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Way of the law (Woof)

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INV ONLY Re: Way of the law (Woof)

Post by Shadowoof December 2nd 2018, 4:59 am

Clair let out a huff to Clair's question. Obviously, the dog didn't have the information they needed, which in itself was weird. She looked back to the young girl, the young girl who was adamant to let it go. Ripping off a piece of clothe from the table, Euna placed it over the palm of her hand and held her hand out to Clair. "I'd have to fly to Japan. The original place where I found it. And see if I can find anything. Arcadia isn't a voluptuous topic, despite what some might have you want to believe. But. Clair, was it? If you have any sense of self. Any obligation to your own life. Give me the amulet now. Save any trouble you could have." Euna spoke to the young girl, who once more, looked defensive.

She looked troubled. She looked as if she was pained. To separate from the one thing she had. The thing that made her... more. The thing that made her brave... But... But...

Euna had retailed her with stories of death and loss. And while they had all happened soon after someone had touched the amulet, it hadn't happened to Clair. She hadn't died. But... She had suffered. She had seen things she wished she could be unseen. Maybe... Just... Maybe. She should put her trust in Jett, who had put their trust... in Euna. And in turn. Put her trust in this roommate of Jetts. That she will get... The job done.

Taking her hands to the back of her neck, under her hair. Euna took in a breath as Clair undid the chain. Letting out a breath Clair didn't know she had been holding. She shakily took the chain and amulet in one hand, and placed it slowly in the clothe that covered the demoness's hand. As soon as she had, Euna covered the amulet and chain as much as she could, letting out her own breath. "Alright.. Good. I've been meaning to find this anyway... Keep it locked away like it had been. I will go there anyway. Find out what I can. Who knows. Might find something that can help your roommate Jett." Standing, Euna brushed at her pencil skirt and nodded a toothy nod towards the two woman. "I'll leave you two to yourselves. Always a pleasure Jett. Give the dog a kiss for me... And ah... The little one. If you still keep touch with her. I would but you know... Young lady, live well." Euna said, about to leave before Clair took her attention.

"Look... Look after it... Please." Clair spoke, and with a silent nod, Euna left the two of them alone once more.

Clair looked down at the table, suddenly sullen. Her hands went to her chest, as if she was missing a part of her. "I did the right thing... Right Jett?" She asked the blind woman beside her, looking to them with hopeful eyes. She knew the woman would never see how much Clair needed an answer, a certain answer. But she hoped for it anyway.

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INV ONLY Re: Way of the law (Woof)

Post by Jett Lockwood December 2nd 2018, 6:22 am

Jett let out a small sigh of relief as Clair seemed capable of parting with the necklace. After hearing all the bad tings Euna had said about it, it was a breath of fresh air to see Clair hadn’t been effected negatively. “Thank you Euna. I’ll call you later.” Jett would say, giving the red skinned demon a thankful nod and wave. The blind woman’s attention would turn back to Clair. She could hear the hint of sorrow behind the girls voice. It was a tough decision to make but in the end, Jett was proud.

With a large smile on her face, Jett would feel around for Clair’s hand. Eventually taking it into her own, Jett would grasp it firmly. “You did good kid. I’m very proud of you.” And while Jett would never say it aloud nor would Vaedren admit it, he was proud of her as well. But it brought up new questions. He was Madeline’s right hand man. How could he not know of the necklace or its inhabitant? Was it something to do with the curse Madeline had placed on him? It was a puzzling conundrum.

“Come dear. Lets get some food in us. Our night isn’t quite over yet.”

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Jett Lockwood
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INV ONLY Re: Way of the law (Woof)

Post by Shadowoof December 2nd 2018, 8:26 am

"You know... Despite the fact we just had some food... I'm am hungry. Sure!" Clair sat up, smiling towards the blind woman as she grabbed the menu once more and had a look though the list of things to eat. But soon, she slowly placed the menu down. "Actually... I'm not that hungry. I kinda just want to go home... Get some rest. Today has been... Exciting. To say the least." Clair admitted. Feeling rather tired all of a sudden, her hands went back to her chest as she furrowed her brows. She felt weird...

It wasn't because of the lack of warmth, or the strange feeling that sometimes came from Jett, even Euna produced that same kind of feeling.  No... It was because she could still feel them. The warmth of the necklace. The safety of it... Had she given it up? Was that just a trick of her mind. She felt confused... Tired. Determined. Strangely so.

Meanwhile, in a car heading towards her main home, Euna stared at the clothe she had sat beside her, her pole stick had been placed atop it and she had a hand on that to hold it down. "Geoff... I am... Feeling... Mmm." She looked to the rear-view mirror, before rolling her stick off the amulet and picking it up. She brought it close to her nose and sniffed it. It was strangely aromatic, sweet, yet bone chillingly similar. And the strange part was the sweet smell. It made her all warm inside.

