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Battle of the Bands (Quinn Taylor)

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Battle of the Bands (Quinn Taylor) - Page 2 Empty Re: Battle of the Bands (Quinn Taylor)

Post by Danny The Sphinx August 2nd 2019, 5:58 pm

Haste took Danny in a different direction than the one she anticipated. For good or bad depended on just what would play out later in the evening, for now, it would be just fine for her.

"Hey!" Just for a brief moment Danny caught the very heel of Tsukimi's shoes as Patrick pushed her into a closet. "Those better not be who I think they are!"

A constructed turquoise bar would wrap around his torso while another would wrap his legs up, leaving little wiggle room against very rough constructed bonds. "So, you're with that wrecking ball who knocked out my friends, huh?" Danny looked over to the closet. "Well, looks like I've got you taken care of, and now, I've got my friends safe and sound, so everything's coming up just fine for Danny."

Danny The Sphinx
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Number of posts : 849
Registration date : 2014-09-28

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Battle of the Bands (Quinn Taylor) - Page 2 Empty Re: Battle of the Bands (Quinn Taylor)

Post by Argenis August 2nd 2019, 6:22 pm

Patrick shrieked as the voice yelled at him. He took a few steps back surprised. “Well, shit.” He muttered. He knew there wasn't anything he really could do and before he knew it he was tied up with....something, what he wasn't quite sure. He was too stunned and flabbergasted to put up any kind of real fight.

“Hey!” He finally managed wiggling in the bonds a little. “Let's not do anything rash.” He winced when Danny called Quinn the “human wrecking ball.” He huffed “maybe don't open with that one.” He muttered trying to put his thoughts together.

Patrick chuckled and shook his head. “Curse you meddling kids and your dog.” Humor was his default for stressful situations. The only way this one could get more stressful was if Quinn showed up. That would be really bad. “Great, you found your friends. Trust me, take them and walk away. Everything will not becoming up fine if you stick around much longer.” He hoped the girl was smart enough to take his advice and leave.

Quinn had wandered down a hallway or two. Maya hadn't exactly gave her a description of who she was looking for. What was she suppose to do, walk around and call out the girls name? She decided to make a big loop and end up back past Patrick. By then hopefully the trio and her friend would be gone.

Several minutes passed as she walked the hallways. It gave her a chance to cool down. Hopefully she didn't run into this girl. If she was as virtuous as her friends she probably wasn't going to listen to reason. Which meant she was going to have to beat it into her. Half lost in thought she rounded the corner and into the hallway she had left Patrick and the trio in.

Status :

Quote : "Laziness is the mother of innovation."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 12
Location : US(East Coast)
Humor : I think, I'm hillarious
Registration date : 2019-07-25

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Battle of the Bands (Quinn Taylor) - Page 2 Empty Re: Battle of the Bands (Quinn Taylor)

Post by Danny The Sphinx August 2nd 2019, 6:49 pm

The door swung open and Tori rolled out, rubbing her head. "Danny...there's a big lady who hits hard."

"I saw it on the security feed." A turquoise blade would form in her hand as she cut through the tape around Tsukimi's hands and feet. "I caught the other guy you fought. He's not going anywhere."

"Other guy?" Tsukimi rubbed her wrists as she stood up, letting Erica get out around her. "That's just her sidekick. He just talks on the phone and does little things while she does all the real work."

"He's like her evil manager or something." Erica walked over to nudge Patrick with her foot. "Do you go to the evil villain section of Craig's List to find evil contracts?"

"I don't know if she's seriously questioning him or not." Danny kept the blade on her wrist. The mission still needed a completion, and right now all she did was set them back to square one. Well, square one plus the capture of an evil manager.

"He's too old to be a sidekick." Tori grabbed the duct tape and started taping up Patrick's legs. "He's like 40."

Looking for something to serve as a weapon, Tsukimi decided on a microphone stand. Like a crowbar, but less shady in appearance. "Villains don't have sidekicks. They have henchmen. Like Damien in Spice World."

"Really weird reference to make, Suzy." Danny let her eyes drift over to Patrick, as Tori continued wrapping him up in tape. "Now, tell us who you are working for!"

Erica stood up from holding Patrick with her knee. "We told you that! The giant lady!"

"No!" If Danny could wave Erica away she would. She could not, but she waved anyways. "Who is she working for?"

Tori finished wrapping Patrick's torso. "Oh! The big lady!"

"Tori, Erica already was wrong about that!" Dealing with a group made everything so difficult, but Danny knew communication would serve them in the end.

Brandishing her mic stand in defense, Tsukimi drew Danny's attention. "No! The rough lady's over there!"

"I guess I'll just ask her after we get pay back!" Turquoise would begin to form around Danny's arm in the form of a shield. Lights broke forth from the glow of her bracelet turning the sword into a spear. Step one: make spear. Step two: throw spear. And threw she did.

