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Arman Hakimi

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Arman Hakimi Empty Arman Hakimi

Post by Boris April 11th 2022, 1:31 pm

Arman Hakimi
Avatar of Warmir

"We thought our pantheon was created to help this world, instead we destroyed it." - Warmir

The Looks

The Bio

Real Name:Arman Petruk Hakimi
Renegade Name:       Warmir
Title:Avatar of Warmir, Selfish Mortal
Alignment:Chaotic Neutral
Race:Human → Heliopolite Avatar
Hair:Dark gray
Weight:230 lb
Blood type:AB
The Personality

Arman regularly operates at his own self interest with little regard to the rules bound on him, he is unpredictable, unapologetic, arrogant, and vicious. There might have been a time he tried to be a better person in the past, but his desire to accomplish more than his father ever could would always take over him. He does not have many friends, and even those he would call a friend are merely a contact he could use as resources during his adventures. Whatever operation Arman takes part in, he would always turn out to have had ulterior motives his current comrades would not be aware of.

When Warmir, a Heliopolite being, chose Arman as his avatar and vessel as a form of punishment, Arman had become forced to act against his own self interest, his will keeping the two personalities from merging. Arman shows his distain toward the bandages that now wrap his body, and constantly argues with Warmir who only he can see - which can make others think Arman lost a few of his marbles.

Arman would sometimes appear as a hero when Apophis, the Heliopolite of Destruction, is involved, due to being forced by Warmir to intervene, but would quickly show disinterest in other conflicts that Warmir does not force him to partake in.

Warmir's personality:
Warmir is the self proclaimed Heliopolite being of Force and Punishment, he is ruthless and unforgiving. Unlike most other Heliopolite beings, Warmir does not require a contract with his avatar in order to establish a symbiotic relationship, and can wrap and bound any soul with his bandages he deems worthy of punishment and in need of repentance. He is respected and even feared among others of his pantheon, known to be stubborn, not easily swayed.
The Story

Born a bastard to an Egyptian mother, and a Ukrainian American archeologist who took part in an excavation project in Egypt in 1991. His father, who served twice as the Minister of State for Antiquities, had ensured to pay for Arman's education as he grew up, while maintaining his distance.  Arman had grown up spiteful toward his parents, always seeing his father stop by but never having been acknowledged by him, his young angst frequently leads him to trouble with the authorities for stealing and vandalizing. At the age of 15 Arman knifed a man in a drunken brawl. Rather than wait around to talk to the authorities, he sneaked on to a tramp steamer headed for Singapore, leaving his mother behind.

After nearly a year of knocking about Southeast Asia, Arman's father had tracked him down after it was revealed to his father's colleagues that he had a son. His father offered to bring him to the US in hopes to manage any damage Arman might do to his reputation, where he stayed until he was 21. Despite his father's objection, Amran had decided to enlist himself into the Marines soon after becoming a US citizen, forcing his father's hand in helping him shroud his problematic past. There, his violent tendencies were honed by the drill sergeants. When Arman was sent into combat, he was the first to use his weapon and instigate a conflict; often to the detriment of his unit. After his excessive violent tendencies resulted in one too many of his fellow Marines being injured or killed, Arman was mustered out.

Unable to find a job, being turned away from joining the police force, Arman had eventually turned back to his father, becoming a private security officer under his command. Here, his father began to appreciate Arman's habit for using excessive force, which earned him his father's personal confidence. Arman's father had him perform off-the-books jobs that he could trust to few others in his employ, revealing to Arman the illegal antique trading business that thrived on the merit of his father being an archeologist.

When Arman was 31, a new section of an underground city was discovered deep under the remnants of Heliopolis of ancient Egypt. An illegal archaeological excavation was led by a geologist, Dr. Kasto Tahan, who was not permitted by the Ministry of State for Antiquities to excavate on this site. Arman got word of an ancient antique that could be found there that could be worth millions of dollars, and had convinced his father to let him join Kasto on that excavation. Unbeknownst to his father, Arman planned to betray him and steal the antique for himself so that he could earn enough money to finally stand on his own without having to rely on his father's support. Things, however, did not go according to plan.

In the underground city of Egyptian Heliopolis, were the fortified Heliopolitan Tombs warded with seemingly unintelligible scriptures surrounding the frames of the sealed gates. The scriptures were roughly translated by Dr. Tahan to be a grave warning, one that the experienced doctor decided to heed to. In a world where Aliens and magic were proven to exist, the doctor had become to know when to thread with caution around mystical presences. As the team had began to prepare to leave the site of the tombs, Arman refused, believing what's on the other side to be the only thing that can make him wealthy enough to usurp his father. The rest of the team tried to stop him, but Arman managed to set a strip of explosives on the fortified gates, breaching the tombs once they exploded.

