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The Harmacist

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The Harmacist Empty The Harmacist

Post by Secret Santa December 31st 2022, 2:26 pm

The Harmcist

" it’s my duty to make you feel the Pain."

The Bio

Real Name: Steven Ferrell
Villain Name: The Harmacist
Title(s): The one you fear (ran out of meds), The One who brings the heals, Suipelcsa, Plague
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Race: Oxymoron
Blood type: Type O

The Looks

The Personality

Those who are lucky enough to see him in person describe him as a very quiet and closed-book kind of person. When he’s tracking someone or simply out on the prowl, He acts and seems almost inhuman.

The Story

From a young age, Steven knew exactly what he wanted to do in life. He wanted to help Humanity in any way he possibly could. This inspired him to aim high up not the sky and attend Medical school to feed his helping craving. Though he wasn’t the brightest or the best student, he was well-praised enough to be accepted into any program he chose. Without much thought, he decided the world needed another surgeon.

It wasn’t long until he was already the cream of the crop. World famous surgeon and personal doctor of The Pope & Ryan Reynolds (and Ted Rami), He was even teaching at Oxford part-time by his fourth year. He was almost becoming bored with his life, every day just seemed like the same starboard shit filled with stuck-up star-crusted bullshiters That was until the strange package arrived at his doorstep.

Though he doesn’t remember much of that day, he only remembers seeing the mask and putting it on before he wakes up under a nearby bridge with people standing around him. They called out his name like some kind of rock star and he hated every second of it. Every outage of his name made him twitch more and more. The happier they seem to get, the more annoyed he was getting. Almost on instinct, he grabbed a broken bottle and lashed out at one of his “fans.'' He watched as he cut open their chest and blood oozed out, all of it was glorious. The moment the smell touched his nose, he started to gag. He couldn’t even stop it as he threw up all over the ground. Taking his chance, he bolted away while the crowd was distracted. The crowd couldn’t take their eyes off the person with a healed stab wound just staring off into space. The crowd almost jumped when they blurted out “I think that cured my glaucoma.”
The Powers

suffer no more:
When he is out in the field and causing chaos among the city dwellers, those around him feel as if they are no longer living as a human. They feel any fear or sense of death fade as they feel the best they have ever felt in their life.
Strength to the sadistic:
Over his villain career, Steven has found he grows more powerful the more pain and suffering he finds himself near. For every baby cry or broken arm, he can feel his powers grow stronger and his reflexes increase.
Beyond the realm of the sane:
Ever since being cursed, Steven has found his senses increase to something no average person can compare with. He can see completely around himself and can smell for miles. Though he may not realize it, Suipelcsa never leaves him.
The Weaknesses

Pain through the eyes of a madman:
One of the major side effects of the curse that birth the Harmiscist is he has gained a twisted version of what pain means. Through his eyes, Pain is merely a social construct and can’t be caused by any mere mortal but only by his immortal self. He is in fact not immortal, he just can’t seem to die
The weakness comes with the pain:
Since though around him can’t actually be hurt for more than a couple of seconds because of his Aura power, He gains very little to none of the strength from people when he’s out committing Chaos. This strangely has very little effect on his agility, the more “pain” he causes only seems to make him faster.
The Crimson menace:
Though he loves causing Chaos and loves to see it going everywhere, He hates the smell of Blood. Just the smell is enough to force whatever he’s eaten in the last two days to leave his body violently. This does not deter him from continuing his chaos, it might just make him slower.

The Items

His Curved Masked.
The mask has a built-in sensor that allows him to not only pick out the people around him but he can also see the ones most vulnerable to pain.
Cane of Suipelcsa
His cane looks like any ordinary walking cane used by someone of his higher-looking standard. The handle appears to be three snakes slithering up to touch the user's hand. When needed, he can not even detach the main rod to release his knife. He can also detach each individual head for three smaller knives.
The Fluff

Might be heard speaking to his god Suipelcsa from time to time.

He is always sharpening his knife in his free time


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Secret Santa
Secret Santa

Status :

Quote : "Ho Ho Ho"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 38
Location : North Pole
Job : Holiday organizer
Humor : Jolly
Registration date : 2019-11-08

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