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Causality Empty Causality

Post by Olrar May 7th 2018, 1:29 pm


"Don’t you see?  It’s a curse, not a blessing! A disease."

The Bio

Real Name:Christopher Thorne
Renegade Name: Causality
Title: Doctor of Genetics
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Race: Metahuman
Hair: Dark Brown (Dyed white at times)
Eyes: Grey - Blue
Height: 1.81 metres (Roughly 5’11”)
Weight: 68.4 kg (151 lbs)
Blood type: A-

The Looks


”Christopher Thorne”:

The Personality

”Human life is truly a sacred thing but, for an epidemic this wide-spread, the end justifies the means.”

Christopher Thorne, the persona: Christopher seems to come across as a very happy-go-lucky type of man, taking life as it comes rather than planning everything in advance.  At times, this can come across as fairly scatter-brained as he seems to have no plans for the future.  He seems happy where he is, helping others as a geneticist.
A truly charitable and helpful person, Christopher can often come across as fairly meek or cowardly as he wishes to get into no physical conflict with others, instead preferring to talk out problems to get to the root of it and find a more resolute solution.

Causality, the anima: Causality does not drift far from his day-to-day self as Christopher.  The reason for Christopher seeming happy-go-lucky is that all of his time planning is spent thinking ahead for Causality.  As Causality, he feels much freer than he ever could be as Christopher.  Still true to himself, Causality still cares for others but is willing to go to any lengths to do what he believes is best for others.
While still preferring to talk things out, Causality will willingly engage in physical fights if it is necessary, though not necessarily good at it.

Together, the truth: Overall, Christopher/Causality cares deeply for the people around him, even complete strangers.  He wishes for them to be happy, free and striving for a good life.  Fairly dogmatic, Christopher/Causality tends to have a hard time changing his mind when he sets himself to something, though the way in how he gets to the end goal tends to constantly change.

The Story

Christopher’s parents knew that their child was different at the moment of his birth.  Unlike almost all babies, Christopher did not cry or wail when his skin touched the air for the first time.  There were no medical defects of any sort.  Upon his parents becoming worried, Christopher’s mother began to cry for what would happen to her son.  Only at that point did Christopher begin to cry himself and, along with his mother, laugh. During his early childhood, Christopher’s parents slowly began to realise the extent of just what happened to their son. Unable to feel anything physically and constantly picking up the emotions of others, Christopher’s mother began to worry for her son.  What would he grow up to become, having never felt the touch of another, even of his own mother?

Due to the mounting pressure from work and the ever-increasing stress from his wife, Christopher’s father slowly devolved into an alcoholic over the years.  Over the years, his father slowly began to resent him, a feeling that Christopher could pick up very easily.  This slowly declined into Christopher’s father eventually physically harming his son.  He didn’t feel it and he healed faster than other kids, so why shouldn’t he take his anger out?  
Over the years, the resentment built higher and higher, both for Father to Son and Son to Father.  This all peaked when Christopher finally had enough and snapped back at his father.  Upon the next strike, the ground split for a second, something travelling from Son to Father. Upon contact, his Father began to feel the pain he inflicted over the years and forced his only child out of the house for fear or retribution.

At the age of 17, Christopher was left alone with no one around him. However, thanks to his isolation from everyone around him, he filled the gap with knowledge, eventually gaining access to a Medical School where he spent roughly the next 10 years, rarely connecting with others.

Causality Rises:
After completing his Medical Degree, Christopher began working for a small, private genetic engineering firm for parents looking to “design” their own children. For, really, the first time in his life, Christopher began to feel a sense of purpose giving these people the perfect child.  However, the resentment towards both his father and himself would never leave.  Perhaps, using his knowledge he could cure the disease that has spread across the world.  No more children forced to become something bigger than themselves.  No more worried parents, no more discrimination, no more world-ending battles.  The world would be a better place.

Over the next year in his spare time, Christopher set up a new persona for himself, keeping his true self for darker times.  Collecting the necessary material for a suit and mask, his true self would be hidden away apart from when he donned the mask.  After finishing the full craft, Causality donned the mask for the first time.
And the world fell silent.

The Priority

1. Agility
2. Reaction
3. Endurance
4. Strength

The Powers

”I know how you feel.  Believe me, I do, but it’s for your own good.”

Pain Transferal: (Permission based)
Causality sees himself as both a transmitter and a receiver.  This particular power is the transmission.  Whenever damaged, hurt or otherwise feeling any form of physical pain, this is shot out from him through the ground.  Travelling as if a tunnelling mole, the ground cracks as it heads towards others, a new crack forming for every person in range, the earth seemingly rejecting the pain and looking for some way to get rid of it.  
As a transmission, this pain can a maximum travel distance of 10 metres (32.8 ft) before being dispersing into nothing. Those closer to Causality will feel the full brunt of the pain, while those at the edge of the radius will only feel an “echo” of what it once felt like.  This in no way transfers the damage of any attacks onto others, only the feeling of pain.

