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Just an old fashioned vampire party (Humanity)

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INV ONLY Just an old fashioned vampire party (Humanity)

Post by Adam Johnson April 22nd 2020, 6:39 pm

Of the ancients that existed within his kind, Osiris was the one most enamored with the concept of parties. Gatherings where immortals could come together to swap stories after years of distance and show of their paramours with one another. Like the modern human high school reunion, though his fellow kindred didn’t tend to look pathetic within their adult years. Adam couldn’t help loving the pageantry of it all, refined over centuries by someone he assumed just loved the interaction. He too liked it, even if he could feel the glares of his elders on him every party he attended from the nineties and beyond.

”Bringing a human with you? Don’t think I’ve seen you have a human with you since…the thirties, right? That artistic chick who was head over heels with your ‘sad eyes’ or whatever.” Lily teased him on the other side of the cellphone, likely brewing over her trusty mortar and pestle.

”We both know I liked her.” Was all he responded with, not wanting to open old wounds. Humans were so painfully fragile, a gunshot to the head and they were down for the count normally. Even thinking about it filled him with morose pain. ”besides, Osiris practically twisted my arm to invite him. Apparently he’s taking the advice of old human women and sticking his nose where he doesn’t belong,”

Adam adjusted his tie, dressing up in the rare instance of giving himself to formal dress. ”Is that anything new for your daddy? He does like to shower you with unearned gifts,”

”Definitely unfair.  I would have invited Sam but he’s…well doing his thing,”

”Yeah, brooding. I swear that guy does nothing but that.” He bit down into his lower lip, feeling that pain that came with it.

”Yeah, brooding. Well I have someone to pick up if I want to be fashionably late,”

”Alright dad. Have fun on your date, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” Her voice was full of laughter, though she hung up before he could respond. Leaving him looking down at the phone screen which lost its light within seconds. Well, his daughter knew how to annoy him but that was her charm. He looked around the small hotel room in LA he picked out for himself, heavy black curtains drawn and meant to keep the sunlight out. There were certain hotels with amenities meant for vampires. Humans who knew enough to allow them to sleep on the move.

He washed his face, looking into the pale complexion that looked back at him. Dark ringed eyes and borderline frown, running his fingers through his hair until he was pleased with the look of it. With an extraneous sigh, he stepped out of the bathroom and dug through the mini-fridge stocked with special need foods. A few bags of donated blood he  sunk his fangs into and drained dry until he felt the empty high and residual emotions that came with it. The thoughts, memories, and feelings that the person who donated it felt at that time. The electric feeling that came with licking the droplets from his lips was as magical as always.

A second glance into the mirror showed his face ruddier, full of color as if he were for a moment alive. Temporarily warm to the touch to allow him a facsimile of life. Flesh no human would mind touching, though he wondered why he needed it.

Adam felt disgusting for it.

He took a one of the many fine and expensive sports cars that Osiris was intent on making him drive out and searched out the vague address he had Lily help him find. It didn’t look that amazing to him, though that didn’t matter. He stepped out of the car parked out front and approached the door, allowing his knuckles to hover away from the door a few moments before finally knocking. Three times before he waited, burying his hands into the pockets of his black dress pants and looking around before feeling very self-conscious.

The Son of The Raven - Samael Christensen
Osiris - The Undead king
Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 125
Registration date : 2016-07-28

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INV ONLY Re: Just an old fashioned vampire party (Humanity)

Post by Humanity April 27th 2020, 4:12 pm

Nightmares remain. A time long past that returns to haunt you. You never know quite what to expect when you've been plagued with nightmareish visions of horrific acts. The nightmares were nothing new to Matthew. When one looked upon the pictures in his hallway they would see a smaller young boy, smiling widely with one slightly offset tooth in a baseball uniform, mop of dark hair and a rather cheeky smile. Pictures of him in church with a few friends, and even pictures of him in his volunteer work.

The status quo.

The thought lingered in his mind as he walked past them. His eyes had dark circles beneath them, weighing him down as he shuffled through the hallway like the walking dead. The dorsal side of his thumb reached the corner of his mouth, as he slowly drug from the thumb's second knuckle across his mouth, wiping away the drool of restless sleep across his wrist and to a mid forearm. It was only for a moment, as he seemed to shimmy his way into the bathroom, not even turning on the light as he seemed to almost fall forward, a stagger in his step where his hands flew out and caught himself on the faux marbling counter top. A visage appeared to him, of a tall, very tall creature, two wedged ears poking out through it's hood. l\Long draping cloth on either side against the shoulders, it's Nemes striped with three colors. A dark purple, a deep and dark blood-stain red, and then the dark cerulean color one might find within paint section. The creature was slightly hunched and clung to a Staff, a snarling curve of it's mouth revealing white fangs that glistened.

The horde that amassed behind him seemed to move in synergy, with one absolute purpose. They has flayed feline skins tied to a pool, the Imiut fetish carried into their stands. His flail and his crook had been fastened to his tasset, tufts of dark fur barely lined the body of a man, claws capable of rending metal clutched to the mighty Was-Scepter, it's curve seeming to glisten with prismatic energies as the moonlight bounced upon it in the frigid desert. What could only be seen as a jackle-man seemed to walk with a marching army of dead loved ones, across the entirety of Egypt, roaming as if it had no fear of whatever had come. With a simple raise of the scepter, a dark purple glow came forth, a plague afflicting a city. Another raise of the scepter and a monumentous sandstorm coming forth. A violent wave of the scepter and by his command the Nile would rise to claim the lives of others.  How many had been slaughtered, how many screamed? But his propaganda was on point...for he was Anubis. God of the Dead, and he was taking these shambling corpses to their final destination.

