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The great chase! (Woof)

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The great chase! (Woof) - Page 3 Empty Re: The great chase! (Woof)

Post by Shadowoof June 23rd 2018, 2:35 am

Euna's Jaw snapped into the hardened body, sharp teeth biting into it. The arm, Euna didn't want the arm, she wanted something soft, hard, both. She wanted everything. She wanted to devour everything. But she wasn't getting anywhere... She needed to bite harder, she could... Bite harder. But she wasn't. Her teeth, had bit rougher skin then this, harder metals, then this ichor.

And thanks to her inability to bite deeper, she was eventually thrown off the male demon, bouncing off a wall and hitting the ground with a growl, sitting herself up, the demoness smacked at her head, eyes flashing around the alleyway. The large Arcadian that held her new, cute lawyer. The small ball of fluff that seemed to have awaken. The downed men, some still awake, recovering. Hopefully her shocks had down enough to still them, smarten them up... Why did she care?

She cared, because. Because... She wasn't a monster. And she wasn't really hungry. No... That was just a cruel, cruel fate of her life, trying to claw it's way back, all because the most basic part of it had already done so. Arcadians. Old prey.  And something she had put behind her. So she could do it again.

Feeling her teeth pull back back where they belonged, forming back to her pearl whites she worked so hard to achieve she looked back to the male of the demon group, slowly standing and frowning at him, like she hadn't just torn a bit of his hardened arm off. Spitting that chunk out of her mouth, and ignoring the distaste of doing so. "Goo. Give my Lawyer her body back. Keep the armor. I like her legs. But keep an eye on these assholes. Not that I need to tell you that." Her voice had some shake too it, but she tried to put as much authority as she could into it. She owed the big guy and his host an apology and explanation for what just happened, but first, they had business to attend too.

Looking to the frightened Arcadian, the one she had harmed to save, Euna bit her lower lip and let out a sigh, looking at her own clothing. Damaged, ruined. She would have to go home and get changed before she went to her meet, which she was also going to have to reschedule. "Fluffball.." Euna mumbled for a bit, distracted by all her plans being ruined and recalculated, redone.

"Arcadian. Please, do not run. The other Arcadian and I do not mean any harm, what so ever... And." Remembering her old bargaining chip, and hoping it was left undisturbed, the red skinned demon walked over to the bag of groceries, picking them up and holding them out for the small... Woman to see. "Please, let us leave this disgusting place, so that we can have a chat. A friendly... calming... Safe. Chat." Euna was slow to talk, looking as if she was tuckered out, not from the fight, but from her change of demon, to beast, to woman. Not... Literal. Euna knew. But. Damn felt it.

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The great chase! (Woof) - Page 3 Empty Re: The great chase! (Woof)

Post by Jett Lockwood June 24th 2018, 4:27 am

This night just continued to get stranger and stranger. Both Vaedren and Kirin shared similar expressions as Euna seemed to go through some motions before settling down. Vaedren was still a tad bit on edge with the Euna’s out burst, but after seeing the other Arcadian was awake, he shrunk back down to his normal size. Kirin on the other hand was still in a minor state of panic. The muscular demon looked like he was the one who did the eating, but after seeing the red skinned girl take a chunk out of his arm, she wasn’t so sure any more.

As Euna went to retrieve the bag of groceries, Kirin flinched and shrunk into a small ball. She had seen what her own kind was capable of and these two seemed no different. When the red skinned girl returned, Kirin through an arm up in defense. “P-p-p-please d-don’t eat me!” She said in a shaky voice. She blipped in and out of visibility as she tried to shake herself to turn invisible. It was no use though. She was just way to low on energy. She was helpless.

Just when things seemed the bleakest for Kirin, a calming voice echoed throughout the alleyway. “No one here is going to eat you. We really just want to talk to you. Please it would me a lot to us.” Jett said, taking a cautious step forward. Kirin’s yellow eyes looked over to where the massive behemoth had been. Where he had once stood, was now a small dark skinned woman. She was clad in a strange armor that resembled the monsters colors. Was this some kind of trick? Kirin was hesitant. She didn’t want either of these creatures getting near her. Though when she thought about it like that, it sounded pathetic. She was one of them.

