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[solved]Myrddin, the Black Staff

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[solved]Myrddin, the Black Staff Empty [solved]Myrddin, the Black Staff

Post by Myrddin May 5th 2019, 9:36 pm

Merriman Davies

"Look, I don't want to fight you, but The Staff, here? He really likes a fight."

The Bio

Real Name: Merriman Davies
Renegade Name: Myrddin
Title: The Black Staff
The Summer Lord
The Claw of Winter
The Dagda’s Spear
The Ram’s Watchman
Alignment: Neutral Good
Age:  38
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Hair: Lank brown, shoulder length.
Eyes: Pale Green
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 167
Blood type: AB-

The Looks

The Personality

After his time in the military as a medic, and then as an EMT after, Merriman doesn’t believe in leaving a man behind. He has a strong sense of duty, and compassion, and does what he can to help people, even without using The Staff.

The Summer Lord: When following the orders of Titania, under the guise of the Summer Lord, Merriman becomes noticabley warmer as a person.
The Claw of Winter: When killing for Mab, Merriman becomes like the iceberg he looks like. Cold, aloof, and liable to sink you without eveing noticing you're there.
The Dagda's Spear: When hunting for The Dagda, Merriman revels in the hunt. He becomes more joyus, and likely to laugh, though also more bloodthristy.
The Ram's Watchman: Much like the shepards of old, when watching for Gwyns enemies, Merriman is calm and alert.

The Story

Merriman grew up on stories of the Seelie and Unseelie Courts, the Tuatha Dé Danann, and the Tylwyth Teg. Shortly after turning 5, he started having dreams of them. He spent his entire childhood playing in the forest around his house, looking for any of the Fair Folk, hoping to meet them and live with them.

This was not meant to be, and Merriman never met any of them. He grew disillusioned with the stories, and soon asked his parents to stop them altogether when he turned 8. The stories finished, Merriman turned his mind towards more physical pursuits, and began what would be a 10 year football career, followed by 15 years in the Army as a combat medic, never once being injured, and then another 3 as an EMT after he left the Army.

On his 36th birthday, he realized something. The dreams hadn't stopped. In fact, every time he went into a dangerous situation, when he came back alive and healthy, the dreams were more intense. Fairies of all four Courts, dancing around him and remarking about his well being.

Things came to a head one night, when he threw himself into a burning orphanage to rescue children that were trapped on the second floor. After pulling 14 children out in 7 separate trips, he ended up collapsing and being taken to the hospital. While there, he had his most intense dream yet. During the dream, Titania, Mab, The Dagda, and Gwyn ap Nudd all appeared before him.

“Travel to the Old World, and meet your destiny, child of man and magic. Become who you were meant to be, and wield the Black Staff of your forefathers.”

He woke in a cold sweat, to find wreaths of daffodils, shamrocks, tudor roses, and thistle hanging above his hospital bed, and all around the room. Two days later, he took a leave of absence from his job, and flew to Belfast. From there started the arduous journey of collecting the Staff. Once he had earned the Staff, Merriman returned to America, to learn to use the Staff, and to await the first official mission the Four Kings and Queens had for him.

The Priority

1. Endurance
2. Agility
3. Reaction
4. Strength

The Powers

You’re A Wizard, Meri: Merriman is a born magic user, though his powers required the shock of another power to awaken fully. The use of the Black Staff have helped him start using his own magic, and continued use of the Staff will push him towards new heights.
~Hand of Glory: As part of his new magical powers, Merriman has learned how to channel magic into his hand, and then into a held crystal, to use as a light source.
~Eye of Truth: By channeling magic energy into his eyes, Merriman can peer past illusions, and see things as they really are.
~Healing Touch: One of the first spells Meri learned after his powers were awakened, the Healing Touch allows him to mend minor cuts and bruises, dull pain in a localised area for larger injuries, and disinfect wounds he comes into contact with.

The Weaknesses

He’s Only Human: While Merriman is in amazing shape, and has magic at his disposal, both of his own personal magic, and the magic of the Staff, he’s still only human, and as such, can be hurt by anything that can hurt a normal human. At least, as long as he doesn’t defend against it.

Shit, That Burns: Even though he’s human, Merriman is a Champion of the Fae. As such, he has a weakness unique to the Fae.Touching anything made of cold iron will instantly cut through the powers the Staff gives him. The Robes will vanish, and the Staff will stop functioning for him.

The Items

The Black Staff of Merlin: Created by the wizard, Merlin the Magician, the Black Staff is a twisted ebony staff about as tall as Meri’s chest. Imbued with magic both mortal and Fae, the staff is a channel for the magics of the Fae.
~White Fire: The main offensive spell that the wielder of the Black Staff can use, the White Fire shoots out in jets, balls, and spurts. It burns away magic energies, allowing Merriman to cleanse an area of lingering magic.
~Black Ice: The main defensive spell of the Black Staff, the Black Ice shields the Myrddin from gun fire, explosives, and missiles.
~Wreathed in Lightning: Both offensive and defensive in nature, the Lightning cloaks the Staff and Merriman in crackling white lightning. This allows him to use the Staff as a physical weapon, or to stop a physical attack.
~Grey Mists: The newest spell that Meri has learned to use with the Staff, the Grey Mists sprout from the Staff itself, clouding the minds of mortals, and causing them to forget exact details about Merriman.