Despite what you may think, I've never lied. The worst part was, that even Matthew couldn't dismiss it. This was a visage he had come to. The effects of the MFR had completely gotten to his mind, and now there was a lingering voice. According to Isaiah's calculations it wouldn't last forever, but it would be a decent time before his brain could rectify his own existence with reality. He looked to the shower and sighed, heavy eyes closing for a moment as he contemplated sleep.

It wasn't long before he opened his eyes to the sound of water running. He turned around and saw the young resident of his house with a tow wrapped around him. Without even skipping a beat, Matthew cocked his head. The small boy only smiled and wished him a good morning. Looking back to his face, and realizing that he had done the very thing his mind had tempted to do. With a sigh he straightened himself up and went forth to make a phone call...a phone call he never thought he would need.

Leave it to the great Loa to figure out something that was needed long before it's time. The woman had handed him this card back in his days as Azrael, telling him that one day he would be so conflicted between who he was. "When one voice becomes three, this is the person you shall need." The entire thing sounded like a load of bullshit, but he was progressive enough to believe if a Louisiana metahuman from the bayou with the ability to regrow his teeth and limbs in an hour and see the future....then perhaps it wouldn't be so difficult for their predictions to be believable as well. Turning the card over he sighed.


It was a minute and a half before his heart regulated itself, and Matthew was able to breathe quasi-normally. He looked to see his "roommate" with damp hair and indigo colored eyes scanning over him with a concerned look. Matthew simply smiled and shook his head, worrying about if he would have any hot water left. Without any urgency the pained young man walked to his room , gathered clothes and didn't even notice that his eye sockets were bloodshot, his one ear seemed to bleed. He could feel his sinus' rupturing as well, his nose would bleed too without a doubt. Thankfully, water washed away all scents.

The sound of a bark came as a car seemed to pull up into the drive way. The younger of the residents seemed to hush the animal, expecting it to be the mail or something akin to that. Perhaps it was Robin, Grey or Jack coming to visit. Maybe Ryan or Shael even for Matthew, there wasn't any reason for him to be suspicious of things. Walking up to the door, Silus peered through the small obscuring curtain, before seeing a familiar face. With a wide smile, Silus didn't even hesitate as he used his one free hand to open the door.

"Hey! Dante! What's up?" he asked as he held the towel, using a foot to push the German Shepard back as it bore teeth at Adam.[/color]


Just an old fashioned vampire party (Humanity) Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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INV ONLY Re: Just an old fashioned vampire party (Humanity)

Post by Adam Johnson April 27th 2020, 4:50 pm

After the knocks Adam waited, hands crossed before him and rocking anxiously from toes to heels. It had been what felt like eons since he last called on someone, mortal or otherwise. His relationship with Sammy was far more informal, the kind of thing that tended to lead to them existing in the same space and something happening from there. That was just how they were, and he accepted it the same way he accepted his relationship with Osiris. To immortals like them, a few months or years were nothing more than a week’s break to a human. Ever since they had come together in the early 1900’s more often than not he found himself in the ancient’s home, learning more of the ancient lore he held within his head. Things no one else had seen, which in a sense brought with it a sense of awe.

It was easy to fall into deep thought and if he were allowed, he would have let this train of thought drag him along until someone pulled him out. The faint scent of blood was what pulled him out, bringing with it the pinprick sting of fangs biting into his lower lip and the faint zing of blood before the injury closed. He produced a small handkerchief and  dabbed away the blood that threatened to spill out before nestling it back into his evening jacket.

A doorknob clicked as it turned and the door opened to reveal what looked to be a young boy wrapped on a towel, hair a damp mess. The sound of a dog growling, which was something he was not unused to. Dogs tended not to like the smell of him, though some growled and others just avoided him. With the young one, he was hit with a different scent altogether. Sweeter than the scent of human blood, the kind of smell that a newborn would have found impossible to resist. The only time he encountered a smell like that was one of the few times he encountered one of the fair folk, though they tended to avoid vampires when possible.

”Peter Pan, right?” He questioned, smiling amiably. ”I’m Adam, not Dante. I know how that can get pretty confusing….all things considered. Is Matt around?” He then asked, getting as much of a view behind Pan as he could. Maybe he could get a view of him somewhere, not that it changed his needing to be invited inside thing. His eyes locked onto the dog, narrowing in a warning glance. More often than not that made most dogs he knew back away; domestic ones anyway.

The Son of The Raven - Samael Christensen
Osiris - The Undead king
Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 125
Registration date : 2016-07-28

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INV ONLY Re: Just an old fashioned vampire party (Humanity)

Post by Humanity May 1st 2020, 7:09 pm

The young boy smiled slightly and nodded, suddenly realizing that while he believed he was greeting his brother, it was really just a universal doppleganger vampire. He stepped back and stuck an arm out. He would pause for a moment before realizing that perhaps he needed more of an invitation. "Please come in and make yourself at home." He said as he let Adam walk past him, or he'd let him stand in the threshold, whichever he chose. Silus on the other hand walked over to the dining room chair and picked up a shirt, looking at it with a furrowed brow and then seeming confused.

