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Beliel! Empty Beliel!

Post by castiel June 28th 2018, 6:28 pm

Beliel, "He Without Worth"

"You can say it's a part of your all-mighty omnipotent plan all you want, but NOTHING justifies being an absent father."

The Bio

Real Name:  Beliel, meaning "Without worth".
Title: Heaven's Second Mistake; the Runaway.
Alignment:  Chaotic Neutral
Age: Billions of years old.
Gender: Genderless, takes the form of male or female bodies. He usually prefers male vessels.
Race: Enochian [Angel]
Hair: Light, 'dreamy' blonde.
Eyes: Light brown mixed with golden hue.
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 150lbs

The Looks

The Personality

Beliel is your typical smart ass. Behind the veil of newly-learned pop-culture references, slick and intelligent comebacks, and all-powerful sarcasm is a thick skin of pain, depression, confusion, and anger, rooting from his dark, abusive past, shown only when he is emotionally and/or physically pushed to his limits. It would take only a few seconds in Beliel's presence to realize that he takes even the most important matters at hand as fun, games, and jokes, because, in his own words, "You wont get through life if you take it too serious." He shows little to no concern for the physical and emotional well-being of enemies and strangers, and hates the "warm feeling" that he feels when he, accidentally, shows any type of concern towards anyone that would call themselves a "friend" of his, a word that he rarely uses, to be exact.

The Story

Beliel is from a place far, far from Earth. Much to popular belief, Coelum, or, in English, "Heaven", is not just a few miles above the clouds -- it's an entirely different universe. A boring one, at that. Enochians, the winged, humanoid beings who inhabit Coelum, were created to follow the specific orders they were individually created to follow, and any other ones that superiors gave them. Nothing more and nothing less -- and Beliel couldn't stand that. Ever since he had come into existence, noticeably, as an already fully-grown intelligent life force, and at the same time as the rest of his people, he was aware of the fact that he was "different", and he knew, deep down inside, that he was not meant to follow the simple orders of guiding confused souls through the realm for the rest of eternity, but he knew, also, that doing anything else would be impossible. He begged and pleaded with his brothers and sisters to see reason, that they were more than robots and they could do anything that they wanted, on both Heaven and Earth, but they shunned him, and he was naught but a laughing stock in the eyes of all.

One day, something incredible happened, and he knew that it would be his only ticket out. One of the superior angels had taken up arms against with his own army, bent on freeing themselves from the robotic arms of "fate" that they were meant to be entrapped in for the rest of eternity, and Beliel joined them. The fight lasted for eons until they were finally defeated, and slaughtered in a mass cleaning. Beniel, by the skin of his teeth, escaped, and fell from the Heavens and to Earth, unbeknownst to the opposing team of the rest of Heaven who pronounced him deceased. Beliel was forced to hide his true identity as he walked the Earth, and the feelings of bitterness, anger, and sadness for Heaven and whoever "God" was brewed inside of him like a raging storm, and he promised that he would take advantage of what his comrades had died for, which was, essentially, to do whatever he wanted. He vowed to play by no rules, and serve no master. Only himself.
The Priority

1. Strength
2. Agility
3. Reaction
4. Endurance

The Powers

Superhuman Strength: Enochians are known for their ability to lift several tons without any show of struggle.  The largest thing that Beliel has lifted, though, has only been in a car, meaning that his ability to lift anything heavier would take some time and training. This was to find a cat that he, noticeably, found "quite interesting".

Superhuman Speed: Enochians are known to move so fast they leave behind afterimages of themselves -- but aren't anywhere near strong enough to move somewhere, for example, like the speed of light. The fastest speed they would be able to reach, whether running or flying,  would be around 7,274 km/h, the speed of a jet.  

[PERMISSION BASED] Teleportation: Beliel is able to teleport short and far distances at will without growing tired.

Enochian Magick: Enochians, along with their own language, have their own set of magic that they are able to conjure through speaking or drawing sigils in their language. The spells used in Enochian Magick are used for things such as summoning people, finding people, temporarily weakening someone, or smaller things, such as turning someone to a frog, etc. Enochian Magick can also be used by humans and other races who are knowledgeable about it. If used too much, the angel, human, etc, conjuring spells can pass out and even die from excessive use.
- Transformation spell on self and others to object or animal is usually used once or twice every so often because of power level. Cannot use twice in battles.
-Spell to temporarily weaken someone uses up a lot of "grace" or Enochian energy, weakens Beliel for a few minutes after use. Spell usually lasts 10 to 15 minutes tops.
- Spell used to find people or animals needs prep time to draw sigil and get necessary ingredients, usually 25 minutes tops.
- Spell used to summon people or animals needs prep time to draw sigil and get necessary ingredients, usually 30 minutes tops. Needs personal belonging of person -- even if it was a small, finger-nail piece of cloth from their clothing, or a strand of hair.

