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Ido: The Faceless Mercenary

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Ido: The Faceless Mercenary Empty Ido: The Faceless Mercenary

Post by Andrew January 31st 2021, 2:55 pm


Ido: The Faceless Mercenary Kahlin11

"Kah-Lin The Faceless"

The Bio

Real Name: Kah-Lin
Renegade Name: Ido
Title: The Faceless Mercenary
Alignment: True Neautral
Age: 121 appears 21 years old
Gender: Female
Race: Meahuman
Hair: Brown/Blonde
Eyes: White (Wears Green contacts)
Height: 5'5
Weight: 140 lbs
Blood type: A+

The Looks

In combat:

Outside of combat:

The Personality

Kah-Lin is a very quiet woman. She knows what needs to be done and makes it happen. In all her time away from the temple she hasn't made a single human friend. She is not very interested in maintaining any kind of relationship as she knows she will only watch them die one day. This is not a habit she wishes to indulge in. She doesn't enjoy killing, however after 110 years of doing it the novelty has worn off on her. She's not true to any cause specifically. The highest bidder wins. Only one person named Kya a fellow immortal, knows how to contact her, and that's how she receives both her targets as well as her compensation. In 100 years Kya is the only person to lay eyes on Ido and live to talk about it. Her identity as the faceless assassin is one she holds dear. Hundreds of killings are her doing, and frankly jail is not in her lifestyle. She enjoys dogs and other animal companions but that's as far as her moral code will allow for.

The Story

121 years ago Kah-Lin was dropped off at a temple known for raising assassins in China. Her training wouldn't begin until her 7th birthday. From then on it was learning the art of the kill. Grades weren't handed out to students but if they were she would have been number one in her class. She favored the bow and arrow the most as it just came to her naturally. On her 10th birthday her powers began to manifest. First as small abilities to control smoke around her, then to create small bits, eventually she figured out how to become smoke itself. She kept this power hidden from all except one. Her friend Trin. Swearing Trin to secrecy, he promised to never tell a soul.

On their 14th birthdays they were all put into an arena to kill one another off. Out of the 100 Students 10 groups of 10 were sent in. And only 10 in total would survive. It was completely randomized as to who would be in which group. Killing each former peer she made her way to the bitter end only to find herself looking at Trin. Sadness filled her heart as she knew he had become as good a fighter as her. Reaching for an arrow, she felt and empty quiver. Only one tactic remained. Trin walked towards her raising his sword preparing to strike. As she held her head down, he hesitated for a moment. Unable to kill the only person he had ever loved. Kah-Lin took this opportunity to leap up and kick the sword from his hand. As the blade danced through the sky, she through a series of kicks and punches his way before the blade landed back and slammed into the dirt. As she through a spinning back fist, Trin fell to his back, toothless, and gasping for air. She retrieved the sword and walked back to him.Only one word was uttered from his dying mouth. "Ido". Slamming the blade through his heart, she had pleased their masters. She fought with no mercy even though the masters knew she was quite fond of Trin.

7 More years of training brought her to her 21st birthday where she was told she was now a master assassin. 14 years of training and killing random targets around the world had her believing the title. When it came time to pick a code name for the order, she told them Ido and left the assassins. She was ready to face the world and start leaving a legacy for it. Unaware of her immortality. Years and years, kills and kills, they all seemed to blur together yet she never aged. She had however created quite the name and reputation. The Faceless Assassin. No one had ever seen her face. No one even knew Ido was a woman. Well no one except her contact Kya. She had met this woman at a bar in London right before the first world war. Some years had gone by and she was the closest thing to a friend Ido had ever had since Trin. Still not letting her close, she discovered Kya too was immortal. Almost 20 years later she was handed the big one. An american politician. She also got handed many other important targets during this time. Some even surprised her.

Time had gone on and high priority targets paid the best. She continued this path for years. She was now the owner of a small oil company living in a pent house in New York City. Watching heroes like Phoenix and Eclipse and Pain from the shadows. She was ready for her newest target. A crime boss that tormented people of the city. Antonio Venzara.  After battling a vigilante using dental equipment, she left with a broken leg, and some broken here's and there's she is well rested and ready to go.
This is where our story picks up.

The Powers

Power 1: Smoke manipulation/creation: Ido can literally produce her own, as well as control pre-existing smoke. She can also breathe in any smoke. Any smoke based poisons are ineffective against her. Any smoke she's created herself has a distinct odor to her.

Power 2: Becoming The Substance: Ido can literally become smoke, as well as any inanimate object she is touching. Since she is not that strong she usually turns her weapons into smoke clouds that follow her, able to reach and and retrieve her weapons back at their full form. If that smoke is somehow ruptured though, her weapons or any objects in that cloud are lost forever. She often makes these smoke clouds into wristbands or leg bands and later expands them to take hold of her weaponry.  Her body breaks down to the point of being a neigh invisible cloud of smoke. Not nearly as thick or potent as the smoke she manipulates. She cannot harm or be harmed in this state.