"Hey, Ukon. Down boy. Come here." Silus said before pulling on the dog's collar. The dog seemed to reluctantly sit and let the boy pet him, the child hugging the dog close and then looking to Adam. "He's in the shower right now. I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you wanted to wait here, or the living room." Silus said, before shifting himself slightly before he felt the dog pull at him, nudging him a little. The child obviously thought it was playful, as he nudged the dog back and stood up, then snapping his fingers and pointing to the door.

Silus then took a seat at the table, eyes fixated on a computer monitor, then making a couple clicks as he tracked his newest upload. Ironically it was an upload about Vampires. He started his own video channel not all that long ago, where he delved into the scientific studies of the metahumans, and ascertaining random information about them using facts, or providing specific theories regarding how peoples powers seem to work. This particular video had been name "True or False: Vampires" the whole video was just an outline of how Vampires theoretically exist, however it would be most plausible that they did so in specific strains.

"Sorry about the whole Dante thing, you look just like him. Pretty colorful for a Vampire." Silus said with a little bit of a smirk, then he continued to type on the keyboard.


Just an old fashioned vampire party (Humanity) Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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INV ONLY Re: Just an old fashioned vampire party (Humanity)

Post by Adam Johnson May 1st 2020, 7:30 pm

Adam looked down at the child, not moving an inch until the magic words were spoken. One strange thing that some human literature got correct was that he couldn’t enter the homes of a human without invitation. Vampires, demons and those between were mostly a different story but humans tended to be a hard no when he wanted to get in. he could still feel the dog’s reticent eyes on him, likely to bite if he let himself get too close to  it. Not that this would have been the first time he was bitten by a dog. That didn’t keep this one pooch by the name of Ukon from cowing when by the child.

”Thanks,” he said though not what for. Entering into the house and noting the sound of what he assumed was water running. The confirmation came when Peter pan stated he was taking a shower, which was just what people did. Humans sweated and the like, so they tended to have that smell about them. At times he forgot they were not so affected by temperatures like he was. Intense cold or great heat didn’t impair how his body worked in any way. Adam was sure he could walk through a blizzard without the fear of hypothermia.

He trailed through the entry way, listening to the faint click of keys and following them until his eyes went to a screen. Scant information, speculation and the like from the internet about his kind moving across the screen. All accumulated into a video on the internet, something Osiris had been chatting about in connection with a channel for information about popular metahumans. The ancient was always particularly interested in mortals with promising futures. Intelligence that put them above their peers, and in these times metahumans tended to be those. Smart, sometimes bright-eyed hopefuls looking to get their start in some kind of scientific fields.

”It’s fine. I’m still getting used to the concept there’s someone out there that looks like me,” he stated with a shrug, not giving too much thought to his being colorful save for averting his eyes for a moment. Perhaps if he were human he might have even blushed.  He likely looked like someone who got a little sun, enough not to be the normal pale figure he was. He buried his hands into his pockets, shifting around on his feet. ”so, you interested in vampires?” He questioned curiously, noting the scuttling of a spider along the ceiling and  then turning attention back to the screen. ”I know a good bit about my kind, though I suppose you already did your research there,”

The Son of The Raven - Samael Christensen
Osiris - The Undead king
Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 125
Registration date : 2016-07-28

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INV ONLY Re: Just an old fashioned vampire party (Humanity)

Post by Humanity May 1st 2020, 8:07 pm

"Uh sorta? I'm interested in everything really. I got a channel that basically takes a bunch of science and stuff to metahuman abilities and even magic and helps us come up with new theories and principles. I just did a video on if Vampires could be real, and I science it out for everyone how it's very possible that any one of 12 different vampires could be out there...But if you ever wanna go off the record, I'd totally have a ton of questions to ask." Silus was explaining for a moment as he seemed to turn the computer. He didn't even seem to pay the spider any mind as he leaned back and seemed to pet the German Shepard, though soon his attention was taken by another voice.

"I'll be a vampire. I haven't used my vampire persona since...Mike." A little voice said before a head popped over the rocking recliner chair. Adam might recognize the young man as the young Lord Vladimir Bludović. He seemed to notice Adam and smirked, nodding at him before looking at Silus. "I like the fashion statement, Si. Looks very uh...Erosian of you." He said with a little hum, then looking up at the spider on the ceiling, his eyes narrowing at it, knowing full well what was about to happen. He could taste the pressence of pine and sugar on his tongue as his vision seemed to warble a little with little hues of yellow.

"Don't be rude, introduce yourself before you go spying on someone." The boy with the mop of black hair said, seeming to glare at the ceiling, fixed upon the spider.  Upon hearing the voices outside the shower Matthew shifted his head, an ear towards the door as he turned the shower off, reaching for a towel and the new set of clothes he had laid out the night prior.


Just an old fashioned vampire party (Humanity) Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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INV ONLY Re: Just an old fashioned vampire party (Humanity)

Post by Adam Johnson May 1st 2020, 8:34 pm

An entire channel about theories? He was surprised someone didn’t try to target this strange child.  Assassinating mortals that got too close to revealing things they didn’t want shown tended to be a thing that happened. Doctors who captured vampires tended to find themselves torn apart when they made one small mistake or when that vampire had their allies come to their aid. ”I’m sure I could give a bit of information, though I can’t help feeling a little uneasy about it.  Someone else might think you were dangerous,” He didn’t smile but he didn’t frown either, leaning back from looking at the screen and noting the scent of someone else. He turned towards the sound of a young male speaking, seeing the person self proclaiming to be Vladimir Bludović. His statement about being a vampire made Adam second guess that however. His heartbeat suggested something strange, though his scent was decidedly human.

