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Jacqueline Duvall, Mélange
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Jacqueline Duvall, Mélange
"The Melting Pot of Mediocrity"
The Bio
Real Name: Jacqueline Duvall
Renegade Name: Mélange
Title: N/A
Alignment: Neutral
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Race: Human, mixed Latin and European descent
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Hazel, green dominant
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 120lbs
The Looks
Jacqueline has a fairly slim and slightly muscled build, kept in shape by a modest diet and light exercise. Her dark hair falls between her shoulder blades when left down, but she typically ties it up in a loose bun or high ponytail. She is normally found wearing modest and unassuming clothing, such as a pair of jeans and a dolman-style t-shirt. She does what she can to maintain an even tan on her otherwise olive skin, and occasionally hides her hazel eyes behind dark-tinted aviator’s sunglasses.
The Personality
Jacqueline is a person defined not by how she stands out, but by how plainly average she is. She keeps her possessions roughly organized, stowed away in drawers and stacked on shelves according to very approximate categories. She enjoys nights out on the town, but she won’t mind if you forget to invite her. Alone, she’s less motivated and ambitious than most, content to go with the flow and meet the status quo. Jacqueline enjoys a good pun. And a bad one. And dad jokes. And mean jokes. The bar isn’t set very high.
Miss Duvall is polite and even-tempered, quick to find the silver lining of a situation or some shred of good in a person. Like everyone else, Jacqueline is not above fudging the truth or telling small lies, but she trends toward honesty more often than not.
In many ways, Jacqueline is everything Christine refused to be.
The Story
Christine Garcia lived a comfortable life, but she wasn’t content to let anyone believe that. As a teenager, Christine had a tendency to calmly exaggerate minor hardships, making her situation out to be worse than it truly was. She proudly propped up her hypercritical attitude, while ignoring her own hypocritical nature.
She lived in a middle class neighborhood, born to middle class parents, and attending a middle class school. Nevertheless, she believed herself above it. The weight of her ego drove her living conditions further down than the reality of the situation, and the apparent sharpness of her wit pared away at her education until it seemed unsatisfactory.
Christine made few friends, and jabbed at those few until there were none. She alienated her family, mocked her coursework, and looked down on her coworkers at the drive-thru. All the while, she reminded herself how much better she was, recited her mantra. She was going to make it, going to be big and accomplish so much, despite her poor upbringing/education/neighborhood/yadda-yadda-yadda.
She didn’t. When the first rejection letter came in from an Ivy League university, she faltered, stumbled. And fell. And from the ground she looked up and realized that there was plenty that was above her, and nothing was truly beneath her.
Miss Garcia fell into a well of despair, then, as the curtains were pulled back and her carefully crafted illusion was dispelled. The truth was that Christine was simply mediocre. She was an average girl, raised in an average home, by average parents. There was simply nothing special about her.
And that thought horrified her. The self-destruction of her ego was so thorough that Christine Garcia all but vanished, the fine powder of her identity falling into the cracks of id.
Miss Garcia emptied her bank account, packed a carry-on, and got on a one-way flight to France. There, she forged herself a new identity, one capable of accepting mediocrity with open arms.
Enter Jacqueline.
Jacqueline was an average girl, raised in an average home, by average parents. But there was something special about her.
The Priority
1. Reaction
2. Endurance
3. Agility
4. Strength
The Powers
Roulette - When undergoing extreme stress, Mélange manifests three random powers and an assortment of related weaknesses. This occurs once per “encounter”, and she can not possess more than three powers from this event at any time. See the list of possible powers in the posts that follow.
The Weaknesses
Fragile Ego - Despite her best efforts, Jacqueline still has a fairly fragile ego. This makes her particularly vulnerable to psychic attacks or well-aimed words. Sufficiently targeted remarks, emotional effects, or psychic attacks can throw Mélange off her game. In extreme cases, she’ll experience a mental breakdown, rendering her defenseless (excluding passive defenses) and effectively taking her out of the fight.
Light Sensitivity Triggered Migraines - Jacqueline's eyes are unusually sensitive to bright and flickering lights. Prolonged exposure without protection will cause increasingly intense headaches, and sudden intense bursts of light will temporarily stun Jacqueline.
Prosopagnosia - Jacqueline has a complete inability to recognize and remember faces, leaving her reliant on distinguishing people by their voices, build, skin color, and (in the case of capes) costumes. As a result, Jacqueline is easily tricked by even rudimentary disguises (often as simple as taking the costume off) and has difficulty maintaining personal relationships.
The Fluff
Permanence - Mélange is incapable of permanently dying. The well of energy she subconsciously taps into for power-use has been imprinted with a rough copy of her conscious and subconscious mind. If she is killed, Jacqueline awakens somewhere in the world an indeterminate amount of time later, with major gaps in her memory and subtle changes to her personality.
Learning Curve - Due to the nature of how Mélange's powers manifest, she has not fully explored the abilities at her disposal. When Mélange's powers manifest, she only gains a cursory understanding of how the power is activated and what sort of power it is (eg, aura, projectile, touch-based, and so on). Similarly, she must work out the limitations and weaknesses of each power for herself. The exception to this is the 'power' Mulligan: when replacing Mulligan, she temporarily gains full and intimate understanding of all of her powers until she selects one. After she selects a power to replace Mulligan, she loses all the knowledge she gained this way. If she has used a power previously (previous thread/encounter), she retains the knowledge of that power from the previous encounter unless she was killed in that encounter (per Permanence fluff mechanic).
Conflict Engine - For whatever reason, powered individuals are drawn to establish their dominance over Mélange. As a result, Mélange is incapable of having a peaceful, civil encounter with any powered individual, unless said individual has already fought Mélange to a conclusive result. A powered individual encountering Mélange will gradually build up negative feelings toward her, such that even a perfectly level-headed individual will eventually find a way to justify initiating a conflict with Mélange to assert their dominance.
Application created by Chellizard | This code is open-source and available for free use.
Supplemental Reading
I wrote this up to assist me when describing powers with damage, damage resistance, and damage-like effects, because I was sick of coming up with comparison points and analogies. Bear in mind, this is only intended to be used as a loose metric to guide expectations and is in no way a definitive and all-encompassing description of anything.
- Qualitative Damage Ratings and Damage Types:
Qualitative Damage Ratings
Lesser - These injuries cause no lasting damage, and can generally be considered minor injuries individually. Lesser damage generally only begins to hinder an opponent when a significant number of them accumulate. For the purposes of computing percentile increases or decreases, or for adding together multiple damage instances, this rating has a value of 1.
Moderate - Injuries of this rating can cause lasting but temporary harm. This damage rating represents significant but not totally debilitating wounds that individually have the potential to hinder an opponent, and require a non-negligible amount of time to recover from post-conflict. For the purposes of computing percentile increases or decreases, or for adding together multiple damage instances, this rating has a value of 4.
Greater - Damage of this rating represents a significant injury of a magnitude that will likely require some professional medical attention to fully recover from. These injuries can cause a significant impairment in an opponent’s ability to fight and function. For the purposes of computing percentile increases or decreases, or for adding together multiple damage instances, this rating has a value of 8.
Critical - These are potentially lethal injuries that can be life-altering if not quickly addressed. Critical damage drastically reduces an opponent’s ability to fight and function, and multiple Critical injuries generally represent the end of a conflict. For the purposes of computing percentile increases or decreases, or for adding together multiple damage instances, this rating has a value of 16.