Heightened Empathy: (Permission based)
This ability would be what Causality refers to as the receiver.  Within the range of his pain transferal, Causality is also able to pick up surface emotions of everyone.  While unable to forcibly change anyone around him, this allows for a better understanding between Causality and whomever may be seeking him out.

Enhanced Regeneration:
While in no way perfect, Causality has a limited form of regeneration that would allow him to recover from seemingly lethal wounds.  Healing at a slightly accelerated rate to most people, a cut on his hand would heal within a few minutes.  To test the outer limits of his regeneration, Causality once cut off his own hand and it eventually regrew back, though it did take an entire year to do so.

The Weaknesses

”No pain, no pleasure. No heat, no cold. I would welcome Hell.

Sense of Touch:
Possibly a cause of his pain transferal, Causality has absolutely no sense of touch.  Requiring his other senses to detect if he has actually been hurt, this can become a very major blind spot for him.  Due to this, he cannot detect major changes in wind, heat or even pressure, though can still be damaged by such if he is not careful.

Emotional Influence:
While a dogmatic person, Causality is very easily influenced by other peoples emotions due to his heightened empathy.  While this may not change his plans, it can very well change how he goes about doing something.

Causality has an incredibly low ability to control his own powers, only being able to switching his pain transferal on or off as it was something gained, or switched “on”, later in his life.  His heightened empathy can never be switched off and is a constant interference in his life.

Driven by pain:
Likely a side effect of having no sense of touch, Causality seeks some sort of pain or feeling in his life.  As such, he will be incredibly unlikely to dodge any incoming attacks purely to see if he can be hurt.  While this can cause a lot of damage to Causality, he will begin to start dodging and blocking if he believes he is sustaining too much damage.

The Items

The Shroud: Causality prefers his life as Christopher to not be interrupted by someone with a vendetta.  As such, Causality covers himself in a large shroud to conceal his identity.  Along with other apparel such as boots, gloves and even a wig, this all serves to have Causality and Christopher to never be seen as the same person.

Mask of Causality: Along with the Shroud, the metal Mask also serves to keep Causality’s other identity hidden from the masses.  Along with this, there are several additions to the mask that both aids his concealment and his abilities to a limited degree.  To aid with the concealment, there is a voice modulator attached to the mask, turning his voice from a mid-high tenor to a robotic bass.
Along with this, the Mask aides Causality in that it allows him to focus his heightened empathy only on those he can see.  While designed to try and do such, this is only a placebo effect and the Mask offers no actual aide in helping to control his powers.

The Fluff

Medical Doctorate: Being a medical doctor, Causality is able to perform some limited, minor surgery on himself or others if it is required.  Due to his lack of touch and pain, this can be done fairly easily on his end to himself.

Genetic Specialisation: While being a doctor, Causality specialised specifically in genetics, aiming to learn more about the Meta-Gene and trying to find a so-called “cure”.  As his day-to-day work is in a Genetics Labs, Causality has ample resources for any equipment required to his goal of a cure.

The RP Sample

Early morning.  The beginning of a new day.  Christopher stood up out of his bed and stretched.  He didn’t know why people stretched in the first place, but it was a given and likely healthy for the body somehow, so he didn’t put up a fuss.  First thing first, breakfast.  The so-called most important meal of the day. Christopher, having gotten himself dressed into something moderately appropriate, would head towards the kitchen.  Once there, he would begin frying some eggs.  Two, to be precise.  Cooked to near-perfection.  A little runny, but strong enough to hold itself together.  The other one was a little too overdone, but it was close enough.

Having eaten, it was now time for what he planned to do for the rest of the day.  Causality donned on his apparel, heading into the attic.  The man already there sat still for a moment, his neck tied to a beam. Pushing a plate with some pieces of toast on it, Causality would speak;
Eat.  You will need your strength for the day ahead.  We have plenty more to talk about.
The man would hesitate for a moment for before devouring the food.  Gratefulness, a fair amount of hatred and a slight twinge of guilt.  That last bit was all Causality needed as he brandished a knife out from under his cloak.  Looking over it carefully, Causality would speak up once again, letting the man sit in silence for a moment;
I still need to know where your friends are held up.  Shall we do this the easy way or the hard way?
The man would spit towards Causality, a glob of phlegm puddling near the mans leg;
Fuck you!
Causality would sigh, shaking his head.  Tapping on the blade of the knife for a few moments, he would plunge it into his own shoulder.  The floor boards begin to crack and reform as the pain travels to the struggling man.

A scream dies as it hits the wall of the soundproof room.

Application created by Chellizard | This code is open-source and available for free use.


Status :

Quote : "Come in close, because the more you think you see, the easier it'll be to fool you"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2
Humor : Dark
Registration date : 2012-08-18

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Causality Empty Re: Causality

Post by Zonkes May 8th 2018, 6:25 pm

Approved and moved.
Welcome to SHRP
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : I was that guy Zai. To Vorik, to Murph and to Pat. I’m sorry.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 649
Location : Somewhere between hell and a hand basket
Age : 28
Job : Professional Manipulator
Humor : What’s the difference between a clown and a pancake? Not much after the steamroller incident.
Registration date : 2017-01-10

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