”Lord Bludović or should I call you something else?” he questioned, arcing a brow and looking back up to the arachnid who was scuttling along the ceiling until it paused and seemingly fell back first downwards. A blur of motion left them with a human looking male, shifting around like a cat and landing on the floor with a faint hump. His brown hair was a little messy, skin the color of wood and a curious expression on his face towards Adam. He was dressed in simple sleeveless white shirt and tattered camo shorts with a similar patterned bandana wrapped around his forehead. His blood smelled of nature, earth, water and even woods. These people were strange and stranger.

”Hi, I’m Shael,” he rose to two legs, and eyed him up and down curiously. ”you smell like blood. ” Adam looked at the strange child defensively, though he smiled at him. ”if you’re here for Matt, he’s in the shower.  Seems pretty popular,”  Without any real tact he walked over to a couch and plopped down audibly,  curling up like a dog and continuing to eye him.

”Nice to meet you,” He tried not to be off put but there was something strange about the child. Might have been his lack of tact or the ability to change shape, though perhaps he was a shifter. Not that he smelled as foul as them, which made him wonder. ”I’ll admit, I didn’t expect so many children,” he added looking over the three that he was sure were all under eighteen, perhaps even sixteen.

The Son of The Raven - Samael Christensen
Osiris - The Undead king
Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 125
Registration date : 2016-07-28

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INV ONLY Re: Just an old fashioned vampire party (Humanity)

Post by Humanity May 3rd 2020, 2:14 pm

Shael had appeared and introduced himself. He had said something regarding Matthew being popular, but the tone in his voice seemed to make Silus, turn and arch an eyebrow at him. He always found his cousin/nephew/friend's commentary to be awkward. He had no sense of social tact and seemed to insinuate something about Matthew's popularity. He felt something deep inside him want to send a stinging response back but he, in the end, simply looked at Shael while Adam made mention of so many children.

"I mean...he's popular but. According to this he's slept with all of us. Chapter 66 is with all of us" Pup said as he held up a small book that had the word "Fanfiction" written on it and beneath it was "The Author". Silus glared at the other boy and shook his head. Why that parody even existed was beyond him, and at this point he was missing Archon more and more. It seriously seemed like without Zell, this place was going to shit REAL fast.

"Don't give Shael any ideas. Matt's just shipped with everyone because he's a nice guy. Who opened his home to us, and more because being on the streets isn't fun." Silus said, his glare was between Shael and Pup, he then smiled kindly and went back to his computer, clicking away at the keys quite rapidly. Pup seemed to have a moment where he paused, almost as if he felt bad.

"So wait...are you claiming him, or am I game to try?" He said at Silus, seeming confused. The younger boy's face turned bright red as his head slumped "You kinda put yourself out there when you said "Heeeeey Daddy" on your Humanity video." The level of embarrassment was too much to bear as Silus quickly began dragging a finger on the desk, it looked as if he were simply being shy but then suddenly he pulled something from the table, a small balloon appeared in his hand and he whipped it across the room, towards the child in the chair. The balloon broke open and saturated the child in the leather coat.

"It's called comedic effect! It wasn't serious! Mr.Try-to-Seduce-Xenomorph-Shael." Silus was a new kind of flustered as he gripped his towel and began marching towards the hallway. Pup had his eyes forced clothes, his mouth curled into a smile, satisfied. Silus made his way to his room as the German Shepard lowerded it's head, whining and placing it's paw over it's muzzle. Pup turned his head to Shael and shrugged.

"Hey uh...think it's be a bad idea to ask him-"
"Don't finish that sentence." A voice came from the hallway. Matthew emerged dressed in a pair of black basketball shorts and a navy blue wic-shirt, eyes trained on the child with what appeared to be the intent to kill.

"Yes daddy." The reponse came almost inherently, Matthew's body tensing up at it before he rolled his eyes in exhaustion, looking to Adam. At least the shenanigans of the children were able to buy him enough time to get dressed. Matthew smiled at Adam before letting out a little sigh.

"Hey Adam! Didn't think you'd be coming around. Not complaining at all. A surprise, but not an unwelcome one." He said as he seemed to reach up and grab Adam on the shoulder, squeezing slightly as he tried to maneuver away from the hallway. The German shepard seemed to eye Adam cautiously, while Matthew tried to step away from the hall.


Just an old fashioned vampire party (Humanity) Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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INV ONLY Re: Just an old fashioned vampire party (Humanity)

Post by Adam Johnson May 3rd 2020, 3:08 pm

Adam didn’t know what to think of the implications that Matt was popular or what the kid had said about it. The faux-vampire lifted up a dense script and stated this was proof of his popularity, which drew the attention of the one by the name of Shael who shrugged. ”Doesn’t sound too wrong…unless…” Shael muttered to himself, turning to Silus with a look of what could have been mild surprise though he didn’t say anything else in that line of thinking.  ”besides, I have a house.” Shael then added, though Adam wondered what that meant on the other twos end. Did Matt adopt them because they had no homes?

All it took was a certain jab to cause the youngest looking to turn red and walk off to what he assumed put some pants on. That was when Matt made his appearance, hair slightly damp and giving the child a look that threatened death. He’d seen those looks enough to know what they meant, though they always put him on edge somewhat. He didn’t seem the kind to kill children, but he didn’t know him too well. Not well enough to make assumptions like that. Even still, it was like sitting in the same room with Noah. Perhaps they would get along if the kid weren’t so apt to…well go after different company. That didn’t stop him from chuckling, because Noah’s style of humor was always amusing.