Damage Types
Cut - This damage type generally represents slices and scrapes, such as those caused by fingernails or bladed weapons.
Bash - Generally represents blunt force trauma, such as might be caused by hammers, fists, or object collisions.
Pierce - Generally represents damage caused by stabbing or puncturing
Rend - Generally represents tears, twists, and pulling
Burn - Generally represents damage caused by flames, acid, or some energy attacks
Shock - Generally represents electrification or other damage effects that trigger a full-body reaction
Last edited by MissingAxis on June 21st 2019, 1:39 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Added two weaknesses and two fluff mechanics)
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Re: Jacqueline Duvall, Mélange
- Powers & Weaknesses -- 1 to 45:
- 1 Slip:
Powers Weaknesses Slip - Slip grants the character an uncanny ability to narrowly dodge attacks or slip through obstacles and traps. While using this power, the character has a posture and overall flow of movement not dissimilar to a Drunken Boxing master. Off-Balance - Use of this power places the character into an unbalanced state where it is often far easier to continue using the power than to regain their footing and begin another action. As a result, after using this power, the character can not perform an action that requires solid footing in the same post.
- 2 Hurdle:
Powers Weaknesses Hurdle - This power grants the character near (or barely) superhuman levels of agility, allowing for remarkable acrobatic feats along the lines of rapid free-climbing, brief stints of wall-running, and other freerunner-like abilities. Focus - Use of this power requires the character to dedicate most of their focus to the task, allowing for only peripheral focus on other activities. As a result, the character cannot perform attacks or other complicated actions while actively using the power.
- 3 Rocket:
Powers Weaknesses Rocket - The character can move to their destination in a single incredible burst of speed, instantly accelerating to 80 MPH and likewise instantly decelerating at the destination. The character is immune to the effects of accelerating and decelerating caused by this power. Bullrush - While moving under the effects of this power, the character has a limited ability to maneuver. The deflection angle of their path can not exceed 15 degrees over the length of the journey, restricting use of the power to almost completely straight paths.
- 4 Blink:
Powers Weaknesses Blink - This power allows the character to instantly teleport to a position they can see. Line of Sight - The power utilizes the character’s own sight for targeting, meaning that intervening obstacles can prevent the teleportation from occurring. For instance, a cloud of smoke completely obscuring an area would prevent the character from blinking to that area.
- 5 Gate:
Powers Weaknesses Gate - The character can use this power to create two elliptic portal mouths with radiuses up to four feet. Objects passing through one portal mouth exit out of the other. The portal mouths exist as two-dimensional entities with only one face, therefore the portal mouths only exist in the direction of their openings. The portal mouths are created in an instant. Decay Rate - After being created, the portal mouths persist in the universe for five seconds and then abruptly disappear. This decay rate limits the utility of the power’s ability to set up kinetic attacks, and furthermore allows persistent pursuers to follow the character through the portal.
- 6 Conveyor:
Powers Weaknesses Conveyor - This power allows the character to ‘paint’ a surface with a directional, velocity-affecting field. To create the field, the character must be touching the surface they intend to paint, though they can create a continuous stretch of the field without moving from their current position. The field increases the velocity of objects or characters moving in one direction along the field by up to 20MPH, and decreases the velocity of objects or characters moving along the opposite direction of the field by the same amount. Looking in the direction of increased velocity, the field appears to be a brushed, metallic blue. In the direction of decreased velocity, the field appears to be a hazy, glowing purple. Time Investment - The field being projected onto a surface can only spread out from the character’s point of contact at a maximum rate of 20MPH, drastically affecting how long it takes to create larger, more convoluted paths with the power. Unbiased - The power provides no protection against the effects of high-velocity impacts, and the character may not ignore the influences of the field.
- 7 Flight:
Powers Weaknesses Flight - This power allows the character to fly up to 45MPH, with maneuverability comparable to swimming in the air. Maneuverability Decay - While Flight is being actively used, its maneuverability gradually decreases. After five consecutive posts in flight, the character can only fly in a straight line and is required to come to a complete stop to change directions. When Flight is inactive, the maneuverability of Flight is restored at a rate equivalent to the decay rate.
- 8 Bounce:
Powers Weaknesses Bounce - The character becomes incredibly bouncy when using this power. Initial activation flings the character in a chosen direction at 45MPH. The character can not be directly damaged by bouncing, but hazards are still hazardous. For example, if the character flings themselves at a wall, they will not suffer from impacting the wall at high speed as long as they are using this ability, but they will still wound themselves when impacting the pointy end of a spike or when colliding with molten rock and so on. Angle of Incidence - The character does not have any locomotive control when using this power except for their initial launch. This means that they will bounce however physics demands they bounce, with no ability to redirect themselves except by deactivating the power and attempting to stick the landing.
- 9 Phase:
Powers Weaknesses Phase - The character gains the ability to phase through terrain and objects, passing through them as if they were non-physical. The character may be selective with which materials they are passing through, such that they can avoid falling through the ground accidentally. Incorporeal - While phasing, the character possesses no ability to physically interact with the world. Full-Body - The character must phase their entire body. They can not selectively phase only parts of their body.
- 10 Distort:
Powers Weaknesses Distort - The character has the ability to distort space within five city blocks. Their options for distortion include expansion and compression of space, thereby allowing them to increase or decrease a given distance within their range. Immutable Pockets - This power can not affect space that is directly occupied by sentient life, therefore making it unable to stretch or compress individuals. Interference - The rate of expansion/compression is slowed in the vicinity of sentient life, to a rate that an able-bodied adult will be able to outrun or otherwise react to the expansion/compression effect.
- 11 Smother:
Powers Weaknesses Smother - The character can generate a dense cloud of fog within their line of sight. The fog completely darkens the area it occupies, and greatly dampens sounds. Unprivileged - The darkness and sound dampening also affects the character generating the fog. Independent Phenomenon - The fog decays at a steady rate, such that a cloud generated in a typical bedroom would decay in approximately five minutes. This decay rate can not be influenced by the character generating the fog, meaning that they can not selectively dissipate the fog in certain areas to grant themselves an advantage or correct mistakes.
- 12 Trip:
Powers Weaknesses Trip - The character can designate areas of increased or decreased gravity. These patches of altered gravity can be placed instantly within the character’s line of sight and alter a square area with five feet to a side. Each area of altered gravity has its own independent value for gravity, anywhere between a multiple of negative one or positive two. Sentient Limit - When placing an area of altered gravity in five-foot square occupied by sentient life, the gravity multipliers are limited to negative one-half and positive one-and-one-half.
- 13 Barrier:
Powers Weaknesses Barrier - The character can cause sharp crystalline forcefields to grow from terrain and objects. These forcefields have the physical characteristics of cut diamonds. Collision with the sharp edges of the crystals can inflict Greater Cuts at maximum, and the crystals themselves can resist damage up to a Greater rating. Sentient Limit - While growing, the crystals are unable to strike sentient life. The crystals will stop growing just before striking sentient life.
