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Red Cross
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Red Cross
Red Cross
"Red Ranger's ready to rally!"
The Bio
Real Name:Eden Reed
Hero Name:Red Cross
Alignment:Lawful Good
Hair:Chestnut Brown
Weight:129 Lbs
Blood type:A+
The Looks
The Personality
While Eden could have excelled in almost any job, from flipping burgers to collecting garbage, that has never been her drive. She doesn't just want to help people—she wants to save them. A people-pleaser to the extreme, Eden has devoted her entire life to serving others. She positions herself as the heart of her friends' lives, a shoulder to cry on during hard times, and the fist that will swing when they can't. From showing up unannounced with baked goods to sitting and listening until her legs go numb, being there for others is what drives her most.
Her powers have only amplified this feeling. The ability to exchange her own strength, vitality, or health to help someone recover or regain something they've lost makes Eden feel truly blessed. Selflessly, she has used her powers almost every day since acquiring them, whether it's restoring a healthy back to an elderly person nearly crippled by pain or temporarily blinding herself to help a homeless man regain his eyesight. For Eden, the temporary impairment is always worth it.
Quick to laugh and flash a smile, Eden exudes an almost overwhelming level of extroversion. She has always felt matronly toward her close friends. Sitting with someone alone at lunch as a child, volunteering as a teenager, and regularly donating whatever cash she has on hand to the panhandler Harry on her way to Ranger headquarters every day—these acts of kindness shape Eden's efforts to embody generosity.
Understanding her small stature better than anyone else could, Eden rigorously trains her body and mind. She maintains a strict and taxing regimen that has lasted six years without fail, requiring a high-nutrient diet rich in proteins, oils, iron, and magnesium to rebuild her body from her workouts and the toll of her powers.
However, her teammates—especially the Green Ranger—might say she is awfully pedantic. Eden needlessly explains or elaborates on topics she knows about, regardless of appropriateness or timing. This unintentional know-it-all habit has her citing or elaborating on anything she feels well-read on or sharing second-hand information from her parents about their careers. This habit is second nature to her and not intended to annoy or anger people
The Story
The only daughter of Dr Jack Reed and Lawyer Alice Reed, Eden Reed grew up in the nice neighborhood of Inglewood in South Los Angeles. Although her parents ensured that Eden never wanted for anything material, their demanding careers meant they were often absent.
She faced some of her earliest years of childhood alone because of this as other kids her age found her too “annoying and weird”. One day however, she found her long awaited companionship with two new friends she had met on a fateful halloween night after a few lonely months in her new school. Frank Marston and Caleb Garfield.
With these newfound friends, Eden easily began her transition into her teenage years. As she grew, her parents, being highly educated themselves, emphasized the need to always learn and how important her education was. This nurtured her blooming curiosities and drive to work in a field similar to her father’s. It also led to Eden being well-read on any subject she had a slight interest in, but also rather pedantic with the knowledge she was gaining. In spite of this flaw, her friends could overlook it because she was their friend. They were not the only ones either.
Wentworth Academy, a school for gifted and talented children, had reached out to her parents. Her grades and teachers had shown that she was developing an aptitude for retaining knowledge and a keen interest in medical pursuits. They offered her the chance to attend and broaden her future. She would have been a fool to say no, especially after finding out her friends would be attending too.
The curriculum was rigorous and the teachers demanding, but Eden Reed would overcome anything they threw at her. With her best friends with her, she could deal with anything. During their very busy first year of school, Eden’s friends revealed a secret to her. They had separately developed powers of their own and trusted her enough to know of this new development. Following a childhood dream of theirs and modeling after shows they had enjoyed, Frank and Caleb became the first rangers of what would become the American Super Sentai—the Green and Blue Rangers.
Supporting her friends as best she could over the next year, Eden covered for their tardy excuses in class, took up student government positions to help overlook absences, sneaked food from the cafeteria to help feed them when they had to miss lunch for their secret identities, provided basic medical care when they started coming back with more and more bruises, and even taught the two basic makeup application to mask their injuries at school.