”Hey Matt. I swore you got the invitation, unless….” He looked to Shael who shrugged. The pressure of the hand on his shoulder was notable but not unpleasant.

”I didn’t do anything to any invitation. I know not to chew up mail…anymore,” The last part was whispered but he caught it. Not that Adam commented on it anyhow. Didn’t add anything to the conversation. He felt the dogs eyes on him once again, though he didn’t really respond to it. Shael however finally noticed the dog, flopping onto the floor and taking the form of the same breed if a little shorter. Going to what he assumed play with said dog.

”You were invited to a party. Not by my choice I suppose but that’s fine. If you weren’t too busy tonight, I was wondering if you actually wanted to come along. Though I didn’t expect you to have so many kids,” His eyes scanned over Pup, where Shael was and then where Silus had walked off. Something about that concept made him feel awkward. ”I suppose you’re curious who exactly invited you. What do you know about a vampire named Osiris?”

The Son of The Raven - Samael Christensen
Osiris - The Undead king
Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
Post Mate
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Registration date : 2016-07-28

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INV ONLY Re: Just an old fashioned vampire party (Humanity)

Post by Humanity May 3rd 2020, 8:28 pm

"He's still-uhm. Hold on a second. I need to think. Gimmie a second." He's still alive!?  Matthew almost spoke the internal monologue, but caught himself and tried to collect this thoughts, knowing the voice inside would be providing some information, if it knew what was best for it.

"Oh see, now THAT'S why you had an invite. I thought when they sent me mine that they had just assumed you were my plus-one." Pup said after a moment, standing up and reaching into his jeans. Then he seemed to shift from pocket to pocket until he reached into his wet leather jacket and withdrew an invitation addressed to Matthew. "Well I wasn't gonna go, but if you're going I'll be right back. I gotta accessorize." Pup said before turning and bolting down the hallway. He quickly opened the basement door and rumbled down with a flurry of quick footsteps. The door closed behind him as Humanity looked to Shael.

He ruled beside his sire, the self-proclaimed Goddess Isis and her foolish entourage. She amassed power and went to war with more than simply her own kind. A cult pledged to a man with wings of gold and power untold. I did not fear him, his plight was not with us. Isis had warred with me for too long, and for her to meet her end...I still don't believe it. No. She is not dead, I swear to this. Osiris himself was flung to the river to wash away the divine flames of their foe. He crawled from there, a charred carcass.  He crawled himself into the dirt, but fell catatonic. Believing him dead we passed, I used my power and called upon the forces of Egypt, and the ground finished swallowing him whole.... The voice had some to an end of it's little spill of information. Being as they were speaking of Egypt, who would have had the wings of light? Ra? That seems silly considering how Ra and Isis should have gotten along quite well. Or was that with...oh it was all so confusing. Then again he had Anubis in his heat chanting on about leading an army of the dead. Matthew looked to Adam and seemed to search for words after Pup had vacated the area.

"Isn't that the one they couldn't find his penis...when they stitched him back together?" He asked. He seemed to innocent and helpless. You've practiced this faith before...stop playing coy. the voice growled with irritation as Matthew seemed to shrug, then looking at the card. He almost had to wonder what kind of preparations he needed to make for a vampire party. " I suppose dressing like a vampire would be in poor taste then, huh?" He teased Adam before he turned around and seemed to walk back to his room. After a few moments he came out dressed in something a little more fitting.

Charcoal grey pinstripe overcoat with a matching charcoal vest beneath, trimmed with purple, a purple button-down shirt beneath with a tie that diagonally zagged between several shades of purple and charcoal grey to match. The Pinstripe pants seemed to complete the set as well as a pair of shining black shoes, silver trim along them to match the black cane with the silvery colored decorum at the top. He took the glasses out of his pocket, fixing them on the bridge of his nose, twisting the grey metallic watch with the shining purple face to be just in the right place, folding a purple handkerchief over into a pocket-square. Finally he walked to his closet door and pulled down a box of his old accessories that he had collected over the years, seeing if anything in particular would seal the deal on the look he was going for. Then he saw it once more...something he had no recollection of buying, yet he remembered that he had it. It was a medallion, a pendant of sorts. It was like that of a star-bursting forth with silver and gold colors, leading up to a dragon's wings bursting forth and curling back, as if it were in mid flight, the head of the dragon off to the side in a fierce way. The Sunburst seemed to stem from a strange purple hued gemstone, and the Dragon's wings seemed to curl up, as if accentuating it's presentation. Words in a language long lost had been written upon it, and it seemed to have been secured by a flat black lacing.

Dressed to 9's in the best he could find, he walked up to Adam and sighed, looking as if he were awaiting Adam to laugh. Though soon enough Pup walked up, dressed exactly as he had dressed oh so many nights ago. He had his fang-devices in and his eyes seemed to be a different color, he slipped a pill into his mouth, swallowed it and let out an exhale that smelled faintly of blood. His entire smell had been changed, cloaked and much more fitting as his heartbeat had fallen silent and his completion seemed paler than before. Pup walked up to Shael and held out his arms and cocked his head to the side, awaiting his opinion.