- 14 Torch:
Powers Weaknesses Torch - The character can draw out shapes and structures in the air using small motes of light, each about the size of a candle flame. On command, the motes simultaneously erupt into larger flames. The density of the mote-clouds determines the strength of the eruption, with denser clouds of motes creating violent explosions of flame and more diffuse clouds creating short-lived clouds of fire. At maximum, the explosions deal Greater Burn damage. Maturity - The motes must exist for a minimum duration of one post before they can detonate. Before this time, they are maturing and can not physically interact with the world. Sentient Limit - Any motes that contact sentient life while maturing instantly disappear with no effect.
- 15 Harmony:
Powers Weaknesses Harmony - The character can induce vibrations in a material, gradually increasing or decreasing the frequency of the vibrations to disintegrate or weaken the material. Alternatively, the character can create incredibly obnoxious tones emanating from a material. Single Frequency - This power is unable to induce vibrations at more than one frequency at a time. Frequency Change - This power must gradually change frequency, such that skipping frequencies is not possible, even between uses of the power. When cancelling and restarting the vibrations, the power will always pick up at the last frequency used. Sentient Limit - This power is unable to induce vibrations in materials that are part of a sentient being.
- 16 Geyser:
Powers Weaknesses Geyser - The character can embed proximity-sensitive triggers in the terrain. When activated, all material within a five foot radius of the trigger is spewed outwards in a steady stream at high velocity, creating a ‘geyser’ of concrete, dirt, glass, rock, etc. The spewed material deals Moderate damage, with damage type varying depending on the material. Minimum Arming Time - The traps require one post to arm. During this time, the proximity fuse is not active and will not trigger the trap. Limited Radius + Sentient Limit - The trigger and spraying point maintain their positions in space, leaving them with only the material in their radius as ammunition. Additionally, no sentient life can be used as ammunition by the geysers.
- 17 Vacuum:
Powers Weaknesses Vacuum - The character can create a dark point within their line of sight that, after a delay, pulls all matter within a 15 foot radius towards it at high speed. Sentient Limit - The dark point can not be created within three feet of sentient life. Additionally, the vacuum will not cause direct harm to sentient life (eg, will not pull someone apart, drain blood from their brains, and so on). This does not mean other objects being pulled in will not harm sentient life. Delayed Trigger - The dark point only begins vacuuming in the post immediately after it was created.
- 18 Corrupt:
Powers Weaknesses Corrupt - The character slowly converts the terrain around them into a scabbed, flesh-like material. When disturbed (by any action more forceful than footfall), the material in the disturbed area sprouts hostile tentacles capable of gripping and striking with the strength of a typical adult human, dealing Moderate Bash damage. The tentacles are disabled by Greater damage or higher. These tentacles have visual awareness of entities within their reach. The corrupt terrain will gradually return to normal over the course of an hour. Conversion Rate - The terrain conversion is centered on the character using this power. The conversion process occurs over the duration of one post and is limited to a ten-foot radius around the character. If the character spends the post on-the-move or is incapacitated, no terrain is converted. Note, the character may still move and convert terrain, so long as they stay roughly within the area being corrupted. Tentacle Independence - The tentacles sprouted by this power have no loyalties and can not be controlled. As a result, they will be equally hostile to the character creating them as they would be to all other characters.
- 19 Muscle:
Powers Weaknesses Muscle - This power passively triples the character’s strength and enhances pain tolerance in a manner similar to adrenaline. Strikes using this power inflict Greater Bash or Rend damage. Self-Harm - The passive strength increase comes with no added durability, making it much easier for the character benefiting from this ability to injure themselves. Broken bones from striking hard surfaces, torn muscles from use of explosive force, and related injuries are all much easier to accrue with this power.
- 20 Armor:
Powers Weaknesses Armor - The character’s bones and skin passively harden, with the latter forming alternating soft and hard patches that somewhat resemble armor plating. These alterations provide enhanced durability against physical or otherwise mundane attacks, allowing them to reduce the damage from physical/mundane attacks by two steps (ie, Critical damage is reduced to Moderate, Greater is reduced to Lesser). This resistance excludes Burn and Shock damage. Gaps - As with mundane armor, there are gaps in the character’s dermal plating that have no added durability, in order to allow for movement of the body. Hindrance - The dermal plating provided by this power reduces the character’s flexibility somewhat, and lowers their body’s ability to compress (such as to squeeze between two static objects).
- 21 Shield:
Powers Weaknesses Shield - The character’s skin takes on a crystalline glimmer, passively gaining enhanced durability against energy attacks. Energy attacks that hit this character are reduced in damage and effect to a rating two steps lower than the source (ie, Critical damage is reduced to Moderate, Greater is reduced to Lesser). Conspicuous Appearance - The character’s skin glimmers as if covered in glitter or embedded with a multitude of small diamonds. The glimmers of light reflecting off of their skin makes the character easy to spot. Hindrance - The alterations to the character’s skin reduce their flexibility and their body’s ability to compress.
- 22 Field:
Powers Weaknesses Field - The character gains a forcefield that hangs a mere centimeter away from their skin, with full bodily coverage. This forcefield can indefinitely absorb attacks lower than a Moderate rating, but Greater or Critical damage disabled the forcefield temporarily. The forcefield is invisible. Recharge Time - After the forcefield has been disabled by an attack, it is disabled for the rest of the post.
- 23 Dynamic:
Powers Weaknesses Dynamic - The character is able to make an individual limb invulnerable for a moment, allowing them to parry and block attacks that would otherwise destroy the limb in question. Additionally, the invulnerability allows them to strike at their hardest without risking limb damage, though the invulnerability provides no added strength itself. Momentary - The invulnerability is only able to affect one limb at a time, and only for a second at most. Additionally, the invulnerability is only able to affect limbs.
- 24 Repression:
Powers Weaknesses Repression - The character ignores the immediate damage and effects of any attack that hits them directly (beyond armor and other defenses beyond the skin), allowing them to continue fighting unimpaired. After a brief delay (maximum of one post), the character begins receiving the damage and effects of the previously ignored attacks, in the order the attacks were received. This damage can still be mitigated by skin-level or deeper defenses, but it does not have to penetrate defenses beyond the skin a second time (as it has already penetrated or bypassed those defenses). Unaware - The character has no passive awareness of any damage they have accumulated or its severity.
- 25 Regeneration:
Powers Weaknesses Regeneration - The character passively mends their wounds at an accelerated rate. Lesser damage can be healed in a negligible amount of time, while Moderate and Greater damage can be healed in one post but still hinders the character during healing. Critical damage requires multiple posts to heal. Soft - Regenerated body parts have half the strength and durability of the original, non-rengerated part. Additionally, they are more sensitive. Nerves Afire - Regeneration hurts. A lot.
- 26 Zombie:
Powers Weaknesses Zombie - The character’s bodily tissues gain the ability to serve any function in the body, providing the character with a plethora of biological redundancies. As a result, the character can continue functioning despite otherwise fatal wounds. However, the character can still be disabled through the gradual accumulation of injuries. Master of None - The ‘universal tissue’ the character’s body is comprised of is not as effective at carrying out specialized tasks as the original organs. While the character could, for example, sense the light on their skin when their eyes are blinded, this form of sight offers less clarity than than a proper pair of eyes. When impaled through the heart, other organs are quick to take up the heart’s functions, but they won’t do it nearly as well. As a result, the character may be difficult to take out of the fight or even kill, but they will not be operating at peak capability.
