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I hate Sand... Scuttlers

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INV ONLY I hate Sand... Scuttlers

Post by The Nekromonga March 7th 2022, 2:08 am


Of the three metahuman “executives” of Steelheart Industries, the field of physical combat training fell to the lady Sophia Von Claremont. By day a peculiar figure in the scheme of things, for she handled music, culture and arts, not only offering education in the classical European arts and old music masters, but also driving a program of putting native African art and culture on paper. She was slowly picking up native songs, native instruments, and she was personally acquainted with the local art scenes, which conveniently met after dark and on weekends.

On working days, when the sun set though, the army’s drill sergeants and officers attended evening battle school, taught how to fight and how to teach fighting. The basic course was a rigorous education, simple yet effective, and more importantly, easy to disseminate.  The classes were held at night, on excuse of the health issues of intense training during the day. In truth the sun was her enemy, and she was a nocturnal creature.

At Argonath’s recommendation Alexis attended the grunt training alongside seasoned veterans and fresh, young officers alike, building up upper body strength, cardiovascular endurance, and their hand-to-hand skills. The previous regime only needed them to fire into crowds or those condemned to death by firing squad, and march in parade formation.  Sophia supplemented the lessons with an appreciation for history, explaining how warfare had evolved from the Roman legions to the eastern roman empire, to the rise of knighthood in France and Britain, to the Renaissance, to World War 1 and 2 and modern combat theory. How the spear and sword transformed into the firearm, side arm and bayonet. How a determined combatant with a blade could kill an unprepared rifleman if they got within 10 feet or less. If it was teaching baking, it was like explaining what each ingredient did to the cake, and the personal history of each ingredient.

"You see this, the parallels between the warriors of Zulu and the Roman Legionary? They knew you didn't need much force to kill someone. just put steel inside a human body, you're done, next victim. Of course, you can chalk up my bias for the legionaries..."

The basic course’s first week was the use of the short spear and its descendant the bayonet, in conjunction with less elegant stomp kicks, headbutts, and other “unchivalrous” tactics, but it served the most basic need of any soldier – survival. Nagoyo’s regime had taught his army to terrorize unarmed, frightened civilians. Sophia was teaching them to overcome enemies willing and able to kill them, including defense against ambushes, such as a cutthroat who attempted to take you from behind.
The training bolt action rifles were heavy things, iron while having a lead core, and a blunt lead rod where a bayonet should be. Normal humans would find them tiresome things, but once they switched back to lighter weapons, the strength and muscle memory would be appreciated. Sophia went from gentle music teacher to master woman at arms, incorporating much of her German swordsmanship jargon into training, demonstrating Mordhau against standing, kneeling or prone targets with little risk for retaliation.

And the sparring. Sophia was rigorous with sparring. The last half hour of every evening, everyone got onto the sand, no exceptions. Training rifles were replaced with padded staves, and the thick, heavy padded breastplates and full helms made even strong blows feel negligible, allowing trainees to put strength in their blows without fear of harm or harming others. It also emphasized the mechanics of controlling a fight with leverage and timing, not merely hitting them. The night time, the helmet’s obscured vision, the uneven sandy ground, it all developed a fighting instinct, struggling as much with one’s other senses as sight. And above all else, building a warrior’s confidence. There were no rounds, no timers; a fight only ended when the killing dagger was drawn, and delivered to the weak spot – so even when downed and out for the count, victory could still be snatched from the jaws of defeat. One minute to breath, then fight again. While it was true the world had monsters, metahumans, dragons, vampires, and gods, a vast majority of the army’s enemy would still be humans or metahumans at human level.

After the class ends around 9pm, Sophia approached Alexis. "Sage is hosting a dinner at her faaabulous new estate tomorrow night. She said she had something interesting for you, specifically. Shall we join them?"

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
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Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

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INV ONLY Re: I hate Sand... Scuttlers

Post by elephantlord March 7th 2022, 10:14 pm


That was what the training was for Alexis.  She suffered so that she might atone for the great sins she had committed.  Oh, they were not major infractions, at least to an outside observer.

Caring Too Much for a Friend.
Trying to Be Everyone to Everybody.
Thinking that a 60 Year Old Wasn't a Demonic War God.

Small things, really.  For Alexis, though, all she felt was blind. Of course, Argus Black wasn't a baseline.  He practically wrote it on the job application. That he was secretly an asskicker  - no, the asskicker who all other asskickers aspire to be - filled her with a deep shame.  

So, in order lessen it, Alexis threw herself at the physical training like a zealot after a contrary opinion.  Alex was the first one there and the last one to leave.  She kept volunteering for the sparring ring, attacking her opponents with a single minded ferocity.  And, when it became to easy, she demanded two people enter the ring with her.  Then three.  She demanded they beat her, hit her, stab her with their daggers.  Anything to get rid of it.


It burned in her, like a hot coal.  It destroyed her entire sense of herself.  She had forced Argonath to reveal himself; to cast away the veil of secrecy and expose himself.  Now he was that less safe, because she had decided to treat Niao as a tiny, helpless thing rather than the draconic sorceress she was.  

Every blow to her gut was absolution,  Every kick to her knee was forgiveness.  She would make herself better.  Give herself over to war and violence and hot blood. Destroy what parts of herself that were soft or meek and not be a liability.  

To stop being worthless.

That was how Alexis felt.  That was what kept her up as torn skin and bruised ribs healed.  It almost happened again.  It had almost happened a-fucking-gain.  It didn't matter that Mr. Black had been fine and Dabs and Niao had been in no danger.