While present for one of their battles on a school field trip, Eden witnessed a bystander injured by a flying piece of debris that had struck them. Attempting what first aid she knew herself capable of, she found this person still critically injured with multiple broken bones and in need of more urgent medical attention. Losing herself in the panic of being unable to aid this person properly, Eden hoped and prayed for help to reach this person as soon as it could. With fear in her mind, while Eden kept pressure on one of the nastier wounds, she found a red light connecting her to this innocent victim.
Pain entered her body quickly. Doubling over the person she had attempted to treat in intense pain, she found herself almost completely unable to move her arm and with great difficulty breathing. While trying to understand what had just happened, the roles had reversed. The man she was trying to treat suddenly found himself perfectly fine and now bracing Eden before she could fall backward. Risking standing back up in spite of the injuries he had been dealing with seconds prior, the man carried her away from the battle. As confused as she was, the good Samaritan brought her to arriving paramedics and left her in their care with a thank you to them and to her.
Brought to the nearest hospital by emergency services, Eden was diagnosed with a shattered arm and multiple broken ribs that had been dangerously close to puncturing her lungs from a severe blunt force impact. It made no sense to her. She hadn’t been hit by anything that entire evening. Spending multiple days in the hospital under care for her injuries, she pondered what it could mean. After three days of bed rest, something of a miracle occurred. She awoke that day completely healed of all her injuries.
Discharged from the hospital quickly afterward for this “miraculously fast recovery,” Eden returned home to her parents for a few days of at-home monitoring before she was to return to school. Immensely thankful for their only child’s speedy recovery, Eden was showered with love by her usually tired and busy parents. Having already taken the week after her hospitalization off to stay with her at the hospital, they both wound up having plenty of newfound free time that week to spend with just their daughter and their daughter alone.
This distracted Eden from her confusion for a time about what had occurred to her both when she was hurt and when she recovered without even scarring her body. The happiest week of her life was the time she had spent at home that week. She missed her friends and wanted to get back to her school as soon as she could, a commendable desire as far as her parents were concerned. But her injury had given them a moment of pause about how they had raised their daughter. They had always loved her and provided for her, but time like this they could never get back and needed to savor in that moment.
Returning to Wentworth at the height of her happiness, Eden still had questions that needed to be answered. Explaining what she had gone through once Frank and Caleb quickly made their way to her upon hearing she was back at school, Eden theorized to the two that she might, in fact, have done that to herself with some developing abilities akin to what they had recently gone through. To test her theory, the friends revealed recent injuries accrued while she had been gone, and she attempted to perform as she had the week prior.
Focusing on her feelings of hopelessness and pushing past them to the deeper need she had felt to treat and save the man that day, Eden found the same red light glowing warmly against her hands and Frank and Caleb’s bodies. As soon as it did, their injuries left their bodies like magic and appeared on her own. Amazed at this display, Eden immediately spoke without thinking and shared the only idea that came to her mind. “Guess you guys need to get me a suit too.”
The sentai genre had always appealed much more to Frank and Caleb than Eden. But if they had cared about it and found it fun, then she would participate with them too, even fitting in what episodes of whichever shows they would try to talk to her about while she did schoolwork. But if they were sentai heroes, then Eden Reed would strike her pose and become a sentai superhero.
Joining their growing team as their new Red Ranger, eventually being known colloquially as Red Cross, Eden had catching up to do with her friends. Having no idea how to fight and being a rather short and skinny teenage girl often left her running around treating the injured while her team battled the evildoers they had become embattled with. Understanding her weaknesses and not wanting to let her friends down, Eden took to martial arts and exercising after a year of being only a dedicated support healer for the team. Soon after this, two new members joined their ranks: Isaac Garfield, Caleb’s older brother, and Marcus Freeman, the Yellow and Black Rangers.