Just an old fashioned vampire party (Humanity) Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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INV ONLY Re: Just an old fashioned vampire party (Humanity)

Post by Adam Johnson May 3rd 2020, 9:16 pm

The child seemingly prone to playing vampire dug around in his jeans and produced what looked like it was the exact invitation he was expecting Matt to have gotten. Sounded about right for someone playing vampire to root around with people’s mail, not that he cared much for the legal implications of that. Came with being a vampire really. Considering they more often than not drank people’s blood, sometimes even killing them. He watched Pup stand up after mentioning he hadn’t planned to go, though that changed when his seeming guardian was likely going. ”No, I’m pretty sure he isn’t missing his penis,” He responded, though amused by that response itself. Was that a story surrounding the myth? He didn’t look too much into Egyptian myths, not enough to know anything about them anyway. Osiris didn’t speak of lacking in that capacity, not that anyone who was lacking would go around telling about it.

”I’m sure a few would find it hilarious but overall probably,” he watched him walk away to his room, staring at the door for a moment before turning to the dog which walked back to the couch once it was bored and returned to the humanoid form. A few moments passed before he emerged once again, though looking far different than before. Impressive really. Adam gave a small no of approval, soaking in the change of clothing for a few seconds and committing it to memory. ”you look good. Very…fancy?” He arced a brow, realizing his own get up might have looked quaint in comparison. Sure, the suit was likely considered pricey by most human standards, but it went for a near minimalistic appearance. Where Osiris got his measurements, well that was a question he wanted to ask but never got around to.

”almost make me feel like I’m the one underdressed,” he produced a small pocket mirror, examining his hair and raking fingers through it before setting the mirror back in a pocket.

”Looks good,” Shael agreed, though Adam felt the kid was just parroting what he said with a more enthusiastic sound to him. Though the return of the count brought with it a change, more so that he smelled more like their own kind. Maybe smelling like he had recently fed but the slow beat of his heart was gone, which made the disguise more palatable. The wild child seemed far more impressed by the kid looking like a vampire than before. ”woah, how’d you do it?!” he was suddenly enthusiastic about the strange change, sniffing away at the child as if trying to find some iota of human scent.

”That is quite impressive. I can see how you’re able to fool our kind,” Adam agreed, nodding and stroking his chin as he tried to figure out what exactly he had managed to do. There was likely some secret, though he didn’t know what that could have been. Aside from maybe Lily’s alchemical secrets she liked to act like she had lying around. There was always something that magic could do which he didn’t understand. Likely helped there were many breeds of their kind, some that had fangs which didn’t need to be extended like his own.

”have fun at your vampire Matt. I’m gonna hang out with Silus, unless he’s doing his youtube thing. Maybe I’ll hang out anyway,” he shrugged, walking off to where he assumed his uncle/cousin was.

”So Lord Bludović, would it be beneath you to ride with us? I have a car of my own, so I don’t mind driving another person with me,” Adam offered, though he didn’t know if the young looking vampire would accept his charity. Most older ones didn’t, usually enjoying the concept of running to where they wanted when they didn’t need to look too good. Not that he expected someone playing vampire to have the same perks. ”oh, you probably won’t be the only human there. So it might not be as awkward as you’d expect. Usually vampires bring humans they’re fond of with them or those they consider close friends. So…um…I don’t know where I was going with that.” instead of digging a deeper hole for himself, Adam motioned for Matt and Pup perhaps to follow to his car.

It was a sleek silver affair, likely easily costing more than this entire house and loaned to him by a vampire king with too much disposable income. He opened the door for the two of them, obviously offering the person he invited the front passenger seat and Pup the back seat. With that done he made the drive to where he remembered where the party was supposed to be.

The Son of The Raven - Samael Christensen
Osiris - The Undead king
Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 125
Registration date : 2016-07-28

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INV ONLY Re: Just an old fashioned vampire party (Humanity)

Post by Humanity May 3rd 2020, 9:55 pm

"Don't seem too jealous." Pup said to Shael with a little smirk. All joking aside he seemed more than happy, he reached out and seemed to rub Shael's belly, not really paying any mind to his physical form. "A pup never tells their secrets. Because most of them can't talk, or are too cute to torture." He chuckled and then turned on the heels of his noble regalia and took a step back towards the others. With a simple walk he had his own suit on and wore an overcloak that would assist in protecting him from rain or any other form of issues they might encounter of the weather variety. He walked back over and the medallion eh wore around his neck seemed to hide quite well, as well as the several adorning's. Matthew, on the other hand was minimalist to be sure. He has the basics but he had an adorning amulet that caused Pup's mouth to curl, the teeth he had placed in poking out on one side as he looked it over, realizing the different hues and tastes that filled his sight and tastes. Matthew seemed to step over towards the closet and picked up a duffel bag, throwing it over his shoulder.

"Yeah, leave it to pup. His persona is a vampire that is over a thousand years old, and he's only been in this universe for three months." Matthew said, looking at pup for a moment, whose over the top levels of fancy seemed to be more than he could even take. Of course if you were playing an immortal child that had the mentality of an old, rich guy then you'd perhaps be a little eccentric elsewhere. He seemed to walk up to Adam, who seemed to offer a ride for the child.

"I should think that to be a most excellent idea, Adam. I thank you for your kind offer to ride your mechanical chariot." he said, his accent was flawless. Matthew's jaw dropped as the child seemed to manifest an very old accent that seemed to be attempting to speak English, further more his odd choice of language seemed to be quite fitting as well. Matthew looked to Adam and smirked slightly before rolling his eyes at the pup. They began to walk towards the car, finally as Adam continued to talk Matthew would just watch him, his pupils betraying his shock on what he said a little.

