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The Empress Eternal
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The Empress Eternal
The Empress Eternal
The Bio
Real Name: Lac'rix Vaal
Title: The Empress Eternal
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Age: Over 50,000 years
Gender: Female
Race: V'zon (Eternian)
Hair: Dark Green
Eyes: Emerald
Height: Variable depending on Avatar (True Form - About 300,000 miles)
Weight: Variable
The Looks
Though the V'zon now resemble little of their ancient forms, their Matriarch still adopts a form similar to her mortal days. When she adopts a lesser form, the Empress appears as an extremely tall, graceful being with emerald skin and a pair of branching horns. Though mammalian, fine scales run along certain parts of her form. Her clothing tends toward the extravagant, with long flowing trains and high collars.
Due to several reasons, the Empress has long ago been unable to step foot upon the mortal ground. She must remain under the effects of her power own great power, lest the world shatter beneath her feet. Only those objects she herself has forged can support her divine presence.
The Personality
The woman that is now the Eternal Empress holds little in common with her mortal counterpart. Ruthless and petty, she believes in both the righteousness of her cause and her own moral infallibility. She has ceased to care about individual lives, save for when it pleases her to. Years of having trillions of beings praise her divinity have given her an ego the size of some suns, feeding all of her worst traits. She is selfish and arrogant, she believes that only she can save the universe.
Personality-wise, the Empress is both intensely charming and overwhelmingly intelligent. She makes plans spanning the course of thousands of years, subtly aligning certain factors to her liking. She can display an almost obsessive interest in the personal lives of people she has taken an interest in, remembering countless details relayed in their discussion.
Though she is petty, she is also driven. Though she is callous, she is also passionate. Though she is fallible, she is Eternal.
The Story
Before she was the Empress, Lac'rix Vaal was a brilliant researcher in the field of temporal mechanics. Passionate and forever curious, she specialized in the field of practical time dilation. Though she often alienated colleagues with her sharp tongue and lack of patience, she was also known for her work ethic and surprising empathy towards others.
On the day the Apocalypse came to her world, Lac'rix Vaal was sequestered away with a research team on the dark side of the planet's second moon. A small meteorite had hit the planet, and from that impact came a swarm of uncontrolled nanites. Highly advanced and ravenous, they began to consume all in their path. Within days, the entire northern half of the super-continent the V'zon civilization laid upon had been devoured.
Recognizing it as the end, Vaal's team were given instructions to stay safe in the research installation and maintain the continuity of their people. Now an ark, Vaal and her team would have been the last members of their dead people. Only Lac'rix Vaal had decided to overrule them.
In a matter of hours, her team had jury-rigged a temporal projector. Unstable, the devise generated a time dilation field the size of one small room. Taking decades worth of meal capsules and provisions with her, Lac'rix Vaal closed her eyes and stepped inside.
When she returned 36 hours later, a far older Lac'rix Vaal emerged. What should only have been a decade was instead almost a century, but Vaal had produced the solution. Rigging their signaling dish, they were able to broadcast a specific frequency that deactivated the nanite swarm, and saved what was left of the V'zon people.
Though she had put off the Doom, it had already dealt the world a deathblow. The ecosystem, ravaged by mass extinctions and the byproducts of the nanite transmutation, was failing. It was estimated that the V'zon homeworld had no more than thirty years of life remaining. And so, saved from a swift death only to be confronted by a slow one.
A great departure began, spearheaded by Lac'rix and her team. Using temporal stasis devises, the diminished population fled their Doomed world. It took nearly two thousand years, but the great colony ships of the Exodus fleet found a new home.
Of course, worlds may come and go, but politics ever endure. By this time, Lac'rix Vaal had an immense personal following. Charismatic and passionate, she lead a great deal of sway over the colony's development. Her clashes with a colonial leadership eventually came to a head when an attempt was made on her life some five years after planetfall.
The ensuing investigation revealed the members of the planetary government had orchestrated the attempt. Vaal's faction, enraged, began a bloody coup and culled any supporters of the old regime. Only a week after the attempt on her life, Lac'rix Vaal found herself the Grand Regent of the V'zon Remnant, a dictator in all but name.
Though she dreamed of being better than the people before her, still became a tyrant, though a clever one. When a cult emerged touting the divinity of the Holy Martyr, she did not repress it. When some went to their knees and whispered prayers in her name, she did not forbid them. After all, had she not sacrificed for them? Had she not earned it? Did she not deserve it?