It had happened again.  There was no 'almost' for Alexis.  In that moment when the Lionmen leapt through the window and they shrugged off her bullet's and laughed at her, she had felt powerless.

What was it worth being able to raise up an enterprise or business when men with weapons could come in and destroy everything?  What good was Adjunct if people could simply do whatever they wished without regard?  When they come and take everything?

It was not healthy emotional response by any measure.  Yet, it did have an effect.  The weeks of fighting and physical exertion had an effect.  Alexis went through something of a second puberty.  Already a healthy and fit young woman of median height, she grew a full six inches and put on at least 70 pounds of muscle.  Alexis looked downright Amazonian of late.  

When Sophia had approached Alexis, she had been preparing to go back into the gym. Her body rippled with new muscle. She glanced up at Sophia and gave her a faint smile. "Sure. I plan to work out most of tomorrow anyway. I'll grab a shower and meet you there an hour beforehand?"
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Registration date : 2022-01-18

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INV ONLY Re: I hate Sand... Scuttlers

Post by The Nekromonga March 8th 2022, 1:49 am

Weekends. Ah, weekends. It was a day to rest, recover, and prepare for the week ahead. It was also a day for opportunities for Sophia to go and have some adventures, as the vampire often missed daytime events and worked when others slept. So it was a sign of adventure that she had enlisted Steven of all people, driving a large cargo truck, to pick up Alexis.

Sage’s home was located near the Solar Tower ‘city’, as the future infrastructure covered distances that necessitated monorails. For now, five of the planned 10 earthen towers were already up, and all but one was devoid of internal mechanisms. What had started as Sage’s burgeoning self-built factory camp, slowly expanded into her personal abode, a mansion seemingly ripped from the history pages of China. Walls made of some eerily smooth, dry clay that was unyielding of stone. All the walls were angular, 75 degrees, meaning it was wider at the base than at the top. Circular Watch towers jutted out of the walls at regular intervals, allowing guards to cover more that a rectangular tower would. The wall was being prepared to take white planting tubes to start hydroponic gardens, and once it was in full bloom it would be a wall of green. The solar city though, was too large to be walled, so its perimeter was demarcated by vastly spaced-out outposts and an elevated perimeter road instead.

The compound actually had guards now, in Sage’s green and gold trim uniforms. They shine the spotlight on the truck, seeing the lady in the back.

“It is the lady, Sophia Von Claremont, and miss Alexis Lovelace. Open up.” They called out, and the gates opened. What was most surprising that, once inside, past the decorated metal gates, a man was running in a giant hamster wheel, and by switching the other way, the massive gate would be closed again. Suddenly it wouldn’t seem out of place if someday Sage had thousands of people in work gangs moving giant blocks, whipped by overseers, building the pyramids.

It was becoming an impressive compound by now, a large avenue meticulously planned to accommodate massive amounts of laborers, their living quarters, and food to keep them going. It was the weekend though, and it was an eerily empty causeway. Sage’s own dwelling was separated from the work avenue by a wide, deep and dry moat and a bridge, the beginnings of a garden materializing outside the great double doors that led to her place. Sage was also the least shy about having servants, employing a massive support staff. Like, a certain other elementally themed princess. But on Sundays there was only a smaller Sunday crew, several male and female cooks and laborers imported from China, who made supper for the ladies that turned the wheels of Steelheart Industries.

Steven drove the shipping truck around the back of the compound somewhere. “I am underdressed I think.” Sophia said, her shape changing power allowing her to alter her casual Sunday white dress into a European officer garb, complete with gloves, tied back blonde hair and complete with the Claremont falcon crest.

Niao’s staff led her guests through the manor, which alternated between high, narrow arched hallways and large empty rooms. The clay walls and warm light gave the place a homey cave vibe. Large piles of window frames, windows, furniture, lamps, electrical wiring and pipes still in their packaging lay about in each room and each hallway. They passed by a grand but plain receiving area with an impressive staircase, the ceiling of the grand hall having four large chandeliers.

“My, my, it seems our little scholar has a taste for the finer things in life.” Sophia said admiring the interiors thus far.

They were led upstairs past a burgeoning trophy lined hall with a high ceiling, where the Hybrid Wasp Queen Vespania’s gold preserved body was hung from the ceiling with steel cables. Flanking her were several of her hybrid warriors, their wings now gossamer metalwork. In one glass case, a warrior stood with their strange, rifle like stinger weapon. For Sage, it wasn’t merely enough they overcame this enemy; now they would be utterly humiliated, preserved like macabre trophies as a reminder that, the dragon sage was not someone who suffered her enemies’ existence. Trophies to commemorate their victory. That she used heavy metal poisons to accelerate their post-demise preservation gave insight to how thoroughly Sage planned her vengeance.

Sophia looked upon the trophies with a mixture awe and trepidation. “These are… were… your enemies in Boston?” She asked, admiring the statues like one admired works of art. “Now I see the extent of getting on her bad side. Like hunting trophies.”

After what seemed like the longest walk ever, they finally came to Sage’s actual living area, a long private wing with a smaller kitchen, long dining hall that connected to a balcony that overlooked a garden under construction, and her private study, and quarters beyond that. They were seated here in the dining hall, the long table’s one end filled with open notes and musty old tomes, not to mention open bottles of expensive liquor, and even a tray of tobacco, and a lit pipe. It seemed not only Alexis had taken the Boston expedition poorly.

