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Curator Empty Curator

Post by Zonkes February 20th 2022, 4:36 am


"Hey, how about we don’t eat cheetos next to the book of life? Good way to give the entire population of New Zealand an orange spray tan. "

The Bio

Real Name: David O’Neil
Renegade Name: Curator
Alignment: Neutral
Titles: The Collector of Mysteries, The Guardian of Artifice, the World’s Greatest Adventurer
Age: 20 y/o
b]Gender:[/b] Male
Race: Human
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: White with blue, gold, pink, green, and silver; resembling an opal almost.
Height: 6’4”
Weight: 183lbs
Blood type: A thin white, opalescent potion with flecks of gold dust. Smells vaguely of cherry.

The Looks


The Personality

Genius Historian and Mythologist - When it comes to his chosen profession as an adventurer, he has to know everything about his targeted artifact. Thus, when it comes to the study of history, mythology, and magical theory; Curator is a certifiable genius.

Tactician - One of the more surprising pieces of information that people do not expect from Curator is his tactical mind. Surprisingly capable for his age, he’s actually really well suited for tactical fights.

Quipster - The Curator deals with stress by joking about the situation. And when your chosen profession is to go hunting for the most dangerous and rare items on the planet, it’s safe to say that you’re dealing with plenty of stress.

The Story

A student with a doctorate in mythology, David wasn’t sure why he was invited to this address. It seemed like a normal brownstone in Brooklyn. In any case, he needed the job. So he opened the door and stepped inside.

At first, nothing happened. There was a mirror in the way, why? He went to touch it and move it out of the way, only to find himself twisting, falling, breaking apart and finally arriving inside of a museum-like environment. In the back, he saw a massive ship. He squinted his eyes, it looked like a wooden boat… but one that big would never be seaworthy…

Now that he thought about it… Was there even a back? He heard a howler monkey screaming from far off in the distance. Was that an entire rainforest ruin… made of gold?!

He felt his arm get grasped by a man who was either 50 or 90. He had a pencil thin mustache that only old men in movies could pull of, and a green gauntlet. “Welcome David. I’m here to offer you a job.”

That was months ago now, as he stared down the artifact in question. A helmet that could’ve been mistaken for being made of solid shadow if you didn’t look close enough. He squinted his swirling opalescent eyes.

That was what he was looking for. The Helm of Darkness. The legendary helmet of Hades. He crept through the halls of the underworld castle, trying not to get spotted by a certain three headed dog. That was the last thing he needed, especially considering he was pretty sure that the Staff of Was only worked when he was alive.

That was when he heard the talking. “Of course, Shiwa. You’ll have to pay the proper price for my helmet, but I think we can come to an arrangement.”

Shit. It was the guy that Theo talked about. Fine, he’d have to be faster. He ducked into the shadows of a nearby pillar. He squinted, and the overload of magical information coming off the pair nearly sent him into shock. These two were dangerous. Like Theo, the only magical information that David put off was whatever potion he consumed and the magical items. Otherwise, they had literally no potential.

That’s what made them perfect for this job. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the Kings Key, slicing it through the air and retrieved the Answerer. It was only then that he realized what a mistake that was.

The unmistakable shriek of a fury barreling toward him nearly caused him to die right then and there, before it was silenced by her master and Shiwa. The black haired youth grinned. “Oh no, they hired a new one?” David’s heart sank as he reached for the Staff of Was, but Shiwa had a psychic grip on his body. Crap. Crap crap crap!

He struggled with all his might, but he was brought before Hades and Shiwa in a matter of moments. “Well, Hades, normally I’d curse this one myself, but seeing as he is a thief in your own domain, perhaps you’d like to do the honors? I know how much the Theoi enjoy doling out punishments for hubris.”

The dark god of the underworld was fair, but he didn’t tolerate thieves. He laid his hands upon Davids shadow, and nodded. There was a tearing in his soul, as the shadow was violently ripped off. Just as weird however, was that the pressure Shiwa was holding him with vanished. Just like… he did…. Fucking hell. David and his shadow dashed through the halls, using the Staff of Was to escape Hades without having to pay the extra toll.