Yet, for all her growing self-regard, Lac'rix Vaal was troubled. Though the V'zon were long-lived, death was still a certainty. She had thrown away half her time devising the Salvation. Believing that only she had the vision and foresight to guide her people, the Tyrant Queen began to conquer the ailments of her people.
She excised aging, then hunger, then illness. Her people became capable of fantastic feats of regeneration, and then moved beyond the ability to be injured at all. That her research caused untold suffering was secondary to the goal. After all, what is the life one one person compared to the countless generations to come?
And so in time was Lac'rix Vaal heralded as the Empress Eternal, and the people of the Eternis spread throughout their galaxy. They discovered many peoples and conquered them, bringing them into the sacred care of the Divine Savior. Vaal was active in this time, and worked to always improve the conditions of her people despite their protests.
The Crusade warred on, and Lac'rix Vaal grew the scope of her ambitions. She turned her sites to not only conquering mortal death, but the death of the universe itself. She, and she alone, could guide her people past that crucial threshold. In the new universe, she alone would rule. All hands would be lifted in unity and praise to her; the Empress of Forever and Eternity.
As was only right.
The Powers
The Eternis Crusade
"I bare these gifts, as the Empire wanes.
"I bare these gifts, knowing my fate.
"I bare these gifts, as a hand of Eternis.
"I consecrate my flesh with blessed metal, this shell of dead matter and false life.
"I stand firm against the unbeliever, the unrepentant, the false.
"I give no quarter, I grant no absolution.
"By her grace, I take up the Crest, the symbol of salvation everlasting.
"By her favor, I take up her Blessing, awaking the power within.
"By her name, I bare the Symbol of my people, and join my them in Crusade.
"I am Steel. I am Salvation. I am the End."
-- Canticle of the Second Flesh
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic, and the Empress has long ago passed that threshold. The scale of Her power dwarfs the works of lesser peoples, yet the subtly and breath of Her power is no less awe-inspiring. At Her great forge does the Hope of the Universe toil to create wonders beyond imagining for Her people.
Those she sends forth upon Her Crusade are blessed with her miracles. Divine artifacts forged and sanctified by a being older than most civilizations, they carry the spark of Her Genius and Her Will to bring salvation to all Life. Her Chosen gain access to these artifacts; tangible shards of Her Glory.
System: Power Sharing (Reduced Effect), Power Suppression (Minions Only)
The Forge of Days
(Permission-Based Power)
Before Her Divinity, the woman that would become the Savior of the Universe started Her existence as a simple researcher in the field of advanced temporal mechanics. When the Doom arrived, Lac'rix Vaal used Her understanding to gain the time needed to come up with a solution. She dwelt in that space, Her Forge of Days, for almost a century before She emerged, Salvation in hand.
Endless centuries to perfect Her craft, as well as new understandings of the chrono-flow and other techniques, have created something orders of magnitude stronger than her earliest work. With a wave, the Empress Eternal can dictate the passage of time, slowing it or speeding it up as she deems fit.
System: Temporal Manipulation (Freeze, Slow Down, Accelerate) - Greatly Reduced Effect Against Sentient Beings (See The Draxin Chain).
The Protean Molecule
The Empress of a Thousand Miracles faced a problem after Her Chosen left their cradle. Their world could no longer sustain them, so the V'zon peoples fleeing their Doomed world were bereft of resources. Desperate, they swiftly consumed all available resources in their depleted star system. It seemed as if the V'zon would die out yet again, but the Blessed Empress withdrew once more into Her cloister, and brought forth Wonder.
It came to be called the Protean Molecule. Based loosely on the nanite swarm that had ravaged their doomed world, the Protean Molecule was capable of wholescale matter transmutation. The line between organic and inorganic blurred, and the People rejoiced.
Refined after untold millennia, these trans-dimensional nanomachines are capable of impossible feats of molecular realignment. Incredibly fast and thorough, these devices are capable of restructuring entire worlds. With but a wave of her hand, the Empress Eternal orders the universe to her desire.
System: Matter Transmutation (Rapid), Matter Disintegration (Rapid), Complex Item Construction (Large Scale); Effected by the Draxin Chain
The Mirror-Queen
Distance holds little sway over the the ambitions of the Empress Eternal. In her guise as the Mirror-Queen, She opens doors between all worlds. Yet so great is Her power and so formidable Her Presence, She must rely on lesser manifestations in order to exert Her divine will.