The pail demon’s eyes surveyed the rest of the alley way. As hard as it was to take in all the carnage, it was apparent that the two Arcadians were at least trying to save her. “W-why would you want to talk to me? We’ve never even met before.”

“This is indeed true, we have never met before. But I hope this could be the start of a possible friendship?” Jett said taking another step forward. She slowly stretched her hand out so that she wouldn’t startle the scared speed demon. “Please. Please just give us a chance.”

Kirin stared at the armored girl and then back to the Arcadian girl. She really didn’t want to be here. She didn’t even trust these two, but if she were being reasonable and rash, then she knew they meant her no harm. If they wanted to hurt her they could have done so while she was unconscious. Her hand slowly raised up till it was in Jett’s hand. A warm smile crept onto the lawyers face as she firmly gripped Kirin’s hand and helped her off the cold, hard floor. Jett would then look in Euna’s general direction, which was completely the opposite direction from Euna. “Got any idea where we should go?”

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The great chase! (Woof) - Page 3 Empty Re: The great chase! (Woof)

Post by Shadowoof June 24th 2018, 2:52 pm

Euna let out a shallow hiss, more a wet sound but nothing threatening when the small Arcadian asked her not to eat them. She had just had her own personal break down, and was fighting to keep another one from popping up, and this little... Oh she couldn't be mad. The girl was too damn adorable.

So she remained silent. Seemed her lawyer had a hand to play anyway, a soft voice filling the alleyway and doing what it could to help the little Arcadian calm down. So while she was doing that, Euna used her sight to take in the details of the armored clad woman. Every, single one. And Euna wasn't going to lie that she was biting her lower lip again for other reasons then thoughts on how to handle this night. Yet... Yet.

The hearts reminded her of something. She didn't have a lot of memories of her life back in that wretched land that was her old home. Broken fragments, long taken from her and replaced from the thousands of years in darkness and solitude. But there were fragments, things she didn't want to remember, but did. Two Queens. Sisters. Four knights. Cards. One her father. The king. False. But. There. Because he had loyalty to the wrong queen, not his queen. But heart. Hearts were a card. A card that belonged to the princesses daughter. Heart. The knight. Heart. Euna frowned. Of all the fragments. None where of her mother.

But she shouldn't care about that, not when she had present matters to attend too. Her Lawyer was staring at the wall, but had asked a question, not something the wall could answer, and not something the small demon could answer, because it wasn't for her, or the wall to answer. Swallowing her memories and her wants far down the endless well that was her stomach, she licked her lips and looked around. "Ahh. Got to put it on the rich girl to get us a place huh. Hmm."

Her place was too far away. The small Arcadian wouldn't follow them forever. Euna wouldn't want to go to someone else's house, not when she just met them. Less they were hot. And these two gals were hot. But they were not her. The Lawyers house was out of the question for the same reasons and the fluff ball would never... Hotel. It was in the middle. There was one nearby. Maybe. "Hotel. I'll shout you both, come on..." Euna started to walk, but stopped.

She turned around, walked over to where she had taken that beating. And grabbed the two pieces of her staff. Sighing, she put the two pieces together in one hand and began walking to the destination she had in her mind. She was sure a hotel was  around here, somewhere. She waved a hand to the two, before remembering again, that the lawyer was blind. "Fluffball. Dear. Could you hold the Lawyers arm please, she's blind. Anyway. Enough stops." Euna finally finished, getting a little tired of talking. The lawyer was the one with the questions, her and her parasite. When they were safe. So she would lead them to the hotel. And from there. The two could ask the fluffball what they needed too.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
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Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Location : Right behind you
Age : 25
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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The great chase! (Woof) - Page 3 Empty Re: The great chase! (Woof)

