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Dr. Reginald
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Dr. Reginald
Dr. Reginald
"The human genome is so fascinating. You don't mind if I study yours do you?"
The Bio
Real Name: Dr. Cornelius Reginald
Renegade Name: The Doctor
Title: Dr. Reginald, The Power Broker, Doctor
Alignment: True Neutral
Age: 50
Gender: Male
Race: Human/Caucasian
Hair: Brown (Graying)
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 195
Blood type: O Negative
The Looks
The Personality
Cornelius Reginald is a simple man who sees the world as a place that needs help. A goal he’s had for a very long time. At one point he truly wanted to help others, to see them prosper and grow into better people and receive the help they truly needed. That belief and desire has been twisted, molded into what it is now. A desire to see the world be better, to advance the human race. To truly understand how the human body and mind works, and force them to become stronger, faster, smarter. Dr. Reginald wants nothing more than to understand exactly how we tick, and is willing to do anything and everything to achieve that goal. A goal he believed he was on the precipice of discovering at one point.
As with most scientists of his caliber, The Doctor is arrogant. Believing he is the best mind there is in his particular field of study. That no one understands the genetic makeup of the human better than he. This arrogance gives little room for ‘friends’ and can rebuff coworkers if he feels they are inferior to him in some way; which in his mind they are. Not since his days working for Project Perfection has he believed he has been in the same room with an intellectual equal. If for whatever reason he ever does come in contact with someone who he believes proved they are his equal than there would be nothing but respect from him. He would talk with them as if they were his equal and bounce ideas off them until they could no longer take it, as he pushed to gain a greater understanding of the way we work.
Despite that, Dr. Reginald grew up in an era where manners were more common practice (or so he claims). While it may be evident that he sees you as nothing more than an ant, intellectually speaking, he has impeccable manners, and a strong sense of honor. One that was deeply rooted into him by his parents, and never goes back on his word once it's given. He treats everyone fairly, and everyone the same as station and power have never mattered to him and mean even less now that he has the gift he does.
The Story
Cornelius Reginald was born on July 25th, 1970 to a loving mother and father. Through their dedication and love Reginald was given a good childhood one where he had an excellent education and upbringing. At an early age it was discovered that Reginald was gifted intellectually and his parents helped him to grow and allow his mind to flourish. Because of this he knew that he wanted to return that help he had been given, to give unto others as it were. Find some meaning in his life and dedicate it to helping his fellow man. He graduated highschool and pursued a dual major in College. Getting his Masters degree in both Human Biology and Psychology. Seeing this as his way of understanding the human mind and body all at the same time. At the ripe young age of seventeen he entered into med school and continued his psychological studies, pursuing a doctorate in psychology at the same time.
Four years later he completed medical school and had his very own doctorate in psychology. The world was looking up for Dr. Reginald, he could have gone just about anywhere. Done anything he wanted with his degrees. But, a year earlier in 1990 a certain project was started and undertaken by the United States Government. The Human Genome Project. An idea that fascinated Cornelius. Could this really be done? Was it possible to completely map the entire human genome? To understand the human genetic makeup at such a level? He believed that scientifically this could be the greatest discovery of our generation. It might even lead to being able to understand where superheroes and supervillains received their mighty abilities. He could only dream of how helpful that would be.
Sadly, as he was fresh out of med school, and the project had started a year earlier, his chances of getting on it were slim to none. Still, his drive and intellect did not go unnoticed. With his expertise in Psychology and Genetics he made his own strides in the medical field and within five years caught the attention of the U.S. Government. Just not the Human Genome Project. No, he had gathered the attention of Project Perfection. They came to him with an offer, to work for them, help them understand the subset of humanity they had deemed the “Metahumans” and through them he could finally help his common man just as he always wished. The young doctor agreed and there he worked, rising in the ranks of Project Perfection. Honing his tools and talents, garnering a deeper understanding of the human mind as well as the human genome. With the discoveries made in 2003 when the Genome Project declared it had fully mapped the human genome, Reginald’s research escalated.