Though they are replicas of the Empress, they are imperfect by design. So great is Her Majesty that Her mere touch could crack planets and alter the course of stars, so She is forced to rely on projections. In this way She reveals her compassion. They must be given the chance to kneel before they die.
System: Avatar Creation, Clone Creation, Wormhole Creation
The Black Ark
(Permission Based Power)
Within the Black Ark of the Draxin Chain, there is a place where the damned must go. These souls, found unworthy of Her light, are shown the ways of faith. For 50,000 years have the torturers housed within its depths contrived every horror possible in order to convert the wicked. When at last they are scourged of any doubt or hesitation, then they will be granted entrance into the Dark Heaven of Eternis to await the end of days.
This place, containing as it does the neural patterns of an incalculable number of sentient beings, generates its own quantum resonance. The Empress can tune this resonance to the minds of those She wills, inflicting the crushing horror of the penitent upon the Unworthy.
Yet it is not horror alone She commands. The Empress may whisper a promise of Salvation to the wicked, and so turn their thoughts to other things. Hope, fear, love, joy; all these passions and more can be milked from them. With these tools as the Empress of Eternity destroyed the resistance of entire worlds.
System: Mega-Emotional Projection, 'Dragon Fear', Brainwashing
The Lady of the Final Night
It is the Empress' burden to await the death of the universe alone; one she has taken up as her holy calling. There will someday come an end, when iron stars in dark skies finally burn out. When blackholes shed their mass into Hawking Radiation and become again as motes of dust. There shall the Lady dwell, in an emptiness greater than all life, to await again the beginning. It is her Doom, and her Promise.
To this end she has made of herself a vessel. Though she appears to be humanoid, she is anything but. She has compressed the matter of 10,000 suns down to make the core of her being. Her cells carry the weight and density of planets; her very gestures cause ripples in the spacetime continuum. By Her Power, has she altered the course of comets and held singularities in her palm like pearls. By Her Knowledge, she has ordered them to her will about the cosmos.
System: True Invulnerability, Immortality Beyond the Death of All Things, Cosmic Strength
The Diamond Amphora
With the fate that awaits her and the isolation her condition presents, the Empress Eternal understands that She shall eventually give in to madness. Though Her will could bare the weight of entire civilizations, She understands the scope of the Work. When madness comes, She has a solution.
The Empress stores 'copies' of her consciousness within the Divine Amphora. When She discovers herself compromised by madness or mind control, that mind is destroyed and another takes its place. So committed is the Empress to the salvation of her people, she will martyr herself again and again in order to ensure their safety.
System: Mind Control Immunity, Madness Immunity, Personality Backup and Reset
The Dayspear
Though the works of the Empress' hand are innumerable, this one bares specific mention. There are horrors that abound it he galaxy; things ancient and malign. And though the Empress seeks to be their peer, that ambition must be won with a weapon worthy of it.
Within the Andromeda galaxy lays a curious arrangement of quasars. Six in total, arranged in a loose hexagon. In the center of this strange configuration lays a singularity, slowly drawing in the matter of these massive stars. With a careful manipulation of gravity, the hyper-dense pieces floating about the blackhole are flung at relativistic speeds. By using a combination of gravity manipulation and wormhole physics, they can be directed with surprising accuracy.
System: Doomsday Weapon (every good villain needs one)
The Weaknesses
The Draxin Chain
In the Draxin Nebula lay a cluster of six points of utter darkness. Black holes chained together through the manipulation of immense gravitational forces, these singularities are far more than they appear. Instead of being merely impossibly dense pieces of matter, they are instead a series of computational engines of impossible power. These holy artifacts are the ultimate gift of the Empress Eternal to the myriad peoples under her reign.
For there is an afterlife, and the Empress Eternal is its Creator. Every creature under her rule has a place - their mind and souls housed in the dark empyrean of the Draxin Chain. In this artificial afterlife, those who embrace Her rule never need know oblivion. There they remain, safeguarded, against pain or hardship or dissent.
Yet, Her benevolence has not come without cost. While the Empress' resources are beyond the ability of mortal comprehension, the Draxin Chain exerts a limit on Her power. The Chain monitors the neurological patterns of all entities within Her domain, and limits the scope of her power in order to prevent any disruption to those it monitors.