- 27 Riposte:
Powers Weaknesses Riposte - When struck, the character stores some of the force of the blow. At will, the character can add any amount of the accumulated force to their physical attacks, expending it in the process. Self-Harm - The character gains no durability to cope with the increased force delivered by their own attacks. As a result, the character stands a high chance of injuring themselves if they do not carefully dole out the force they’ve accumulated. Limited Qualifiers - The character only absorbs the physical force of attacks that hit them, discarding all other effects. Additionally, the character does not have an intuitive understanding of how much of an aggressor’s attacks are actually physical, requiring that they take a hit to uncover that information.
- 28 Poltergeist:
Powers Weaknesses Poltergeist - The character becomes a living telekinetic storm, capable of catching, picking up, and flinging objects within a radius of two and a half feet. The character cannot be physically interacted with in this state, and appears as a transparent, smoky humanoid lacking in identifiable features. Limited Fine Control - While in this state, the character possesses minimal fine control over their telekinetic actions. They are incapable of flinging objects with less force would produce Greater Bash damage. Disruption - Energy attacks can not be interacted with in this state, regardless of other powers at play. Furthermore, energy attacks disrupt the state, forcing the character out of this state temporarily after three attacks.
- 29 Lightning:
Powers Weaknesses Lightning - The character temporarily becomes a living embodiment of electricity, capable of rapid movement in short bursts and able to electrify entities along its path. This electrification is equivalent to Moderate Shock damage. Limited Fine Control - While in this state, the character’s movements are semi-random and the exact end-point of movement is unpredictable, though bound to a ten foot radius around the intended destination. Additionally, the character has limited control over what they electrify, only capable of briefly halting their electrification power along portions of their path. Power Source - The duration of this state is limited by the electricity available for consumption within the area. By default, the state lasts three posts. For every significant source of electricity in the area, the state can be extended one post. A significant source of electricity would be any power supply equal to or greater than a typical car battery. TESLA car batteries count as two power supplies for the purposes of this limit. Limited Physicality - While in this state, the character lacks any physical strength.
- 30 Treant:
Powers Weaknesses Treant - The character gradually transforms into a tree-like humanoid, skin hardening into bark. As the character transforms, they become slower but gain enhanced perception ability. After one post, they gain low-light/night vision and infrared vision. After two posts, they gain visual and auditory magnification. After three posts, they gain clairvoyance over an area the size of a city block. Transformation can be paused at any time, but requires an equivalent number of posts to reverse the process. Mobility Decrease - As the character transforms, they lose mobility in exchange for enhanced perception. After one post, the character can not move faster than a light jog. After two posts, they can not move faster than a walk. After three posts, they become totally stationary.
- 31 Smolder:
Powers Weaknesses Smolder - The character becomes a living flame, capable of burning and igniting their surroundings. They are capable of producing up to Greater Burn damage. Power Source - By default, the character can only remain in this state for one post. For every significant fuel source they come within close proximity of, they can extend the state for another post. A significant fuel source is considered anything equivalent to a typical full gas can or greater. Limited Physicality - While in this state, the character lacks physical strength.
- 32 Mist:
Powers Weaknesses Mist - The character’s body disperses into a slow-moving, non-reactive fog. While in this state, the character is capable of forcing their body through cracks and other small openings. Additionally, the character is able to condense their form into a denser cloud of fog that is capable of smothering flames or potential victims. The character can condense their body even further to return to a normal state, however doing so takes one post to complete. Limited Physicality - While in this state, the character possesses no physical strength. Additionally, airflow greatly impacts their movement and a strong gust is capable of forcing the character’s cloud-form around, even in a fully condensed state. Disruption - Energy attacks disrupt this state. After three energy-based attacks, the character is forced out of this state.
- 33 Golem:
Powers Weaknesses Golem - The character disappears into the surrounding terrain, becoming non-physical. They gain the ability to press their “shadow” or “silhouette” into the terrain to deform it, causing body-part shaped formations to push out or into the terrain, such as hands or feet. The speed of deformation is slow enough to react to, but does not take a whole post to complete. Limited Awareness - While in this state, the character sees the world in monochrome with roughly the same clarity as silhouettes in the night, and they lose the ability to hear clearly. Temporary - The character can spent a maximum of three posts in this state before they finally burst through the terrain. Additionally, any attacks that break a terrain deformation while it is still being shaped by the character reduces the duration of this state by one post.
- 34 Stasis:
Powers Weaknesses Stasis - The character enters a full-body stasis, in which they can not affect or be affected by the outside world, except to maintain their position. Before entering stasis, the character determines the duration of the stasis. Lack of Awareness - The character is wholly unable to perceive anything during stasis. Pre-Emptive - The character determines the duration of the stasis before entering it, and can not alter the duration while in stasis.
- 35 Bright:
Powers Weaknesses Bright - The character becomes a bright sphere of light, capable of slow flight and has the ability to fire powerful lasers from its surface. These lasers can deal Greater Pierce/Burn damage. Duration - The character cannot maintain this state for more than five posts. Additionally, the character can not re-enter this state unless they have spent ten posts exposed to bright sunlight. Consumption - Each laser fired removes one post from the duration of this state as the character consumes their reserve energy to attack.
- 36 Glass:
Powers Weaknesses Glass - The character’s body melts into a body of molten glass that is capable of slinging portions of itself off in order to attack. These glass projectiles rapidly cool in the air and shatter on impact. Damage from the shattering glass is equivalent to Moderate Cut. Reserve - The character’s molten body only contains enough material to sling ten glass projectiles before they cool completely and revert to their normal state. Additionally, any attacks which can force a significant amount of glass away from the main form will reduce that count by at least one. Mobility Mandatory - If the character is unable or unwilling to move for one post, their glass body cools and they revert to their normal state.
- 37 Puppeteer:
Powers Weaknesses Puppeteer - The character creates minions from the terrain, with the strength, durability, and dexterity of sandbags. The minions deal a maximum of Moderate Bash damage. These minions are incapable of acting independently, and require the character to direct their movements. The character is capable of creating a maximum of five minions with this power. Concentration - In order for the minions to act, the character must concentrate on their movements. Simple actions such as leaping toward a target or sliding across the ground require minimal concentration, and the character can direct all five of their minions to perform these actions at once. However, more complicated actions such as climbing on top of one another or wrapping themselves around something require proportionally more concentration. When performing these actions with their minions, the character can direct up to three minions at once. Anything more complicated actions require the character’s full attention and therefore limits them to actively controlling only one minion during this time. Fragile - The minions created with this power are relatively fragile and can not endure much punishment. Any Moderate damage destroys the minion totally.
- 38 Charisma:
Powers Weaknesses Charisma - The character’s voice creates a soothing aura that causes individuals affected by it to be calmed and/or suggestible. Permission-based. Non-Aggression Pact - The effects of this calming aura are cancelled in an individual if the character takes any aggressive actions towards them, uses an aggressive tone in their speech, or suggests any aggressive behaviors.
- 39 Swarm:
Powers Weaknesses Swarm - The character acquires control over small, individually weak creatures in the area, such as bugs or birds. The character can only control one such category of minions (eg, birds or arthropods or rats, not all), but possesses complete control over their actions. These minions deal Lesser damage, but are capable of launching many attacks at once. Limited Awareness - The character possesses limited awareness of their minions beyond their quantity, relative positioning, and their orders. As such, they can not sort their minions by size or number of legs except by visually inspecting them and ordering them around, and cannot direct the minions to perform complex actions. Weak - The minions are individually very weak, incapable of surviving even a single Lesser attack. Their only strength lies in their numbers.