She held it out though the partition of the limo. Asking the driver to give it a sniff, while he gave it a quick sniff, his reaction told Euna enough, the way he seemed to recoil in disgust. "Ugh. What do you have inside of that Euna?" He asked, a simple question, one she could not answer as she put it aside.

"I don't know... But... How about you pull this car aside, and I can apologize for making you smell it.. Like last time~" Euna cooed, getting her drivers attention... At the wrong time.

Not one to put a seat-belt on. Euna was quite surprised when she found herself flung across her limo, slamming into the window with a annoyed grunt before rolling onto the floor. Her distracting self had seemed to cause an accident. Not the first time, and not that different of a situation... Standing, Euna found her stick and... The amulet. Strangely still affixed to the clothe... Ignoring the beeping and the insults being hurled at Geoff. Euna unwrapped the clothe and staring at the pendent, a shining black and white. She had herself, related it to Ying and Yang. But never had she really, really thought... "Inside their chests."

The words struck Euna. How had she not realized it. She was a bloody idiot. Grabbing the pendent without care, Euna allowed the electric currents she had to strike at the pendent without effect. "Come on. Show me your true image. What did the girl give me. How." She put more power into her volts till finally, she blinked and found... She was clasping her own hands, her lighting was bouncing around her skin. She held nothing. She had smelt nothing. But she had accepted... The illusion. She had been given an illusion. A masterfully made one.

Climbing out of the limo, stick in hand, Euna glanced the damage and hissed. This wasn't going to be driving for a bit. She could see Geoff talking to the driver, the other cars beeping, the noise driving her mad. Pulling her phone out, Euna hissed once more. The screen had been cracked beyond use. "Fuccck. Where did Jett work. I need to see her now." Euna mumbled as she went to the back of the limo and tried to open it, to no avail.

Too pissed to wait, Euna opened her mouth wide and bit down on the truck, teeth crushing though metal as she pulled back and spat out said metal, before going back at it, chewing though the metal till she could pull out a suitcase, which she then started to walk away back towards the restaurant. It'd be close to there. But it'd be a bit of distance anyway.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
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Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Location : Right behind you
Age : 25
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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INV ONLY Re: Way of the law (Woof)

Post by Jett Lockwood December 3rd 2018, 2:52 am

Jett was happy to hear that the decision hadn’t hit Clair to hard, but was quickly taken back when the girl suddenly changed her mind. The surprise was quite visible on Jett’s face as her head snapped in Clair’s direction. “Huh? O-oh…Ok. I uh. I suppose I should call you a cab or something?” Jett said as she slid out of the booth seat. Maybe Clair was taking this whole thing too hard after all. Just as the girl slid past Jett, Vaedren let out a small growl. “Huh? What is it?”

“We don’t know. Just have a bad feeling. Should not let Clair go!”
“I can’t do that Vae. I’m not the girls legal guardian. She’s got a family of her own. I can’t hold her against her will.”
“We are telling you! Something is not right!”
Jett let out an audible sigh. There was just no arguing with the stubborn demon. Still, she was in control and there was nothing Vaedren could do about it.

Jett accompanied the young girl outside and hailed her a cab. Upon hearing the breaks come to a squeaking halt, the blind woman turned to Clair and handed her some money. “Cab fair and for today’s work.” she said with a smile, holding the money out for the girl to take. “Call me when you get home. So I know you made it back safe please.” And with that, Jett would see the girl off.

Funny thing, as Jett turned back around to face the restaurant, she sudden lost her appetite. This was immediately met by a loud groan from the demon sharing a body with her. He was quite hungry. Brushing off his complaint, Jett headed back to her office. It was getting late, but she still had some papers to file away before she could go home.

A small ding filled the air as the elevator doors opened to the floor Jett’s firm was on. She was immediately greeted by the receptionist that sounded rather frantic. “Uh Um Miss Lockwood…Jett. You um, you’ve got a client? She’s uh in your office.”

Giving the woman a puzzled expression, Jett proceeded towards her office. Not even halfway there, Vaedren began to growl. “What is with you today!” Jett said in a hushed tone, sounding very annoyed by her partners behavior today. Upon reaching her office, Jett noticed that the door was open. Given Vaedren’s attitude she had figured out who her client was. “E-Euna! What are you doing here?”

The Characters
Jett Lockwood
Jett Lockwood
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 107
Registration date : 2017-07-30

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INV ONLY Re: Way of the law (Woof)

Post by Shadowoof December 3rd 2018, 3:53 am

Clair was surprised when she had been given the cash for the work they had done today, Clair almost hadn't accepted it, but changed her mind when she realized that in a way, she had worked. She had scoped out a place! A strange place full of a strangers and she had scoped it out, she had even figured out something was wrong...