Post by Jett Lockwood June 25th 2018, 5:36 am

Kirin was already nervous and on edge from this whole ordeal, but now she was beginning to feel a bit more uneasy as the armored girl spoke at the wall. “You’re talking to a wall!” a voice whispered into Jett’s ear. “Thanks for telling me after the fact.” she whispered back.
Kirin found it slight concerning that the armored girl was talking to herself. It wasn’t until Euna spoke, that Jett corrected her glance, and Kirin understood. *So she’s really blind?* the timid demon thought to herself as she firmly squeezed Jett’s hand. *Is that why she could turn into the big scary demon? Was she like it’s host?* Kirin raised one of her claw like fingers to her chin and she thought about it. The human seemed to do all the talking, and the big guy all the fighting. Neither seemed to perturbed by their situation. Was it mutual?

This eased Kirin’s mind a little bit. If the woman and demon were mutual partners then that meant the big monster wouldn’t attack her….She hoped. She found it hard to keep her legs under her, but as the three began moving, walking became easier. Man was she exhausted. Meanwhile Jett kept silent. Her and Vaedren were having a mental conversion. They discussed how close they were to finding the queen. The enthusiasm dipped a bit when the two realized they’d be split up if the queen broke the curse. The solemn feeling faded as the two agreed that no matter what happened, they’d remain together. After all, Vaedren made a promise. He had already failed one person he cared about, he wasn’t about to let that happen again.

The trio walked for quite some time. There was a long and almost deafening silence between them. Jett really couldn’t contain her excitement for Vaedren and really wanted to just ask the big question now, but it somehow didn’t feel right. It was better to wait till they were off the street and free of any distractions before something that important was discussed. That being said, the lack of small talk was getting to her. Ever since Vaedren had given control back to Jett, the blind lawyer noticed a shift in Euna’s tone and demeanor. She asked her partner why that was, and let out a small gasp when she heard what happened.

“It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have let you take over. That whole thing could have been avoided.” She whispered to Vaedren. Her words were picked up by Kirin who finally felt comfortable enough to speak. “Pardon me for being rude, but have you always been blind?” The sudden words out of nowhere made Jett snap to attention. Her head moved about before finally landing on the pale demon’s face. “It’s not rude at all. I get the question a lot actually. The answer is yes. I’ve always been blind. I’ve always managed though. And now I’ve even got my own seeing eye demon.” she chuckled, referring to how Vaedren helped her navigate.

“W-w-what about you? I’ve never seen another Arcadian on earth before….other than Madeline.” Kirin wasn’t sure if it was wise to speak to the other demon. She had been pretty silent since they left the alley and she didn’t look like she was in a good mood.

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Jett Lockwood
Jett Lockwood
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The great chase! (Woof) - Page 3 Empty Re: The great chase! (Woof)

Post by Shadowoof June 26th 2018, 5:47 am

Besides the footsteps of the three, the occasional car, maybe even a whistle thanks to the cute as hell lawyer. It was quiet. Euna felt quiet. The rumble of her stomach had long died down. Didn't stop her from still thinking about how close she had gone. How close she had been to going back to those early years. It took her so long, to not be like that. Yet...

Shaking her head, Euna decided that she wouldn't think about it anymore. No point in it if she couldn't change what happened. Not only that, she could see the high rise building of a hotel in the near distance. They were close and she had her wallet on her, tucked safely away in a pocket of her shorts. Even if they didn't want to allow the three in, Euna was sure several hundred notes worth would change a mind.

Not only that, she was sure she could get away with not having to talk. She would have liked not having to talk. But... But. The fluffball was talking. Talking to her. Asking her. Not an explained question, more, a in general. Who was Euna. Why was Euna. And Euna didn't want to ignore the fluffball. "I kept off everyone's radar. But. In general I'd have to guess I've been on earth for the past... Well. However long the other queen has been missing. I assume only a couple thousand years or so. Nothing too big. Only just been walking around for the past few hundred years." Euna finished, not offering more.