Their final years at Wentworth had been packed for Eden, balancing her schoolwork and managing a double life on the team they were now calling the American Super Sentai. But she managed with these friends, these brothers of hers. Finishing her last year with flying colors, Eden soon found herself entering into adulthood and being accepted into the University of Southern California to become a nurse, similar to her father’s chosen career path. Now free with the autonomy to do as she pleased as an adult, Eden moved into the “Ranger Headquarters” they had established and developed over the years and started putting more money into actually making it a living space for herself and her team, should they need it. The next few months saw their team involved in the reconstruction efforts in LA following the many events that had racked the city during 2026 and helped to bring the American Super Sentai to the forefront as a real team of heroes.
Attending school and doubling as Red Cross became the new normal for Eden as she settled into this new life she had grown to love. Frank, Caleb, Isaac, and Marcus came by their base almost daily, so the days of the lonely only child were long over, and Eden would never be without any of them again.
And then London happened.
Free from school for the summer and with the West Coast experiencing an unusually peaceful period, Eden risked a vacation for the entire team. Acquiring front row tickets with backstage passes for a favorite band of hers, The Supermen, Eden presented the five tickets she had bought to her team during a day of downtime and hanging out at the headquarters. Making their plans, packing their bags, and flying to the European side of the Atlantic, the American Super Sentai arrived in Old Blighty.
Unfortunately for them, their vacation would be short and disastrous.
A battle had broken out across the city. Heroes and villains far above the team's experience and qualifications struggled throughout London. Even if they had wanted to provide what help they could, they had not brought their suits that helped them do their work. Despite attempting what work they could, the team was quickly ordered to leave by local first responders and rescue services more qualified at that moment to deal with the crisis at hand. Unable to aid meaningfully in combat without any of their gear outside of Marcus, they made their way to one of the evacuation sites in the city.
Boarding a helicopter bound out of the city, the entire team begrudgingly embarked with many others on the last one present and ready to leave. And then Isaac saw her. An elderly woman, clutching a small dog to her chest and shaking on her cane, stared at the full vehicle. Hearing her being told she’d be a priority on the next one out as this one was full, he sprung into action. Disembarking from his seat, Isaac offered this lady his place and helped her onboard. Flashing the team an assured smile, he told them all he’d be right behind them on the next one out. She wanted to switch with him, swap seats and wait in his place, or even give up her spot like Isaac had done. But she couldn’t—she was too afraid without her gear. Their view of their confident, brave, hero of a friend was the last image any of them would have before the impact struck the city.
Ascendant, a hero as she had been told, had impacted the city with such force of energy coming from him against the dark powers of a villain in the city and merged the two destructive powers together into an unintended, disastrous result. The resulting blast vaporized a good deal of London, and with it, the greatest hero Eden Reed had ever known alongside an unknowable number of innocents.
They spent the rest of that day waiting at the evacuation base established for the city, waiting on Isaac. Every craft and vehicle returning from the city was met by one of the remaining members of the American Super Sentai looking for their lost member, inquiring about his whereabouts, and asking if anyone had seen him. Unaware of the full devastation of the damage done to London, it took a shell-shocked and sleep-deprived rescue crew member informing Eden of what exactly had happened to drive the news home to her. Through their own investigations or figuring it out, the rest of the team had discovered the truth as well. That was the one good thing about it for Eden at least. She never could have delivered such news to them, not to Caleb at all.
Returning home silent and defeated, Eden waited to hear from Caleb about his family's plans, if any, for Isaac’s funeral service and offered to cover the costs for her friends. It was the least she could do. Frank and Caleb saved her from a deep pit. Isaac and Marcus helped pull her out and keep her steady. All had helped her from falling back into it. But the least she could’ve done as well would’ve been to take Isaac’s place if she could’ve. If she hadn’t been a coward.
