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Amelia Pond

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Amelia Pond Empty Amelia Pond

Post by Amelia Pond April 10th 2022, 12:53 pm

Amelia Pond

"Sometimes I think I'm crazy, then realize the world itself is absolutely mad. Guess that makes me normal than."

The Bio

Real Name:Amelia Everest Pond
Renegade Name: Switch
Title: N/A
Alignment: Neutral
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Light green
Height: 5'2
Weight:121 pounds
Blood type: Negative 0

The Looks

The Personality

Amelia is a very feisty, brave, clever and warm-hearted young lady with a sharp wit and a thirst for adventure.  she is somewhat reserved , careful not to reveal her true feelings easily. Amelia can be quite cautious at first and can even be a bit flirtatious. Amelia most prominent trait is her lack of selfishness, despite not being a hero she often has a need to help or save someone in need when she can that goes hand to hand with her compassionate and caring side.  
The Story

Amelia Pond, born in England United Kingdom to a redhead scottish father named Arnie Pond and a blond women named Fiora Pond. Her youth, or rather the part from elementary to middle school were quite normal. She was born, grew up, learn the classic things any young child would growing up from her parents until she was proper age to go to school, began going to school most of the week as if it was a day job, the usual childhood memories.

However her last year of middle school, was what would change her forever. Amelia had convinced her parents to let her go on some exotic public school field trip out of country, there destination was a tomb that had been cleared out and was safe for public tourist. Young and a bit rebellious at that age, her and the friends she made ran off and broke the field trip rules to wonder, Amelia taking pictures and poses until she accidentally broke something.

Upon the breaking item the tomb rumbled loudly almost like a earthquake but Amelia felt a calm sense as the world around her was still and a voice came into her head, speaking to her, the talk felt like days maybe despite being in a span of a few seconds. She had passed out and when she awoke she felt distinctly different.

Her life after that was turned upside down, over the course of a year she found out that she was much tougher than any regular human, she always could sense where her parents where, how many people and insects were in the classroom with her, and probably the coolest thing of them all, the ability to manipulate her own density as she learned in science class, totally smashing!

So what was a girl to do growing up with such amazing gifts? Learn how to use it for good, yeah? Too many heroes though and she was a free spirit, she would do good, and sometimes she would do for herself, a girls got to look out for number one, yeah? So upon entering highschool she choose a career in science and archelogy, and took up martial arts to train her body,  eventually graduating and choosing to further her education while getting better at marital arts, picking up using twin Kusarigama . She was still in college but her classes were only a few days a week and if she missed any she could just make it up o her own time, life was rocking!

The Powers

Density Manipulation: Amelia can change her own density at will down to zero or up to fifty tons, in addition to this she can also effect two other objects by using her left or right hand.

Enchanted Durability: When the subject of Amelia body is concerned some have said it feels tougher than still despite being normal, in a way it is. Amelia skin and bones are much tougher naturally to withstand the changes in her own density

Presence Detection: Amelia can sense the presence of  different races in either physical or energy being state around her up to a certain radius, this includes the amount/size of it and whether it is hidden and/or guarded. Although she can detect said presences, she cannot tell the exact location and only a general direction.
The Weaknesses

Can only affect herself and two other objects at most.
Can only shift up and down from 0 to 50 tons(100,000 pounds)
Can be killed with considerable effort(A tank shot or a anti material rifle would be able to damage or pierce her skin)
Can sense only physical and energy beings, everything else she cannot. Can only sense of to a twenty mile radius
No Pin-point detection
The Items

The Minions

The Fluff

The RP Sample

"Oh my god mom, you worry too much, college is going just fine, i'm keeping up, taking notes and studying, the whole nine yards." Amelia said to her mother as she pushed her left shoulder to her ear with the phone in between as she wrote notes into her study book quite literally that very moment.

That was until she heard a crash at her window only to some men wearing a super hero suit crash into her room breaking the wall, "Hey mom I gotta call you back.." Amelia said, "Yeah, love ya lots mom, bye now." Amelia said immediately hanging up as her mom was still talking. A shadowy figure appearing out from a dust cloud, it's skin similiar to rock as it turned towards her, in it's mouth some type of beam that looked to be charging.

"Shit!" Amelia said as she put up a cross block, her density shifting to about five hundred pounds as she pushed her weight down allowing her to bunker down through the blast protected. "Get out of my room!" Amelia yelled in earnest anger, they just freaking destroyed her wall and now attacked her.

Application created by Chellizard | This code is open-source and available for free use.

Amelia Pond
Amelia Pond

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 4
Registration date : 2022-04-10

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Amelia Pond Empty Re: Amelia Pond

Post by inquisitor April 12th 2022, 7:11 pm

Approved and moved.
Forum Moderator
Forum Moderator

Status :

Quote : Fellas, you can walk out of here on your own two legs, or the EMTs can wheel you out on stretchers. Make the right choice. -Gavin Clough

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 160
Location : Being bouyed by the laughter of podlings.
Age : 34
Job : Warbound
Humor : Not child friendly.
Registration date : 2019-03-30

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