Maybe the goo knew more. He's heart. Right hand of the Queen Madeline. Why he was here, hosted to a human woman and looking for the queen was... Quite beyond her. Maybe they said something about it before.. Maybe they didn't. Euna wasn't in the mood to remember the fine details.

With no other stops, they made it to the hotel, and Euna, began to bargain. Wasn't as long as she expected, the woman saw the cash, took it, gave them a room and Euna simply nodded, taking the two girls with her and quickly getting them into their new room. It wasn't high class. But it wasn't disgusting.

Finding a desk, Euna moved things aside while the other two got themselves settled or whatever it was they decided to do, and placed Baal together, putting the broken pieces together and letting the magic stick do its thing. Stupid weapon. Looking to the other two, Euna shrugged, cocking her hip to the side and frowning. "Alright fluffball. The goo and my new lawyer just got a simple question or two to ask ye. After that, you can take your shopping and go... I guess." Euna looked the other way as she spoke her final words, pouting. As much as she wanted to keep the cute little thing... She really couldn't... Just.. Too dangerous.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 25
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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The great chase! (Woof) - Page 3 Empty Re: The great chase! (Woof)

Post by Jett Lockwood June 29th 2018, 1:32 am

In questioning the red skinned Arcadian, Kirin gained some new insight into her own world. So Madeline wasn’t the only queen. There was another. Were she and Madeline related, did they have similar personalities? A bunch of questions began to fill the pale demon’s mind. At the mention of the missing queen, a small tendril with Vaedren’s face appeared on Jett’s shoulder. “All Spade’s fault. He was her right hand! Failed to save her. Ugh weeee hate him!” The demon did not shy away from any opportunity to bad mouth the one who betrayed him.

It was all spades fault that he ended up like this. Still, if it werent for that, Vaedren wouldn’t have ever met Jett. Since joining up with the earthing, Vaedren had discovered a whole new side to life. He had to be slightly thankful that events led to their chance encounter. The tendril with Vaedren’s face would meld back in with the armor and silence would once again take over as Kirin and Jett followed close behind Euna. Kirin’s anxiety had slowly began to die down as she spent more time with the group. She might have been a bit uneasy still, but she was beginning to come out of her shell a bit. Her eye’s move about more, and took in more of the scenery around her.

There was the occasional stare from people walking past the group that scared Kirin. Mainly cause she thought it would lead to a similar situation from earlier, but the feeling would pass. When the three girls arrived at the hotel, Kirin and Jett hung back while Euna did all the talking. It seemed like a good idea to as there was little issue with the staff renting out a room to a group as ‘diverse’ as them. When they finally reached the room, Kirin led Jett over to one of the beds and helped her sit on the edge. It was quite a strange thing, having to guide someone else around.

She looked to Euna. The red skinned demon explained that Jett and the big scary demon had a question to ask her. Kirin wasn’t entirely sure what exactly she could answer with her limited knowledge of where they all came from, but she’d do her best. She nodded at Euna and then stared at Jett. There was an awkward silence that filled the room as Jett had not realized it was her turn to speak. Trying not to be rude, the pale demon gently cleared her throat. “Uh, um, w-what did you want to ask?”

Jett immediately perked up at the sound of Kirin’s voice. “Oh, right! It’s really simple actually. You see, Vaedren was cursed by the queen. So he was hoping he could find her and convince her to lift the curse.” Jett’s gaze remained fixated on the wall in front of her, thinking that’s where Kirin was. “So really, I guess our question is, Do you know where the queen is?”

Kirin thought for a moment. Every time she seemed to get comfortable around these two something was said that made her nervous. If the queen placed a curse on this demon, then was it really wise to tell him where she was? What if he tried to hurt her, what if he did hurt her? It would be Kirin’s fault. She rose from the edge of the bed and began to pace about the room. She had a decision she had to make.