A ring of purple energy on the balcony announced the arrival of the witch and the dragon sage. Dabbler wasn't her usual talkative self, instead, had this focused, energetic light in her eye. That meant a new undertaking that had her current attention, her devious mind piecing together a solution. Sage though, wore her hair messily, and her face a bit tired and sullen.

“Ah, Sophia, Alexis, just in time for dinner. Please sit.” Sage said rather tiredly, inviting them to sit at the long table. There was plenty room enough. She gestured for some staff to being serving supper.

“You look unwell, Sage. You and frau Lovelace both.” Sophia just said it out loud, pulling out a chair for Alexis before being seated in her own.

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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INV ONLY Re: I hate Sand... Scuttlers

Post by elephantlord March 9th 2022, 6:21 pm

"I haven't been sleeping well," Alexis said in response to Sophia's question. And that was certainly an understatement. She had a series of nightmares regarding her treatment at the hands of the wasp mutants. The slop they had fed them, how she had shivered in the cold dark with Niao, how Noid had lost an arm and screamed in pain. It had made for long, restless nights.

The fact she had been driving herself so hard physically did not help matters either. It had turned her professional, immaculate appearance into a frazzled hourly worker on their sixth month of overtime. Alexis had been running on coffee and self-loathing, which admittedly was not an unfamiliar sensation.

There were red circles around Alexis' bloodshot eyes, and her skin looked a bit stretched over her face. Her lips were cracked - she had expended her Chapstick supply and never bothered renewing it. Her hair was lanky and ill-kept, the undercut buzz on the sides of her head having grown darker from neglect. There were scabs on her knuckles from her fights in the pit, and bruises on her face that had no quite healed.

Even her clothing was at issue. Alexis had prided herself on the sheer breadth and depth of her wardrobe. However, Alex didn't just love clothes, she loved fine clothes. Designer jackets and imported brands from two dozen countries. Egyptian cotton, Corinthian leather, Japanese Denim, Burmese silk... she even had a Vicuña wool sweater if she wanted to flex. Frankly, her entire reason for joining Steelheart might have been their promise to pay a salary that would allow her to feed her all-consuming clothing lust.

Now, though, Alexis was wearing an old, ripped t-shirt and a pair of distressed jeans. It might have looked all right on someone who had made grunge their 'look', but on Alexis it was like seeing a rabbi on a stripper pole.

Her posture was different was well. She did not walk with the proud, confident stride of the consummate professional woman, owning all she surveyed. Instead, when Alexis had strode the grounds of the Sage's incredibly impressive compound, she loped around with her gaze held downward. The only reaction had come from when she beheld the gold-encrusted Queen. A globule of spit had struck the otherwise pristine surface of Niao's trophy.

Steven, the person Alexis had first bonded to in this place, had been met with a taciturn silence from the normally chatty person. She only started at the window, rubbing her red and raw hands quietly.

So, 'unwell' was definitely an understatement.

Taking the seat pulled out for her by Sophia, Alexis sat and contemplated the table. She made no conversation or attempts at commentary. People and events buzzed around her like static, and she reacted to none of it.
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 106
Location : Phoenix, Arizona
Job : Pharmacy stuff
Registration date : 2022-01-18

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INV ONLY Re: I hate Sand... Scuttlers

Post by The Nekromonga March 9th 2022, 7:44 pm

Sophia tapped her fingers on the table, the hardened points making a distinct tapping sound. Once Sage went for another glass of bourbon, Sophia deigned to reach over- really, stretching across two chairs – to take it away and hand it to the staff. “Zhi Ni? Would you be a dear and please serve supper right away. And Ju Li, please, clear the table.” Sophia was affable and recognized the servants by name, whom appreciated her courtesy. Ironically, this was because Sophia had been well fed on sapient blood as of late.

A strong, aromatic herbal soup was place before Alexis, one containing a mixture of beneficial ingredients to lighten one’s mood. An assortment of dishes- dim sum, steamed fish, rice, beef noodle soup were prepared. Sophia coughed. “Please, try the soup, Frau.” She addressed Alexis.

Sophia of course, simply had her own special dish prepared, though concealed as pork blood soup. “Anyway. I would like to have had informed you ahead of time of our extracurricular activity tonight, but I think that would defeat the essence of it. A cathartic activity, a hunt…”

Dabbler held up a sketchpad to Alexis, with crude drawings of no-so-little crab things with those uwu faces. “IT’s a QUEEEST! We’re going to a TEMPLE! We’re gonna hunt little crab things!”

Once Sage had her soup, she lightened up considerably. “It is a place that my father subjected me and my siblings to in our younger years. But I will give you the benefit of preparation, and the option to decline. We are going to … a very faraway place, it will be very cold, dark but not pitch black, and the atmosphere thin, like on top of a very high mountain. The sun will never rise where we go. You will be armed, with an armed escort including Sophia, exploring a long-abandoned temple which contains materials beneficial to our next project. And creatures, hostile and hungry for living prey. But they can be dealt with using conventional firearms.”

Dabbler had that ever-present gleam of excitement translating into another proclamation. “TO CRABTOPIA!”

“A cold world of perpetual night, filled with monsters? Darling, I vant an apartment there!” Sophia joked, letting out hearty matron’s laughter, then drinking her... ‘soup’ with a soup spoon.

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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INV ONLY Re: I hate Sand... Scuttlers

Post by elephantlord March 9th 2022, 10:10 pm

This should have been what made Alexis' happiest in this life.  She had bonded with these women, in ways that had nothing to do with her power, and their company and warmth should give her cheer.  Instead, she felt like her heart was a heavy stone.  

