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Bradical Empty Bradical

Post by Secret Santa December 24th 2022, 5:35 pm


"You're so hot-headed. Don't have a Meltdown!"

The Bio

Real Name: Bradley Radon
Villain Name: Bradical
Title: The human power plant, energyeater, the radest Brad, Brad
Alignment: CN
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Hair: Naturally brown
Eyes: Amber
Height: 5’10’’
Weight: 178Ibs
Blood type: B-

The Looks

Bradley has some surprisingly handsome features for how disheveled he is. A strong jawline, beautiful green eyes, sculpted eyebrows and a pair of full lips. Despite this, he is a pasty and lanky figure with greasy, long brown hair. His face is adorned with a mustache and goatee that is long since overgrown, and he carries himself with a bit of a slouch. All in all, with some doing he could look like an absolute Chad, but as is he's just Brad.

After the incident, he became a little different. His body now glows, and his eyes too are a bright green glow, making him seem almost ethereal at times. More over, his pasty skin now seems far more vibrant, almost pink with how flush. When starved for energy, though, it's quite the opposite. His skin becomes a dull grey like he was already dead, and his eyes lose their glow, becoming hazy and glazed over.

The Personality

Bradley himself is what most people would describe as chill, despite being nuclear hot. You could say he’s rather static. He’s generally level headed and while by no means good natured, he means no ill-will to others. Bradley is prone to laziness, preferring to take the easy and safe way to deal with things, and running from fights that get pretty heated. When working with others which he rarely does, he tends to just go with the electric flow. He isn’t against screwing over others, and his callousness in doing so is the only bit of jouleness (cruelness) he truly possesses. He can act as if killing you doesn’t matter. Bradley, simply put, is simple-minded, never thinking beyond what’s in front of him and relying on his gut rather than his head, ironically he isn’t the brightest. This doesn’t stop him from being greedy though, as Bradley is an opportunist by nature.

Watt truly makes Bradley a menace is his insatiable hunger from energy. Since he dies without it, and becomes astronomically more powerful with it, Bradley is practically addicted to energy and the warm fuzzy feeling it brings him. He will stop at nothing to seek it, is never satisfied and though he can bide his time, the search for a renewable source of energy is never ending for Brad. When is close to recharging, he will charge in brazenly and get truly amped up into a frenzy.

The Story

Bradley was a highschool drop-out from califormula who never worried about his future. He grew up in a steady household with loving parents and siblings, but never had any drive for a particular cause despite never being treated too bradly. Brad had a bit of a dilenquiet streak as a kid but after his parents scared him straight he rarely indulged his ‘brad side’ and instead started looking for jobs under pressure from his family.

Brad’s life seemed to take a turn when he found a well paying job working at a local powerplant as a janitor. It was a simple job, just go in, clean the floors, and leave before the sun rose. Brad enjoyed the solitude and the chance to stay up, and so he was glad to do his job to the best of his ability. Brad always brought headphones and would simply jam out during his shift. This would end up being Brad’s downfall.

Brad had been warned by numerous signs that he simply refused to read, foretelling DANGER and CAUTION when entering the reactor rooms. Brad hardly cared, and not thinking as he tends to do, Brad would go in and clean the reactors nightly, exposing himself to small doses of radiation over many years. Brad, surprisingly, never found himself ill from this. In fact, he loved the warm feeling he felt inside the chambers. Until one day when he woke up, and found his family had died in their sleep. He called for an ambulance, but to his surprise the drivers would also find themselves needing to be rushed to critical condition. The cause of death for all of them: Radiation poisoning. A group of policemen tried to investigate Brad, but would find themselves feeling severely ill halfway through the interrogation.

