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The Great Prank War of Sam, Kubi, and Creature (Kubi, Creature and Sam) (Double XP)

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INV ONLY The Great Prank War of Sam, Kubi, and Creature (Kubi, Creature and Sam) (Double XP)

Post by Nate6595 March 30th 2018, 5:28 pm

Easter was an interesting holiday for Sam. He wasn't religious, but when he was younger he would love to celebrate it with his family, the egg hunt and the nicer than average breakfast (Though, by their standards, toaster waffles with fruit was fancy). Though, now that he was away from home, it had been some time since had celebrated any holiday at all. He had made plans for later in the evening this year, but...outside of that...the day was his, as he was used to. He usually spent the day helping local authorities manage the hustle and bustle of the holiday, doing what he can to make their lives as easy as possible. Holidays always lead to interesting disputes. However! This year he found himself at the ECLIPSE Headquarters. The entire building was something of a mystery to him and he still wasn't used to all the technology or finding his way around. If he was going to be working here, he'd need to familiarize himself with the area.

More often than not, Sam found himself locked in rooms because of some sort of high tech lock he didn't know how to work or being unable to complete reports because the computer system was way too complex for him, he didn't even know what a windows 10 was, or why there had to be ten windows on a computer. He didn't even see any windows on it, let alone a door. This whole computer thing was another language to Sam. He had tried to figure out how to use it during the first-half of the hour, but after failing several times to even get the computer on (The monitor had been off), Sam decided he'd spend the day doing something more...proactive. Some way he could at least get himself familiar with the area.

Sam knew that the Headquarters had a fully functional cleaning system, something to keep the floors and equipment all clean and looking fine. It was a waste of time to do so, but Sam decided on picking up some cleaning supplies from the janitor's closet and giving the second floor of the building a good old fashion cleaning. He was used to doing this kind of work, his mother and father were usually working, so house clean up was usually Sam's job, to be honest, it was sort of relaxing. Just a mindless task to keep yourself busy. At the same time, Sam could get himself better acquainted with the area. It was the perfect job for a lazy Easter Sunday.

Overall, it had been pretty quiet at the Headquarters. Most of the staff and heroes were probably out on jobs or spending time with their families, as is to be expected on Easter Sunday. It was almost creepy how empty most of the halls had been. Of course, there were a few people going about their business, monitoring stuff, guarding the Headquarters, writing reports, that boring stuff, but even still, it was quiet. This was both relaxing and...somewhat upsetting. He was hoping there would be someone around who could show him the ropes or at the very least make a new friend. Though, in the end, he supposed he was used to it. He was used to taking things on his own, figuring it out, all that. He was hard, but in the end, it would be worth it, probably!

He continued to clean for some time until he turned the corner and the cart he had been pushing came to sudden halt. The bottles of liquid cleaners and the mop bucket swished as the cart came to sudden stop. Sam blinked, the sudden jolt brought him out of his daydream-like state and he had to shake his head to come to. He looked down at the cart and tilted his head. "What's wrong, buddy? Trash got the wheel?" He frowned. That wasn't a good joke at all. He could do better. He moved around to the other side of the cart to see that there was something caught underneath the wheel. It was a small rock. Odd, but whatever. He had seen odder. He leaned down to pick up and on his way up, his head hit the rim of the cart, causing the coffee had gotten to spill over and splash onto his jacket.

"AH SHOOT!" He quickly knelt down and picked up the roll towels he had and began to dab the coffee away. Sam didn't have many possessions, but his jacket was one of his few prized ones. It was one of the few times he had actually been given a gift and he did his best to manage it and keep it in shape. He had even taken up sowing to keep it in one piece. He wasn't good at it, but he managed to keep it together. His other attire never really mattered much, they were just cheap clothes, jeans and shirts and shorts and stuff like that. After the stain was mostly gone, he bent over and began to clean his spilled coffee. In this bent over state it left him completely defenseless and open. He didn't mind and usually he'd probably check his surroundings, but...he was in a place of heroes! What could go wrong? He felt safe here and allowed himself to lower his guard. Who wouldn't? "Dang it all to heck..." He muttered under his breath. "And it was still full too..."
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INV ONLY Re: The Great Prank War of Sam, Kubi, and Creature (Kubi, Creature and Sam) (Double XP)

Post by The Swolefather April 2nd 2018, 12:52 pm

April Fools..the day where becoming different animals was a blessing..Leo looked down his list of potential prank ideas..which was littered with check marks...filling shampoo bottles with Fulmar vomit, spraying inside the air vents outside of Kubi's room, leaving a..shitty surprise in Cadmus' be fair his pranks were crossing a line. The prankster remained in the form of a mouse, scouting out his next victim, before spotting Sam...oh poor, sweet, innocent Sam..the perfect target. He continued to follow the boy around, watching him spill his coffee, the albino almost felt bad for what he was about to do.

Creature slid around the corner, changing his form into that of a humming bird, allowing him to hover his way over the top of Sam. With a small push, he aimed, and fired a glob of white matter, hoping to slide it between Sam's neck, and the collar of his jacket. With all of the speed he could muster, Creature flew out of sight, and shifted back into a mouse, peering around the corner to watch the reaction.