Building over the last few months steadily, guilt threatens to swallow Eden whole. It was her tickets that brought them to London. It was her plan to take a vacation from being heroes that probably influenced the decision to leave their costumes and gear in America. It was her cowardice that held her in her seat while Isaac stayed, unknowing of his fate. It was her. These words bombard Eden throughout her duties and have slowed down her efforts as a hero and a student. But still, she keeps at all of them because Isaac wouldn’t want her to quit. She just wishes that she could apologize to him at least.
The Powers
Equivalent Healing: With a healing power quite different from its portrayals in usual media, Eden can exchange her body's own properties to add onto others at the cost of taking said property away from her. Healing someone's torn muscles in their shoulder at the cost of receiving a similar tearing to their own. Restoring a fractured rib by weakening her own to the point that it would break from a slap. Even adding some of her own sobriety to someone who can't even stand after a night out for a strong buzz. All of this and similar exchanges that can be done physically are the limits of her power and the limits of what she can treat are proportional to how healthy and "restored" her own body is or what she has stored from others.
Vitality Exchange: The powers of Red Cross do not flow one way however. Should a participant be willing, she can take things from them to add onto her own like a human battery pack of healing. Whatever she takes onto herself is added to her body's abilities until she chooses to use it for another person or a full day has passed. For instance, should a person with super strength decide to lend her half of the strength of their body then she would find herself on equal footing with that person at least physically. All boosts she receives will disappear from her body and find the donor restored with whatever they had given to her after 24 hours have passed.
The Weaknesses
Equivalent Loss: Each and every time she heals or treats someone's body will find Eden's own body suffering in a similar way from the effects she is relieving off of the recipient of her treatments. Either the wound itself will appear on her or, based on the severity of the wound, the mirrored location on her body will find itself weakened for a stretch of time until she finds the time to rest, recharge, and recover.
Mental Block:Because of who she is as a person and what she believes about her role as a hero, it is impossible for her to take from anyone who is unwilling to contribute to her healing powers. Coercion or even some hesitation will stop any proper exchange to Eden from said donor and they must be fully willing of their own sound mind for her to truly benefit in any way from their "donation".
Taxing Upkeep:The recharge of her body to "100%" of its capabilities to be of most use with her powers has put an absurdly higher than average increase on her diet. With her workout routine, Eden has a daily caloric intake of 2,800-3,200 calories a day. Because of this constant demand for such a quantity, Eden requires a reliably available and easily accessible food source every day which strains her capabilities to go for missions over long periods of time without having an established supply line to keep up with her diet.
The Items
HUD/Vision/Communication: The helmet comes with a heads up display, as well as IR, Night Vision, Thermal, Zoom, X-Ray, and Motion Sensor. They are also outfitted with an encrypted communicator.
Weakness: EMP
Rebreather: The helmet is outfitted with a custom rebreather, allowing the filtering of air pathogens, and can even be used underwater.
Weakness: They are connected to an oxygen compressor located in the back of the armor. If damaged, it can no longer function, and the rebreather will switch two air canisters located in armored pouches on the belt. This gives the heroes a solid hour of oxygen before the canisters are emptied. Once empty, the rebreather will shut off, and the hero will be breathing in external air.
While the canisters are in armored pouches, they are still vulnerable to armor piercing rounds.
Enhanced Armor: Red Cross's suit is one of the strongest and most durable on the team, made from advanced composite materials that provide high resistance to physical and energy-based attacks. The armor is designed to protect her while she uses her healing powers, which often leave her vulnerable.
Weakness: The enhanced armor is significantly heavier than standard suits, which reduces Eden's agility and speed. Additionally, the armor’s joints and seams are more vulnerable to concentrated attacks, such as those from piercing or high-impact weapons. While it serves the purpose of protecting her better as her powers weaken it, she is essentially wearing a preemptive cast or splint and this can impair her movement and flexibility while she is perfectly healthy.
Kinetic Absorption: The armor is equipped with a kinetic absorption system that can dissipate the energy from impacts, reducing the damage taken from blunt force trauma.