- 40 Cult:
Powers Weaknesses Cult - The character dissipates into a thick black cloud of smoke, possessing and corrupting individuals that inhale it. All possessed individuals temporarily become unpowered clones of the character, acting with that character’s intentions and motivations. Permission-based when used against player-controlled characters and minions. Fragile Possession - A possessed individual only remains so until they’ve been knocked unconscious or otherwise have received enough inflicted damage to be incapacitated and removed from the fight. Injuries accumulated do not persist after possession is disrupted. Coordination Defect - Possessed individuals are not members of a hivemind, despite being clones. They have no supernatural coordination or awareness of one another.
- 41 Duplicate:
Powers Weaknesses Duplicate - The character can create copies of themself. These copies act independently and are perfect clones of the original. At will, the character can designate one such clone as the new ‘source’ body, collapsing all clones and themself into it instantly. Wounds Persist - When reforming, all wounds accumulated by all clones appear on the remaining body, but at a fraction of the severity depending on the number of clones. Coordination Defect - The clones are not members of a hivemind, and therefore lack supernatural coordination and awareness of one another.
- 42 Tame:
Powers Weaknesses Tame - On contact, the character can imbue a mundane creature with power, increasing its size, strength, and durability by up to triple its original values. Additionally, the creature becomes non-hostile to the character and is capable of following commands with no more complexity than a well-trained dog. The character is only able to tame one creature at a time in this fashion. After the power dissipates, all wounds sustained by the creature disappear as well. Control Break - Rendering the creature or taming character unconscious causes the power to dissipate rapidly. Additionally, the character and creature lack any supernatural coordination and awareness of each other. Limited Command Depth - The tamed creature is only capable of following dog-like commands, and as such is not capable of understanding complex or conditional commands such as “kill one hostage every hour until they give us money.”
- 43 Captain:
Powers Weaknesses Captain - The character summons a dozen semi-intelligent soldiers, resembling and armed similarly to Greek Hoplites. The character commands these soldiers by placing invisible, intangible ‘flags’ within line-of-sight, each representing basic orders and applying to any number of the summoned soldiers. These soldiers can deal Moderate damage of the types Bash, Cut, or Pierce. No Initiative - Without orders, the soldiers will simply stand at attention. Additionally, they lack the critical thinking skills necessary to adapt to scenarios that complicate the accomplishment of their orders. For instance, if intercepted while marching toward a ‘rally’ flag, the soldiers will ignore the opponent unless given further orders to defend themselves or attack the obstacle. Limited Command Depth - The flags placed by the character consist of simple commands, and thereby limit the soldiers’ abilities to perform complex actions. For instance, the soldiers can defend a position or breach a room, provided there is an available path to the position and the room is not more heavily secured than a wooden or unlocked door.
- 44 Mob:
Powers Weaknesses Mob - The character can project an aura of rage up to one-half city block in radius, and designate one individual or object as a target of the resulting mob’s rage. Aura is permission-based when affecting player-controlled characters. Cancellation Conditions - An individual in the mob is free from the effects of the aura after being rendered unconscious or otherwise incapacitated. Additionally, the effects of the rage aura dissipate in all individuals that have been unable to see the target for two consecutive posts. The aura dissipates totally if the character projecting it is rendered unconscious or otherwise cancels the aura. Unpredictable - Mob justice is unpredictable. The character has no control over the mob beyond designating a target for them.
- 45 Twitch:
Powers Weaknesses Twitch - The character gains the ability to induce targeted but brief muscle spasms in an individual. Permission-based when affecting player-controlled characters. Typically deals Lesser Rend or Shock damage, but can occasionally deal Moderate damage. Sympathetic - The character using this power experiences the same muscle spasms they are inducing in their target. Additionally, the character will experience any other cramps or muscle spasms the target triggers in themselves while the character is using this power on them.
Last edited by MissingAxis on June 14th 2019, 11:41 pm; edited 1 time in total
MissingAxis- Post Mate
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Re: Jacqueline Duvall, Mélange
- Powers & Weaknesses -- 46 to 99:
- 46 Ruin:
Powers Weaknesses Ruin - The character flings white orbs from their hands that cause objects and terrain to burst into white-hot shrapnel on impact. The shrapnel deals Lesser or Moderate damage depending on proximity, and deals damage of the types Burn and Pierce. Sentient Limit - These orbs harmlessly dissipate on direct contact with sentient entities, and are only capable of inflicting damage to sentient entities through the explosions of shrapnel.
- 47 Beam:
Powers Weaknesses Beam - The character can fire a pencil-thin beam of energy from their fingertip, capable of slicing or piercing most materials rapidly and cleanly. Typically deals Greater or Critical damage of the types Pierce and Burn. Visually Impaired - The beam’s strength rapidly dwindles in proportion to how clearly the character can see the target. As a result, when firing through dense fog or smoke, the beam is only capable of inflicting damage as far as the character can see through the disruption.
- 48 Barrage:
Powers Weaknesses Barrage - The character fires a hail of projectiles, each striking with Moderate Bash damage and low penetration. These projectiles manifest just over and behind one of the character’s shoulders or at the character’s hips, in clusters of fifteen. Low Accuracy - These projectiles are fairly inaccurate and only possess moderate range. Cooldown - Once projectile appears per second in the character’s vicinity, and the character is unable to fire partial clusters of these projectiles. As a result, the character can only use this power once every fifteen seconds.
- 49 Homing:
Powers Weaknesses Homing - The character creates homing orbs that inflict Moderate Bash damage with no penetration. To do so, the character points a finger at their target, at which point an orb roughly the size of a baseball appears at their fingertip and flies off. Fire Rate - The character can only create one homing orb every three seconds, limiting their ability to create sustained fire. Mobility - The orbs have a limited turn rate and velocity, travelling at approximately 30 MPH with a turning radius of 20 feet.
- 50 Impact:
Powers Weaknesses Impact - The character launches a head-sized projectile from their hand, which imparts momentum outwards from its point of impact, with a radius of one and a half feet. The momentum imparted is sufficient to launch an average adult roughly a story high if it impacts directly at their feet. Slow - The projectile launched by this power only moves at approximately 10 MPH. Harmless - The projectile itself is incapable of inflicting any damage.
- 50 Smartmine:
Powers Weaknesses Smartmine - The character has the ability to create basketball-sized floating orbs within a line-of-sight, so long as they are not created within 25 feet of the character themselves. These orbs can be individually detonated on command, firing a short stream of energy at a target. This stream of energy deals Moderate Burn damage. Deadzone - The 25 foot radius deadzone around the character, in which the smartmines can not be placed, prevents this ability from being used in close-quarters situations and restricts its viability to wide open areas. Detonation Restrictions - In order to detonate one of the smartmines, the character must have a line-of-sight to the mine in question. Additionally, the stream of energy fired by the mines must be aimed manually by the character at the time of detonation.
- 51 Pain:
Powers Weaknesses Pain - The character fires a streak of energy from their palms, which inflicts an intense, white-hot pain on impact, equivalent to Critical Burn or Shock damage. Ultimately Harmless - This ability inflicts no real damage, only causing significant pain in the impact site. Dampened - The effect of this power is dampened by intervening clothing at the impact site. Thin, casual wear such as what might be worn in the summer has a minimal dampening effect, but subsequent layers gradually reduce the pain to a mere sting.