Power 3: Smoke Teleportation: Any smoke within the line of Ido's site, she is able to teleport into. For example if she fired off a smoke grenade she could teleport to that smoke and become it. Or she could teleport to the smoke trailing off one's cigarette and take off into the sky.

Power 4: Immortality: Ido has stopped aging at 21, she will never die of natural disease or ageing. Unless killed, she will quite literally live forever. She has yet to figure out in all her years why this has happened.

The Weaknesses

Weakness 1: I am squishy: Like any other non durable metahuman. Anything that would hurt a peak conditioned human, would hurt her.

Weakness 2: Ido can only take the form of smoke as long as she is able to hold her breath. Since inside the smoke her body is broken down, it will reappear once she is out of oxygen. The length in which she is able to hold said breath differs depending on what has transpired. For example if sitting still and nothing is going on it ma be a few minutes. While in heated combat and running around, it may only be 60 seconds at best. It will not and has not ever exceeded 4 minutes.

Weakness 3: Finish The Job: Any assassination target she is given she is driven to carry out without fail. It has been practically coded into her brain. She is loyal to a fault and will go whatever distance to ensure her target's demise.

Weaknes 4: Lone Soldier: Since leaving the temple 100 years ago Kah-Lin hasn't aquired a single friend or teammate. She has only ever had dogs time to time. They aren't much help.

The Items

The Suit: Bulletproof, shock resistant, water proof, and very flexible. This special material designed by one of business greats grants Ido the abilty to take bullets and punches from most metahumans. No bullet has ever penetrated this suit, and no one has been able to tear the suit yet.
Weakness: If this suit is set on fire, it can entirely in flames. This suit is lined with lighter fluid on the inside to be used if worst comes to worst.

Mars: This Sniper Rifle is her go to weapon for assassinations. It was enchanted 60 years ago by a witch for accuracy.
This blessing allows the gun to shoot straighter with less bullet drop. Custom built to be as silent as a bow but as deadly as a .50 cal, this firearm is insanely powerful. Semi-Automatic, and light weight. Each magazine carries around 20 shots and she never carries more than one extra mag. She aims for the kill.
Weakness: If the trigger is pulled more than 6 times in 4 seconds the gun will jam and she'll have to work swiftly to get it functioning again.

Venus and Mercury: These duel revolvers have saved her rear end in many encounters. They are almost as powerful as her sniper, also custom built for accuracy and stopping power. The custom cylinders allow each revolver to hold 10 shots. She does not carry extra ammo for these guns. They are always holstered on her hips.

Pluto: This grenade launcher fires your average frag grenades. It holds 8.

Luna: This katana is no joke. It's retractable and very dangerous. It self sharpens every time the blade is popped out, as well as when it retracts. This Katana has the ability to cut through steel. Unfortunately Ino is not strong enough to cut through steel in a single swipe. Anyone else can wield it, though some may not know it is spring loaded and could hurt themselves if not versed in weaponry.

Athena: This bubble shield can take on up to 30 seconds of heavy gunfire or medium meta human attacks before shattering. After it has broken it takes 10 minutes before she can reactive the shield. The activation switch for this shield is on her belt.
Weakness: If the belt is damaged the shield cant be activated

Jupiter: A high powered bow that is capable of handling her trick arrows. This bow is lightweight and retractable. It can fold in on itself if need be. The ends of this weapon are very sharp and it can be used as a melee weapon should an occasion call for it.

Trick Arrows:
Sticky Arrow: These arrows surround the enemy in a case of a putty. The more they struggle the faster it hardens and the stronger it gets. it can be easily removed from the outside by most conventional blades.

The Shocker: This arrow is charged with enough electricity to kill most low-durability superhumans and any normal human. This arrow is very heavy and is the least accurate of them all, however the charge is manually applied with a wind like feature near the head. The lower the voltage the more accurate it gets.

The Boomer: Explosive Tip arrows. Upon Impact these bad boys explode with the force of a heavy rocket launcher. Most likely her most deadly tool. Unfortunately, if this arrow's head touched in her quiver it will explode in 10 seconds.

Conventional Arrows: These powerful diamond tipped arrows are perfect for silent assassinations.

The Quiver: She holds 10 of each trick arrow and 30 regular arrows at all times.

The Tick: A watch linked to her eye contacts. it gives her profiles of all those around her as well as a heads up display. The watch also can project a holographic computer wherever she may be, with it's own secure network. More deadly of a device than some may think. It's sleek futuristic design make it fashionable as well.

The Fluff

Photographic memory
Able to see through any smoke she's manipulated
Near Perfect Shot
Perfect vision
Vast knowledge of weaponry from blades to guns
Trained in many forms of hand to hand combat
Knowledge of over 20 languages
Her skin complexion allows her to blend practically anywhere
Knowledge of the magic arts

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Ido: The Faceless Mercenary Empty Re: Ido: The Faceless Mercenary

Post by Arcana January 31st 2021, 4:49 pm

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Registration date : 2011-02-08

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