Even when Dabs showed Alexis the cartoonish drawing, with the silly crabs and their silly faces, she could only barely smile at it.  She felt a few strands of their Bond snap at her lackluster response.  The way she had been before this malaise settled over her, she would have taken the drawing from her and added little flourishes to it.  Dabbler standing over one and cackling with a ray-gun that shot rainbows, the crabs cowering in fear.  Dabs was insane, Alex knew, but their bond let her be swept up in the gleeful gayety of her madness.  The bond was making Alexis into her eternal playmate, someone to facilitate what the madwoman wanted in the moment.

Sophie was there, too, trying to handle the dinner with her typical easy grace.  The woman who she prevented herself reaching out to; the distance she kept.  Alexis had looked into why she never saw the tall woman out during the day, why she was such a natural shape changer.  She had found (and purged) video evidence of her feedings more than once.  Every time the Bond tried to form with Sophie, she slapped it down quickly.  Sophie was intelligent and charismatic and intoxicating.  Alexis was a bug.  She could see that now.

And now, lonely Niao, with her tyrannical need to set the world in a certain order.  Her sister of the heart, who had sent thousands to their death to meet an emperor's deadline.  That sounded so familiar to Alexis it hurt her heart.  A heart which, even now, was causing profound and lasting changes to her.  A heart which understood the reasons why Niao did what she did.  A heart which could care about her despite her many atrocities.  

Alexis knew that each one of them would leave her behind.  Unlike her last company and her dead family, Alexis didn't need to protect or serve these women.  She was the unworthy one here; unfit to be in their company.  Alexis was just an Adjunct to them, a leech borrowing their power and time.  And she would fail them, too.  

With a force of will, Alexis let out a slow breath.  She gave her cheek a light slap, then forced a smile at Niao.  "I would love to come," Alexis said.  She had no idea what was being talked about, only that it involved crabs, and that it would be dark and cold.  Her computer had a recording.  She would consult it later... if it mattered.
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 106
Location : Phoenix, Arizona
Job : Pharmacy stuff
Registration date : 2022-01-18

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INV ONLY Re: I hate Sand... Scuttlers

Post by The Nekromonga March 10th 2022, 2:22 am


The large courtyard was empty for a reason- a magical circle had been drawn up, in dried blood no less. It soaked into the specially prepared ground so it would not smudge when stepped on. Dabbler’s handiwork and the reason she had been excited, well, more excited than usual. A long table was set up, where Steven had brought in some beautiful works of military art – Benelli M4 semi-automatic shotguns were prepared, along mountains of solid steel slug shot, and ammo belts and racks for the shotgun shells. Steven, a man of culture, demonstrates proper shotgun handling and reloading, the bolt slamming back with a satisfying click. There were also some CBRN kits, the precious few the armed forces had. There were also thick winter coats, out of place for the region but not for their destination tonight.

Samantha had to suit up of course, to keep up appearances. She needed no weapons but took a dagger anyway. Same with Niao, who switches to her black robes and took her special grip less blade which she controlled telekinetically. Sophia took up a heavy officer’s saber, a custom order that would let her utilize her strength to the fullest.

Also at the courtyard, Alexis’s entourage awaited. Two middle aged, and one younger gentleman arrived in full military gear, and surprisingly even had CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear) “Sergeant Abraham Hassan, Sergeant Isaac Omar, Lieutenant Jacob Noor. Some of my best pupils. They were trained in anti-insurgency during the democratic years, and managed to keep their jobs in the army. Today, they’ve signed up for… extra hazard salary.” Sophia introduced, hoping Alexis would buck up with her classmates.

“Allo again.”

“Good evening, Frau Alexis, Sophia, Niao and Samantha.”

“Abe, Sack and Jake. Wonderful. And not a red shirt in sight.” Dabbler turns toward Sophia in her red uniform and expressed her dismay. “Sophia! No red shirts!”

Steven had also brought in the big truck, backing it up to fill the entire magical circle. He then retrieved a big crate and produced five handgun cases, all marked with the logo of a South African arms manufacturer. He gave three to the veterans present, and one each to Sophia and Alexis. “For you madame. Boar killer. Boom.” He opened it and showed the weapon inside, a Taurus .454 Casull revolver handgun. With the impressively large, finger-sized bullets.

“I do not need guns, herr Steven I…” Sophia quickly changes her mind at the sight of the monstrosity. “…I will make an exception for this one! Ah, the modern world is so exciting!” She laughed, smiled and admired the gun. The veterans also quickly get accustomed, practicing fire arm safety and aiming at a solid wall with their new party favors.

“Well. We will depart within the hour. Make your preparations as best you can.” Sage said, most of that time spent was for the veterans to try out their new guns and putting on their masks, double and triple checking their gear. Sage went inside and came back with... shopping carts.


Once the hour was up Dabbler worked her magic. She intoned arcane language at a rapid pace, like Eminem’s rap god. The magical circle began to glow and power up, and in a flash of energy, the warm African night was replaced with an entirely different, alien sky, and a bone chilling air.
They, along with Steven’s truck were in the long causeway leading up to a massive ziggurat-like temple complex. The causeway was lined with damaged statues of snake people with spears. The veteran escort began standard procedure in a dark area and began deploying flare sticks all around, bathing the ground in a pale-yellow light.