That place. The pharmacy. It was on her mind now. It was on her mind as she thanked Jett and slid into the cab, it was on her mind as she gathered up the courage to talk to the driver about the location she wished to go. Her hands went to her chest once more, and her fingers idly brushed against the pendent she had thought she had given away. Maybe that... Was just a trick of the mind. She really hadn't given the pendent up. She was meant to keep it then...

And perhaps. She was meant to help Jett. After-all. Policewoman or not. Capable or not. Clair would rather she then someone else. And she could get the information Jett needed. All things Clair had thought before... But now that Jett was no longer here to stare down at her, to make her think otherwise. "A Pharmacy, please. I'll direct." She softly spoke, wisps of mist curling out from her jumper as she did.

When Euna had arrived, she realized she had moved a lot faster then she had thought... Or that Jett was a lot slower then Euna had imagined. Wasn't the dog suppose to help her? Did Jett not.. Ehh. It wasn't to Euna to decide. Besides. Her skirt was ruined now. She'd need to change it...

Euna looked to her briefcase, containing several things. Spare clothes, a spear head... Her old... Thing. She was almost grinding her teeth till she heard the sound of a surprised Jett.

Looking to the blind woman, Euna ushered her inside and closed the door, before looking to the two, well. One. But this was for the host and parasite. "The girl. whether she meant too or not, didn't give me the pendent. But she gave me an illusion. A illusion I could feel, smell, heck, I bet it'd have a taste. Vaedren, as screwed up as your head might be, it's a lot better then mine. Did you know any demons that could create illusions? Maybe a champion, one that had a affinity for woman as well?" Euna stated, looking to the side of Jetts head, as if expecting a mass of flesh to appear along side the blind woman. She didn't even have the thought to call the Arcadian by his true name. Dog, Parasite. Whatever. She was too... Too... Excited? Interested... Worried?

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 25
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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INV ONLY Re: Way of the law (Woof)

Post by Jett Lockwood December 7th 2018, 3:59 am

Jett wasn’t quite sure how she felt about having this sort of conversation within the confines of her office. This was her place of work. No one here knew about her otherworldly hitchhiker, and she preferred to keep it that way. But, Euna seemed frazzled to say the least. Her overall ragged appearance spoke to Vaedren. She must have walked here. Was in some kind of accident based on that fact. Jett let out a sigh, she had been mentally cursing Clair for playing her. Since the blind woman was so wrapped up in her thoughts, Vaedren saw it fit, to take over or at least take the lead for a bit.

Jett’s right hand would raise to just about Euna’s eye level. A small red and black strand would grow out of her palm with tiny thread like tendrils wriggling about. A small menacing face appeared on the very tip. “The Curse placed on us, has made our memory very fuzzy! What you ask is very broad. Illusions are not uncommon among our kind. Same goes for affinity for a preferred Sex.” Vaedren said. A small tendril brushing against the area he considered a chin as he thought.

The thought of an Arcadian being sealed away in a locket did intrigue him though. It was a similar punishment to his. Which gave him an idea. It still wasn’t much of a lead, but it could lower the list of potential suspects from millions down to a couple hundred. Whoever was trapped in that necklace was done so as an example. It had to have been someone who got on Madeline’s bad side. “The Demon in question has to have been someone close to the queen. Or someone she didn’t like. Made an example of!”

The Characters
Jett Lockwood
Jett Lockwood
Post Mate
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 107
Registration date : 2017-07-30

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INV ONLY Re: Way of the law (Woof)

Post by Shadowoof December 7th 2018, 4:59 am

Euna chewed her lip more and more, almost afraid her teeth would set and suddenly she'd have to deal with that mess too. The curse or whatever that Vaedren suffered from wasn't as terribly bad as Euna's fragment of a memory from hundreds of thousands of years ago. The only visage of the Queen Madeline, came from Euna's sighting of Madeline idols, and those were... Well, not always to be trusted, hell, she didn't even remember her own father.

Then again, she had only really met him when she was still savage. At least, she was sure she had only met him then. The trip down broken memory lane didn't matter, not right now. "Ehh. From what I've heard, that list seems long still. I guess Madeline would be the only one that could answer that, and that is still considering if Madeline did it. Or if it was a champion it has been done too. I mean, I got my spe... Stick from a champions final resting place, and I still don't know who they were."

Frowning, the demon sat down and pondered to herself. She hadn't the horrible pleasure of meeting many Arcadian's. The goo, the Fluff ball and the Princess were the only ones. She had been quite happy to have not met any, and she bared the annoyance that she knew the three of them now. At least one of them was cool, the other adorable, and Vae... Well. Jett was nice.