"Adam" he said as if he were deathly serious. "Thank you for the invitation." He replied as Adam held the door open for the car. He sat within, looked up and nodded at Adam in thanks. The door was closed and Pup sat in the back, looking down to his phone before tossing it onto the driver's side second row. He'd have no use for that while he played as an ancient vampire that had no concept of technology. He slowly began remembering vampiric faces and names that he knew. He even had vampire pen-pals that he still wrote with and made allegiances with. Maybe he could hang out with some of them if they were here.

"So run this by me one last time. Osiris is the head honcho. And you are-?"
              "Osiris is you, and Adam is me." Pup seemed to spout out, though the implications of such things were actually not on the child's mind. He had no idea the direct correlations and relationships between Osiris and Adam, but he knew Osiris was in charge and Adam was a favored friend and a bit of a muse. To which Pup correctly assigned himself that place to Humanity's life. The worst pat being that Matthew seemed to understand this perfectly and simply nodded.

"Got it. Anything I should be aware of?" He asked. Pup went to calk, but Matthew's hand came back and he seemed to put his hand over the boy's mouth. "No, bad dog. Enough of the peanut gallery. I'm asking my date-person-thing." he said, realizing how awkward that sounded, though the sudden glaring eyes that Pup made at Matt was accompanied by his tongue sliding up and down his palm. Matthew seemed uphased as they pulled up to where they were supposed to be.


Just an old fashioned vampire party (Humanity) Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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INV ONLY Re: Just an old fashioned vampire party (Humanity)

Post by Adam Johnson May 3rd 2020, 10:37 pm

”Only a few months?” Adam questioned, acring a brow and wondering if he were similar to the very man that looked much like him. So many things he was learning about the world around him, despite the fact that to a normal human the existence of vampires would have been quite the mind fuck. The fact this child was able to play the ancient vampire was impressive within its own rights. Maybe he was secretly some manner of strange vampiric offshoot that smelled like a human? Half-vampires did saturate human media enough to be a thing that people thought about. His calling the car a mechanical chariot was enough to make him laugh out loud, louder than he expected to be laughing.

His own awkward comments about why vampires normally invited humans would have made humans blush, but his cheeks remained the same slightly colored shade. No rise in color despite the fact he was ripping himself apart within his own mind. way to go Adam. Five hundred years and you still manage to be…terrible, he thought to himself,  not allowing the mild exasperation Matt slipped into the vehicle, leaving him mildly shocked by his own perceived stupidity before he gently closed the door behind him. The same was done for Pup, though he did not allow the second of awkward pausing.

Once in the drivers seat he felt the vehicle rumble to life and took to driving. Ever since cars were invented, he wanted to learn how they worked and his sire pushed him into learning as well. There was something about the horseless carriages that just fascinated him, more than anything else really. At times he let his head hang out from the window, especially when they were able to head at speeds faster than thirty miles per hour. Blazing down highways and taking in everything the way that humans did. So much to do, though it just reminded him that he perhaps missed those days too much.

”We’ve known each other for a bit. If he were a king…you could say I’m…a duke of sorts, though most people treat me like that an in unofficial capacity. ” The statement of what they were and comparing the young faux vampire to that was another thing entirely. He turned to Matt and arched a brow. Considering how long he knew Noah, well that wasn’t something he had become too adverse to. ”I see,” he said, turning his eyes to the road once again and trying to work through what that meant. If he weren’t a true vampire, then that meant he might have not even known what he was talking about but perhaps that was just him hoping to some extent.

”Nothing else. Just be careful who you talk to, who you offend and the like. Can never tell who comes to these things or who Osiris invites. He has a lot of friends, some of which…well don’t fully agree with his view on things. A few might see you as a meal and others might be stupid enough to try and make good on that afterwards,” He didn’t mention that some were old enough to be an issue. Adam knew he couldn’t be responsible for protecting him, but that didn’t stop some part of him which might have been human from wanting to try. That stupid part that thought it should. ”though I know you’re not stupid. You won’t go around picking fights with anyone,” Perhaps a small vote of confidence though he didn’t know what to say about the date-thing comment. His mind was working too hard on what it meant.

Eventually the vehicle drove through a well-off looking neighborhood, driving through a large driveway to what looked to be a well occupied parking lot. Considering the size of his parties, Osiris had to make sure there was enough room for all his guests to park. He stepped out, and opened the doors for both of his guests. Including the date-thing. ”Matt. Lord Bludović.” He considered the two, leading them through the garden path that branched onto the lot they parked on. The scent of grass cut not so long ago and the sound of fountains flowing were part of the whole atmosphere. It showed the ancient vampires taste at the very least. Small collections of people moved along the lawns, through the well kept gardens that led up to the side entrance. He felt the sight of someone on them, though by the time he turned towards them they were already standing there; walking alongside them.

”Oh wow, an actual human with you this time?” The one speaking was a young looking vampire around the age of thirteen, blonde hair well cut and swept to the side in a dark blue suit with the kind of blue eyes that looked itense.

”Don’t need to sound so surprised Noah.”

”Well, aren’t you going to introduce me?” Adam sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

”Matt, Lord Bludović this is Noah, my progeny.” This caused the young looking vampire to smile, nodding along.

”There we go dad. Nice to meet you Matt, pretty sure you’re the first mortal he’s brought to this kind of thing in like…ever actually,” He extended a hand, expecting it to be shaken.