Brad had read enough comics to know that something had happened, and in this world of superheroes and villains, he knew that if he could just get back to the powerplant he would of the surge of becoming a hero. Except the boss fired him when he was caught trying to sneak into the reactor. Brad decided to do things himself, sneaking into the power plant and dispatching the hired guard with newfound powers. Brad would begin feeding once he gained access to the reactor, but as the city began to lose power, a group of heroes would stop him. Brad spent a brief week in prison before he broke out during a procedural villainous prison riot. Since then he’s embraced his villainous persona, and with it the insatiable hunger that brought him down this path. The riot proved as proper Bradvertising for the fool, and he now hopes to team up with someone who can help him reach his potential as a villain instead.

The Powers

Micro-wave: Bradical can create small ranged shockwaves around him that he has dubbed ‘Micro-waves’, turning away energy and physical projectiles, as well as pushing back foes with a wave of force. These do not do much damage or hertz much, though they can also be used to send items flying at great speed.

Energy Blast: Bradical is capable of shooting bolts of electricity. Usually these have about the same wattage of a taser, but when bolstered can become as strong as a bolt of lightning that can result in quite the big bang. Additionally, Bradical may instead choose to blast beams of pure heat, creating bright red beams that scald as hot as boiling water usually, but can become as intense as molten lava. These attacks don’t have to just be heat or electricity verbatom, but must be made out of some form of energy and those to are the easiest and cheapest for Brad to use.

Energy Absorption: Be it electricity from an outlet, ionized radiation, blast of light or other energy sources, they are absorbed via contact with Bradical. Once absorbed, they help bolster Brad’s powers. The more he has absorbed, the more powerful his abilities get, to a seemingly non-existent limit. The process is slow however, needing large portions of energy or long periods of time to gather a staggering amount. Since he survives off the energy, he tries to consume as much as he can before he decays. Since this includes radiation, Brad is technically immune to radiation as he absorbs.(Ex. After charging at a nuclear power plant for around 8 hours, he may be able to destroy a city. Blast of energy hitting him might only be enough for another regular micro-wave or energy blast of his own.)

Radiation Field: The area around Bradical for about roughly 10 feet is highly radioactive and if someone without the matching resistances were to be exposed for a long period of time, would not reactor well. Radiation poisoning and becoming radioactive yourself are a possibility! This tends to cause the most casualties in his crimes, oftentimes sending normal civilians to their waves (graves).

The Weaknesses

Low Thermo-Nuclear Battery: Because Brad has a limited supply of his power, he can lose all his superpowers save for his radiation field. This can happen mid-fight too, since the more he exerts his powers, the quicker they drain. Furthermore, running out of energy completely can result in Bradical dying completely, so over exerting himself can have dire consequences.

Uni(r)onically Insatiable: Brad’s relationship with energy is far from platomic. He can’t get enough energy, ever, and his gluttony for it is a literal blinding force. The longer Brad goes without energy leaves him more unstable: impulsive, rash, and rife with desperate bravado. Given how he feeds on energy, he can be pretty predictable too. Wait in the nearest power plant and you’ll likely find Brad sooner or later.

Hard to be around: There are few people that Brad has good chemistry with. Being radioactive makes it difficult for Bradical to make allies. He’s rarely troubled by this, but can mean that Brad finds himself outnumbered often. He’s a loner by force, unless his allies are immune to radiation or wear proper protection. His only Alloys are isotopes these days. Beyond this, Brad is lazy and self-centered, further separating him from actual support.

Reckless: You have to lack a sense of fear to work at a nuclear power plant with headphones in with superheroes and villains on the loose. Bradical wasn’t trained or particularly good in a fight, and so he relies on raw power and makes up for the rest with aggression despite his quark being worse than his bite. He’s just a human though, and could be put down with a well landed hit from a powerful hero.

The Items

The Minions

The Fluff

Don’t trust atoms, they make up everything.

How about the chemical workers … are they unionized?

If you can’t helium, and you can’t curium, then you might as well barium.

A couple extra puns, as an example to get into the head of a crazed punisher of the innocent. Sorry, that’s the last one…

Old chemists never die, they just stop reacting.

Secret Santa
Secret Santa

Status :

Quote : "Ho Ho Ho"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 38
Location : North Pole
Job : Holiday organizer
Humor : Jolly
Registration date : 2019-11-08

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