He used the discoveries of his fellow Project Perfection scientist as well as those of the Human Genome to truly push the boundaries of science. Trial and experiment, one after the other. Looking for that missing piece, ignorant of the changing dynamics of his government sponsored organization. He cared not for the change in leadership or the politics associated with it. He was on a breakthrough. When Doctor Necrodium and his hitman Project Death were rearing their heads Dr. Reginald was finalizing his masterpiece. He had finally done it. He had discovered the metahuman gene and how to manipulate it for his own gain. A serum that would allow a slight change to anyone’s genetic code, allowing them to be given any ‘metahuman’ ability. There was one hitch. He had no test subjects, and Project Perfection was being shut down. Their labs were raided and all their research either destroyed or seized by other government agencies. But not Dr. Reginald.
No, he would not allow the work he had spent almost twenty-five years of his life working on to go to waste. Not if there was anything he could do about it. So; the now 50 year old Doctor copied all of his research onto a thumb drive and injected himself with the serum. Unstable and untested though it was, the serum worked. Doctor Cornelius Reginald’s genetic makeup was forever altered. He was now a metahuman. Dominus agents arrived not long after and made to arrest the man and destroyed all of his research, finding the doctor unconscious in his own laboratory. When he woke up a couple of hours later in a government prison he was interrogated and pressured into giving up his secrets. This is what truly activated his new metahuman genes for the first time. An explosive anger and pain rose up into him and he created and then transferred, subconsciously, his first power to his torturer. The ability he coined ‘human bomb’.
It has been seven years since he escaped that prison and in that time Dr. Reginald has learned much of his new abilities. He has made a name for himself on the black market, selling any power one can imagine to the highest bidder. But only one power per customer and never the same power twice. If you can imagine it, and you have the money to pay for it, the ‘Power Broker’ will hook you up. Additionally, if you were harmed and did not or could not seek hospital care, Dr. Reginald was more than willing to fix you up for a price. It matters not to Doctor Reginald who he sells to, and after a few kidnapping attempts gone wrong the underground world seems to understand that his business is not to be disrupted. That Dr. Reginald is neutral territory. But, if you wanted a gift, or to be healed, and you could pay his price (sometimes not even cash) than you were welcome in his home.
The Powers
Superhuman Intelligence: Some say the Gift of Life is the greatest thing ever given to humanity. Dr. Reginald disagrees. While life is what allowed humanity to be birthed into this universe, it was the gift of intellect that truly allowed us to thrive. The Doctor has what can only be described as super human intellect, graduating college with a dual masters degree in Psychology and Biology by the age of seventeen and finishing med school only four years later while also receiving his doctorate in psychology. He understands the human body better than 99% of the people on the planet. His grasp of how we as a species tick is nothing short of super and his IQ score would reflect that had he ever publicly taken one. Though it is rumored to be around 270-290.
Power Creation: The first of the two gifts given to Dr. Reginald when he took his own serum. This ability allows Dr. Reginald to create any superhuman ability that he can think of. From superhuman strength or speed to teleportation and everything in between. As long as Dr. Reginald understands the concept of the ability and the practical, or impractical, use of the ‘gift’ he is able to add it to his own genetic code enhancing his body with a wonderful new ability. This feat is made even easier if such a power is one that The Doctor has personally seen before in use and had the chance to study. To learn how the ability works on the human body and how they interact with the outside world. However there is a limitation to this that he has learned the hard way. His own body cannot contain these new gifts longer than a minute at most before they are gone.
Power Transference: This second gift, and perhaps simply a subset of the first, was discovered not long after Dr. Reginald discovered the previously listed power. Any ability or ‘gift’ that Dr. Reginald creates he is able to transfer it to someone else. To give them the ability he had created. Man, woman, child, and even already established metahumans. All are capable of receiving a power from The Power Broker. However. He cannot gift more than one power to any singular person, and he cannot gift the same ability more than once in the same day. That means if he has already given you super-strength then he cannot also give you superhuman speed, and if he has already given out the gift of invisibility that day then he cannot give it out to anyone else until twenty-four hours have passed.
Healing: A strange phenomenon that Dr. Cornelius Reginald noticed that of all the abilities and powers he has ever created, this, and one other, have actually stuck around for him. Not only that but he cannot give them to anyone else. The first of which is the ability to heal; the healing of others to be more accurate. From scrapes, cuts, and bruises, to broken bones and gunshot wounds. Dr. Reginald is capable of healing all but the most fatal of wounds, poisons, and diseases.
