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A Magical Experience (Pat)

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INV ONLY A Magical Experience (Pat)

Post by ghost January 30th 2021, 6:30 pm

The training room was a large space, industrial looking. Steel walls, a somewhat gridded floor, turrets hung from the ceiling and protruded from the walls. From what she could see on the schematics, which hung in a screen before her, the guns where filled with rubber rounds. They would still hurt if you got pelted with them, but they were mostly nonlethal.  Amanda was wearing her yellow and black suit. She pulled the goggles down and initiated the training sequence.

The lights in the room all shut off and a voice came up over the intercom, "Beginning Sequence in 3, 2, -" Shock-heart's goggles light up inside. Three figures materialized in front of her, they were large men, thug looking. They were identical to one another, wearing red headbands, baggy clothing, and attacked with knives, the darkness seemed to not effect the program. Each lunged towards her with expert precision. She closed distance with the first, grabbing his right hand with her left, stepping in, shifting her weight to the rear and spinning. At least the move got all of them on the same side of the room.

As the others attacked she blocked and dealt what damage she could. Sometimes they would fall to the ground and moan, other times it was like they didn't get hit at all. Spin-hook kick to the face, back kick to the chest, hilt to the face. It was nearing five minutes and these things didn't let up.

"Pause program." The holograms froze in their steps and the lights came on. She sat down and whipped the sweat from her face. After lifting the goggles and tossing her braid back over her shoulder she pulled up the screen for the program. Maybe she could tweak it a little. She quickly added code that would cause the enemies to recycle after taking significant damage. Changed around their appearance a little. Added all types of opponents, ninja, alien looking guys, even something she considered to be a vampire. You never knew what you where going to run into nowadays.

"End program." She said, pulling down the back of her mask. The people vanished from the room. She would just relax until Sean showed up. Hopefully it wasn't going to take too long. Shock-Heart needed to make sure she got her beauty sleep. Working all night and training all day can wear you thin. She was starting to feel it. Hunting Deities thugs all around the world wasn't an easy task, even when using the internet.

Her body flopped to the floor and she let relaxation overtake her.

Avatar image: By Ofelia Generated with AI.
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Registration date : 2011-02-21

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INV ONLY Re: A Magical Experience (Pat)

Post by Arcana February 1st 2021, 1:42 am

Halo’s base was both new and old feeling to him. Reminiscent of the days when he was younger, more foolhardy and the kind of person he wasn’t proud of today. Back when it felt like he had almost nothing compared to now, absently running fingers over the swirling runic markings on his left arm revealed by the black tank top trimmed with pink. This was supposed to be one of those casual days, where he didn’t do much though he found himself helping a fellow teammate on what he assumed was some kind of exercise. So he would come to impress somewhat.

”Well if Shael’s giving you any issues just do whatever it is you usually do,” He spoke into his cellphone, pursing his lips and running the fingers of his freehand through his scruffy feeling black hair. Maybe he’d need a cut soon but for now he’d let it be. The training room was coming up, the sound of what he assumed was conflict happening from their latest recruit though quick enough the sounds ceased and he was left his own personal sounds. ”yeah, I’ll see you soon. Take care,” He hung up and slipped the phone into his pocket, door sliding open with a low hiss.

What greeted him was a sweaty looking woman laying on the floor. Sean already guessing what had caused her to lounge across the floor. ”Here I am. Heard you wanted to see me for something.” Sean stated, adjusting the strap over his shoulder and walking half way across the room before turning back towards her.


Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2494
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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INV ONLY Re: A Magical Experience (Pat)

Post by ghost February 4th 2021, 7:06 pm

Shock-Heart sat up. The beautiful specimen of a man walked in, his voice moved gently over the room like a rippling wave, even if it did have a hint of anxiety mixed in. She looked at him gently as he walked, noticing her thoughts she let her gaze harden up and stood. She felt the urge to play with her ponytail, instead she smiled and put her fists on her hips.