- 52 Shame:
Powers Weaknesses Shame - A faintly visible cone of energy blasts from the character’s palm, creating a surge of doubt and remorse in all who are hit. This effect lasts a few seconds. The cone has a 45 degree profile. Conviction - This power has zero effect on targets who are genuinely incapable of feeling doubt or remorse, and reduced effect on targets that strongly believe they have done little or nothing to feel guilty about in their life. Double-Edged - Each use of this power also affects the character, though the effect is dampened.
- 53 Paralyze:
Powers Weaknesses Paralyze - The character slings a baseball-sized orb toward a target, which completely arrests all movement within a three inch radius of the impact site. This paralyzation lasts one second. Materialistic - The paralyzation effect only affects the first material struck by the projectile, such as the cloth of a shirt sleeve.
- 54 Map:
Powers Weaknesses Map - This ability provides the character with a clairvoyant-like awareness of the surrounding terrain within a city-block radius. Objective Awareness - The power is only capable of providing awareness of terrain features. Moving objects and people are therefore totally invisible to this power.
- 55 Skill:
Powers Weaknesses Skill - This ability allows the character to flawlessly replicate any observed physical movement. Mundane - Physical movements and actions that are enabled by power use (for instance, extreme flexibility, elongation of limbs, and so on) can not be replicated by use of this power, and attempting to do so may inflict physical harm on the character.
- 56 Calculate:
Powers Weaknesses Calculate - This power allows the character to accurately determine the immediate outcome of an action or event that has been observed prior. For instance, the character can accurately calculate how quickly an SUV will come to a stop or the precise direction a thrown baseball will ricochet off a surface and the remaining force it will have afterward. Blindspot - This power is unable to take into account the effects of powers when determining outcomes, and additionally is totally blind to the outcomes of power-based actions. Granularity - This power is only capable of making macro-scale predictions based on mundane observations, and only predicts immediate outcomes. This prevents the power from being used to make Butterfly Effect level predictions.
- 58 Clock:
Powers Weaknesses Clock - This ability provides the character with an enhanced sense of timing and uncanny levels of coordination. Provided they have enough information to work with, this allows them to predict how quickly an individual or group of individuals can move from point A to point B, or how quickly police will arrive on scene, for example. Information Dependent - This power is dependent on the character’s knowledge of the pieces in play and their capabilities. As a result, it can not make accurate predictions if an individual has, for instance, a secret ability to fly or phase through walls.
- 59 Peep:
Powers Weaknesses Peep - The character gains the ability to see from the perspective of any object touched recently (effectively, since acquiring this power), simultaneous to all other sources. Limited Capacity - Each additional point-of-view put into use reduces the character’s field of view, starting at the peripheral.
- 60 Wallhack:
Powers Weaknesses Wallhack - The character gains the ability to see individuals through intervening obstructions (walls, dense clouds of smoke, and so on), at a low-resolution. Resolution - The low-resolution sight granted by this ability makes it difficult to distinguish precisely which individual is which, barring major physical differences.
- 61 Echo:
Powers Weaknesses Echo - This power induces a form of powered synesthesia in the character, allowing them to view vibrations and sound-waves as visual phenomena, including those below or above human-hearing frequencies. Clutter - The synesthesia created by this power can clutter the character’s vision and obscure their surroundings. Legally Deaf - The character’s hearing becomes greatly impaired, causing everything they hear to be muffled and quieter than without this power.
- 62 Recall:
Powers Weaknesses Recall - On touch, the character can gather the ‘memories’ of an object, gaining an awareness of where it was and what could be seen or heard within its proximity. This recall can look back as far as three days accurately, with diminishing accuracy and an indefinite order of events further back than that. Spaced Out - While using this power, the character loses most awareness of the present, only keeping their awareness of touch and kinesthesia.
- 63 Scan:
Powers Weaknesses Scan - This power ‘pings’ the surrounding area every five seconds, revealing the locations of any powered or supernatural phenomenon, including individuals using their powers or lingering energy from power use. Imprecise - All powered and supernatural phenomenon appear the same to this power, including individuals using their powers.
- 64 Sunder:
Powers Weaknesses Sunder - The character manifests two short, curved, white blades in their hands. These blades create white lines on and through struck materials, enabling the material to be seperate at the lines with a small amount of force. Discrimination - The lines drawn with these blades only penetrate one material at a time. Duration - These blades only exist for five seconds at a time, requiring an additional five seconds between uses of the power.
- 65 Impel:
Powers Weaknesses Impel - Physical strikes delivered by the character impart five times as much momentum as they normally would. This does not increase the damage of the attack. Recoil - The character experiences twice as much recoil as they normally would.
- 66 Shockwave:
Powers Weaknesses Shockwave - Physical strikes by this power create shockwaves on impact, increasing the force of blow by one damage rating, and generating an area of effect attack with damage of one rating less than normal within a ten foot radius. Unbiased - The area of effect damage delivered by this power also affects the character using the power, with no dampening of damage except through other powers.
- 67 Bind:
Powers Weaknesses Bind - Physical attacks by the character momentarily freeze the struck material in space for two seconds within a three inch radius. Discrimination - The binding effect only affects the first material struck.
- 68 Swell:
Powers Weaknesses Swell - The character gains the ability to gradually increase the size of an object in their hand(s), in all physical dimensions. After a few seconds of not increasing the size of an object, the object begins to gradually revert to its original dimensions. No Fine Control - The character is unable to ‘freeze’ an object’s size, and as a result the objects affected by this power are always increasing or decreasing in size at a set rate, except for a few seconds between power-use and power-off.
- 69 Shatter:
Powers Weaknesses Shatter - A few seconds after striking a material, a small (three inch radius) explosion manifests at the point of impact. This explosion deals Moderate Bash damage. Interference - If the character using this power is wearing any covering over whatever they are striking with, that covering is considered the material that was struck and the point of impact. Dampening - As the delayed explosion propagates through dense materials, it’s damage is reduced to Lesser Bash.
- 70 Cauterize:
Powers Weaknesses Cauterize - The character’s hands become semi-molten metal, inflicting intense burns when striking. These burns are equivalent Greater Burn damage. Grip Deficiency - When this power is active, the character lacks all ability to grip objects with their hands. Attempts to do so will either melt or burn the material as it passes through their hands.
- 71 Forge:
Powers Weaknesses Forge - This ability allows the character to combine objects, selectively applying their properties to the resulting object. For instance, the character could combine a short sword with a razor blade to produce a sharper short sword, or a baseball bat and a piece of rebar to produce a more durable, heftier baseball bat. Time Consuming - Combining objects takes one post for each object being combined after the second. The character must spend most of this time unmolested and concentrating on the result. Scrap - If interrupted during the forging process, the resulting item will only have the properties that were completely integrated at the moment of interruption. Additionally, any partially integrated properties will be lost and the item those properties were being taken from becomes a useless piece of scrap.
- 72 Doubletap:
Powers Weaknesses Doubletap - All physical strikes performed by this character are duplicated in result one second after being performed, resulting in two strikes for the cost of one. These duplicated attacks do not require any movement or proximity on the character’s part. Dampened - The damage rating of the duplicated attack is reduced by one damage rating.
