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Contest GGG

Post by Secret Santa December 31st 2022, 12:18 am

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GGG 34879393_1948001708789302_5543522754327740416_n


Real Name: Riley Ciao
Alias:  GGG {Gold Gilded Guts}
Title: The Hunger
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5' 08"
Weight: 220 lbs.
Blood type: AB-


Roughly average height and build, Riley Ciao defines himself as average although it would not be hard to argue he definitely leans closer to the attractive side of the spectrum. Skin purged of obvious afflictions that would plague him in his teen years, body forcefully recovering into a fit mixture of fat and muscle without any of his effort being placed into working out or controlling his unsatiable appetite.

Very hurried in speech, but overall quite polite, Riley is a bit difficult to communicate intimately with. He often interrupts to finish other people's sentences with good intentions of furthering the conversation and helping those who tend to be unable to come up with the right words.
He tries his best to seem friendly, and despite needing to resort to a life that required him to steal he still doesn't want to make the experience more unpleasant then it has to be for the people involved.

He acts nervous all the time, a bit anxious and paranoid of something coming to get him. He understands hardly anyone can get away with anything forever and he always, at the back of his mind gnawing away at him knows someday people will figure out he's the one who dresses in a villain's costume and steals gold and money to purchase more gold. Out of suit and in suit he still tends to fidget and look over his shoulder when tense, he can't help it.

Gold when it is present makes this negative side take a higher toll, because now he knows he NEEDS to acquire it, either now or on a raid later on. He tries his best to dismiss any topics involving the substance because he fears it will just make him crave it more. He hates this aspect of himself, but like any addict he can't stop himself.

A feeling of insignificance is a fantastic motivator to grapple with the supernatural.
Riley Ciao is not the most fortunate young man, a lower-middle-class citizen of the insane New York city.
When he was younger Riley liked to be in places with a hustle atmosphere, he enjoyed taking on massive challenges and generally would suffer in some of them. His fascination with challenge was really pointed out when he was incapable of doing things, an incident when he was much younger where he broke his leg and couldn't walk or concentrate well due to a passive painful twinge that left him absolutely distraught. From that incident, Riley was seen as someone who would watch for others to take risks before doing so on his own, although they needed to be obvious ones.
He never was scared of people, liking to strike up a conversation with anyone willing to listen. This outgoing nature made him an easy hire for a rather understaffed tech store where he acquired a solid reputation within, it definitely wasn't his first choice but he was otherwise aimless.
Because when he finally had the chance to leave home he decided New York would be an absolutely amazing place, so wild and exciting as it was he didn't anticipate how much this would change his life.

It was only a month after he moved, on bad terms with both parents after a very heated argument about his decision to move out there, that's faced his first of two life-changing events in his adulthood. Coming back to his apartment to find the building burned to a near crisp due to a device used by a villain to try and utilize collateral damage as a distraction. With everything Riley owned within he tried to get it covered by insurance, to find that with several loopholes the best he was going to receive was a near 25% increase in his current insurance policy as well as a $50 gift card to a popular grocery chain as his only form of return.
He was effectively trapped in that tech store now, working all the time to try and get some real money going and afraid that if he left he wouldn't find a job in time and end up deeper in debt. The debt he found himself in after a mistake well trying to acquire a new vehicle and apartment, another hole even deeper than before he found himself in.

This carried on for several years, then he faced the second event.
All it included was a simple offering, a friend saying he was willing to offer 'something' that would really help him gain a new kind of perception of his situation. Reiley already knew this was about drugs, something he really didn't want to touch well he was still suffering greatly financially.
It was the letter he got from his parents that finally got to him.
Several missed calls, he tried before to reconnect, but they just wanted him to leave, and well he tried to explain how that wasn't possible, and if he could he would, but the conversation would dissolve into a fight shortly afterward.
The letter he received was the family will, revised to exclude him completely, his name didn't touch any of the papers.
He decided since one of the only people still around looking after him, his friend with the offer, was the only one who was offering any help, he took it.