“I-I do know where she is, or at least where she tends to be a lot of the time. She told me so, just in case I ever needed anything. Unfortunately I don’t really know where it is. I just know how to get there. I’ve only ever ran there once you see.” she began biting her nails thinking the large demon would get angry. There was no violent outburst however. Instead Jett seemed to be nodding her head as if she were having some sort of silent conversation. She was reasoning with Vaedren that he couldn’t be upset. Kirin was obviously a young demon based on Vaedren’s description. It made sense that she wouldn’t no the exact location.

Kirin still felt the need to ‘save’ herself. “She spends a lot of her time at a night club in Canada. It’s called the Armory I think. That’s all I know.” She shriveled up slightly as Jett rose from the bed an approached her. She believed the demon would lash out, but instead Jett bowed in the direction she was facing.   “You have given us enough information to go off of. We cannot thank you enough.” The

The Characters
Jett Lockwood
Jett Lockwood
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Number of posts : 107
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The great chase! (Woof) - Page 3 Empty Re: The great chase! (Woof)

Post by Shadowoof June 29th 2018, 5:02 am

With everything prepared, Euna rested her tush on the bench she had placed her staff on and waited. Listened. Tried not to let any bitchy attitude take over. She did her best not to think about what Vaedren had said about Spade... Her father. How he had failed to save his queen. And then when Madeline went down... Would he have ever had any time for her?

Shaking away the thoughts, Euna instead used her hands. Cleaning her teeth for any left over bits of goo, playing with her thumbs. Anything to pass the time as the two spoke. It was not, exactly what she had expected. The heart was cursed by his own Queen. It seemed... It had something to do with Spade. Her own father had a hand to play in getting Vaedren to be cursed. Why?

On the other hand. This cute, adorable little thing was new, seemed new to the world. Felt new. And she had the eye of the queen watching her. Not. literally. But if any queen was to pay attention to you, you wouldn't want it to be an Arcadian one. The idea was just too damn crazy to think about. What kind of Queen gives time to something so small and cute and innocent looking...

Euna answered that herself. Rolling her eyes at her own stupidity, She gave herself a moment to think about the final answer. The one the host and parasite needed. The one she felt was... Oddly... Canada. Armory... Night club. Had she been there before? She felt like she had. Euna had been to every night club this world had to offer. She was sure. She had been there at least once. The smell of human was always so intoxicating and overstuffed in these things. She wouldn't have even had a chance to smell a smell she wasn't use too anymore at the time. "Aye. A name and general country is plenty for a quick internet search. Thanks Fluffball..." Euna paused, pressing her thumbs together and looking down at them, feeling unsure about if to ask something, which was stupid. She was Euna Paw. She asked any question she wanted and didn't care...

"You... You'll be fine to get back to your place yea? Don't need someone to walk with ya or something? Or. You know. Need a place to stay tonight. You have this hotel room and all..." The demon woman finally got out, chewing her lower lip all the while. She just didn't want to the adorable thing to get in any more danger. That was all. "You too Law... Jett. This place is yours tonight. Need to sleep off that exhausting event. Bunk down. Besides. Canada can wait till tomorrow." Euna finished. Being too gen... No... Oh she couldn't explain it. These two were in a sense. Her people, even the human, mixed with the goo as she was. And after what the three of them went though. Hell, they deserved Euna to not bitch at them... Even if she perhaps had some questions for Vaedren if they stuck around a little while... Things she normally would never want answered.. But he was here for now. So why not. Just not now.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 25
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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The great chase! (Woof) - Page 3 Empty Re: The great chase! (Woof)

Post by Jett Lockwood June 30th 2018, 4:37 am

Kirin let out a breath of relief as there was no hostility from the big demon or his host. These people weren’t so bad, she thought. They had stuck up for her in that alley and had protected her. They were her people. Madeline might have described the realm of Arcadia as a chaotic place, but she did mention the varied individuals that called the place home. Kirin was fortunate that she met two of the nicer ones tonight. Her yellow eyes would move to Euna who had addressed her once again as ‘Fluffball’ “K-kirin. My name is Kirin.” she said softly.