Shiwa had the helm.

The Powers

Pocket Dimension and Dimensional Control - The true power of Curator comes in his mystic connection to la Maison des Mythes. An ancestral home that was given to him upon his birth. The house is fully furnished, and comes with its own pocket dimension. It is as spacious as the user needs it to be, and is controlled by the current owners will. The house is never too far out of the owner's reach, and a door can be opened at any time. Additionally,the house and its pocket dimension are shaped by the will of the owner. The realm can be locked so not even the strongest of planeswalkers can find it, and if the owner dies without a proper heir; the house and all it contains will be destroyed.

Cthonic Curse - The curse personally given to the Curator by the Grecian god Hades. The curse separates shadow from body, meant to kill the Curator at the next sundown. Instead, the Shadow acts as a sort of helping hand to Curator, capable of interacting with the physical world.

The shadow can move objects, wield weaponry, and gains the properties of whatever the Curator is wearing. Additionally, whatever it does to the shadow of another living being is reflected on the actual person.

Analytic Vision - Curator can, at a glance, determine the magical properties of anything he sees. What powers they’ve been granted, any specific names they’ve been given, or what kind of spells they’ve thrown out before.

The Weaknesses

Useless in the Real - While La Maison des Mythes is a very important piece to Curator, it is only in that realm that he can exercise his control over reality. There is no using it in the “real” world. In order to grab anything from the house, he has to physically enter and find it.

What is Dead, Must Die - If Curator is somehow left without his immortality granting items, the Curse of Thorns will rend his flesh from his bones, and his bones will then turn to dust. Killing him without mercy, without agency, and without consideration.

Stay in the Dark - The shadow requires indirect light to be cast over Curator. If in complete darkness, the shadow cannot interact with the physical world.

The Spells

Burning Light: Creates a light that can potentially blind a target while also searing them slightly, moderate burn damage

Flaming Orbs: Creates small, orange and yelllow glowing orbs of fire which will hover around a given space and detonate in a fiery explosion covering a 15 foot radius when someone gets near to them (this to show off sun stuff)

Spirit Hounds: Can summon forth two spectral hounds which have a chilling bite, their bite is as strong as a jackel's (743, strongest of all canines apparently) and inflict cold damage to a target (cause you know, spectral)

Dust Storm: Around himself, the wielder can summon forth a small swirling duststorm (about 30 feet or so) which blinds and slowly cuts into a target (cause Set was a god of storms and duststorm seems to be fitting) as flavor, make it red sand, cause he was the lord of red desert land

Chaos Bolt - A swirling bolt of energy springs from the staff of Was, causing a random effect to occur when it hits an object or person. [Permission Based]

The Items

La Maison des Mythes

Anything listed with a weakness will be used regularly, anything else is plot based. :

The Fluff

Curse of Waking Nightmares - A simple curse that’s meant to kill the Curator by never allowing him to sleep. However, due to the way that Curator works; the Curse allows him to function 24 hours a day without need for rest.

Immortality - Due to the combined use of multiple artifacts, curses, and other magical means, the Curator cannot die. He can be incapatitated, hurt, or otherwise defeated; but as long as his countermeasures remain in place, his body will either regenerate or reappear.

Application created by Chellizard | This code is open-source and available for free use.

Last edited by Zonkes on February 20th 2022, 4:40 am; edited 1 time in total
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : I was that guy Zai. To Vorik, to Murph and to Pat. I’m sorry.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 649
Location : Somewhere between hell and a hand basket
Age : 28
Job : Professional Manipulator
Humor : What’s the difference between a clown and a pancake? Not much after the steamroller incident.
Registration date : 2017-01-10

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Curator Empty Re: Curator

Post by Descendants February 20th 2022, 4:39 am

Curator Nomad_Approval

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 87
Registration date : 2018-03-01

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