Weakness: The kinetic absorption system has a limit on the amount of energy it can dissipate in a short period. If the system is overloaded, it will shut down temporarily to prevent permanent damage, leaving Eden susceptible to subsequent impacts.
Integrated Medical Scanner: The suit includes an advanced medical scanner that constantly monitors Eden's vital signs and can quickly diagnose injuries. It also provides her with real-time data on the condition of her teammates during combat.
Weakness: The medical scanner relies on a power supply located in the suit’s torso. If the power supply is damaged or depleted, the scanner will cease to function, leaving Eden without critical medical information during a mission.
The Fluff
Her powers will recharge without fulfilling her required daily intake but will be made much slower without it and leave her lethargic and slothful until it is fully "recharged" as her body will prioritize her power's upkeep over the rest of it's needs.
Eden has taken a penchant for nicknaming the people near and dear to her
Blue Gyro
The RP Sample
The others had gone home for the night or headed off to bed already. Not Eden though. Not Red Cross. She stood in the open kitchen cleaning up from that night's dinner she had cooked for the team, currently scrubbing the last of the glassware and loading it into the dishwasher that Caleb had built specially for the base. A warm smile crossed Eden's face thinking about Caleb and the rest of her teammates.They had offered to help with the cleanup but she refused like always. They had been close for much longer than they had been a team. They were her second family at this point. Brothers she could always rely on.
Why couldn't they rely on her anymore then?
London had been hard for all of them. They had lost one of their own. Taken in the sudden impact that had vaporized most of the city and its poor inhabitants as well as nearby embattled heroes and villains. Their Yellow Ranger, Isaac, had been one of them. Volunteering to stay behind until another evacuation helicopter arrived for him so that an old woman could have his place. She hadn't known it would be the last helicopter to leave London before the incident. It didn't matter though. Red Cross was the team medic, the one most useful for healing and treating the injured. Why did she get on that helicopter first then?
She was afraid. Plain and simple. It had all been too much that day. They arrived for a concert without their gear so there was so little they could have done. The team has decided as a group to leave the city, focus on evacuations, and leave the threat to the professional and older heroes. Too many injured, too many dead or dying.
By the time she had made it to the helicopter with the rest she could have been broken in half by a strong gust of wind. It didn't matter though. She could have stayed. Taken what she could've from what her evacuating team and done what she would have been able to. She could've died a hero doing her job, as unprepared as they all were that day. Instead she ran away while the best hero she personally knew died for nothing.
The tears found her easily enough. They always did lately. It wasn't fair. If she couldn't save him then how could she save any of them? Struggling to finish the dishes, Eden sat the last plate down in the sink and found a seat at the now empty dining table. They had five there tonight, just like always. Five rangers, five heroes, four people she is supposed to keep safe. One person she could never do that for again.
Did she even deserve to feel this way? Caleb was his brother and Frank is Caleb’s childhood friend and by all appearances and conversations she’d had with them both they were handling much better then she was. What right did she have to feel this crushed over someone she wasn’t even the closest person too? She didn’t have the right to, it was as simple as that to herself.
Distracted from her moment, Eden gasped in shock at the sight of the Yellow Ranger across the room staring at her in the dark. It did not take long before she realized her mistake. It was a picture pulled from the internet, printed out, and displayed on the wall. It showed the debut of a heroic Ranger from the team with the typical splash tabloid wonderings of who they were and what they could do. It was him, Isaac.
This wasn't even the first time it happened but she fell for it so easily every time. She had to fix that.
When the team emerged the next day they would find the wall displaying the different pictures, clippings, awards, and trophies about the team having new display lights set up to illuminate them throughout the day. "To help shine on the bright legacy the team, past and present, had left on the world together." Privately, when questioned about it later by Frank however, she had a different reason however. "I kept thinking it was Isaac back from a mission standing there every time I saw that picture."
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Re: Red Cross
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