“The last civilized peoples of this world… well, after they conquered all their enemies, they began to turn on each other. Then disaster followed. They blew up their own moon and sent the fragments crashing down and… well. You can see for yourself. The planetary rotation stopped, and now, you have sides of eternal sun and eternal night. Thanks to them.” Sage pointed to the statues at the entrance ramp of the temple – a pair of snake people, with serpentine lower bodies and humanoid torsos, culminating in hooded heads. As they did not walk, so they built their temples with steep ramps instead, a hefty 60-degree slope.

“A dried-out sea bed… entirely made of salt. Wonderful.” Sophia looked out at the white sand that expanded as far as the eye could see into the night zone. It was cold enough here at the edge of the twilight zone, it was very much more frigid out there. Thankfully, the temple was their only concern.

“So, zis is our hunting ground?” Sophia confirmed, looking at the massive temple. It was the size of a small city, no doubt.

“Yes. Feel free to have the run of the place – this is where the many legged crabs have nested, so you’ll encounter only eggs, hatchlings and the occasional juvenile feeding on their siblings. The adults hunt near the edge of the day zone, where life flourishes. Take as many bodies as you like. All you need to know is that they flee from light but will aggressively investigate sounds, so your night vision goggles will be best to hunt game.”

“I’m gonna get the high score!” Dabbler said, eager to get started.

“No, your role here is to prepare our circle home. And guard the truck in case… adults… come swinging by.”

“AWWW BUT MOOOM!” Dabbler pouted and crossed her arms.

“And I will seek out the archives. I recall these snake folk having left behind many secrets. Good hunting.” Sage bowed and headed in first, letting the stone floor carry her and her five shopping carts. As she was not here to hunt, she carried a magical lamp to be undisturbed.

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
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INV ONLY Re: I hate Sand... Scuttlers

Post by elephantlord March 10th 2022, 3:55 pm

In the aftermath of the disastrous meeting where Argonath had tipped his hand, Alexis had taken it upon herself to research just what might happen to the exiting King in the event they gave him up to international authorities. At the time, she was reeling from a literally god unveiling himself, being held captive, and had a concussion. Yet, meeting the eyes of the three men was somehow harder. It took a not inconsiderable act of will to give each man a sparce nod. Alex was too professional to let signs of her melancholy manifest in her conduct.

However, it was telling that Alexis did not take immediate charge of the group. Adjunct had a disproportionate sense of responsibility for any organized smattering of people; it caused her to oscillate between people focused busybody to obsessive micromanager at times. Alexis was either a pleasure or a nightmare to work with, and rarely in between.

Instead, this time Alexis just waved for the most senior of the three to take the lead. The pistol vanished into her dimensional storage, and a AK103 appeared in her arms. While she had been fine with the Casull, there was something comforting about a rifle in her arms. She'd probably use the recommended weapon for the actual task, until then she'd take something a bit more versatile.

The world they traveled to fit Alexis' mood. It was cold; colder even in Nebraska where she had grown up. She had a vivid memory of wading through wet snow in order to deliver groceries to her grandmother. She kept koi in a pond out in front of her home but hadn't been able to maintain it after she'd grown ill. The fish had died, and the water stagnated. Alexis remembered the smell of that water; cold and brackish and foul. This place had the same smell about it, even through the filtration offered by the environmental gear.

As Alexis had been trained, she had the stock of her rifle up and against her shoulder the moment the had arrived, sweeping the area for potential threats. Just as well. Even with the improvements she had managed, Alex doubted she could do any heavy lifting from a combat perspective. She resolved to simply stay out of the way and contribute where she could. Alexis had no ambition to kill as many as she could; she felt a strange numbness to the thought.

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INV ONLY Re: I hate Sand... Scuttlers

Post by The Nekromonga March 10th 2022, 7:38 pm

Jacob salutes Alexis and takes point, letting her take the left flank, while the others covered right and rear, Sophia on overwatch to support everyone. Sophia looked about the dead and dark temple, and also on morose Alexis. Whilst there were bones strewn about and a few puddles of fresh organic matter, there were no signs of hostile alien life after a few minutes of exploration. “Hmmm noise. Boys, any suggestions?”

The group started off with stomping their boots, as they began a tactical sweep of the hallways and narrow corridors, covering all sectors including the ceiling. They also dropped a snap light to track their progress. But it seemed to produce no result.

Sophia’s attention was divided between Alexis now apparent poor mood and keeping watch. Thankfully she was able to sprout eyes in certain places, which wouldn’t be easily visible in the dark. “Sigh. Stomping boots. How utterly droll. Left-tenant, how about… a song? Something everyone knows.” Sophia suggested, which catches everyone pleasantly surprised.

“Uh, a song, mein frau? Alright.” Jacob gave it a few moments, before he starts breaking out into song. “You are… my fire.”

The others instantly follow up, taking turns. “The one… desire.” “Believe… when I say.” “I want it that way.”

Altogether! “Ain’t nothing but a heartache!”
Jacob. “Tell me why?”
Altogether! “Ain’t nothing but a mistake.”
Jacob again. “Teeeell me why!”
Altogether! “I never want to hear you say”
Jacob caps it off. “I want it that way…”

Sophia clapped her hands at the performance, muffled as it was by the gas masks. But, still no crabs. “The masks are dampening your beautiful voices mein herrs. Vell I guess it falls to me since my voice is not as handicapped.”

Sophia makes a throat clearing noise, more a mental and psychological habit than actual physical need. She decides to skip to the heartiest refrain of the Austro-Hungarian anthem, repeating it over and over like the uplifting, praise-filled song it was and is. With no mask to muffle her voice, the song carried well on the stone.

Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser,
Unsern guten Kaiser Franz!
Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser,
Unsern guten Kaiser Franz!