Looking at Jett, then the disgusting mass of flesh that was Vaedren and Jetts hand, Euna kinda realized something, something she hadn't considered before,a small body was missing from this picture. "Where... Where is the girl?" Euna asked. The subject of this matter was not alongside Jett, which meant that a young human girl, who held... melded... Something, with a ancient Arcadian, was out in the city.

Clair. Was standing outside the pharmacy, hey worried eyes scanned the building. Thinking and doing were two very different things, and being here now, terrified her. Could she do this? "W... I can... I can. I will do this. Go down. Find... Find evidence. Wait for friend. Hope Jett doesn't kill me." Clair repeated to herself verbally, before making it mentally as she thought about the plan.

The most evidence she'd get would be downstairs. A basement, however, the front entrance was too visible, and besides large groups of people entering the store though the front would be too obvious. Side entrance? Maybe connected to another building?

Arms pulled under her jumper, Clair timidly walked to the side of the pharmacy till she was in the parking lot. Letting out a breath, she let out her mist, directing it with small movements from her hidden hands, she pressed it against the base of the walls and began to circle around the building, watching the mist to see if it would dim though cracks, pausing when she... Noticed it.

Near the back of the building, Clair noticed her mist seemed too push and seep into the wall, kneeling down near it, Clair was able to see thin lines that made almost a door as she followed it to a stand.

Stepping back, she pulled her arms out of her jumper and pulled them back, the mist gathering behind her as she did so. With it gathered, she threw her arms forward and pressed the white mist into the wall in time with her arms movement, pressing it harder and harder, watching as certain bits of the wall pushed inwards with the force, till the pressure plates among the wall gave way and the secret door slowly obeyed, creaking open and showing entrance to a place Clair would never normally think to go down. "Wo-wow... Bad guys have a secret lair... Okay Clair... Let's go." Clair's tremble of a voice soon vanished as the mist gathered around her head and the fox mask returned. Help Jett. The idea. The mission. "I can do it."

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 25
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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INV ONLY Re: Way of the law (Woof)

Post by Jett Lockwood December 13th 2018, 3:06 am

None of what Vaedren or Euna said, sounded promising. So neither of the so called Arcadian’s even knew who or what might have pissed of their queen. Enough so, that said queen locked the individual away in an amulet. Jett really wished she could have been of some assistance to the two demons. Unfortunately her knowledge on the subject was whatever Vaedren had taught to her. Which was about all he could remember, and even that wasn’t very much, as was made apparent by this conversation. At least that was the case till Euna asked a question that was directed at the blind woman.

It took a moment for Jett to snap out of her daze before her head suddenly snapped in Euna’s direction. “The girl? Oh! Clair. I sent her….home….SON OF A BITCH!” Jett had instantly pieced everything together. Clair was dead set on doing something about the operation that was being carried out under that pharmacy. She out right lied to Jett’s face and then lied again in deceiving Euna, Vaedren, and Jett by not giving up the necklace. Jett wasn’t one to get worked up or show much emotion, but her face quickly turned to a scowl.

The tendril of Vaedren quickly sank back into the woman’s palm. For the first time since the two had been together, Jett commanded Vaedren to let her see. She then snatched the red skinned demon by the wrist and began to lead her out of the office, all the while mumbling under her breath. “I’m out for the evening Jenny. Would you mind locking up for me?” Jett didn’t even wait for the young receptionist to answer. She made a b-line for the elevator and hit the button for the ground floor.

Once there, Jett would rush out of the building, here head turning in both directions as she tried to remember which way the pharmacy was. With a little assistance from Vaedren, she began marching in the right direction. She was like a woman possessed. She was angry and worried at the same time. Angry that Clair would lie to her and worried the young girl might get hurt. Once Jett had noticed there was a sort of die down of pedestrians on the street, she ducked into a nearby alleyway. “Alright, lets do this big guy!” Vaedren agreed, and in an instant, the blind lawyer was now covered in crimson and maroon armor. Her face covered by a massive almond shaped visor that only she could see through. “I guess you got your wish after all.” she said with a slight chuckle and blush to Euna. She of course was referring to their earlier conversation in which Euna requested that Jett dressed in Vaedren’s armor.

“There will be plenty of time to gawk and drool later though. Right now we gotta get to that pharmacy before that girl winds up in serious trouble!”

The Characters
Jett Lockwood
Jett Lockwood
Post Mate
Post Mate

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 107
Registration date : 2017-07-30

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INV ONLY Re: Way of the law (Woof)

Post by Shadowoof December 13th 2018, 4:03 am

Euna raised a eyebrow as the young woman took a moment to realize a rather bad thing. The demoness could guess it had something to do with the young girl and her being alone. Just having enough time to grab her brief case, Euna let out a low whistle as her wrist was suddenly gripped and she was pulled along by the 'blind.' woman. "Feisty." She commented. Secretly, very much so liking angry Jett.

