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Jemisha (Cosmic Creations Entry)

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Contest Jemisha (Cosmic Creations Entry)

Post by Lilbunnyblu October 14th 2022, 11:13 am

Queen Jemisha

"Just like each star is unique yet makes the universe what it is, the light in you makes you who you are. That's exactly who you need to be."

The Bio

Real Name:Jemisha
Renegade Name:Jemisha
Title: Queen of Stars, Hopes and Dreams
Alignment: True Neutral
Age: 2,000
Gender: Female
Race: Dream Fawn
Hair: Galaxy
Eyes: Pink
Height:5 feet 9 inches
Weight:90 lbs.
Blood type: its like cosmic goo

The Looks

Jemisha (Cosmic Creations Entry) NgaZ0C7
The Personality

Jemisha is a sweet and honest girl that one could call shy or avoidant. She never has been one for charging into fights or leading groups. However she enjoys sharing wisdom to people no matter who they are or the sins they have accumulated. She is a truly neutral deity not judging others nor interfering with the flow of fate.
The Story

They say every star has a story, some date back to the ancient times. Mortals wrote those stories and those stories birthed Deities. 2,000 years ago the mortals on earth wanted explanations for answers for the strange world around them. There was a tribe that were nomadic who were curious of the stars and dreams. The tribes name was lost to time but one of their legends still exist. It goes: Daughter of the stars and cosmic dust. Jemisha was made unlike other Gods of Goddesses. While other Deities were birthed or made from each other, Jemisha came to be from Carina, her mother star, dying. Her Mother star died near the constellation Mriga (Orion). She was made with the stature of a mortal teen however her feet were that of hooves. When she first opened her eyes, they shone with a brilliance  that made neighbor stars envy the glow. Her hair was made out of her mothers last existence. It flows like water but it exists as the vast, empty, and starry homeland Jemisha has always known. Even the dust of a dying star would cling to her limbs making them fade into a black deeper than any mortal dye could ever hope to reach. She awakened with knowledge of who she was, who she was meant to be, and the reason she came to be. Much like she came to be she can give life to her own stars that burn as bright as she desires. From the star dust she forms the realm of dreams for the mortals. In these dreams mortals can get warnings, guidance, and/or consolation. Her burning stars fill her blessed children with hope that no ill fate can tamper with. She watches from the starry Void, not interfering with time's design. Jemisha studies the mortals and their lives from the minute they were born to the minute they end. One night she came to a man named Akeem, a leader of a nomadic tribe in Asia, who was walking his people into danger and death. She showed him a path to keep him and his people alive without showing him the path of despair. Akeem looked at the heavenly blessed creature, and decided to head down the path she had shown him. Akeem became her first disciple and he told his tribe of the deity beyond their reach and how she blessed their people with a hope of a splendid place to rest and live. He guided his people to the place the deity showed him and found it was indeed safe as foretold. He ordered one of his people to make a small clay figure of Jemisha as an Amulet for the tribe. A symbol they would follow her guidance till they and their descendants would cease to exist. Seeing this and having been pleased with Akeem’s and the tribe's vow, Jemisha placed a star in the sky to guide Akeem and his people to the place where they hoped to finally rest. She claimed the small village in the western Himalayan mountain range of India. This is where Akeem and his people decided to settle down. This village is her sacred land, from this land her people originated. She made the deer and the leopard as her sacred animals. As time passed her nomadic followers grew in numbers and the world began to grow as well. Some of her children left their mountain home and introduced new people to Jemisha and her teachings of guiding people down the best path of life. Though like all stories and Gods she slowly died off to those branches in favor of a new god. However in her village, her worshipers praised her and Akeem had promised they would. Soon as time passed those of other worlds had found her village, they all gave her names of different tongues. With those names they told their people of Jemisha. Keeping her alive. Her stories brought new disciples and followers. After 1,349 years of existing, sightings of Jemisha on our mortal plane started to circulate. It is said though she is aware of the past and all the possible futures, she grew curious of mortal lives. Perhaps watching from the heavens was not enough?
Now Jemisha lives as a nomadic creature. She lives on earth and occasionally she rests in areas that she knows where she'd be safe. She tends to go where she feels a pull to, however she always gets back to India when she misses her children the most. She uses the rise in mortals with superhuman abilities to hide in plain sight.
The Powers

Flawless clairvoyance- She can tap into the past and whatever could or will happen in the future.
Cosmic Creation- the ability to make cosmic bodies such as stars, planets, galaxies and/or constellations.
Dream manipulation- The ability to manipulate dreams and create them.
Hope energy manipulation- the ability to create or manipulate the feeling of hope in a person.
Dream materialization- the ability to bring dreams into existence.
Dream communication- the ability to communicate through dreams.
Dream walking- The ability to enter the dreams of another person.
Heightened intelligence- she has Above average intelligence that would make even Einstein look like a fool.
Inhumane speed- although she is not able to run at the speed of light she is faster than the average human, she can reach speeds as high as 45 miles per hour
Blessed Endurance- Having lived in the cosmos for a majority of her existence her body is used to conditions no mortal could survive.
The Weaknesses

Her clairvoyance is limited to one universe, she can't interfere with the way fate plays out, and she can only reach as far into the past as she existed.
She can create dreams and Change them but in Nightmares she can only change bits and pieces.
Creating cosmic Bodies tends to take a lot of her energy.
She stands at a true Neutrality state, she is neither good nor evil so she can become an easy target for whoever harms her.
While she is immortal her body can be killed.
She has below average strength and Constitution. Unfortunately, her body was built for intelligence and Speed much like an animal or Prey.
She would never harm a single creature, however she holds her sacred animals Deerly (It's in the fluff)
She has no home so she is vulnerable when she rests.
The Items

Vile of the Stars- She carries a small vial of pearlescent stardust on her to feel the presence of her home's embrace. Its made out of brittle glass and is easily broken if hit right.
Cloth of the Night- her clothes are made from the cloth  that is as dark as the starless night sky, she can change the form of the clothing it mimics. it offers no protection from weaponry and tears easily.
Bracelet of Beast Form- she has a bracelet that allows her to shape shift. It has 9 beads that reappear every two weeks. These beads are what allow her to shapeshift. She can only shapeshift into actual animals, if she uses a bead it vanishes and cannot be reused until the beads reappear.
The Minions

She would have devoted followers and worshipers but they aren't much of fighters.
The Fluff

Her sacred animals are Deer and Panthers.
She loves the colors people tend to associate with space: Purples, blues, pinks, black and white.
She is commonly referred to as a “satyr”, while she is something similar she is not a Satyr.
She likes the taste of apple cider.
Her eyes glow a soft pink when she uses her ability to see into the future.
She tends to be nomadic however she does rest in places her followers put together in hopes of seeing her.
She can speak Arabian, Sanskrit, and English fluently.
She may have a large following it is not enough to be noticed as a Immortal deity.
The village she clamed as a sacred place is called Nuxvar.

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Status :

Quote : Dont be fooled by my cuteness

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 40
Location : The city of None ya
Age : 21
Job : Twitch streamer
Humor : It tends to be dark or very Gen Z. Guess its an Age thing?
Registration date : 2021-09-12

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