"I have heared you can do things with magic.." She put notable emphasis on the word, magic. She disliked this, tapping into eternity and all, it seemed like cheating somehow, and lonely. At least with what she could do she hand the computer to talk to. "With the threat we face, I have thought it prudent to learn a new skill. Is there a way to see if someone has a talent for magic?" She asked.

If she could learn anything about magic it would be helpful. The enemies they faced did have some kind of connection to the ethereal abilities, even if she could learn to sense when people used magic. Grasping at straws, an exercise in futility? Maybe, but taking on the mantel of 'Hero' has changed her views on the world, she needed to act.

"So, where do we start?" She smiled. Sweat still beaded on her forehead, but she was confident she could take on whatever he required of her.

Last edited by ghost on February 4th 2021, 10:09 pm; edited 1 time in total

Avatar image: By Ofelia Generated with AI.
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Registration date : 2011-02-21

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INV ONLY Re: A Magical Experience (Pat)

Post by Arcana February 4th 2021, 9:54 pm

”Well someone’s told you right. I’m pretty good with magic.”  He wondered who was talking about him but then again perhaps that was Andrew. Regardless, people telling others what he could do wasn’t an issue. In regards to what they were dealing with, well he could admit that having more people know what they were doing was important. He considered the question, if there were ways that someone could be tested for their magical potential.

Sean nodded, resting hands on his hips and seemingly to think it over for a few moments. ”I could see if I know any spells to reveal if someone has any talent for it or we could see if you have the ability to cast a very simple spell,” He offered both suggestions, walking across the room and  with his mind still working through the magical knowledge he had. The massive store within his head was something that put most if not all mages to shame, though it didn’t always have what he needed.

”I won’t tell you which one will work best for you. It all depends of the kind of magic you want, the kind of magic you can even use.” A snap of his finger produced a cobalt blue flame above his index finger, flickering light and shadows that cast across his face before being snuffed with a puff of his breath. He allowed her the final decision, waiting now with a small display of what he could do.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2494
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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INV ONLY Re: A Magical Experience (Pat)

Post by ghost February 5th 2021, 6:17 pm

The ability to cast a very simple spell, or to see if there is any talent for it? Thoughts tumbled around in her mind, each more drastic than the last. She hated the thought of touching such a powerful source and almost decided against it. If she couldn't face her fear what kind of hero would she be? She asked herself and spoke reluctantly. "A simple spell then. Maybe something to do with this systems computer?" At least it would have had some resemblance to what she normally does.

"Maybe I can force the system to project an image. Or..." She raised her hand to her chin. "Do you have something that could let extend my reach, something that would let me focus on all of the computers in the world!" She said with surprised excitement. With magic she could do anything, she would have to watch herself with this new responsibility, if she could even make anything happen. "Those are probably a little too complicated huh?" She frowned.

Ever sense she was a child she thought about using magic, it was normal of course, daydreams mostly. She had never tried her hands at actual spells. Growing up in a semi-religious household, those kinds of things were looked down upon. 'It's the devils work!' her grandmother used to say. They used to go on about the witch trials and what God would do to people who touched the evil source. Once word spread that metahumans were an actual thing her family almost lost it. This was one reason Shock-Heart had kept herself secluded for so long.

"Okay.." She sighed. "Where do we start?" She clapped her hands. With a thought the room dimmed, candles appeared on the walls and spread out on the ground. They were all holographic of course, they wouldn't burn you, but would break if stepped on. The space around Shock-Heart and Sean was clear for a few feet, then a thick layer of candles filled the ground like small torches on hidden paths towards the wall. Their light have the room an ominous feel. "Maybe I got a little carried away." She smiled and shrugged.

Avatar image: By Ofelia Generated with AI.
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Posting Master

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 476
Location : Everywhere
Age : 32
Job : Medical, Navy
Humor : Your mom
Registration date : 2011-02-21

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