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INV ONLY Re: The Great Prank War of Sam, Kubi, and Creature (Kubi, Creature and Sam) (Double XP)

Post by Kubi Tsuru April 4th 2018, 12:00 am

”I bet this was that fucking freaks fault … god fuckin’ dammit, that’s raunchy.”

Yeah, his room had been fucking dusted, and not like a maid cleaned; like some god damn skunk got into a duct and sprayed all the fuck over everything. God, he didn’t even know why he was here. He had a house in the fucking city. His house had a pool, probably women, beer. ECLIPSE had Creature and responsibilities. Ugh, fuck that noise. The rag clutched over his mouth slipped and this time he caught a mouthful of the disgusting smell. He almost gagged it was so bad. Nope, he wasn’t doing this, fuck that, fuck this! No way in hell was he going to spend his fucking afternoon cleaning out vents! Angrily he kicked the step ladder out of the way, the vent being too high even for his height, and send the poor tool flying against the wall. He needed to get out of her and … away from this stench. God he was sick.

The rag was put to work wiping what stench he could off his face and forehead; he could just strip off his shirt, something he proceeded to do immediately, and the stench didn’t get on his pants … at least he hoped so. Fuck it, he has down to buy more clothes anyway, this fucking training was destroying all his clothes. Seriously, he needed to find a tailor or some shit, this was getting old. A heavy sigh wracked his frame. Yup, this fucking shirt was shot through, god damn it. Why did bad stuff happen to- well, not good but, like, somewhat decent people? … that still might be giving him too much credit, fucking shit. A quick call to housekeeping later and he left his room, closing and locking the door behind him … only to find a bent over ass right in front of the door. And if he wasn’t mistaken, it belonged to a … fucko, huh? Nice. Well, there was only one thing he could do.

”April Fools, fucko!”

Striking like a snake, he grabbed the seat of his pants; heedless that he also had Sam’s pants in his hands, he suddenly jerked upwards, a motion that if successful, would lift Sam’s feet off the ground, rip his pants, and give him the worst wedgie in the history of wedgies. A final tug finished it, only intensifying what must be some major pain before Kubi cracked up laughing, dropping the poor kid to the ground. Oh, that was hilarious, he had to see his face! Still holding his sides from the laughter, Kubi circled around Sam, oblivious to the danger this potentially put him in ...

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INV ONLY Re: The Great Prank War of Sam, Kubi, and Creature (Kubi, Creature and Sam) (Double XP)

Post by Nate6595 April 6th 2018, 2:17 am

The first thing that hit Sam, obviously, was the shit. He didn't know it at the time, but he felt it for sure. While he was hunched over he moved his hand to the back of his neck to feel whatever had dripped down it. He thought it might be a cleaners product, but upon bringing his hand back around to his face and recognizing that coloration and texture, he had been shat on before by birds, he grimaced and looked around. What the heck was a bird doing here? That was mighty strange. He'd have to wash it off and that would be a pain. Today just wasn't his day it seemed. Which, well, he was used to on the holidays.

And that's when he heard it. A familiar voice. Kubi? Sam went to turn to face him, but felt himself rise up off the ground, letting out a loud yelp on the way up. That...that hurt. Wasn't as bad as the time he was shot, but it was pretty close. He could feel his jeans rip and then...he fell forward. He fell right on his face, it slamming into the floor. A triple whammy? Or was it triple whammy plus one including his coffee, that being the real tragedy today. At least Kubi...and he guessed by extension, that random bird, had every right to do this today. Sam had nearly forgotten it was April Fool's Day. 'Luckily' he had Kubi there to set in a fresh reminder that today was that day. He could try and get them back, but for now...

For now, Sam just laid there, face flat on the floor. He was still in a lot of pain and didn't feel like moving. Too many low blows in a row. He would have to take a few minutes to recover. Once then...well...he'd get them. He couldn't let them have the satisfaction of seeing a pained expression either. If he really wanted to get them back, he would have to act like everything was fine. He was good at that! So, finally, having a few moments to think it over, he slammed a hand down on the floor and picked himself back up. Luckily nothing had broken in the fall, but his nose was a bit bloody. He wiped it away and put on his best smile for Kubi, laughing slightly. "Ha! Not a bad one Kubi, but you could've done more damage if you didn't yell before. Do that after next time, that'll really get me." His laugh became a snicker as he sat there on the floor. After a moment, he stood up fully, letting out a breath. Once up, he did take a moment to readjust his pants and boxers, though he could still feel the pain. He then turned his attention down the hallway. "Good one on you too, Mister Bird! Didn't see that one coming." He looked back to Kubi, grinning brightly, despite the pain. "Anyways, I better go get some new pants. Good seeing ya again." He walked back to the cart and started to pull it away unless stopped.
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INV ONLY Re: The Great Prank War of Sam, Kubi, and Creature (Kubi, Creature and Sam) (Double XP)

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