Battle of the Bands (Quinn Taylor) - Page 2 Giphy

Danny's Partners (Tsukimi, Tori, and Abby)

The Dress Shoppe Danny Stole From Bliss
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 849
Registration date : 2014-09-28

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Battle of the Bands (Quinn Taylor) - Page 2 Empty Re: Battle of the Bands (Quinn Taylor)

Post by Argenis August 2nd 2019, 7:14 pm

Patrick looked as if one of the girls reached out and struck him. Sidekick? Patrick E. Bartly was no one's sidekick. “Hey!” He said accusingly. “Quinn works for me!” Which was realistically only half true. “Are you not listening to a thing I-”

The trio were talking among themselves and Patrick just gave up. Quinn was never going to let him hear the end of this. “Fourty!?” He blurted. He was only thirty-eight, not forty. “Respect your elders.” He grumbled. Evil craigslist? “You watch too many movies kid.” Patrick was a born and raised Queens boy. He knew everyone who was anyone in this town, or so he would claim.

Patrick blinked at the girl. Henchman? He had been demoted from sidekick to henchman now? The nerve of these girls. When Quinn showed up.... “Listen, Quinn works for me. She was hired as a bodyguard for the band.” He didn't have a reason to lie to them. “It's just a job, nothing personal.” He said trying to shrug his shoulders. “I got some cards.”

The group of girls was bickering and Patrick looked up his face going pale. “Uh-oh.” He muttered seeing Quinn. “Well this isn't good. Queen!” He yelled to her.

Quinn looked up and stopped in her tracks. Well, this had quickly turned to the worse possible situation. She sighed, of course Patrick would get himself caught by a bunch of teenage girls. “Damn it Patrick.” She groaned.

Quinn's brain took a second to process exactly what she was seeing. The new girl was putting on some kind of light show and made a shield out of what Quinn assumed was thin air. It was about the time she made the spear Quinn's brain caught up with what was going on around her. “Son of a-” She threw herself to the side knocking a door off it's hinges the spear soaring past her.

First it was kelp magic, now this light show? She was getting paid enough.

Quinn rolled over and popped up onto her feet. She dug in her pocket for a handful of change. A few quarters, pennies, and a nickel. She hefted the change in her hand. “Alright Baby spice, now you've done it.” She yelled. Why was she still sticking to the spice girls thing? Whatever.

She rounded the corner, cocked her arm back and hurled the change. Sending it hurling towards the group like a shotgun blast. Sure Patrick would be caught in the cross fire but she had only thrown it hard enough to bruise. Hopefully enough Baby spice dropped whatever hold she had on Patrick.

She wasn't getting close to that, not right off the bat anyways.

Status :

Quote : "Laziness is the mother of innovation."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 12
Location : US(East Coast)
Humor : I think, I'm hillarious
Registration date : 2019-07-25

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Battle of the Bands (Quinn Taylor) - Page 2 Empty Re: Battle of the Bands (Quinn Taylor)

Post by Danny The Sphinx August 2nd 2019, 7:49 pm

"She makes Spice Girl references too?" It took Baby Spice a moment to begin shifting pieces together. "Oh, she might be responding to you or maybe you brought it up? I don't know. I'm Baby Spice right?"

A tight gripped turned white with Tsukimi choking the weapon. "I'm Posh. Erica is Sporty. Tori is probably Scary because she is black."

"Can we not immediately jump to that being the reason?" Still holding the duct tape, Tori ripped off the roll from Patrick, content with his state of 'arrest'. "Who was the fifth?"

"I don't know. I was born in 1997." The turquoise constructs left Patrick, giving Danny some more energy to work with. "Probably why I'm Baby Spice."

"Erica might be younger." Watching her mic stand become emboldened with turquoise made Tsukimi feel good enough to turn back to Erica. "Erica, how old are you?"

"26." Now that Patrick was restrained, Erica felt more comfortable leaving him behind. "I'm older than all of you. Probably Miley Cyrus over there, too." Her finger shifted over to Quinn.

Confusion shifted over to transfer from Tsukimi to Danny. A parting of Tsukimi's lips turned before Danny spoke instead. "No, she isn't Miley Cyrus, so you don't need to commend her on her work with homeless teens. You just need to hit her. A lot."

It was with those words Quinn began to wind up. "Incoming!" Turquoise walls would begin to build in front of Danny, guarding the ways above and below. "Get behind me!"

Tori and Erica scurried to get behind the wall, Tori taking a shot to the arm and Erica taking one to the leg as they found safety. Tsukimi spun her mic stand around, swiping at two coins in the air, then following up by deflecting a third coin into the wall, breaking the bearings on the door and making an unkempt opening.