Un-aging: Perhaps a subset of his ability to heal others, or maybe a gift he wished up while he was sleeping. He knows not whence this gift was created but he knows it is one he himself has and is unable to create it and transfer it anymore. Dr. Reginald does not age, and has not aged past the age of 50 since he injected himself with his serum.
The Weaknesses
- Dr. Reginald might be one of the smartest men on the planet, he certainly likes to think so, but all of that intellect was put into understanding how the human body worked. Never in how to defend himself. Sure, he might know the basics? But his flight or fight response is definitely geared towards flight. He never learned how to properly throw a punch or how to take a fall, and he definitely never once thought of building a big fancy suit that would fire missiles and rockets. Why would he do that when others had already done so and he had loftier goals? Point is, despite how smart he is, if it comes down to a fight of any kind Dr. Reginald is certainly going to be the loser.
- As mentioned above, The Doctor cannot keep any of the powers he creates, at least not for very long. His body is capable of holding onto them no longer than a minute and after that they are gone as his own body is not built to handle the stress and magnitude these gifts come with. He is the broker, the doctor, the one who gives, not the one who receives.
- Additionally he cannot create the same power more than once in a twenty-four hour period. He believes it has something to do with changing his own genetic makeup to match the need for the power being a strain upon his body but has yet to fully look into and test this theory for fear that it will be his end. Whatever the case may be, the fact remains. Once a day per power. That is the rule.
- Well actually the rule is Once a day per power, once ever per person. The human genome can only be manipulated so often before it starts to look unrecognizable. Sure, humans are very adaptable but you can only push so far before they start to reach their limit and break. Re-writing your entire genetic makeup to allow your body to handle an entirely new power? That is something that can only be done once. At least as far as Dr. Reginald has found. Despite numerous tests, it appears as if others can only handle one of his gifts, ever.
- Understanding brings enlightenment. Or in this case power. The better Dr. Reginald understands a power the better able he is to create it. If he has absolutely no clue on how the power would even remotely work then he would not be able to create it, as it all comes from his own mind. Like any good builder he has to know what it is he’s creating before doing so. Otherwise you just get a mess.
- Doctor Reginald is a certified genius when it comes to the Human body. He has an insight into their mind and an understanding of their genetic makeup that is rivaled by few. But that knowledge is a double edged blade, as his power transference does not work on animals, aliens, or non-human species.
- Fatal Wounds are a no go. Dr. Reginald can heal a lot of things, even things like cancer, but if the wound or disease is fatal then he cannot do anything about it.
- Additionally the more serious the thing is that he’s healing the more energy it takes out of him and the more exhausted he becomes and has been known to pass out when healing too many wounds or too big of one. As a 50 year old man, he gets tired pretty easily despite being in as best shape as he could be for his age and profession.
- Un-aging sounds like a wonderful thing and The Doctor would agree with you. Except he’s still just a normal 50 year old man with all that comes with that. Breakable bones, low stamina, fatal case if shot in the face, or heart, or really just about anywhere if not given proper medical treatment. Medical treatment because his own healing powers don’t work on himself.
The Items
The Doctor carries on him a simple walking cane with no special technological or magical upgrades, a gold pocket watch that was his grandfathers, and a regular H&R Model 939 “Ultra Sidekick” 22 LR 9-shot revolver with a 6″ heavy barrel (the same model used by Steve McQueen).
The Minions
The Fluff
From his days working with Project Perfection and due to the 'job' he has recently picked up Dr. Reginald is very well off monetarily. Additionally he takes 'favors' from certain individuals if they are unable or unwilling to pay him in cash for his services, and this his made him a lot of connections in the world we live in today.
The RP Sample
Application created by Chellizard | This code is open-source and available for free use.
Dr. Reginald- Status :
Online Offline
Warnings :
Number of posts : 13
Registration date : 2015-11-22
Re: Dr. Reginald
Zonkes- Retired Moderator
- Status :
Online Offline
Quote : I was that guy Zai. To Vorik, to Murph and to Pat. I’m sorry.
Warnings :
Number of posts : 649
Location : Somewhere between hell and a hand basket
Age : 28
Job : Professional Manipulator
Humor : What’s the difference between a clown and a pancake? Not much after the steamroller incident.
Registration date : 2017-01-10
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