[PERMISSION BASED] Super Senses - All Enochians enhance their vessels senses to superhuman level. Enochians possess an acute sense of smell. Their sense of smell is heightened to the point where they can identify people by smelling their body, bone or by their blood. Angels can also identify people by sniffing their genes and hormones as well.  Because they operate on a different plane of existence, they can see atoms and ions which are impossible for humans to see. Angels can hear a humans conversations miles away from them.

Regeneration - If an angel's vessel is damaged, it will repair itself nearly instantly unless the wound was caused by angelic weaponry or another weakness.

[PERMISSION BASED] Smiting - Enochians have a specific ability called smiting, usually used on demons/demon-like beings. Smiting is where an Enochian expels a wave or beam of golden light from their palms and, if able to touch whoever they are attempting to smiting, they reduce their opponent into nothing but ash.

Flight - Enochians are able to fly by using their wings, and grow tired usually after a day of flying straight, much to the contrary of any other winged creature on Earth.

Wing Nigh-Invulnerability: An Enochian's wings are indestructable concerning earthly weapons, as they cannot be injured or pierced by NORMAL swords, bullets, knives, etc.

Healing - Angels can cause the EARTHLY wounds, diseases, and toxins of another being to heal. This is usually through Enochian magic. In order to heal a wound inflicted by an unearthly weapon, like an Enochian sword or energy blast,  it takes energy and time, usually hours, and usage of Enochian Magick.

[PERMISSION BASED] Dream Walking - Angels can appear in people's dreams, they usually use this to communicate, when they can't find the person they're looking for, or want to talk privately. The permission of the person they would like to communicate is needed before this can be done, or there has to be a mutual emotional connection between the two.

[PERMISSION BASED] Angel Possession  - Enochians are allowed to possess other people, but ONLY with the permission of the person and/or being. They can also possess animals.

[PERMISSION BASED] Exorcism: By speaking in Latin or Enochian, they are allowed to exorcise demons.

The Weaknesses

Angelic Exorcism: Enochians can be exorcised when someone speaks a certain latin spell. When exerocised, the enochian is sent back to their realm, but for fallen angels like Beliel, they are sent miles away from the person who spoke the latin spell, or even states away.

Angelic/Demonic/Unearthly Weapons: An Enochian can be injured, even fatally, by "unearthly" weapons, meaning weapons from an alien, another angel, a demon, a god, etc.

Holy Oil: Oil which has been blessed by a priest, which is highly flammable, can be used to severely injure an angel. People who are experienced in battling Enochians usually use it like a "bomb", a circle trap, or anything else along the line.

Higher Ranking Enochians: Enochians are not only mentally subject to a pyramid scheme of systematic suppression, but also physically. More powerful Enochians, such as Arch-Angels, can easily overpower "normal" or "low-ranking" Enochians such as Beliel.

Magic: "normal" magic, such as spells from witches and warlocks, can be used to hurt and even kill Enochians.

Enochian sigil - When Enochian sigils are placed on humans, animals, and/or objects, they prevent any type of angel from detecting and finding them. They can also be used to prevent angels from entering a building, capable of weaken the angel and they can also prevent an angel from hearing a conversation of those in a warded room.

Wing Detachment - Removing an Enochian's wings will render them almost powerless until they regrow, which will take up to a year. Their wings can only be removed by a weapon strong enough, nothing like a normal sword or knife, etc.

Wing Injury - An Injury to their wing by a weapon strong enough will render them almost completely paralyzed, as it is a very sensitive spot for Enochians.

Hell Hounds - Enochians, usually "fearless", are particularly horrified by the presence of Hell Hounds, to the point where they are paralyzed in fear and will not think clearly.

Smiting - Enochians, like [usually] any other creature, are subject to be severely damaged by being smote by another Enochian.

"Sticks and Stones"- A unique weakness -- because of Beliel's relationship with home and his family issues, any mention of them, especially if being purposely used to hurt him, can drive him into an uncontrollable state of rage, where he lashes out without thought, and can easily be outsmarted.

Power Strip - Enochians that have fallen from Heaven are not only not allowed to return, but they are made considerably weaker when they fall -- meaning that, like Beliel, his strength, speed, and other powers have decreased from what they were originally.