Taken downstairs and outside, Euna allowed herself to be pulled along, if this was any other case, Euna would have backed away. This wasn't her fight. But Jett. The artifact, the mystery! Oh this all excited her so much... She could go for a bite after this.. Well, why wait? The way Jett was acting, their would be something to bite soon enough..

"I know this might be a bad time, but do you like people with red skin? Asking for a friend." Euna asked right as Jett found a quiet corner to allow Vaedren to shift her clothing into a battle state... The act in some way, worried Euna. This armor... It wasn't flesh... Or at least, it shouldn't be. Was it inside Jett? A part of Vaedren? Or had the two come together so well that rather then host and parasite... The two were quickly becoming more... Arcadian. Still, she looked hot for a battle ready armor.

"Honey, I can drool and work. Show me the way, but you'll have to go ahead for a bit. You're not the only one that needs to change... Don't be too angry with the girl. She might have a more stable relationship with the amulet, but it is still manipulating her. Even if it is subtle." Euna replied, giving Jett a toothy grin in-between a serious look. Ooh yea... This was going to be fun.

"Stinks.." Clair noted. The place reeked. It wasn't bad, not yet, but besides the smell, nothing else disturbed the girl. The secret hatch had led to a tunnel, a tunnel that felt new, and very man made. This place had to have been turned into a finery some time after the night. A good idea, she supposed. Why would you build a secret underground facility under the place you had ordered robbed?

"Hate working late." A voice disturbed the girl from her thoughts, she had come close to a corner, the corner where the voice came from, and the footsteps were getting closer. Pressing herself against a crevice in the wall, Clair started to gather the mist around herself, building it up and making it denser and denser, till she was covered head to toe in it. Luckily, she had noticed fumes around the tunnel, and her mist would at least blend with them.

"At least it's a lot of money. Boss doesn't want to disappoint the big man. New batch is suppose to be pretty serious." A second voice replied, the two rounding the corner and passing by, unaware of the young girl.

"Like the last batch wasn't serious enough. Still. I heard that a bunch of demons took out a group of regulars. Then again, they were pretty smoked." The two of them paused for a moment, Clair, unable to see though her own mist, could only hope they hadn't noticed her.

"Place seems... Ehh, must be me. Come on. I need to get out of here. Even with a mask the fumes just. Eugh."

"I know what you mean-" Their voices died off as they gained distance away from the girl. Still, she kept the mist up for a little longer.

"See Jett... Not being a vigilante... I wasn't scared.. Get evidence... Get out..." Clair breathed, the mist swirling into her jumper till it was if she was bloated. Quiet as a mouse, the girl ventured deeper into the tunnel system, the smell growing worse as her steps increased. She was getting close...

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 25
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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INV ONLY Re: Way of the law (Woof)

Post by Jett Lockwood December 13th 2018, 5:08 am

Jett couldn’t help but blush even more as Euna tried hitting on her. There wasn’t much surprise when Vaedren growled at the thought. Like some over aggregated guard dog. “Easy there big guy. If I didn’t know any better I’d say you were jealous.” Not that she could see his face, but Jett knew the demon was embarrassed. Even with his red skin it would have been easy to see he was blushing himself. The two could read one anothers thoughts, and while they both respected one another privacy, Jett and Vaedren knew what they meant to one another.

“I swear she better not have lied to me. I trusted her. Like honestly how many times do you have to tell someone that being a vigilante is a bad thing!”

“But we’re a vigilante!”

“Yeah, but you also share a body with me, which means I cant exactly report you the the proper authorities now can I?”

“But Jett would never do that to us! Right?…..Right? Jett please!” Vaedren shuddered at his companions silence. At least he did till he caught her smirking. Oh she was a sly one.

Once Euna was ready to move on, Jett continued to lead the way. Though she discretion was definitely not in her vocabulary. You’d think for someone dressed as revealing as she was, she wouldn’t want people staring at her. But she seemed to have bigger things on her mind. Jett eventually picked up the pace and it wasn’t much longer till the two arrived across the street from the pharmacy. Jett could feel a small shudder roll through her armor. She had completely forgotten till now about what they were waling into.

She had been so focused on getting to Clair that she had failed to realize that the chemicals inside the building, did not play well with Vaedren. “Please Vae. I know it smells bad, but we can’t leave Clair alone in there.” The titanic returned the woman’s plea with a growl and a sigh. It wasn’t just him that was going to suffer the smell. He and Jett shared senses, and as keen as his nose was, so was Jett’s. A side effect of her disability. “I’m not going to lie Euna. This might be a pretty crumby situation. If you don’t want to go in there I wont blame you. The smell was pretty atrocious.”