Merlins Extra-dimensional Pouch of Components: A belted-bag that rests on Meris waist, the pouch holds all the mundane items that Meri might need in a pinch. Sample items include: Salt, a sheathed dagger given to him by The Dagda, iron shavings, glass vials, several water balloons full of water drawn from the Winter Courts lands, a vial of Summer fire, a crystal from Gwyn ap Nudd's mines, and a picnic that will feed 13 people.
¬Time-Delayed Reaction: Pulling an item from the pouch is rather time consuming. Doing so takes one whole post.

The Items Weakness

The Black Staff of Merlin: While the Staff itself is crafted out of wood and magic, it’s still just wood. Given sufficient force, the Staff will shatter, rendering it useless until it’s fixed. Fixing the Staff requires a complicated ritual spell, cast by the Four Kings and Queen and the Champion.
~White Fire: While the Fire is a powerful offensive spell, it only works against other magic-users, Fae creatures, Angels, and Demons. Mortal men who don’t use magic aren’t harmed by the Fire, and neither is anything else. Wood buildings won’t burn, steel won’t melt, and sand won’t turn to glass.
~Black Ice: The Ice stops bullets, explosives, and missiles, because that’s what Merriman is used to. It won’t, however, stop knives and swords, as Meri doesn’t expect to deal with them, and his spell isn’t geared towards them.
~Wreathed in Lightning: When in use, this spell can only be used for offense, or defense. If Merriman wraps the lightning around the Staff, he can't use it to protect himself. If he wraps it around himself, the Staff will still pack a wallop, but it won't shock its target.
~Grey Mists: The Mists won’t effect strong-willed mortals unless they’re caught off guard(Permission based), the Four, or other creatures of equal power to the Four, such as full-blooded Gods, Arch-Angels, and Demon Lords.

Merlins Extra-dimensional Pouch of Components: As a magical, self-contained pocket dimension of infinite space, the bag itself is rather amazing. However, piercing the bag will cause it to spill it's entire contents into the surrounding area at explosive force, causing broken bones, contusions, or even death, depending on what hits who.
The Minions

The Fluff

Blessings of the Fae: As the Champion and Knight of the Four Kings and Queens of the Fae, Merriman is ageless as long as he wields the power given to him. He can still be killed by normal means, but he won’t age past 38 as long as he holds the Staff.

Changeling: Merriman is unique amongst mortal Champions of the Fae Monarchs. Normally, each has their own Champion. However, as the Myrddin, Merriman’s looks change, depending on which King or Queen has given him orders, and the mission he’s following.
~The Summer Lord: When following the orders of Titania, Merriman has bright yellow cats eyes, and hair the color of a campfire.(Yes, all the colors of a campfire)
~The Claw of Winter: When killing for Mab, Merriman has flat, pale grey eyes, and iceberg colored hair.
~The Dagda’s Spear: When hunting for the Dagda, Merriman becomes the color of the forest his Lord loves, with bright green eyes, and forest green hair.
~The Ram’s Watchman: When herding for Gwyn ap Nudd, Merriman’s eyes become blue goats eyes, while his hair remains the same lanky brown it normally is.
~Merlin, Champion of Fae: When working for all Four of the Kings and Queens, Merriman appears as he normally does, save for the fact that his clothes are pure white, his hair is white, and his eyes are a shining golden hue.

Robes of Merlin: A name given to the outfit back when Merlin actually did wear it, the Robes change over the years, to match the fashion of the day. These days, the Robes themselves are a pair of grey jeans, a white silk shirt, black combat boots, a grey belt, and a long, grey trench coat. The clothing itself is enchanted to stay clean and dry, and keeps Merriman clean and dry as well. When in places of great power, such as Stonehenge, the Robes will change the way they look to the outside observer, becoming robes to the eye, but remaining as mobile as the clothing normally is for Meri.

Merlins Extra-dimensional Pouch of Components: While in Merlins time, the pouch was just that, a pouch, these days, the Four have decided that it looks better as a tactical bag. As such, it has taken that appearence. It's a bright pink Barbie fanny pack, which Meri keeps hidden under his coat as much as possible.

The Black Staff: While to most people the Black Staff is just a staff, to Merriman and a select few others, the Staff speaks to them. Only Meri, the Four, and a select few powerful creatures and magic-users will be addressed by the Staff.
The RP Sample


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Last edited by Mryddin on May 15th 2019, 10:01 pm; edited 1 time in total

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[solved]Myrddin, the Black Staff Empty Re: [solved]Myrddin, the Black Staff

Post by Chellizard May 7th 2019, 11:46 pm

Approved and moved.

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[solved]Myrddin, the Black Staff Empty Re: [solved]Myrddin, the Black Staff

Post by MissingAxis May 15th 2019, 9:59 pm

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Post by MissingAxis May 15th 2019, 10:03 pm

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