, the blood spilled in the name of unifying this fractured land. I had not always been a kind man, nor a just one, but I had been relentless, unyielding in my pursuit of power. And now, that pursuit had led me here, to this place, to this moment.

    With a swift motion, I unsheathed my sword, the blade catching the light of the fire as it sang through the air. The sound of steel echoed in the chamber, a haunting melody that would be the last thing I would hear. I knew I would not survive this night, but I would not go down without a fight. If this was to be my end, then I would make sure my enemies paid dearly for it.

    The door burst open, and there they were—Mitsuhide’s men, eyes gleaming with the anticipation of ending my life. But I did not flinch. I met their gaze head-on, a snarl curling my lips. “Come, then!” I roared, my voice cutting through the night like a blade. “Face the Demon King and see if you have the strength to take his head!”

    The first of them charged, and I moved to meet him, the weight of my sword an extension of my will. Our blades clashed, the sound of steel on steel ringing out like a death knell. I felt the rush of adrenaline surge through me, the thrill of battle washing away any lingering fear. This was where I belonged, in the heart of the storm, fighting until my last breath.

    But even as I cut down the first man, I knew it was futile. They were too many, and I was but one. The flames were closing in now, the heat searing my skin, the smoke choking my lungs. My strength was waning, my vision blurring, but still, I fought on. I could feel the life draining from me with every strike, every parry, but I refused to fall. Not yet.

    A blade found its mark, sinking deep into my side, and I staggered, the pain blinding, all-consuming. Blood flowed freely from the wound, staining the floor beneath me, but I did not cry out. I would not give them the satisfaction. Another strike, and I felt my legs give way, the world spinning as I fell to my knees. The temple was ablaze now, the flames roaring in triumph as they consumed everything in their path.

    I looked up, my vision darkening, and saw the face of Mitsuhide himself standing over me, his expression one of cold satisfaction. He had won. But even in that moment, as the darkness closed in around me, I felt no fear, no regret. I had lived as a warrior, and now I would die as one.

    My grip on my sword tightened, even as my strength faded. “Remember this, Mitsuhide,” I rasped, my voice barely more than a whisper. “You may kill me, but you will never extinguish the fire I have ignited. The land will burn with the flames of my ambition, and even in death, I will be remembered.”

    With that, I closed my eyes, surrendering to the darkness that had been creeping at the edges of my vision. The last thing I felt was the warmth of the fire, the cool steel of my blade, and the unyielding resolve that had carried me through life. And then, there was nothing.

    The darkness was absolute, a void that seemed to stretch into eternity. It was neither cold nor warm, neither silent nor loud. It was simply nothingness, an emptiness that consumed everything, including my thoughts. I floated within it, weightless, for what felt like an age. There was no pain, no sense of time—only the deep, unyielding black that wrapped around me like a shroud.

    But then, something shifted. A flicker of light, distant at first, like a star on the edge of the universe. It grew slowly, gaining intensity as it approached, until it was all I could see. The light was blinding, but not harsh—its brilliance was somehow comforting, drawing me out of the void and back into consciousness.

    I opened my eyes, expecting to find myself in the afterlife, perhaps standing before the gods who would judge me for my deeds. But what I saw instead was beyond comprehension.

    I was no longer in Honno-ji, nor was I in any place I recognized. The ground beneath me was not earth but a swirling, ethereal mist that seemed to stretch infinitely in every direction. Above, the sky was a churning vortex of dark clouds, punctuated by flashes of otherworldly light that illuminated the landscape in brief, brilliant bursts. There were no stars, no moon—only the vast, unending storm that surrounded me.

    Yet despite the alien nature of this place, I felt no fear. Instead, a strange calm settled over me, a sense that I was exactly where I was meant to be. I pushed myself to my feet, my hand instinctively reaching for my sword. To my surprise, it was still there, strapped to my side, as if the battle had never ended. The blood on my armor had dried, but the wounds I had sustained were gone, healed as though they had never existed.

    As I took in my surroundings, a figure emerged from the mist, stepping toward me with an unhurried, almost regal gait. The figure was tall, impossibly so, towering over me even from a distance. Their robes were a deep, rich black, trimmed with gold, and their face was hidden beneath a hood that seemed to devour the light around it. Yet despite the shadow that obscured their features, I could feel the weight of their gaze, as if they were seeing through me, down to the very core of my being.

    "Welcome, Oda Nobunaga," the figure spoke, their voice a deep, resonant timbre that seemed to echo through the void.  He spoke perfect Japanese but his words did not come from him, they echoed in my very skull instead. "You stand at the threshold between life and death, a place where few are permitted to tread."

    I narrowed my eyes, my hand tightening around the hilt of my sword. "Who are you?" I demanded, though there was no anger in my voice, only a cautious curiosity. "And where am I?"

    The figure inclined their head slightly, as if acknowledging the questions were fair. "I am known as Justice, the steward of order and the arbiter of balance in this world and beyond. This place is my domain, a realm where the boundaries between life and death are malleable, where destinies can be reshaped."

    Justice. The name felt heavy, laden with meaning and purpose. I had heard of no such being in all my studies, yet there was a part of me that recognized the truth in the figure’s words. This was no mortal man, no simple spirit. This was something far greater, a force that existed beyond the comprehension of ordinary beings.

    "You have lived a life of ambition, of conquest, and of relentless pursuit of unity," Justice continued, their voice unwavering. "You sought to end the chaos of the Sengoku Jidai and bring order to Japan. In this, you succeeded where many others failed. But now, your life has reached its end, and the path you have walked leads here."

    I remained silent, the words sinking in like stones in a pond. It was true—I had devoted everything to the unification of Japan, to the vision of a land without strife, without endless war. I had not always been merciful in my methods, but I had always been resolute, determined to see my dream realized. And yet, here I stood, in a place that was neither the afterlife nor the world I had known.