Just then, Jett noticed something happening across the street. Two men had entered the alley along side the building. They were wearing masks, which meant they had come from the underground lab. Jett had to take a deep breath and think. She didn’t want to approach the two men. Not here, out in the open. But the longer they dallied the worse trouble Clair could get into.

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Jett Lockwood
Jett Lockwood
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INV ONLY Re: Way of the law (Woof)

Post by Shadowoof December 13th 2018, 6:37 am

"Oh, Vig business? Girl seems a little young to be caring bout that. I remember when it was all boys, girls... Both. Good times." Euna called out with some effort, frowning as she stared at her case. It was going to be too bothersome to keep on her.

Grabbing the things she needed, she picked up the case and threw it in a open trash can along with her old clothes. She could come back later. "Go on ahead, I'll catch up." Euna said, dropping back to finish getting changed. Boots and gloves were easy, the rest was a bit of a mission. A mission she completed on the move.

Catching up to the blind woman, Euna stood behind them, listening to what had to be said, hells, Euna could smell what she meant from here. "I'd say yes, but then I got dressed for no reason. And I don't do things for no reason." Euna growled, not threatening like, but enough to show she was serious. Her outfit, consisting of metal plates of a metal that would be familiar to Vaedren, acting as guards and a skirt, and leather for the most part.

Looking to the pharmacy, Euna would sight the two men as well, clicking her tongue at the inactivity coming from Jett. "No point standing around, hold my stick would you. And I expect to get it back." Euna would say, passing her stick to the blind woman before walking blazingly towards the two masked man, putting an emphasis into her hips as she moved.

"Heeeeeeey boys, I'm a little lost. See, I was looking for a party, dress up, as you can see, and I noticed you two fine gentlemen might be in the same boat, and I'm thinking, screw the party, you know how to show a girl a good time right~ I'll invite my friend, she's a little shy." Euna would whisper and say, leaning towards the two in hopes they might take this somewhere more private. Sure, the smell was horrible... But maybe those masks would help...

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 25
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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INV ONLY Re: Way of the law (Woof)

Post by Jett Lockwood December 13th 2018, 9:49 am

Jett swallowed her fear. There was no need to be shy here. She had Vaedren and Euna at her side. She built up the confidence she needed to march across the street and deal with the two guards. Euna however, beat her to the punch. Jett suddenly found herself holding the demons stick. Jett would give the wooden stick a quick glance before peering up at the red demon crossing the street. Jett’s grip tightened around the staff, worried about this whole situation. *Maybe I should be over there with her* she thought. The blind lawyer knew Euna was more than capable of handling herself, but it didn’t stop Jett from worrying.

Shaking her head, Jett decided enough was enough. They needed to act fast. This feeling was only reinforced as Jett heard Euna trying to seduce the men as she approached. For some unknown reason, Jett could feel an unyielding aggression rile up within her. Like all of her patience had just flown right out the window. “Hey! Here’s your stick!” the usually passive woman spat as she tossed the wooden pole through the air. The men immediately became defensive. If they weren't suspicious of the red skinned woman before, they were now.

Their gazes seemed to shift for a moment to Euna, a look of confusion on their faces. But only for a moment as their faces would soon vanish beneath a blur of red. Jett’s left hand had shot forward, and in one motion grew in side and had morphed into a giant maw that devoured the head of one guard completely. The blind woman’s body quickly snaked after the arm, closing the distance between her and the remaining guard. Her unmorphed hand quickly reached up and grabbed the man by the scruff of his uniform. With strength Jett should not have had, she lifted the man off the ground. Her arm quickly taking shape of Vaedren’s as she quickly hoisted the man higher into the air before violently slamming him into the pavement.

There was a sickening thud, like a bag of meet being launched at a wall. The normally timid and calm woman had smashed the remaining man against the ground. She’d quickly return to form and glare back at Euna as though it was no big deal. There was no tonal shift in her voice to indicate this was Vaedren’s doing. And there was no cry or worry from Vaedren to plead Jett to stop. It was like if the two had acted as one. As though they had one singular thought patter till this moment. “We should head inside before anyone else shows up. Be prepared it reeks. I can already feel my nose burning.”

Jett then reached down to the bloody mess that was the second guard and plucked his mask from the pile. With a small flick of the wrist she’d throw the mask at the red skinned demon. “Here, this should help!”

The Characters
Jett Lockwood
Jett Lockwood
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 107
Registration date : 2017-07-30

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INV ONLY Re: Way of the law (Woof)

Post by Shadowoof December 13th 2018, 10:19 am

The plan had been to move them. It was the assumption Euna had when she saw the young woman had hesitated, deal with them. Not kill them. Not really. Not yet. The plan failed the moment Vaedren attacked.

