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Contest Crowdsect

Post by FantasyBound March 31st 2022, 1:58 am

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Crowdsect 294207_-_jpg2f30d3bd70b34b709e7b5d09b62ded2d


Real Name: Elias Ekkehardt
Renegade Name: Crowdsect
Title: The pest
Alignment: True Neutral
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Race: Modded Human, Nigerian
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Height: 6’ 04”
Weight: 245 lbs.
Blood type: A-


Elias has a build just a bit thinner than what would be considered average, with a very light but incredibly dense muscular system that makes itself most noticeable when he uses them or when someone registers his weight. His ribs are barely visible from his sides before separating into his not exactly impressive abs. His dark eyebrows make it very clear when he is being expressive, and he holds a lot of pride in his ability to grow a bit of facial hair as his youthful and mostly clear skin makes it hard to come across with a matured appearance with the lack of it, although he shaves the majority of it often.
He doesn’t seem to have any physical abnormalities within him other than the incredibly dense internal system with just a quick search, muscle tissue and fluids included.
More obvious physical abnormalities occur when he faces near total physical destruction. That's when things become very bizarre.
Elias holds himself a bit reclusive, when conflict is present he often follows daring acts with some hesitation. His often neutral expression leaves him looking disconnected from the events around him.
Elias’ clothing is more often than not quite stylish for just any casual outing, taking time to look good before going about his day, he also ends up with some extra funds to work with often so he can purchase nicer things to wear when out and about.

Elias has become a stoic from his lifestyle, embodying the concept of always having a choice in any situation, even if the option is simply to succumb to the adversity or to withstand and hold. He has brought this to an emotional level as he doesn’t seem to express much outward as he actually feels, it would take a lot to get him to react, and if he was that would imply he has been broken and will act as such, incredibly loose and lacking any form of control over himself. Being an almost impossible occurrence, once in a blue moon so to speak, most people's impression of him upon first seeing him is either quite serious, busy with something, or depending on what's going around like a tense or exciting situation, complete disconnection from the world around him. All of the above apply, as he is serious about what he does, he is always with a purpose when he does something being incredibly deliberate with any task he is given, and he is disconnected from what is going on around him to further be able to cope with a decision.
He will ignore things that supply more problems than not if thought about, he doesn’t exactly dive into things that he doesn’t have to, keeping to himself if he can but diving into any situation he deems to be exclusively only possible if he intervenes.
Elias is religious, believing it is probably one of the few things keeping him together, as he has figured, the more things that he can use to maintain a strong will at this point, the better.

Fireworks came alight with the intent to kill:

I know how the urban rats lived:

My mother the lioness:

King of nothing - loyal subject lost:

I am the scapegoat, wall and highway:

1. Endurance
2. Agility
3. Strength
4. Reaction

1. Willpower
2. Awareness
3. Intelligence
4. Empathy


Cockroach Man
Elias has several sub-powers that organize under this single category. Granted over time through careful experimentation and metagene supplements from former villainess Dr. Rayandel Ekkehardt, his adoptive mother, he has achieved a level of survivability that when also considering his enhanced condition, makes him one of the most dangerous people alive... Given several decades of passive growth or several years of intensive near-death experiences.

Improved attribute I - Enhanced Strength
Elias' muscle fibers are incredibly dense and seem to be able to generate much more force than they should, which can be attributed to a very limited -tactile-telekinetic field. This allows him the ability to lift and support incredible weight well also applying a lot of force behind his strikes with some bizarre use of subconscious gravikenetics. Elias can bend thin steel sheets like they are made of modeling clay, able to mold it with his hands, his striking force although is a bit less powerful, able to punch through such a structure like strong cardboard, sometimes not even succeeding at breaking the surface. Elias can, well moving, lift a bench with two people sitting on it over his head and maintain a walking pace with his enhanced lifting strength, if immobile though he could support a large pickup truck.

Improved attribute II - Enhanced Speed
Small telekinetic energy influences work around Elias, allowing his body to move with incredible grace and speed. Elias can easily run 25 mph,  although his speed is stuck at about that level unless he sprints in a straight line, able to travel double that speed. He can maintain his regular accuracy even well moving at his normal running speed, every piece of him capable of traveling at that level. This is combined with a slightly beyond peak human level of flexibility, nothing more then what a very well trained human could do though.