System: The Chain prevents the Empress Eternal from exerting Her full power against sentient organisms.
Beyond Mortality
Despite her claims of Godhood and the reach of her vision, the Empress has yet to shed her mortal perspective. The effect of the Divine Amphora causes any significant shift in her psychology to cause a personality reset. She is still a being with a mortal mindset; with mortal needs and wants. Though she no longer needs food or drink or company, she still craves them. Because of the Amphora, she cannot grow beyond this state. This has resulted in the Empress making the same mistakes on multiple occasions, not having had enough time to reconfigure the Amphora with the additional traits or knowledge necessary to overcome the challenge.
System: Difficulty with Character Growth; Falls for Same Lures; Groundhog Day
The Queen of Misrule
Of the many things the Empress is guilty of, believing her own hype is one of them. Despite still having many of the personality flaws of her mortal days, she has combined it with a galaxy sized ego. Despite being the 'savior of all sentient life', her cruelty and megalomania have long ago crossed the line of atrocity. She has ordered the death of entire worlds for seemingly small affronts, condemning them to the horrors of the Black Ark.
Others have exploited this tendency in the past. The Empress can be deflected and redirected through manipulation, though care should always be taken. Her intellect is vast and her grudges legendary.
System: Psychological Vulnerability (Manipulation, Ego)
Giant in the Playground
Another aspect of the Empress' vast ego is that she often has difficulty recognizing small threats. Indeed, when you can manipulate the orbit of planets with a gesture, a rag-tag band of revolutionaries hardly seem to warrant. She often leaves the 'petty' details of planetary conquest or subjugation to her minions, lost in some project or undertaking. Her projects also entail large works designed to harness cosmic forces, and often ignore applications on a human scale.
System: Short-sighted, Power Limiter (Less than Cosmic Scale)
The Shadow Empresses
The Avatars of the Eternal Empress are not directly controlled by her. By taking a personality copy dredged from the Divine Amphora, the Empress seeds these shadows of her glory. By necessity, these shadows are far less puissant than their originator. Though still super-dense entities of incredible might and artifice, she can only act on a human scale through these beings...
...Megalomaniacal, short-sighted beings with massive god-complexes, immune to the Divine Amphora.
It is not uncommon for one of the Shadow Empresses to diverge from her personality enough to attempt a coup, or form some other goal or ambition. Indeed, three purges of her shadow selves have already been conducted by her minions.
System: My Own Worst Enemy
A Majesty to Ruin Worlds
Due to the material density of the Empress' colossal form, she is limited in what she may do. The Draxin Chain controls the intricacies of her Divine body, and will not permit her to act in such a way as to cause damage to potential converts. The merest brush of her real hand would be enough to crack the mantle of some planets, and she herself exerts a gravitational pull akin to that of a quasar.
System: Yo' Empress So Heavy..., No Casual Interactions, Power Limiter (Limited Actions)
The Ten Thousand Faces of God
Though her followers are zealous in the extreme, their zeal has mutated over the course of millennia. Cults and factions have splintered and reformed, causing a truly dizzying amount of viewpoints and opinions to spring up as to the nature of her divinity. When she sends forth her legions, they will oftentimes spend as many resources fighting each other than themselves, all while praising the Divine Empress. Though she is aware of this problem, the Eternal Empress long ago lost the ability to care about such ephemeral beings.
System: We Are Struggling Together; Factions will be at odds
Eternal Repose
The span of endless time before her, combined with the frustrations of rule and divinity, have caused the Empress to enter into a state of prolonged torpor. She will often sleep for years or even decades, leaving the administration of her Realm in the care of her ministers. During this time, factions will inevitably war and conflict, and she'll often awaken to some new stranger waiting to greet her. It simply makes her tired all over again.
Her disinterest in the affairs of the mundane beyond the creature comforts of her Avatar have caused her Empire to slowly decay. Only the infrastructure and systems she put in place during her more diligent days have prevented it from collapsing entirely.
The Items
Though her vaults overflow with the bounty of her genius, the Empress or her Avatars do not wield items of power.
The Minions
The Eternis Crusade (see above)
The Fluff
Despite her galaxy-spanning ambitions, the Empress Eternal attires herself as befitting that lofty title. She enjoys the finer things, and her Avatars can be surprisingly picky eaters. She has sculptures of her research team in every palace she creates, though she long ago forgot their names.
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