WILDFIRE, a small metallic syringe he hides in his new apartment, covered in dried blood.
He had no idea what happened, he just knew his one friend made it back to the room, and stabbed him with it before stumbling down the stairwell, already gone when he attempted to chase him down. Riley hasn't seen him since that event several months ago.
The needle, he blamed all of the upsides and downsides of his new life to it.
Money was starting to come to him easily now, but as soon as it came in it disappeared with only a bit left to live comfortably. He still worked at that tech shop, spending time going through old computers and harvesting from the circuitry when he wasn't fixing some menial issue.
He expected to be addicted to some form of common substance, but not a metal, let alone a very expensive metal.

And right now? He still barely knew what he was doing, all he knew now was that he was out of financial debt he was finding himself still contracted to something else, and he would do as much as he could to acquire more.

1. Endurance
2. Agility
3. Reaction
4. Strength

1. Willpower
2. Empathy
3. Intelligence
4. Awareness


Invasive Proboscis - Gold Stream: Thin rigid cables formed from a mix of mutated keratin and gold project from four specific nodes stuck within the jaw of Riley, obsidian-colored stubs that have replaced his wisdom teeth.
These solid projections move in jagged short leaps like lightning, incredibly quick and durable, able to project and block incoming bullets fairly easily as long as it's coming from one direction. Super strong as well, it can work to pry and knock over the average truck with some effort, having difficulty with a semi-truck and trailer.
Well using these his accuracy is phenomenal, although normally his senses could be considered very normal.
Able to branch and split at points, they can combine to form large sheets, although he is limited in material, able to make something as thick as a common blanket at a 6x6' square, meaning he could also create a single tongue-like projection going to 1x36'. If he were to acquire a notable amount of gold and consume it this size would likely increase as well.

Gold Stream Special - Conductivity = Flexibility: When a golden stream is in contact with a constant output of electricity, it gains the ability to lose it's rigid nature and become soft and stretchy. Reinforced by a strange energy field altered from the electricity flowing into the obsidian nodes and being changed into something else, this alteration makes the golden stream capable of stretching into an even thinner but much more resilient sheet. Becoming incredibly elastic, this thin sheet of shimmering gold arcing with an orange energy gains the ability to deflect anything less than something that could destroy the average house in one go. Only shy of the most extreme supernatural abilities this can even block aura-like effects if it is between the user and the target. When it is struck it is capable of bouncing back an effect similar but only at about 25% of its original strength due to Riley's inexperience utilizing this ability. This includes physical blows as the sheet bends and sends back a stretched ripple if Riley so chooses.

Indebted: Riley has a craving for gold that is hard to control, and he is required to very specifically consume it. Although he seems to be very specialized that he can digest it faster than a normal person. When he has a gold item in hand that he can fit into his mouth, he has an immense compulsion to immediately eat it, but afterward, it becomes hard to attempt to move fast as he has a very solid object in his stomach that will take an hour before he can move normally. Alongside these obvious issues, his abilities are half as effective(in terms of how much 'material' he can use) after consuming at least a handful of gold, working hard to integrate it into his body.

Get Noped: The issue of requiring a constant flow of electricity makes his reflective power more difficult to utilize, and it needs a large amount if he intends to make a bigger reflective sheet.
Most wall outlets should supply enough power for a full effect, with a car battery being the minimum for a human-sized barrier.

Riley has a very basic costume, but not much else to go along with it mainly relying on his abilities to keep him safe.

He finds other metals than gold, although not nearly as effective, can also temporarily satiate his hunger. He has started consuming bits of copper, and finds that he can generate a single copper needle in the back of his throat. It is presumed with enough of other metals(advancements) he can acquire new metallic projections and abilities specific to them.

For added context 'WILDFIRE' is a variant of 'SPARK'(drug capable of granting temporary powers), a much more potent and permanent variant.

Secret Santa
Secret Santa

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Quote : "Ho Ho Ho"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 38
Location : North Pole
Job : Holiday organizer
Humor : Jolly
Registration date : 2019-11-08

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