- 73 Garrote:
Powers Weaknesses Garrote - Half a dozen razor-thin tendrils sprout from between the character’s shoulder blades, capable of dealing Moderate Cut damage at twice the character’s ordinary reach. These tendrils move incredibly fast. Semi-Independent - The character possesses no fine control over these tendrils, and is only capable of dictating their actions by identifying individual targets as friend or foe. As a result, each tendril will lash out at a random foe within its reach.
- 74 Compensate:
Powers Weaknesses Compensate - The character experiences large growth spurts in response to observed physical threats, increasing the character’s size and strength. Physical - These growths spurts will only occur in response to physical threats. Non-physical effects are ignored by this ability. Observer - These growth spurts can only trigger proportional to observed threats and the observed capabilities thereof. Additionally, the growth spurts will gradually revert if the perceived threat of a target diminishes.
- 75 Doppelganger:
Powers Weaknesses Doppelganger - The character can rapidly alter their appearance and voice to match any human individual that has been observed while this power was available. Illusionary - This ability does not duplicate any capabilities of the human it is imitating, mundane or otherwise. Only appearance and voice are altered.
- 76 Grope:
Powers Weaknesses Grope - The character sprouts two additional pairs of arms from their chest and abdomen. Weak - These arms have approximately half the strength of the character’s original arms. Biological Abomination - The character suffers from diminished flexibility and agility while these arms are active, as the required additional bone and musculature impedes normal movements.
- 77 Feral:
Powers Weaknesses Feral - Various natural weapons begin to grow from the character’s body, in the form of claws, talons, horns, or other bone growths. These natural weapons deal Moderate Cut, Pierce, or Bash damage. Mundane - These new growths are otherwise mundane and have similar properties to those found in the animal kingdom. Hindrance - These growths take a post to retract and deploy, and have the potential to impede normal movements as a result of their presence.
- 78 Weld:
Powers Weaknesses Weld - The character gains the ability to absorb metal into their body and use it to augment or replace their physical frame. Weighty - The absorbed metal gradually slows the character’s movement and reduces their flexibility in accordance with its location and composition. Absorption Rate - Integrating metal into the character’s body requires at least one post of sustained contact with the metal being absorbed.
- 79 Calcify:
Powers Weaknesses Calcify - The character gains the ability to manipulate and augment the growth of bone, both within their body and any exposed bone in their line of sight that is not attached to a living being. Slow - The process of manipulating bone is slow. Altering a piece of bone typically requires a post to complete (exceptions being small bones and bone fragments).
- 80 Makeshift:
Powers Weaknesses Makeshift - The character gains the ability to integrate mundane objects into their nervous system, to augment their bodies or replace lost parts. Nerves Afire - Integrated objects possess more sensitive nerve endings than normal. As a result, they can transmit pain and transmit more of it, particularly during integration. It is impossible to be quiet while integrating objects into the character’s physiology.
- 81 Xeno:
Powers Weaknesses Xeno - The character’s blood becomes corrosive to all but the character themself. This corrosive property is equivalent to Moderate Burn damage. Dampened Clotting Factor - The character’s wounds have a diminished ability to clot up and stop bleeding. Naturally, the character still only possesses a finite amount of blood. Lukewarm-blooded - Additionally, the character has a diminished ability to produce their own body heat. They are not quite cold-blooded, but become more susceptible to the effects of cold temperatures.
- 82 Blindspot:
Powers Weaknesses Blindspot - This ability grants total awareness of other individuals’ lines of sight, including differentiation between focal point and peripheral vision. Latency - This ability adds a three-quarter second lag to what the character perceives as the line-of-sight and what the line-of-sight actually is. Clarity - As the range between the character and the observed line-of-sight increases, the clarity of the line-of-sight decreases. Gradually, the character will lose the ability to see an individual’s peripheral vision, and then ultimately their line-of-sight entirely.
- 83 Mute:
Powers Weaknesses Mute - This ability creates a deadzone, centered on the character, that prevents vibrations from propagating outside of its radius. This deadzone’s radius can reach a maximum of thirty feet. Spine-chilling - Individuals within the deadzone experience a slight spine-chilling sensation, increasing their wariness and subtly informing them that something is amiss.
- 84 Spectre:
Powers Weaknesses Spectre - The character becomes mostly invisible and incorporeal, capable of passing by largely unnoticed and gaining the ability to phase through objects and obstacles. Bleary - The character’s ability to perceive the world is diminished, with their sight becoming blurry and light blooming in their vision. Haunt - The character loses most of their ability to affect the world while in this state, only capable of causing slight vibrations in materials and objects they pass through.
- 85 Meld:
Powers Weaknesses Meld - The character slips into the terrain, becoming totally integrated with and indistinguishable from it. While melded, they have the ability to see from any part of their ‘silhouette’ wherever they merged with the terrain, with a normal field of view. The character can emerge from the terrain at any time. Stationary - While melded with the terrain, the character loses all ability to move. Powerless - While melded, the character can not use any of their other powers.
- 86 Creep:
Powers Weaknesses Creep - The character’s body becomes distorted and uncanny, incredibly thin and possessing far more joints than normal. In this form, the character’s body is also highly compressible, and able to slip under doors or through cracked window, and so on. Fragile - The character’s body is incredibly fragile in this state. All damage they receive is increased by one rating.
- 87 Blur:
Powers Weaknesses Blur - This ability passively distorts individual perception of the character’s position, such that the character is never quite where they seem to be. Two-Way Street - This ability can not alter the perceptions of individuals that the character is unaware of.
- 88 Assassinate:
Powers Weaknesses Assassinate - The character gains the ability to instantly teleport behind a target within their line of sight. After teleportation, a fragile blade of energy briefly appears in their hand, which they can strike with once for Critical Cut or Pierce damage. Cooldown - After using this ability, it can not be used for another two posts. Fragile Blade - The blade created by this power only exists briefly, just long enough to attempt a strike immediately after teleportation. Additionally, the blade instantly shatters if it is seen by the target of the attack, and also shatters after an attack has been made.
- 89 Hide:
Powers Weaknesses Hide - On touch, the character can instantly disguise an object as another one. The illusion possesses some slight physicality to complete the disguise, and as such the illusion itself can be touched. Size Limitations - This ability can not disguise an object as something that is drastically different in dimensions. For instance, a lamp can typically be disguised as a vase or urn, but a full-size refrigerator can not be disguised as a stove or microwave.
- 90 Ventriloquy:
Powers Weaknesses Ventriloquy - The character gains the ability to project their voice or other simple sounds (beeps, clicks, thumps) from any location within their line of sight. Muted - While this power is available, the character loses all ability to speak except through use of this power. Deadzone - The character can not project sound from anywhere within a three foot radius of themself.
- 91 Nullify:
Powers Weaknesses Nullify - The character can project a field across a thirty foot radius, inside of which no powers can be active except this one. Power effects entering this field are likewise dissipated. Only One - This power nullification effect also disables the character’s powers, excluding this one.
- 92 Reflect:
Powers Weaknesses Reflect - The character can produce a semi-transparent blue shield, spanning eight feet across its horizontal and vertical surface, covering an arc of 180 degrees. This shield perfectly reflects any power effects that impact it. Immobile - This shield is totally immobile, and can not be moved by the character or anything else. Repositioning the shield even slightly requires completely cancelling it and reproducing it. One of a Kind - The character can only have one such shield active at a time, and the shield only covers a limited arc.