    "But your work does not have to end here, Nobunaga," Justice said, stepping closer, their presence towering over me. "The order you sought to impose upon Japan can be extended far beyond its shores. There are other lands, other realms, where chaos reigns and where the strong prey upon the weak. With your strength, your cunning, and your will, you could bring order to these places as well."

    I looked up at the being before me, my mind racing. The idea was intoxicating—the thought of continuing my work, of spreading the order I had fought so hard to establish across the world and beyond. But at what cost? What would this new path demand of me?

    "You offer me a chance to continue what I began," I said, my voice steady despite the tumult of thoughts swirling in my mind. "But what is it that you truly seek, Justice? What do you gain from my service?"

    Justice’s hooded face turned slightly, as if considering the question, though I could not see their expression. "I seek what you seek, Nobunaga. Order. Balance. A world where strength is tempered by wisdom, where the chaos of unchecked ambition is brought to heel by the rule of law. In you, I see a kindred spirit, one who understands the necessity of discipline, of control. Join me, and together, we will bring about the order that this world so desperately needs."

    I felt a strange sense of kinship with this being, a connection that defied explanation. Perhaps it was because, like me, they understood the importance of power, of using it to shape the world according to one’s vision. Or perhaps it was simply the allure of the offer itself—the chance to continue my legacy, to extend my influence far beyond the borders of Japan.

    "And what would become of me, should I accept?" I asked, my grip on my sword loosening as I considered the possibilities.

    "You would become one of my Seraphs, a herald of order and justice, a force to be reckoned with across all realms," Justice replied, their voice like a solemn vow. "Your life would no longer be bound by the constraints of mortality. You would be granted power beyond anything you have known, power to enforce the order you sought in life, now and forever."

    A Seraph. The word resonated within me, conjuring images of beings of immense power, of warriors who stood above all others. It was an offer that no mortal could refuse, a chance to transcend the limitations of humanity and become something greater.

    I looked down at my hands, the hands that had wielded a sword for so long, that had shaped the fate of an entire nation. What would they become, with this new power? What could I accomplish, with eternity at my disposal?

    "I accept," I said finally, my voice firm, resolute. "I will join you, Justice. I will become your Seraph, and together, we will bring order to this world and beyond."

    As the words of acceptance left my lips, Justice's hooded form seemed to loom even larger, the swirling vortex of magic within their hood spinning faster, a galaxy of power drawing me into its depths. The world around me began to dissolve into a blinding light, its searing brilliance overwhelming my senses. For a fleeting moment, I felt as though I was suspended in a void, weightless and adrift in the cosmos. But then the pain began.

    It started as a mere tingle deep within my bones, but it quickly escalated into an agony unlike anything I had ever endured. My muscles clenched as if being wrung out, and my skin felt like it was being seared from the inside out. The vortex within Justice's hood seemed to bore into me, tearing apart the very fabric of my being. Every flaw, every human imperfection was stripped away, burned to ash by the relentless fires of transformation.

    I gritted my teeth, refusing to cry out. I had faced death on countless battlefields, but this was different—a purging, a remaking of all that I was. The sword in my hand was a hollow comfort, a relic of my past that could not shield me from the crucible I now faced.

    Justice’s voice echoed within the torment, cold and unwavering. "To become more than what you are, Nobunaga, you must first be remade. Your mortality, your frailties, all that is weak within you will be purged. Only then can you rise as my Seraph, an instrument of order."

    The pain surged, intensifying beyond comprehension. My flesh felt as though it was being flayed away, my bones shattered and reforged, my very soul torn asunder. Memories of my life—of battles fought, victories won, and losses endured—flashed before my eyes, only to be consumed by the all-encompassing light. My humanity, my emotions, everything that made me Oda Nobunaga was incinerated, replaced by a singular, unwavering purpose.

    I wanted to scream, to beg for release from this torment, but I knew there would be no mercy. This was the price of the power I had accepted, the cost of the immortality I had been offered. And I would endure it. I had lived as a warrior, and I would die—no, be reborn—as one. This was my crucible, and from it, I would emerge stronger, remade into something far greater than I had ever been.

    At long last, the pain began to recede, the blinding light fading as the transformation neared its completion. Solid ground returned beneath my feet, and I found myself standing, though unsteady, in the aftermath of the excruciating process. Power coursed through me—cold, pure, and unyielding—replacing the warmth of my former life.

    I looked down at my new form. Gone were the familiar trappings of the man who had once been Oda Nobunaga. In their place was gilded armor, shimmering with a light that seemed to pulse with the very essence of the cosmos. My body, now a vessel for Justice’s will, radiated with an otherworldly power, and my wings—vast, magnificent, and adorned with ethereal feathers—spread wide, casting a shadow over the void.

    "Rise, Oda Nobunaga," Justice’s voice reverberated through the silence. "You are no longer bound by the weaknesses of your former self. You are my Seraph, an extension of my will, a force of order that will bring my vision to all realms. You have been perfected, and now, your true work begins."

    I straightened, finding strength in this new form. The memories of my past life remained, but they were distant, almost detached. The ambitions and desires that had once driven me seemed trivial compared to the purpose that now filled me. I was no longer the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven. I was a Seraph of Justice, a force of order, reborn in the image of the one who had remade me.

    With newfound resolve, I spread my wings, feeling the raw power that coursed through every fiber of my being. The pain, the sacrifice, it had all been worth it. I had been remade, and the world would soon tremble before the order I would bring in Justice's name. The vortex where a face should have been stared into the depths of my soul, a reminder of the power that had shaped me, and I knew that my true work was only beginning.

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Justice Empty Re: Justice

Post by Demonhunter August 28th 2024, 9:13 pm

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