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Victoria Steyr

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Victoria Steyr Empty Victoria Steyr

Post by Sim June 8th 2019, 3:22 am

Victoria Steyr

"Adept of Paragon"

The Bio

Real Name: Victoria Steyr
Renegade Name: Clockwork
Alignment: Neutral
Age: Century-old tech
Gender: Female, technically genderless.
Race: Construct
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5’0
Weight: 140 lbs

The Looks

Victoria has fair white skin, and short blonde hair. Being a construct, her appearance is flawless when she is undamaged. She has vivid blue eyes, that appear larger than they are. She is a bit short, and of average build.

The Personality

Victoria is a flawless actor that wears many faces and rarely shows her true self. When comfortable she is a being of logic, and can seem cold and robotic. While she does feel emotions, she is still learning to understand them and seldom acts on impulse. She has a dry sense of humor and a bit of a sarcastic streak. Victoria has both a disdain for and a fascination with humans.
The Story

Victoria is a construct originally created near the end of World War II by a team of German scientists and occultists.  One part supernatural energies, and 3 parts genius technology she was one of the greatest unknown inventions of her time. Though she was completed, the chaos following the war prevented her from being activated or tested. She was confiscated by the British with many other experimental technologies.  During transportation, harsh weather caused the truck carrying her container to go off the road and hit a fence. While it was hardly a major accident, the jarring impact  caused an emergency activation of the construct. She killed several soldiers, and escaped. She was following the only instructions that had already been imprinted on her brain as best she could. She infiltrated British government, working various clerical and assistant jobs. She quietly gathered all sorts of information, storing it in her perfect memory. She was simply gathering this information and waiting until she received orders to report, or to assassinate a target. Such orders of course, never came. so she moved from one place to the next, assuming new identities for decades.

This would have likely went on forever, but eventually she was found out. A superhuman detective who was working on a case of a murdered politician, uncovered her secret identities. She became his prime suspect, and when she answered his accusations by drawing her weapon, he was sure he'd found the right person. A fight ensued, unfortunately bullets were of little use against the hero. The fight ended poorly for Victoria, leaving her severely damaged. By chance, her body was picked up by a technical genius named Charles Saalfeld. In exchange for his help, Victoria taught him how to repair her as well as many other things. Charles gave Victoria her name, and she lived with him while he spent years repairing her. Their symbiotic relationship did not end after Victoria was repaired. Gifted for the first time with a new awareness, Victoria had no idea what to do with her own life. To find out, as well as earn money, she began working as a mercenary. Charles provided backup, weapons, and repairs. so it was that they went into business together, using the code names "Clockwork" and "Mechanic."   While they eventually parted ways The codename “Clockwork” stuck. Victoria would continue her work and eventually spent a great dwal of time working for the covert organization Thrones, where she would meet the very few people she could honestly call friends.  While few people know Victoria Steyr, “Clockwork” has an impressive reputation as a perfect agent who never fails a mission. Naturally people able to pay for the high price of her services often have problems of a superhuman nature.

Though she appears human, underneath her false skin she is almost completely inorganic material. The only organic part of her besides her outer tissue is a heart, encased in thick metal sphere in the center of her chest. The rest of her body is metal plates and gears. This means punching her is like punching solid steel. She doesn't have nerves, but her "brain" consists of a nest of wires and gears and many electrical impulses. This means the two weak points are her head and her heart.  Her heart is encased in almost impervious armour (Improved upon by Charles), but it's destruction would mean death for Victoria. Damage to her brain is repairable, however she cannot function without it and until repaired she is little more than metal cadaver.

To look human, she has an outer layer of organic tissue. This tissue doesn't have any blood pumping through it, and possesses the property to generate a small amount of heat so that she is not completely cold to the touch. While she is still colder than the average person, it is only a minor temperature difference and could be explained by a condition like anemia. The tissue can repair itself, though not any faster than normal human tissue. Replacement of large portions of tissue requires more tissue to be grafted on, as well as time for it to heal together with the seams of the rest of her tissue.
The Priority

1. Reaction
2. Endurance
3. Agility
4. Strength

The Powers

Wired Brain- Victoria's "brain" works with the efficiency of a supercomputer. She has a perfect memory and can process information nearly instantly. She is capable of performing complex calculations at blinding speeds, giving her nearly flawless accuracy.

Woman of Steel- Under her false skin Victoria's true body is protected by a shell of hard metal alloy that makes it difficult for any but the most determined to do any real damage to her. Her lack of nerves means she can't be slowed down by pain, and as long as her head and heart remain intact she will remain conscious and functional. So long as her heart is intact she can be repaired, though only her most trusted confidants have been given the knowledge to be able to do so.
The Weaknesses

Power Surge- Victoria is vulnerable to large amounts of electricity. While it isn't particularly damaging to her body, it interferes with her brain and can confuse or temporarily incapacitate her.
Totally Metal- Most of Victoria’s body is ferromagnetic, making her extremely vulnerable to magnetism or any form of ferrokinesis.
The Items

Weapons:Victoria is constantly acquiring new weapons, and  most days, Victoria can be described as a walking armory. There are a few weapons though, that are almost always on her person.
"Twin Ivory"- Her favorite guns. Two 3-barreled 18 shot revolvers, named for their white handles.

"Indecent Proposal"- A small metal ring with a large (fake) jewel. The jewel is attached to a mechanism to quickly pop it off, revealing a six-shot .22 firearm  

Aside from those, she has two small six-shot revolvers stored in her arms, on a spring-loaded mechanism to pop into her hands. She also keeps two more revolvers in compartments in her legs.
The Fluff

Lack of Nerve- While not feeling pain occasionally comes in handy in battle, Victoria's lack of nerves also means she can't feel anything else. She has no sense of taste, smell, or touch whatsoever.
The RP Sample


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Post Adept
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Registration date : 2010-11-28

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Victoria Steyr Empty Re: Victoria Steyr

Post by Silus June 9th 2019, 3:35 am

Ms.Steyr is approved until stated otherwise

Welcome back Sim!!! Enlightenment! Spidey

Victoria Steyr Lucife10
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