It turned out that the doctor was correct. Breaching the tombs resulted in the breaking of a seal that had been placed on an interdimensional nexus that connected this dimension to another; a pocket dimension of the spiritual Heliopolis, where divine beings reside. The team were helpless as they watched intangible forms breach through the nexus, the first being Apophis, a being of destruction who thanked Arman on its way out into the world. The next being presented itself as a glowing head of a jackal, Warmir, who exclaimed "Go, return Apophis to Heliopolis!" followed by more forms of light breaching through to pursue Apophis, all leaving the underground city until only Warmir was left to confront the team. They ran away after realizing Warmir's wrath was upon them. Arman tried to escape with the rest, but Warmir summoned a binding cloth that ensnared him, and had began to wrap around his body as if the cloth itself was alive; bandages ripped through his clothes, he could have sworn he was about to become mummified. The binding cloth had quickly took shape, creating a mask of a jackal upon Arman's head. Warmir had chosen Arman as his avatar as a form of punishment for breaching the tombs.

Since that day Arman knew no peace. Warmir had forced him to track down anyone who had the potential to become the new avatar of Apophis who unlike Warmir would require a mutual contract to bond. Arman would not be able to return to his old life until Warmir is satisfied, as he is unable to remove the binding cloth now attached to his body, having to carry Warmir's will and help the other potential avatars with their quest to capture Apophis.
The Powers

As a human, Arman had become a world-class combatant, with extensive experience in street fighting, martial arts, and military combat techniques.
Common abilities of a Heliopolite Avatar:
✦ Heliopolite Sense. Heliopolite Avatars are drawn to each other, and easily able to detect when another person has a Heliopolite being attached to them. If a Heliopolite chooses, they may present themselves to another avatar as well in their non corporeal form.
✦ Telepathic strategic consult. Avatars can hear their Heliopolite’s voice, who can see beyond what they can. For example, an Avatar may get their Heliopolite to watch their back. They can’t, however, ask their Heliopolite what is beyond a wall.
✦ Binding cloth manipulation. Different avatars may manipulate their binding cloth differently, but in the case of Warmir’s Avatar, Arman is only able to unravel his mask, or reform it. But like all Heliopolite binding cloth, it will mend itself when cut or damaged, which can help arman slow down his bleeding if he were to be shot or cut.
Abilities of a Warmir's Avatar:
✦ Increased agility. Evade a few projectiles, flip in the air, momentarily run on walls, run up to 15 Km/h.
✦ Increased Strength. Focused strength, able to punch through a brick wall, leave a noticeable dent on a vehicle, or flip a car. Able to leap up to 20 feet at 8 miles/hour. But not able to maintain the strength for more than a few seconds for activities like walking while lifting a car.
✦ Increased Durability. Durable against blunt force, able to withstand falls of about 30 feet.
✦ Enhanced Senses. Warmir taking an anthropomorphic form of a jackal, also gives his avatar enhanced senses, particularly smell and hearing, able to track their targets simply by their smell, and easily detect presences by sound.
The Weaknesses

Common weaknesses of a Heliopolite Avatar:
+ Basic weaknesses of a Heliopolite Avatar's base race, in this case, human.
✦ Heliopolite Harmony. The Heliopolite and its avatar are required to be in sync in order to use the full extent of their abilities. In Arman’s case, him and Warmir are not in sync, and therefore Arman may find his abilities can suddenly become unreliable when he needs to use them most.
✦ Mysitcal Presence. Any Mystically aware individual should easily detect the presence of a Heliopolite on its avatar. Trying to blend in with the crowd can futile against mystically aware individuals.
✦ Mystic Dust. A substance that can be found near interdimensional nexuses and can be used to temporarily separate a Heliopolite from its avatar. The Avatar, until his Helioplite can recover, becomes mundane. Heliopolites can be trapped in glass bottles made of Mystic Dust. Avatars may find themselves powerless until the Heliopolite is released.
Weaknesses of Warmir's Avatar:
✦ Limited Durability. His durability is only effective against blunt force. Arman would be just as vulnerable to piercing and slashing damage as any human.
✦ Vulnerable Psyche. Unlike other avatars, Warmir’s avatar is forced to carry his will, making the avatar’s psychological state easy to exploit.  
The Fluff

Will include the below in race or history post:
There are many interdimensional nexuses scattered across the universe, faint veils between our dimension and various other pocket-dimensions; which are created by forces unknown to us. On earth, such an interdimensional nexus had been created during the Silurian Geologic era 430 million years ago, when an advanced Silurian civilization still existed on the supercontinent of Pangea. The pocket dimension, Heliopolis, was the birthplace of divine beings of the Heliopolitan Pantheon, who could only interact with our dimension through choosing an avatar to represent them. Many remnants of their involvement with Pangea would indicate that the Heliopolitan beings did not get along.