The first crab appeared finally, appearing from a corner. It was a monstrous thing for sure, but it was an animal, only slightly exceeding a wild boar in stature and physicality, and not much faster even with its numerous legs. “Contact!” Jacob called out, and the three soldiers immediately lay into it with the solid slugs. The steel rounds punch its immature shell open, and subsequent rounds pulverize the flesh within.

“First kill confirmed.”

Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser,
Unsern guten Kaiser Franz,
Hoch als Herrscher, hoch als Weiser,
Steht er in des Ruhmes Glanz;

Three more crabs emerged immediately from the left flank, quite a distance away.

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
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Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

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Location : Philippines
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Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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INV ONLY Re: I hate Sand... Scuttlers

Post by elephantlord March 11th 2022, 11:01 pm

Outwardly, the following things happened:

The weapon Alexis was holding was immediately switched out her assault rifle with a long bore anti-material gun with a sighting scope.  The entire thing was overkill, but Alex seemed to prefer that when she thought people's lives were on the line.  She immediately hit the ground and unfolded the stock.  She took aim and immediately fired.  

A round the diameter of a silver dollar splattered the aggressive crustation like a particularly ripe melon.  Alexis cleared the chamber with a quick pull and summoned another round directly into the weapon.  She immediately fired, causing the second to splatter.  Finally, the third met a similar fate.  

The entire feat took about 4 seconds, give or take.

Alexis rose and banished her weapon, then ran a hand down to brush off the ice cold sand that had stuck to her suit.  She looked to the others briefly, before gesturing them to lead on.


There were three crabs coming.  Shit, it was in her quadrant.  Alexis immediately slowed down her perception of time.  It did little to help her panic.

The computer registered that at their current rate of speed, the crabs would arrive in 23 seconds (2 minutes, 50 seconds dilated time).  The crustations could certainly move.   She had always thought of crabs as slow things, barely able to survive but for their aggression and tough shells.  

Alexis decided to toss her preconceptions to the wind and not take any chances.  What if those things could hurt Alexis or one of the soldiers?  She imagined it snipping off Jacob's leg and carting it away like some macabre trophy

Decision made, Alexis called up her new streamlined inventory manifest.  She had restructured the entire thing based on situational need rather than just having a giant dumping ground of information she needed to constantly sort through.  Even in dilated time, every second mattered.

...>Durable Opponent
...-> Ranged
...--> High Damage
...---> Singular/Few Opposition
...---- Items in Storage:
...---- Zastava M93 Black arrow: Anti-Material Rifle - #2 (300 Rounds)
...---- Barrett M8: Sniper Rifle: #5 - (300 Rounds)
...---- RPG-28: Rocket-Propelled Grenade - #4 (20 Rounds)
...---- FIM-92 Stinger: Anti-Air Rocket - #4 (4 rounds)

Many of the luxuries that Alexis had used to take pride in bringing everywhere had been replaced with a manifest that looked like it belonged to a division of the French Foreign legion.  Every time she even thought of placing something so decedent as a parfait or a box of chocolates in there, her mind would flash back to Noid's arm hitting the floor or the Hive Queen rearing up before them and how she wished she had something stronger.  Alex dwelt in a world of gods and monsters now, and her normal precautions just were not good enough.

Alexis dematerialized her inadequate weapon and summoned the anti-material rifle in it's place.  She dropped to the ground, using the 10 or so seconds before she impacted to resolve a firing solution on each of the oncoming creatures.  

Alex felt the impact distantly, the pain feeling long and dull rather than quick and sharp.  She chambered the bullet, sighted, and spent a full 10 seconds in dilated time to triple check the firing solution.  The familiar green outline of the computer assist caused her to align the barrel to the optimal target.  She squeezed the trigger.

The splatter of crustation body filled her with little satisfaction.  Indeed, even the two quick follow ups made her doubt herself.  She had taken so long to react to the threat.  What if someone with Argonath's speed had come at them?  Or worse, faster than him?  How could she protect him?  Or Dabs?  Or Sophie?  Or Niao?

The barrel steamed smoke in a slow dance as Alexis rose back to her feet, dusting off the front of her suit in slow motion.  The world sped up again and she looked at the others, though managed to keep the shame off her face.

For the first time, Alexis began to wonder if she needed professional therapy.  She had just aimed and fired a rifle half her body mass faster than was possible for most humans to aim with a normal weapon.  What was wrong with her?
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INV ONLY Re: I hate Sand... Scuttlers

Post by The Nekromonga March 12th 2022, 8:34 pm


The veterans reacted as best as one could expect of trained professional soldiers, though Alexis had already begun demolishing the crabs as they lined up their own shots. Once the smoke cleared and no threat was forthcoming, they went to investigate. The anti-tank rounds had pulverized their entire bodies, leaving only their meaty claws to be salvage.

“A bit overkill, mahm. Looks like we’ll only be able to salvage their claws.” Sergeant Abe said, while Isaac kept his gun ready. They retrieve the claws and bring them over to the body carts.

“Haha! Good shot, Frau! A bit overkill I must say. But you are becoming a capable marksman… Freischutz! Hmmm…” Sophia continues her merry singing, this time opting for some Weber, his song ‘O diese sohn’ Specifically, the closing portion of that song.