“What a cute name” Jett chimed in with a smile. Her gaze still fixated on the wall until Vaedren corrected her. Euna had brought up a very valid question soon after Kirin had introduced herself. It was quite late. How late? Well she didn’t really know and she hadn’t bothered to look and see if the room had a clock or not. But truth be told, she didn’t feel like going home on her own. Not so long as she was still without her speed.

She thought for a moment before Jett basically answered for everyone. “A slumber party sounds like a great idea! We’re all pretty exhausted I’m sure.” Of course she wasn’t. She basically didn’t do anything. If she were feeling any fatigue it was because it was close to the time she normally went to sleep. Kirin shot Jett a surprised look. Not like she could really argue here. She had already come to the conclusion that she wasn’t going anywhere without her speed. So perhaps this was the perfect opportunity to refuel with the food she bought and learn more about her fellow Arcadian’s.

“O-okay! Y-yeah! Lets do it!” she said raising her arms somewhat triumphantly as if she had overcome some insane obstacle. Which in her case, choosing to hang around two strangers, was.

The Characters
Jett Lockwood
Jett Lockwood
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Registration date : 2017-07-30

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The great chase! (Woof) - Page 3 Empty Re: The great chase! (Woof)

Post by Shadowoof June 30th 2018, 5:15 am

Jett was right. Kirin was a cute name. Damn it was more adorable then Fluffball. This was gonna get bad if Kirin got any more cuter. Euna wasn't sure if she could hold herself back from giving the small thing a hug or something. Or kidnapping her. In a good way. Forced adoption? She'd think of something good to call it. Like how the crusade could have been called something nicer.

What was more, was that the idea of the two of them sleeping here tonight, something Euna hadn't thought would be agreeable for any of them... Actually seemed to entice the two. Perhaps out of their own need to rest, or because they couldn't be bothered to leave... Point was. They were staying. That put a smile on the woman's face, even if she dropped it before ether of the two noticed it hopefully. "What are we? Fiv... Chert voz'mi. Yea. Sure. Sounds like fun." Euna said with some exaggeration. If they had stayed, Euna hadn't been expecting to stick around with them. Seeing as she was maybe the scariest around when the goo wasn't in sight. But you couldn't slumber party with two. Hell, as the saying went, two's a crowd, three was a party.

Helped when Kirin raised her arms in celebration. That was all Euna needed to be convinced to stick around. "Well. I guess we'll decide sleeping arrangements eventually. Jett... As much as I love and hate the armor. I'll buy you some clothes tomorrow... Talking about the armor... Could I talk to the goo? I got some of my own questions to ask is all." Euna said, nodding her head over towards Jett, while also eyeing the door. She wasn't sure how Kirin felt about the parasite still. Hell, her head still pinged with a distant pain over the idea of the things look.

But she needed to ask the questions. So, with a sigh, she headed to the door, opened it and stepped out, hoping that if the goo was smart, he'd lead the lawyer out. Outside the room, Euna would stuff her fingers into pockets, digging them in so that she could pay attention to the matter at hand, then them. "And, you got any questions you want answered, you or Jett. Go for it. But I want answers myself." Euna stated, allowing the woman and demon to go first in case there was anything on their end. Politeness was a virtue.

That and she needed time to arrange her thoughts. What questions did she want answered. What could be answered. Heart wasn't assigned with her father. He wouldn't know everything. But maybe he'd know enough. Just... Enough.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 25
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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The great chase! (Woof) - Page 3 Empty Re: The great chase! (Woof)

Post by Jett Lockwood July 3rd 2018, 12:54 am

“b-but I am wearing clothes…..Right?” Jett questioned after hearing Euna’s comment. Just what did Vaedren have her running around looking like? “Vaedren! I am dressed right?” She questioned. It’s not like she could see what she was wearing. And the last thing she remembered before all this went down, was that she was laying down to sleep. That mean she had to be running around in her pajamas. “Vaedren!” she said in a low growl and frightened the massive demon. “You’re not nude, if that’s what you’re asking.” Vaedren whispered back.

