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Contest Envision

Post by Secret Santa December 23rd 2019, 3:25 pm

Carson Orlso

"I lost my family, and my coping device is revenge. If you get in the way of that revenge, I'll make it so that the only food you ever consume will be through a STRAW!"

The Bio

Real Name: Carson Orlso
Renegade Name: Envision
Title: The Visionary
Alignment: True Neutral
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Race: Ascended Metahuman
Hair: Shifting
Eyes: Shifting
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 130 lbs

The Looks

The Personality

A very critical man, Orlso doesn't take into account corporeal things. He doesn't understand or care for magic despite its relevance in the modern world. His only mission is to slay the members of the group that forced him to work under them, destroyed his home, and killed his family. The only thing Carson wants is revenge.

The Story


The Priority

1. Reaction
2. Agility
3. Endurance
4. Strength

The Powers

Enlightenment – The more energy transferred into Carson's body, the more power unlocked in his brain. Essentially, the more someone damages Carson, the more intelligent he becomes. If he were to get run over by a train travelling at high speeds and survive, he could quickly come up with blueprints for, say, a tungsten rod orbital platform in a matter of seconds. Maybe after getting plugged into the city's power grid, he's deduced the very structure of the meta-gene and how to manipulate it! But he's basically a fried corpse. Nigh infinite possibilities, but at a great cost.

Projection – With enough energy absorbed, Carson gains immense psionic abilities. He could perform mental attacks such as psionic energy blasts, and exist in a higher intangible form. With permission, he could even project his mind onto another individual's and battle it out, not in the real world. But in a world of pure imagination.

Exertion – To handle the power absorbed into the brain, Carson's body begins to constantly exert heat around him. This heat can reach intense temperatures and his boiling sweat can be launched off himself to cause extreme heat damage.

The Weaknesses

Sharp Objects – Blades, Swords, and weapons that aren't blunt, heavy objects will likely not transfer as much kinetic energy into the body as a hammer. Therefore, someone with blades could get away with doing damage to the man without him getting an intelligence buff.

Stress – Intense stress will cause a decrease in the ability to use the absorbed energy in Orlso's mind. Therefore, keeping a cool head in situations is a must for the power to be useful.

Battery Levels - When Carson gains energy, he stores it up in a meter. Each time Carson uses his power, he drains this internal battery. This is dependant on how powerful each of his attacks are. At 5% Carson begins to feel weak, and at 0% his powers start to draw from his actual body, instead of stored up energy. This could potentially end him if he goes on like this for too long.

Training - At this point Carson has tested his projection once, and cannot control it well. He's likely to go over his battery capacity and start to do damage to himself.

The Items

GX-33 Bodysuit:

Kit - A toolbox, chemistry set w/ chemical's, syringes, and a vial of Spark Prime. All carried in a somewhat expensive messenger bag.

The Minions

The Fluff

This meta scientist is extremely intelligent and cunning even without his power. He does still have access to his old lab.

Carson still has the symbol of the Cult embedded in his mind and can use it as a clue on his search.

Application created by Chellizard | This code is open-source and available for free use.

Secret Santa
Secret Santa

Status :

Quote : "Ho Ho Ho"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 35
Location : North Pole
Job : Holiday organizer
Humor : Jolly
Registration date : 2019-11-08

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Contest Re: Envision

Post by Zonkes December 24th 2019, 12:04 pm

Honestly? Thor, you should be super proud of whoever gave this to you. This is one of the best apps I’ve read from Secret Santa.

Gifted to Thorgron. Approved and moved.
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : I was that guy Zai. To Vorik, to Murph and to Pat. I’m sorry.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 649
Location : Somewhere between hell and a hand basket
Age : 28
Job : Professional Manipulator
Humor : What’s the difference between a clown and a pancake? Not much after the steamroller incident.
Registration date : 2017-01-10

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