Apophis, the Heliopolitan being of darkness and destruction, had a direct hand in the extinction event that took place during that era, destroying the continent of Pangea, marking the end of the Silurian civilization. Some of the other Heliopolitan beings tried to stop Apophis but failed, resulting in Gebasil, the Heliopolitan being of gravity and attraction, to create a seal on the interdimensional nexus of Heliopolis to prevent such an event from ever happening again.

Many millennia later, remnants of the Heliopolitans' involvement were discovered by humans, who worshipped a version of their Pantheon, creating a major city in ancient Egypt called Heliopolis (not to be confused with Heliopolis, the pocket dimension). The real Heliopolis remained sealed away, protecting the new civilizations from Apophis’ desire to witness more destruction.
The RP Sample

Arman sat up and stared blankly at the glowing form in front of him. The floor was shaking, the walls of the tomb were breaking, debris clashing on the ground around him. He wasn't sure if he was hallucinating or not, as the form in front of him resembled the face of a jackal.

"You released Apophis."

The being spoke, his voice almost resembling a thunder. Arman continued staring at it for a moment before turning his head to see the rest of the team running down the underground halls of the city. Deciding to pass the being as a hallucination, Arman got up, his feet immediately pushing forward and away from the being. The debris continued falling as Arman tried his best to dodge them, and just before he managed to reach the gates of the tomb, a cloth of sorts appeared right under his feet, wrapping around his ankle and yanking him back.

"Get off me!" he exclaimed in pain as the debris hit him while he was being dragged back by the cloth. His eyes widened realizing the cloth had protruded from the being, and had slowly began wrapping around his leg. Arman cursed in confusion as another cloth protruded from the being and wrapped itself to his wrist.

"Selfish mortal. You ignored our warnings. You released Apophis, the being of destruction. The end of your civilization will be your fault."  The being spoke again, his voice even louder than before. The binding cloth had began ripping apart Arman's clothes as it continued to wrap around him. Arman reached for his what was left of his belt and pulled out a knife. "Screw you!" he yelled out as he tried to cut the cloth, but to no avail, as it appears every cut magically remedied itself.

"I am Warmir. As your punishment, you will become my Vessel. You will become Warmir's Avatar. You will return Apophis to Heliopolis."

The next thing Arman was able to reach for was a gun, as he began aimlessly shooting at the glowing being. "I don't know what the hell you're talking about you weird f-" before Arman could finish his sentence, the binding cloth had wrapped itself around his mouth, making him unable to speak, and soon had blinded him as well. Before he knew it, he was completely covered by the binding cloth, his hands and feet bound across the tombs. He tried to yell out "Mmf-!" but could not. He began thinking he was dying, and this was a weird hallucination his mind fabricated in his last moments, so after struggling for a few minutes he had finally given up and stopped moving. Shortly after, the ground stopped shaking, and the debris stopped falling.

Arman laid there for a few moments, taking in the silence. He started to consider he might have been mummified. He was startled when suddenly the wraps unraveled around his head fingers and toes. The binds on his hands and feet released, allowing him to sit up in confusion. The glowing being was gone, all that was left were his ripped apart clothes, and a single flashlight lighting the room. It took him a moment to realize what he was now wearing, a ritualistic attire of sorts above the binding cloth attached to his body. Spooked, he didn't spend too much time thinking about it before getting up and running away, finding it difficult with his bare feet clashing against the hard debris on the ground.

Little did he know, he was escaping nothing, as Warmir had already attached himself to him.

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Head of Warmir
Arman Hakimi OLQFOSc

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Arman Hakimi Empty Re: Arman Hakimi

Post by inquisitor April 13th 2022, 1:02 am

Approved and moved.
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Quote : Fellas, you can walk out of here on your own two legs, or the EMTs can wheel you out on stretchers. Make the right choice. -Gavin Clough

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