Jett pouted and let out a small ‘hmpf’. “Come, Euna is waiting for ussss” Vaedren would say. “Lead the way then.” Vaedren would then guide Jett out into the hallway to meet back up with the red skinned Arcadian. She was being rather open all of a sudden. It seemed she wanted some information from Vaedren and offered to answer any questions in return. The thing was, Neither Jett nor Vaedren had anything they needed answered. They had gotten all the information they needed from Kirin. They knew where Madeline was. So it really seemed like it was just up to Vaedren to answer Euna’s questions.

Holding her hand out, with the palm facing up, a small tendril with Vaedren’s face would form. “What do you want from ussssssssss.” the demon said in a comically squeaky voice. There was no tell just how many of Euna’s questions Vaedren could answer seeing as how he hadn’t been home ever since the queen cursed him.

Meanwhile, with the two conversing in the hallway, Kirin looked about the room. It sank in just how boring her secluded life was in this moment. While she wasn’t one for trying new things or meeting new people, there was something about being around others that was…..nice? Kirin shrugged off the feeling and leaned back on the bed a bit. She kicked her feet back and forth in boredom as she glanced about the room. Her yellow eyes finally landed on her bag of groceries. Her stomach let out a loud growl. Leaping off the bed, Kirin rushed over to the bag and began to pull items out. Most of it was junk food, but that was ok. That’s where all the calories and energy was. She’d return to the bed with two boxes of donuts, a bag of chips, and a bottle of soda. Using her sharp claw-like nails, Kirin would tear open the snacks and begin chowing down until the other two came back to the room.

The Characters
Jett Lockwood
Jett Lockwood
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 107
Registration date : 2017-07-30

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The great chase! (Woof) - Page 3 Empty Re: The great chase! (Woof)

Post by Shadowoof July 3rd 2018, 3:13 am

Euna had waited, mostly because she was expecting one question at least. Just one. She didn't expect more, hell, she'd be surprised if she got more then the one, yet. When the time came, when the little face of the goo came out, and his stupidly stupid yet hilarious voice came out, they just wanted to know what she wanted.

That left her looking slightly dumbfounded, but she regained her composure, brushing some of her choppy hair aside as she did. "You two are weird. Most people want to know why someone attempts to eat someone mid a fight. Fine. My question... My question..." Euna whispered the final part to herself. What did she need to know? Anything that'd take away the fragments of memories? The dull headache the goo sometimes brought? She wasn't sure.

But. Perhaps. The day was long. And Euna wasn't in the mood to make it longer. She only had one question to ask, and one alone. "Hrmm. I know it's a short straw of a chance. But you know anything about me? Bout... Hell, me before you got banished. I..." Euna paused for a moment, taking in a seething breath. She wasn't open. Normally. But then, you couldn't ask a human to tell you who you were. But this goo. Vaedren. Something older then her. Something that knew her father, perhaps knew her...

She just hoped she didn't sound weak.

"I don't remember much. I knew what I was. A mindless... Thing. I ate. And ate... And then I was taken. And I don't... I don't know how long I was... What you got to know, is that while the queen was asleep, I just, I think I ran. And these things, shadows. Found me. And then I was in darkness. For so long. Three hundred years ago. I got found by some archeologist and now I am here. But between being taken... Ahh. No, this is stupid. I'll just go. Don't touch my stick. I'll come back tomorrow for it." Euna decided, frowning, looking defeated and angrily glaring at everything but her lawyer and the goo. It wasn't the fault of them, but herself. She wouldn't put that on them. Made evidently so when she turned around to leave. It was a stupid idea anyway, and she was being stupid for thinking it up.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 25
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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The great chase! (Woof) - Page 3 Empty Re: The great chase! (Woof)

Post by Jett Lockwood July 3rd 2018, 3:41 am

As Euna asked her question a tiny tendril grew from the one that contained Vaedren’s face. The small tendril began to stroke the area that would have been Vaedren’s chin. Back when he was in Arcadia he never really payed attention to other Arcadians. Not that he didn’t like them or felt he was better than them, but he was Madeline’s right hand. That was a very busy position to have, especially when the war broke out. He thought about all the Arcadian’s he had met that stood out to him or left enough of an impression on him for him to remember their names. The only ones that stood out the most were the knights. Club, Diamond, and Spade.