Mein Sohn, nur Mut
Wer Gott Vertraut baut gut
Jetzt auf, in Bergen und klufen
Tobt morgen der freudige krieg…

A Crab was sneakily creeping out of a yet undetected hole in the wall, trying to snap at their legs. But this one was Sophia’s prey. She took her long barreled revolver and blasted away with precision, emptying it in excitement, and pulverizing the crab. She does not relent on the Weber, this time offering a translation. “Ze game in meadows and pastures, the bird of prey in clouds and breezes, is ours, and ours the victory!” she said laughing, enjoying the mighty recoil of the human weapon.

The veterans reacted best they could but realized Sophia already dealt with it. Two shots were enough, but six casull rounds had achieved messy results. They peeked in through the hole in the wall, seeing a cluster of pale-yellow spheres stacked together in some arrangement. The wall was actually a ruined pile of rocks, likely used as camouflage by the parent crab. “Egg chamber mahm... Fifteen, maybe twenty.”

“Interesting. Let’s open it up.” She then turned to Alexis, seeing her still at great unease. “How are you holding up, Freischutz?”


Sage’s solo walk in the temple brought nostalgic memories. They had walked down this hallway all that… time… a long time ago. It was difficult to keep track of time when father was a time sage, and kept his children in different time streams to ensure they grew up at a relatively even pace. Except, back then, this tropical temple by the sea was filled with life and activity. The sun shone brightly, local fishermen caught the large crabs as delicacies to be sold, and the moon would appear in the sky in the late afternoon.

“How? How could he do that? After all we did! After all I did! I built his stupid wall!” said a much younger Niao, albeit exactly the same size and physical appearance, but younger and rawer in emotions, sobbing and weeping from the events that recently transpired. She accompanied her most illustrious father in his younger adult form.

Lu Feng placed a hand on her shoulder to ease her sobbing. “Huangdi may be the emperor, but he was still a mortal human, and was a superstitious creature. The members of his court who did have actual magic were forewarned…” He starts to explain, though he meandered through words before getting to the point, and being interrupted for it.

“Some of them weren’t quacks. Some were making actual breakthroughs. Father, please, Why don’t you travel back in time, prevent it?!” Niao asked rather feverishly.

“It does not work that way, Niao. If your time is up, your time is up, even when you try to change the how. I travel through time to observe and study, not to intervene.” He says again, and before Sage could go into another tirade, they were met by a third figure in jade green and gold robes, a woman, whose features were similar to Niao albeit taller, older and more mature, with a longer mane of hair.

Unlike the soon-to-be-stoic little Sage, Tia was open and expressive, embracing her family as she welcomed them. “Father. Little sister! Oh, why are you crying, little one?” Tia bent down slightly to meet her sister eye to eye. It was somewhat patronizing to her size, but Tia’s presence was warm and welcome nonetheless.

“Niao is upset because the human we put on the throne buried all her classmates and friends alive while she was away working on a project. I figure the air and the reptile people and the books will do some good. Well, you two get along, I need to go back to earth and get the twins.” The Time Sage leaves by one door, leaving the two sisters by themselves. They continue walking down the hall, the robed snake priests slithering past, respectfully bowing as they met the dragons.

“Aww. Cheer up little Niao. See? here we are worshiped like avatars of their gods.” Tia said with a rather inflated delight at their posture.

“That’s… but we are… builders, never rulers.” Niao echoes the family motto.

“I mean. Once I fought off a sea monster as a Dragon, they all changed their tune… Anyway. Take a break from empire building, little sister. You’ll love the library I have set up. I brought copies of the clockwork manuals, to build the borers that will help bring peace and prosperity to this world…” Tia leads Sage in through the library’s great iron doors.


Sage’s thoughts snap back to the present when she felt the edge of the library through the stones, having passed by the door a minute ago. Thankfully the chamber was much larger and recognizable. She doubles back, and realized she had missed the entrance, as the great doors had since rusted away, leaving the library exposed. She brings her shopping carts with her, beginning to explore the metal volumes for what she needed. Encased as they were in titanium, the books fared much better than the door itself.

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
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Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

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Location : Philippines
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Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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INV ONLY Re: I hate Sand... Scuttlers

Post by elephantlord March 14th 2022, 6:43 pm

How are you holding up? Alexis was a wreck.  She was beating herself up for wasting valuable resources.  Though she had prevented any of the crabs from getting close, she had been overzealous.  Now they would have no crabs... which was a bit of a mystery to Alexis, frankly.  She could understand why Niao was here, but Adjunct didn't quite understand why her presence was necessary.  Unless they planned a gigantic clambake for the employees of Steelheart, this felt like a waste of resources.  

Which of course only made Alexis doubt her judgement even further.  She knew she was in an emotional down spiral, but there was a difference between understanding that and being able to do anything about it.  Alex had a therapist back in New York she had seen after her last employer was... terminated.  It had helped, but ultimately, she decided therapy wasn't for her.  It was such a time waster, she had thought.  

Upon reflection, Alexis realized the strange alchemy of conversation and having a knowledgeable, sympathetic professional walk you through your pain was desirable.  Almost without realizing it, she began to long for someone to really talk to.  The other 'executives' were straight out for various reasons.  After all, Alexis was enough of a burden on them already.

"I'm fine," Alexis lied.  "Haven't been sleeping well."

She felt like a stranger in her own flesh.  Normally, Alexis would have gossiped and made small talk and asked after Sophie and her health.  Now, it was difficult to even get out a few scant words of conversation.  

Alex hated this.  She hated feeling this way.  It was such a contradiction to the way she normally was.  Alexis Ada Lovelace did not standby and let the world simply happen to her.  She grabbed that bitch by the horns and wrestled it to the ground and told her how she wanted her cinnamon verde latte.  Alexis Ada Lovelace was a Type A personality with Rabies.  Who the hell was this little simpering worm that had grabbed a hold of her head and made her into this?