That is what Euna had assumed at first. That Vaedren had attacked. But... Jett was the one that spoke. Jett was the one that was angry. And as the violence ensured, and Euna watched in awe, she knew, that it wasn't just Vaedren. It was Host and parasite working as one. Becoming one in mind and body.

It was both terrifying and... Interesting. Euna had to ponder. To wonder. To reason. When an Arcadian dies, they are returned to Arcadia to be reborn... She wasn't sure if Vaedren could return, with all this talk of his punishment... But.. What if Jett did. What if she wasn't exactly human anymore. What if... Her and Vaedren were becoming one, true being, rather then his possible worry that his being was killing Jett... Well, he wouldn't be wrong. He'd be killing a human... But then, what would Ms Lockwood become?

The woman walked up to her stick and picked it up, cleaning it off with an almost caring touch. "Hmm..." The woman frowned. Was she worried? Worried about this human becoming an Arcadian? Euna had been worried about quite a number of things recently, more so then she had been in a hundred years. Princess. Fluff ball. What is happening to her? She shouldn't be this, worried! Now she was pissed and Euna wasn't even sure why.

So when Jett had thrown her the mask, a mask that would certainly help, if only a little, Euna did the stupid thing and picked it up. Only to then bite it in half, her shark like teeth out as she looked to Jett with a real toothy grin. "Easy mode is for smocks. We got a girl to save. The gas will make it hurd to smell her, gas mask make impossible." Euna rasped, spitting out plastic as she did, clearly not quite use to talking with her sharpened teeth, but that didn't seem to bother the demoness as she matched into an open hatch, where the source of a horrid stench came from.

As Clair got closer, she was surprised that Clair managed to make tell of this smell from outside. Clair hadn't even smelled it, and with how strong it was now, she wasn't sure why she hadn't collapsed in gasping breaths.

Her fingers trailed over her mask as she pressed into a closed door, slowly opening it into a room full of barrels, the wave of stench attacking her very being. She almost felt like vomiting, the feeling of acid raising in her throat almost coming true before she backed away from the door, coughing. "Arrr.. What are they doing?" Clair asked no one but the smell.

She hadn't encountered many more, and she was moving quicker in case those men came back. Pulling out her phone, Clair opened the door once more and gagged as she took several photo's, closing the door again as soon as she was able. "Ne... Need more... A video." Moving on, Clair turned into another corridor, following the sound of voices, voices meant bad people, bad people had to mean evidence, had too this far in.

Slowly opening another door, Clair gasped at the sight of several people in gas masks and hazmat suits, mixed between mixing chemicals and moving containers, yet none seemed to have any attention towards her or the door. Squeezing herself in, Clair held her breath as she got her phone out and sifted though the options, finding the record and hitting it. She did her best to capture what she could, but she wasn't sure what exactly was good to capture, she kept creeping along, using her mist to mix with the fumes to hide herself if she felt the need to be hidden.

But as she got closer, her phone started to buzz in her hand and time went still for the young girl. Her phone was a funny thing, it always buzzed for a second...

Right before the ringtone started. A classical tune filled the room of muttering and cooking as heads turned to the young girl in the fox mask who stared at the name that had given her up. "Mom..." Clair whispered, eyes looking up to the danger in front of her. "Sorry... Jett."

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 25
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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INV ONLY Re: Way of the law (Woof)

Post by Jett Lockwood December 17th 2018, 6:11 am

Jett and Vaedren stood before the hatch leading to the underground lab. Euna had marched right in. Choosing to do things the hard way. As was evident by the chewed up gas mask laying on the ground several inches from Jett’s feet. The fumes were already overpowering Vaedren, even at this point. He felt nauseous. The amount of concentration it took to maintain form around Jett was beginning to wane. “I’m sorry. Please bare with it just a while longer. With Euna here this shouldn’t take long.” Jett would have just told Vaedren to recoil back into her body, but that wouldn’t have don’t any good.

Vaedren would have protested. And from what she had experienced earlier, even if he was tucked away, his over active sense of smell would still cause him to become sick from the fumes. Jett took the last breath of fresh air she was going to be able to take for a while and soon followed after Euna. They were surrounded by concrete on every side. The walls, floor, and ceiling to the corridors. Everything was concrete. It was also amazingly clean. Jett could actually see her reflection in the floor. Her cheeks took on a rosy hue. “Really Vae? You couldn’t have thought up a less revealing set of armor?”
“Armor is cute! Makes you look good! Besides we covered all your vital organs and important bits!”
Jett let out a sigh and rolled her eyes.