Higher Ranking Demons - Demons who are high in the ranks of hell, such as Princes of Hell, are one of the greatest weaknesses to low-ranking angels like Beliel. They can easily overpower him, with raw, brute strength, or otherwordly weapons.

Hell -  When angels are, for some reason, sent to Hell or willingly travel to Hell, all of their powers are severely weakened, and abilities such as "smiting" are made void when in the realm of Hell. This might prove fatal to weaker angels such as fallen angels.

Grace Stealing - Grace is the energy or essence that Enochians are made up of instead of souls. If someone steals their grace, which can be done by certain Enochian spells or cutting into their heart with a proper unearthly weapon, they are rendered completely weak and die minutes after.

Hell Fire -  Flames from hell or flames from demonic beings can, as long as they are from a demon matching or above their rank, can burn Enochians, to the point where it is fatal.

The Items

Angel Sword - Each Enochian has their own specific sword with their name engraved in Enochian on it. The sword can shapeshift to any other, usually earthly, object, such as a wallet, or keychain, by Beliel's will.

The Fluff

- Beliel's favorite beverage since he has been on Earth is chocolate milk. It is an actual addiction of his.

-His favorite TV show is "That 70s Show"

- He hates wearing shoes.

- Dislikes Donald Trump.

-He is actually well caught up in recent and historical events of Earth, as he has been on Earth for thousands of years, and has read exactly two libraries.

- His first job, some thousands of years after being on Earth, was working at a fast food restaurant. He was fired the first day for reasons he would not like to talk about.

- He usually can be found at a bar somewhere in New York.

- His favorite rapper is Lil Uzi.

- The first place that he landed in was in Chicago, Illinois, in the middle of a housing project on the North side.

- There are youtube videos of "angel sightings" on conspiracy theorist youtube channels with him on it, flying away from people or looking into surveillance cameras with a sincerely confused expression.

- He, secretly, enjoys smoking marijuana.

- Looking in his 20s, Beliel is usually dressed in a tuxedo or all white suit. Sometimes, when he finds clothing annoying, he walks around completely naked. His wings are rather big, and are all white.

- His favorite foods are nachos with Doritos, and fried chicken.

1. Zoolingualism/Omnilingualism - Enochians have the power to speak to all Earthly animals, and are also able to speak and/or understand all earthly languages. Spanish, English, etc.
2. Angel Wings : He is able to hide the sight of his wings from whoever he pleases.
3. Immortality - Angels do not age and cannot be killed by any ailment or mortal damage. [NORMAL guns, knives, etc.]

The RP Sample

That fresh smell sweetly wiggling into his nostrils. Descending from the light-blue yonder, he tracked down the smell to one of God's greatest creations--Nature. He had, like most things other things, experienced only the "programmed" version of it in Heaven, but never it truly. It smelled like the very essence of existence, if you can imagine that. It smelled alive  here. Heaven was all too familiar; but this? This was the only thing that he possibly did not know. After his graceful fall from the skies, he flew his way across a land of emerald green and to the top of the highest hill that he could find, surrounded by a multitude of flowers and vibrating colors.

He could actually feel the wind brush against his skin, and, he thought, the human feeling of "want" whenever it left. He could feel the wet grass wiggle around in between his bare toes, the refreshing beams of sunlight that threw a sheet of warmth over his very flesh. He felt something that he knew was impossible.

He felt free.

Even with wings that could take him through billions of other universes and other planes of existences, freedom was something unique to his very existence.

After galloping through the fields, staring up at the sky for hours at a time, and, much to his dislike, finding out that the pretty, hard, jagged things he found near the seas called rocks weren't edible, he decided that his new home wouldn't be that bad.

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Last edited by castiel on June 29th 2018, 5:56 pm; edited 3 times in total

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Registration date : 2018-06-28

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Beliel! Empty Re: Beliel!

Post by Chellizard June 28th 2018, 9:06 pm

Alright! So, first thing is first. You clearly do not have enough weaknesses per powers listed.

I've broken your powers down into separate sections and ordered them from easiest to accept, to hardest:



Oddly enough, your weaknesses are fine. The "Sigils" all count as a collective weakness, however.

You have 16 powers to 11 weaknesses.

I need you to list 5 more weaknesses.

-My DeviantArt-
Beliel! JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
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Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Beliel! Empty Re: Beliel!

Post by castiel June 28th 2018, 9:49 pm


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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 10
Registration date : 2018-06-28

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Beliel! Empty Re: Beliel!

Post by Chellizard June 29th 2018, 6:50 pm

Approved and moved.

-My DeviantArt-
Beliel! JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5019
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Beliel! Empty Re: Beliel!

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