Something moved in the corner of her vision.  Alexis immediately jumped and aimed her rifle in that direction.  Nothing.  It had been... nothing.  The crabs were nothing if not obvious.  What did those things eat, anyway?  

Alexis lowered her rifle and rung out her shaking hands.  She shook her head, closing her eyes a moment.  The bodies of a hundred people cored out by Wasp larvae rose to greet her.  She immediately opened her eyes again, but the nausea in her gut stayed with her.
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INV ONLY Re: I hate Sand... Scuttlers

Post by The Nekromonga March 15th 2022, 11:27 am

“Well then, let’s get this wall out of the way. Sage wanted eggs and body parts. And something else called… Bore worms.” the men were using machetes to salvage the big claws, and throwing them into a nearby cart. Niao perhaps neglected to mention, or wanted to make a surprise of the savory meat of the crabs.

Sophia shook her head in disappointment at Alexis's response. She had seen it many times, and knew it by 'shell shock'. “My dear. I know when a warrior’s heart is burdened. You do not need to carry such a weight by yourself. We are here to listen… Hm. Perhaps we should have a warm herbal bath prepared for our return. Then a vacation somewhere… safer.”

Sophia begins to disassemble the rubble wall, enough so they could enter the egg chamber. The chamber was quite damp, and Sophia picked up one of the eggs, and unsurprisingly found them quite wet and spongy. “Euughhh.” She handed one over to sergeant Abe to take to the shopping cart. That was when some long sinuous shape hiding in the wall suddenly emerged; having eyes in the back of her head allowed Sophia to notice and react the egg chamber's wall suddenly give way, avoiding the brunt of the assault, but the worm was still quick.

Rather than have her torso ripped open, the foot-diameter worm opened its toothy, fang filled maw and bit down at Sophia’s arm at the elbow. Since Sophia hadn't hardened herself the beast manages to take it, sending her shooting arm to the floor, spilling some of her black viscous goop. Thankfully it was dark, so no one would be the wiser. “Schlampe!” The beast had done Sophia a great disservice, and her usual composure was broken by base vulgarity, though she did not register pain in her voice- only annoyance.

For the trouble, Sophia draws her saber and chops down; sadly, steel was not much good against the thick, almost stone-like hide, the blow bludgeoning it rather than cutting. Worse, the steel broke from how much strength Sophia used, only scratching the thing. With the broken blade she thrusts into its open maw instead, and finally draws a luminous green blood. The beast fully emerges, its 10-foot long body coils up into a pile in the corner, rearing up to strike again. “Damned creature!” Sophia cursed, not wanting to go all out with her personnel - and Alexis- nearby, so she was reduced to fighting like a swordsman. Meanwhile, the men who were harvesting, heard the commotion, and scramble to reach the fight as fast as their legs could take them.

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

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Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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INV ONLY Re: I hate Sand... Scuttlers

Post by elephantlord March 15th 2022, 10:19 pm

It had only been a moment; one singular moment.  Alexis had let her attention slip.  The shame and guilt she felt after having Sophie so easily sussing out what was wrong with her had driven Alexis to look away when she should have been on guard.

And then Sophie was shouting as her arm hit the floor.  Immediately, Alexis downclocked her perception of time.  She saw Sophie in that one horrible moment, fading backward a look of... irritation? on her face.  It was held in a near freeze frame as Alexis watched.

It was happening again.  It was happening again!  Alexis stood, frozen in time, as it played out.  She witnessed the sword shatter, felt the excruciating sting of a shard of metal insert itself in her cheek.  The pain helped, breaking her from the trance.  

Alexis ran forward.  In her left hand, she manifested a long cavalry saber of the type she observed Sophie to favor.  In the other, she produced a phosphorous grenade.  In a dream-like motion, she tossed the sword to Sophie and as she hurled the grenade toward the open maw of the worm.  

Her eyes were wide with terror the entire time.
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INV ONLY Re: I hate Sand... Scuttlers

Post by The Nekromonga March 16th 2022, 3:32 am

The Bore Worm ate the phosphor grenade and screamed in animal agony as its insides were cooked. It spasmed for several minutes in the egg chamber before dying, taking an uncomfortably long time to expire, even for an animal trying to eat them.

Sophia looked at the carts. They certainly had enough Crab meat and eggs to hatch a small clutch of these alien crabs. Plus the Bore worm carcass, cooking as it was. And Alexis was in no mental condition to hunt for sport.

"Let us return to Dabbler and Steve. I think we have enough specimens for whatever Sage intends." Sophia picked up her 'arm', and reattached it like it with little trouble. She moves her fingers on the arm to show it hardly hindered her. The spectacle certainly drew looks even from the hardened veterans.

Sure enough the others were waiting on the causeway, Steven himself having scored a handful of kills. Dabbler took the cake though, sitting on a large crab claw the size of a small tree trunk. The creature it must be from must've been enormous.

Sage stood by herself, staring out at the salt sea. Beside the trucks were shopping carts filled to the brim with metal bound tomes. She turned and saw the team's haul, but more importantly, Alexis's morose mood.

When they returned home and the time was right, Sage would suggest a psychologist she knew - Ja-Eun Yeong, apparently her cousin, and not mentioning she was likely a threat to Steelheart as Dragon Girl.

((words: 5,335 xp: 10 LOW: 335 ))

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
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Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

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Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
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INV ONLY Re: I hate Sand... Scuttlers

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