Improved attribute III - Enhanced Stamina
Elias' main gimmick is his incredible survivability, his skin acting like a tough carapace, and his internal organs operating in such a manner to prevent him from easily exhausting. Elias could well survive a year without food or water, but doing so is incredibly taxing.  Oxygen is almost non-existent as he can last several days before needing to breathe. His need for sleep is reduced to only minutes every 24 hours, and his ability to work hard is greatly increased, able to maintain a hard sprint for hours before tiring.
His body is incredibly durable as well, most small caliber gunfire won't even break his skin and only leave small cracks over it(he doesn't bruise as easily as he cracks). Bladed weapons are very ineffective, well bludgeoning effects are likely to work just as well. Externally he is very tough, but internally only his bones maintain his high durability.

Improved attribute IV - Enhanced Accuracy
Elias has his senses augmented, plus hair that reacts like telepathic and telekinetic detectors, as long as he has any hair on his head he can accurately tell more about the environment around him. Elias can tell subconsciously if something threatening is moving nearby, allowing him to quickly react and counter out whatever may be the cause of his internal alarm going off. In addition to this Elias has all-around much more enhanced senses, with smell and taste being especially high able to tell separate ingredients in a soup down to the broth and how much was used.

Paranormal gift I - Affliction immunity
Elias was never meant to be hindered by things around him, and with the scientific push breaking past his own limit he is almost certainly unkillable. Elias can survive lacking any organ in his body. Without lungs he seemingly can still breathe, without a stomach he can digest food, and without a brain, he can think. Elias is immune to most common poisons and diseases and attempts to hinder him by damaging his insides prove pointless as it continues to act according to how he wishes. Pain is dulled, but not negated due to this ability.

Paranormal gift II - Regenerative recovery
Elias had this ability given, not originally in his powerset this was grafted on by several other supers with abilities associated with this one. This allows him to surely, but slowly, recover from any damage he may be afflicted with to an incredible degree. His most extreme example was recovering from a hand after a little longer than four months. It's found even abilities meant to counter healing do not work, as it is a near-atomic level of ability to grow back from almost nothing, although at his super sluggish rate.

Paranormal gift III - Phase 1/4
A cockroach has the ability to compress their bodies to make them harder to crush and able to sneak under very hard-to-pass areas. This ability has been so incredibly specified in Elias, he can perform the impossible task of squeezing between the bonds of an object. Although regarding defensive abilities, attempts to phase through attacks are pointless as he just becomes 'softer', but what he can do is resolidify against the surface of an object, making himself and whatever he is in direct contact with(clothing) become bonded to the object. Allowing him to scale walls easily and if given a few seconds, slip through them.

Paranormal gift IV - Replicative growth
Whenever Elias is torn to pieces, at least until a limb is lost, another version of him will grow from that in a couple of days given it has enough food to grow. Afterward, he has an exact replica of himself that has the exact same thought process and memories up to when he was detonated by the bizarre essence.


His eyes are quite sensitive to sudden changes of light, when an effect is meant to blind him it would easily take 1.5x the regular time to recover if it is temporary.

Elias is prone to suffering acidic burns and even paralysis when coming into contact with specific roach based insecticides.

Nearly immortal
Elias requires food to regrow, if he is in such a form that he cannot acquire nutrients then he will surely die.

Only one original
Clones are incapable of regenerating and die shortly after being fatally wounded, and they have a free mind of their own meaning they can be persuaded to work against the original. The slow process of making them means not many are at his own disposal, a larger number being harder to feed, and with how many he may have, probably unable to properly arm and clothe them.

Odd function telepathy
The telepathic nature of his detection from his hair means people immune to psionic abilities will be unable to be detected by Elias.

Samson effect
His hair grows back to its original length rapidly(several days), but when shaved off of his head he loses the ability to use his danger sense from his enhanced accuracy.

Clones are born bald and take a regular amount of time to grow hair, so it is quite easy to spot a clone from the original just by seeing if they are bald or not.
Being bald, clones also often lack the danger sense ability.

Sole protector law
Elias feels required to do anything that may be too dangerous for a normal person, which can be used against him through careful wording.


Very basic clothing, he rarely has enough money for anything much.
He is in possession of a modified bus that he lives in.


Elias is a massive fan of omelats.
I am burnt out.

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 149
Location : Alberta, Canada
Age : 22
Job : Gofer
Humor : Eh, I just make a lot of comments and see which one kicks.
Registration date : 2018-05-07

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