“How you holding up?” Jett whispered to Euna. Surely if Vaedren was having a hard time putting up with the smell, then so was she. Up until this point things had been relatively quiet. The silence and lack of contact with any one, left Jett questioning her concern. Maybe Clair didn’t actually come here. Maybe she listened to Jett and kept her promise. Maybe she just didn’t feel like parting with the necklace, and Jett was blowing this all out of proportion. These questions and doubts would soon fade as voices could be heard coming from up ahead.

The Characters
Jett Lockwood
Jett Lockwood
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Number of posts : 107
Registration date : 2017-07-30

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INV ONLY Re: Way of the law (Woof)

Post by Shadowoof December 17th 2018, 6:54 am

Not a single regret, that is how Euna was taking this. Not. A single. Regret. She breathed in the wretched fumes and found herself slowing down, her senses were taking a beating. Taste, smell, Euna could barely smell anything but that which attacked her and Vaedren. How could humans consume something that made this smell? Disgusting. "Best hope whoever we encounter are a... Ehhhh." Euna paused for a moment, her hands stumbling for a wall to lean against, yet even the break did nothing for her but keep the demon on her feet. "Pansies... Big. fat. Pansies." She finished, snapping her jaw tight as she pushed forward, because while her senses of taste and smell were ruined, her hearing was not, and she could hear the voices too, shouts almost.

"How have none of you... Seriously! Get her!" The head foreman stared at several of the hired thugs as they cornered the fox masked girl, who had pressed themselves against a wall, a barrier of mist surrounding her. When he had ordered them to get her, they had tried, and that mist pushed them all away, and now that she had a stable position, anyone who tried to cross her barrier was violently engulfed into the mist and shoved back. Two tables had been broken because of this. Chemicals spilled onto the ground, only adding to the acid taste of the air.

"St-Stay back!" Clair shouted as another thug tried to push past her mist, and with a wave of her hand, that thug was pushed back by the force of the mist. The smell had lingered, but mixed with the stress of the situation, the sound of her phone ringing, it all did a number on her senses, her sense of control. She needed to get out of here, to leave and run. She had gotten enough evidence, right? Yea, she just needed to push past all of them. She hadn't wanted it to come to this, but as long as she got out, she could still help!

She could do it. Starting to step forward, Clair spread her arms out wide to move the mist with her, but before she got far, her ears burst as the ringing drum of gunfire went off, and she felt a somehow familiar pain, not in her stomach, but in her chest, a second shot went off and Clair stumbled back as a second bullet hit her chest once more, till she was sliding down the wall, blood bubbling and staining her shirt. "Jesus, get some people top side and direct any attention that might have gathered, you two, grab her and put her in a barrel or something." The foreman spoke, gun in hand and sounding quite pissed that it had come down to something as loud as a gun.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 25
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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INV ONLY Re: Way of the law (Woof)

Post by Jett Lockwood December 17th 2018, 8:07 am

Well Euna didn’t have to say anything. Despite her attempt at looking tough and trying to power through the smell, her attempt to use the wall as a crutch was a dead give away. She was not handling this very well. Neither was Vaedren for that matter, but he had the benefit of having a host. The smell was terrible yes, but it didn’t affect Jett as heavily as it did the two demons. She pressed forward, despite all of Vaedren’s bickering. With each step the woman took, the more audible the voices became. There was definitely a commotion happening up ahead.

If the sudden out burst of voices had set Jett on edge, then the ensuing gunfire caused a knot to form in her stomach. The blind woman found herself using a hand to hold herself up. She felt like collapsing amid the nausea Vaedren had been experiencing and her rattled nerves. Oh god please no! Please don’t let that be what I think it is. Please… She felt herself praying, no begging a higher power that what she heard and what she imagined weren't the same thing. A group of the labs workers would soon appear in the previously abandoned hallway.

Jett’s gaze remained fixated on the ground. She was trying to wrap her mind around the situation. It wasn’t until Vaedren was in control that all the shooting and stuff happened. Which meant Jett always missed it. But being in the situation they were in now, Jett found herself panicking. It took the workers sudden acknowledgement of Euna and Jett’s presence for the blind woman to snap out it. She looked up, still seeing everything with Vaedren’s help. The people before them were wearing white hazmat suits and gas masks. A few of them were also Armed. “H-Heads up!” Jett warned Euna as the goons all drew their weapons.

Jett braced herself for the worst. She knew Vaedren would keep her safe, she just didn’t know to what extent. Summoning up enough strength, Vaedren overtook Jett in an instant. His large crimson body immediately filling up the hallway. “Sorry Jett. We’ll handle this for now. You can take over when were done here.” he growled, while also trying not to vomit.

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Jett Lockwood
Jett Lockwood
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Number of posts : 107
Registration date : 2017-07-30

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