The Son of The Raven - Samael Christensen
Osiris - The Undead king
Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 125
Registration date : 2016-07-28

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INV ONLY Re: Just an old fashioned vampire party (Humanity)

Post by Humanity May 3rd 2020, 11:33 pm

"That might work to my advantage, if not all of them share his views." Matthew said with a shrug, though looking almost excited. His pulse didn't seem to change much, though he did find himself trying for force himself to remain calm. They pulled inot the gated community, the upstanding and pristine neighborhood was shrouded in darkness but the lights made it clear that the party was here.

"And so he proceeded to go forth and piss off the entierty fo the Vampiric community." Pup muttered in his fake accent, a smirk on his face when Adam made the comment on Humanity being smart and not picking fights. Adam had pulled up then gotten out, and personally opened the doors for his guests. Matt smiled and thanked him as he stood up, though Pup remained rahter stoic, a small nod of appreciation as he went from the playful child to his most immersive self yet. He seemed to look about, his eyes changed from their ususal turquoise color to an amber, traces of an orange to the edges of the iris.

They walked the garden trail a bit, Pup's eyes shifting everywhere as if he were taking in the full experience, a small sniff with his own heightened senses and he could tell that there was a nice aroma, one that many would miss. He closes his eyes a little and he heard the water dropping from fountains and little rock fixtures. He smirked slightly as he heard something else, a faint rustle as a pink color flashed across his vision like a roseia pallert upin a camera. Someone was approaching. He continued to walk calmly, confidently and seeming to hold no reservations or shock. Matthew, on the other hand seemed to almost jump out of his skin a little when the younger Vampire suddenly appeared there. He knew that they weere there, however he had to fight his base instinct of diving out of the way.

Their exchange seemed to indicate that Noah seemed to be the child of Adam in a way. Though given the physical attributes it was quite clear to Pup that they were not biologically kindered before their dark rebirth. Noah seemed to be a little more interested in Humanity's aspect of things, but that was perfectly fine as Matthew reached out wiht a small smile. His heart had leapt for a moment when the child first arrived, but it almost immediately returned to it's regular pace.

"Pleasure's all mine, Noah." He said, his smile was genuine, but part of him was still trying to figure out exactly what the young vampire meant when he brought up the fact Adam never brought a human before. It forced Matthew to question why bringing a human was such an ordeal. Was it a status symbol, or a symbol of one's progressiveness? Was it something of a party trick? He didn't mind any of it, as long as he knew what he was. What this whole set up was. He also hoped the poor child didn't try to peer into his mind, as he was fixating upon certain tasks for his more superficial thoughts.

"I'm uh...still not sure why me being a human is such a big deal. I'm sure plenty of people don't mind the existence of another kind." Matthew said, the sad part was he wasn't even playing stupid, he was just genuinely unsure as to why Adam bringing a human was such a big deal, if people have all been doing so for quite a while.


Just an old fashioned vampire party (Humanity) Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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INV ONLY Re: Just an old fashioned vampire party (Humanity)

Post by Adam Johnson May 4th 2020, 12:56 am

The young vampire seemed almost amused by Humanity’s reaction, though that only really colored his expression as he eyed Pup and Adam. If there was one thing Adam knew about his son, well it was the young vampire had a tendency towards trickery and upsetting his elders to some extent. He found outdated ideals annoying, or rather that was what he said when people asked the boorish question of why. Of course, it was obvious they weren’t related but the way the blood bound people was different than simple genetics. Matt reacting so well to his appearance beyond the initial appearance was good though. ”I’m sure,” he responded with a wink, retracting his hand and burying it into his suits pocket. He looked to Adam and smiled. ”I like him.” That only caused him to glare back at the male, though he didn’t respond immediately when Matt questioned why his being a human was so surprising.

”It’s not an issue really. Just…well Adam hasn’t brought a human with him since any of us could remember. Closest he’s come to is…well that half demon of his,” He explained quickly enough, though Adam didn’t know if he wanted having that small fact spread out about him. ”guess it’s like when an overly masculine girl actually wears a dress for once," He added in, seemingly guiding them along while also explaining the questions that had some reason behind them. Vampires usual had humans with them didn’t they?

”Now that we have that out of the way,” Adam huffed, opening the door for those with him to step through before he followed behind them. The sound of music flowed past the door, sounding classical in a way that was likely popular in centuries past.  ”wonder how many here I’ll actually know,” Adam then mused, walking alongside Matt with the faint thought in mind to defend. It was not an uncommon thought, though Samael tended to be able to defend himself due to his own inhuman abilities. The hallway was cozy enough, ornate in the way he expected from Osiris. This lead them into the main ballroom with a few couples moving around a central floor in a swirling dance.

”Love me a good party. Wonder where my dance partner is,” Noah mused, looking around and shrugging. ”probably talking with the others in a side room. That’s where he always ends up. I’ll leave you guys to your things, “ He gave a small wave and walked off, Adam picking a glass bottle of thick red liquid and popping the top off before taking a conservative sip from it.

”So, would you rather get meeting Osiris out of the way or get a feel for the party first? I’ll admit…not in a rush to see him,” Adam drunk up the bottled blood, tasting the faint carbonation on his tongue and looking around, especially towards the slightly elevated section where the ancient vampire sat.

The Son of The Raven - Samael Christensen
Osiris - The Undead king
Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 125
Registration date : 2016-07-28

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