Battle of the Bands (Quinn Taylor) - Page 2 Giphy

Danny's Partners (Tsukimi, Tori, and Abby)

The Dress Shoppe Danny Stole From Bliss
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 849
Registration date : 2014-09-28

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Battle of the Bands (Quinn Taylor) - Page 2 Empty Re: Battle of the Bands (Quinn Taylor)

Post by Argenis August 4th 2019, 12:43 am

They were still talking. Did they ever stop?

Who the hell was Miley Cyrus? Was that some kind of blonde joke?

Patrick blinked as the light turned formed into a wall. Just who were these girls? What the hell did they want with his client? Then he looked to Quinn narrowing his eyes. “Those were aimed at me too!” He yelled angrily. “What the hell Queen?”

Quinn rotated her shoulder and rubbed it with her other arm. “You would have been.” She was pretty sure anyways. She hadn't thrown them that hard.

“Careful Queen! She's got abilities!” Patrick stammered wiggling a little in his restraints. “Just hurry up and take care of them.” Quinn snorted, yeah if only it was that easy.

“Yeah Patrick, working on it.” She watched the group of girls carefully, mostly focused on Baby spice. She had turned whatever that light was into a barrier of some sort. “First kelp magic and now light shows.” She muttered. She was going up against a lot of unknowns. Not that this was the first time she had been outnumbered.

She just needed to stay calm, think things through. She couldn't afford to get angry. She just needed to buy a little time to think up a plan.

“I remember being twenty-six.” Quinn said looking around the hallway. “Was pretty shitty.” She added her brain starting to form a plan. “Pretty neat trick Baby spice.” She called out to Danny. “What do you call yourselves? Luminous and Kelp girl?” Alright, so Quinn wasn't very creative when it came to making names up. Still, she just needed to buy a little more time. “Posh spice seems to be the only one of you that has any real skills.”

Quinn started walking forward. “Guess I don't have to go easy on you.” She pushed off darting forward quickly and grabbing a fire extinguisher off the wall and whipping it at Danny and the turquoise wall. Her hopes was the fire extinguisher burst on contact distracting the group with the cloud of Co2. Regardless if it broke or not Quinn would carry her momentum forward throwing her shoulder into the turquoise wall as hard as she could. If she somehow managed to break through she would pivot and try to land a wild arm swing.

If she didn't break through wall she would start a onslaught of punches and kicks. Steadily getting stronger in the hopes of either breaking the wall or pushing the group back.

Status :

Quote : "Laziness is the mother of innovation."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 12
Location : US(East Coast)
Humor : I think, I'm hillarious
Registration date : 2019-07-25

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Battle of the Bands (Quinn Taylor) - Page 2 Empty Re: Battle of the Bands (Quinn Taylor)

Post by Danny The Sphinx August 4th 2019, 1:12 am

"26 is fine as long as people don't throw things at you!" From behind the barrier came the voice of the smaller of the team. "Given that you're still throwing things, I'm assuming 37 isn't great for you either!"

"I don't like Kelp Girl. Why does Danny get the better name?" With the barrage over, Tori came out, but without ammunition, lacked the means to be mean. "What about- oh, I'll probably need to run it by Bliss if I have a name."

"My name is Danny. I kinda go by 'The Sphinx', but it's more of a name I thought was cool when I was 17 and got this bracelet while on an excavation- I probably don't need to go through my backstory. Or, maybe after we arrest you all, I can go over it." Sometime towards the end of the speech, a fire extinguisher broke the turquoise wall. "Oh, we're fighting."

"Make way for Posh Spice." Tsukimi spun around, flipping the mic stand. "I wonder if Victoria Beckham says that when she makes David hold the door for her?"

A massive burst of energy shattered Danny's barrier, sending shards into non existence- and Danny to crouch into a more defensive stance. "Is this really the time to think of that?"

With the barrier gone, Tsukimi could see Quinn- and the back of her knee. "Do we have to do this without talking?" The mic stand would come across with a spinning strike from Tsukimi directly into Quinn's knee. "Last time, I remember you talking about Black Mirror all during the fight against the voodoo fashion designer and not only do I not know what Black Mirror is, I don't think anyone cares."

After the barrier fell, Danny sidestepped to keep Quinn from bringing the hurt down on her. "Point taken." Then, she would shoot a turquoise bolt towards Quinn's back. "Maybe we need ground rules."

A microphone would swing out to try and hit Quinn in the head. The cord attached would make pulling it back to Erica easy enough. "Why is it Danny only makes rules when it suites her and not any of us?"

"Mhhhmm." Another strike from Tsukimi would rise up to try and hit Quinn in the kidney with the mic stand.

"Can I just get attacked by Big Bertha here?" While Danny wanted Quinn's focus, she would create a turquoise fist appear, and aim a giant fist directed at Quinn's face. "I don't think that's much to ask for!"

Battle of the Bands (Quinn Taylor) - Page 2 Giphy

Danny's Partners (Tsukimi, Tori, and Abby)

The Dress Shoppe Danny Stole From Bliss
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 849
Registration date : 2014-09-28

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