Vaedren’s mind trailed away in anger as the name seeped into his thoughts. It was enough to Jett to take notice of. She didn’t say anything at first as she had nothing to add to this conversation, but as the dejected Euna began to turn and lave, Jett reached out to stop her. “Wait! Where are you going? I thought you were going to stay here with us.” She sounded sincere and worried about Euna. This little outburst caused enough of a stall that Vaedren finally had an answer. “You’re his kid! Odd. You’re nothing like him.” Using his minor control over Jett’s body, Vaedren raised the hand he was on so he was level with Euna.

“We partially remember. Never got to meet in person. Your father was always an ass.”
“Vaedren! Language! You’re talking about someone’s parent right in front of them.”
“So? We stand by what we said. Spade is the reason we are in this predicament. He lied to Madeline! We will never forgive him.” The tendril squeaked. Vaedren cleared his throat before speaking once more. There was one thing she said that he remembered vividly. It was her hunger. It was almost like she was an evolved pygmy that never grew out of its need to feed. Vaedren remembered Spade speaking to Shanalotte about it on several occasions. “We know your father tried to do something about your hunger. Or at least learn about it. That’s all we know. We left Arcadia shortly after to find Madeline’s sister. Whom your father was supposed to protect!”

The Characters
Jett Lockwood
Jett Lockwood
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 107
Registration date : 2017-07-30

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The great chase! (Woof) - Page 3 Empty Re: The great chase! (Woof)

Post by Shadowoof July 3rd 2018, 4:07 am

Euna paused, but only because it was her lawyer. She told herself that. If it had been any other voice, any other being. If it had been her father, or even the Queens, Euna would have kept walking, and that'd be the end of it. But Jett just... Perhaps it was because she was human. A human connected to a Arcadian unlike any other human has been before to the woman's knowledge.

Turning to face the two, it seemed Jett had spun the wheels of the goo's mind, and while what he had to say at first displeased Euna, for she had no clue to how her father even acted. "Personality or look? I mean, my hair is dyed and shite. And I guess he's a goodie little tooshy guy when he isn't being an ass of a liar." Euna guessed, not arguing that her father wasn't a good person. All she knew was that he never found her, and got this Arcadian the way he was. That was enough for him to hit her shit list.

But she was surprised to know that he was... Doing something. She hadn't expected that. And she wasn't sure if he was even the one to fix her. She had always assumed she had just woken one day, and that day, was the day she felt an immense disgust. At herself and the people around her. But otherwise, nothing helped, and if the goo hadn't met her, then she guessed her mother was out of the question. That kinda sucked, but that was normal for Euna.

Taking in a breath, Euna seemed to calm down from her former actions. No longer seeming defeated, and more vibrant looking, feeling even. "Well heck, that was more then I could find on walls. Thanks Vaedren. And who knows. I just woke up one day after a... Yea. Still. Wish I knew who took me and for how long. I always assumed a few thousand, maybe a couple of so years. That was how old certain objects put in the room with me were. Totems and all that shit." Euna tapped a canine in thought, her tongue caressing the other as if cleaning it. She was built as a hunter, if her teeth her any indicator. Maybe she was simply... Ah... who knows.

"Well. I'm tired like a end of a roman orgy and the fluffball is eating something. I can smell it. Shall we?" Euna finished with a grin, hoping her choice of words got some reaction out of Jett. Cause it was that or she was going to pinch that cute behind. Words seemed better.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 25
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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