- 93 Battery:
Powers Weaknesses Battery - The character passively absorbs residual energy from power-effects, storing them. Each use of a power that has influence external to its source (ie, fireballs and telekinetic waves, not vision augments or muscle growth) that occurs within a thirty foot radius grants the character one charge. The character may expend these charges at will to augment one aspect of a power for one use, where each charge is equivalent to a 10% increase in an aspect. Working with Leftovers - For the power-effect to grant a charge, it must originate within or spend most of its energy within a thirty foot radius of the character. Roughly Equivalent - Every power-effect that qualifies as granting a charge grants a single charge, regardless of how powerful or sustained the ability is. Under no circumstances can a power-effect grant more than one charge.
- 94 Copy:
Powers Weaknesses Copy - The character gains the ability to temporarily copy the last power they saw in use, allowing them to use it themself a limited number of times. The number of uses available is determined by the player whose power is being copied, according to the following scale: minor powers may be used up to five times, major powers may be used three times, and ultimate/capstone powers may be used once. Fleeting - The character may only use the power a limited number of times, and no power-effects can increase this count. Rookie - The character gains no inherent understanding of exactly how the power works, beyond knowing how to activate the power. Additionally, the character can only copy powers that they could observe in action and as such can not copy powers such as visual augmentation, strength increases (if they are unaccompanied by physical changes), or invisible auras (that the character was not affected by).
- 95 Incontinence:
Powers Weaknesses Incontinence - The character ‘tags’ a target within their line of sight, causing that target to experience difficulties with the last power they used before being tagged. Permission-based, and the player determines the effects of the power incontinence. Examples: accidental or premature discharge, limp or wilted power-effects, difficulty activating the power. Single Target - This power can only be used against one target and a single power at a time. Using this power again on the same target simply changes the power being affected, and using this power against another target removes the incontinence effect from the original target entirely. Over It - After the target has experienced the effects of power incontinence in three posts, the effect is removed and can not be re-applied to the power affected for the remainder of the thread. If a target has experienced this effect in a previous thread, the target only needs to experience power incontinence in the previously affected power for one post in order for the effect to wear off.
- 96 Deputize:
Powers Weaknesses Deputize - On touch, the character can grant a random power from this list to another individual. Weaknesses - The deputized individual also gains all the weaknesses associated with the power they gained. Rookie - The deputized individual does not gain any inherent understanding of how the power works, only knowing how to activate it.
- 97 Undo:
Powers Weaknesses Undo - The character gains the ability to completely and instantly revert the effects of a power by touching the affected object or individual. The character can use this power on themself. Recent - This power only reverts the effects of the last power used on the affected object or individual. Catch-22 - This power will also undo its own effects if the character attempts to use the power multiple times on the same target without that target experiencing other power effects since the previous reversion. Cooldown - This power can only be used once every three posts.
- 98 Chaos:
Powers Weaknesses Chaos - This power grants the character a random power with the prefix [Chaos]. All powers with the prefix [Chaos] can be used once, at which point the character receives a new random power with the prefix [Chaos]. One and Done - [Chaos] prefix powers may only be used once before being replaced. This is technically a weakness.
- 99 Mulligan:
Powers Weaknesses Mulligan - The character may replace this power with any power in this power list. Weaknesses - Obviously the character gains the weaknesses associated with whichever power they select.
Last edited by MissingAxis on June 14th 2019, 11:42 pm; edited 1 time in total
MissingAxis- Post Mate
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Re: Jacqueline Duvall, Mélange
MissingAxis- Post Mate
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Registration date : 2017-01-31
Re: Jacqueline Duvall, Mélange
MissingAxis- Post Mate
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Registration date : 2017-01-31
Re: Jacqueline Duvall, Mélange
Alright. After lots and lots of reading and etc, there's too many powers with weaknesses that are blatant "only causes this" or "only limits this"
I'm going to need you to add 2 more weaknesses to your character that can be exploited along with the weaknesses gained by the powers gained.
I understand that there are lots of combos that could potentially be useless, but if you do something like an allergy to peanuts, or gluten, this could be approved. This weakness would not be nullified by a power your character gains, much like my character Tyuki can be rendered useless by grapes. Even with super human healing powers and durability.
The limitations you have set are fair, and I do enjoy the character's concept, but I feel as if there needs to be something more.
I would also enjoy an additive plot mechanic that your character is not 100% good at the power at first use. I imagine you would do this already, as you are a very fair role player, but I have to say it just in case you didn't think of doing so.
I'm going to need you to add 2 more weaknesses to your character that can be exploited along with the weaknesses gained by the powers gained.
I understand that there are lots of combos that could potentially be useless, but if you do something like an allergy to peanuts, or gluten, this could be approved. This weakness would not be nullified by a power your character gains, much like my character Tyuki can be rendered useless by grapes. Even with super human healing powers and durability.
The limitations you have set are fair, and I do enjoy the character's concept, but I feel as if there needs to be something more.
I would also enjoy an additive plot mechanic that your character is not 100% good at the power at first use. I imagine you would do this already, as you are a very fair role player, but I have to say it just in case you didn't think of doing so.
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Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."
Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers
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Number of posts : 5018
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15
Re: Jacqueline Duvall, Mélange
Added two weaknesses:
Added two fluff mechanics:
Added two weaknesses:
The Weaknesses wrote:Light Sensitivity Triggered Migraines - Jacqueline's eyes are unusually sensitive to bright and flickering lights. Prolonged exposure without protection will cause increasingly intense headaches, and sudden intense bursts of light will temporarily stun Jacqueline.
Prosopagnosia - Jacqueline has a complete inability to recognize and remember faces, leaving her reliant on distinguishing people by their voices, build, skin color, and (in the case of capes) costumes. As a result, Jacqueline is easily tricked by even rudimentary disguises (often as simple as taking the costume off) and has difficulty maintaining personal relationships.
Added two fluff mechanics:
The Fluff wrote:Learning Curve - Due to the nature of how Mélange's powers manifest, she has not fully explored the abilities at her disposal. When Mélange's powers manifest, she only gains a cursory understanding of how the power is activated and what sort of power it is (eg, aura, projectile, touch-based, and so on). Similarly, she must work out the limitations and weaknesses of each power for herself. The exception to this is the 'power' Mulligan: when replacing Mulligan, she temporarily gains full and intimate understanding of all of her powers until she selects one. After she selects a power to replace Mulligan, she loses all the knowledge she gained this way. If she has used a power previously (previous thread/encounter), she retains the knowledge of that power from the previous encounter unless she was killed in that encounter (per Permanence fluff mechanic).
Conflict Engine - For whatever reason, powered individuals are drawn to establish their dominance over Mélange. As a result, Mélange is incapable of having a peaceful, civil encounter with any powered individual, unless said individual has already fought Mélange to a conclusive result. A powered individual encountering Mélange will gradually build up negative feelings toward her, such that even a perfectly level-headed individual will eventually find a way to justify initiating a conflict with Mélange to assert their dominance.
MissingAxis- Post Mate
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Registration date : 2017-01-31
Re: Jacqueline Duvall, Mélange
Approved and moved. Good luck.
Chellizard- Retired Moderator
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Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."
Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers
Warnings :
Number of posts : 5018
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15
The SuperHero RPG :: Applications :: Character, Minion, and NPC Applications :: Character and NPC Applications :: Approved Renegades
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