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Arcadian Royalty.

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Arcadian Royalty. Empty Arcadian Royalty.

Post by Shadowoof March 21st 2018, 9:13 am

"Fired, isit? They fired me, then, guv? Nah, right, I quit the bleedin' stupid bastards. I don't want ter work construction any road, so. Too many poofs and too many asses. Right. So wot I shocked a few too many. They bloody deserved it." Euna yelled out as she threw her phone at a nearby wall, before cursing some more picking it back up. Cracked, but it worked and she really didn't want to buy a new one.

Went though them a little too much as it was.

Looking to the side at some passerby's who were watching the angry demon, she held her middle finger out to them till they kept walking, causing her to scoff at them before walking onwards down the streets. Jobs were becoming a bore these days, mostly when you had done everything like she had. That was the third time she'd tried construction and she wouldn't lie about the reason. Hot humans were meant to be in that workforce. Not puss's.

Sighing, the demon decided she needed to go find some sort of restaurant and eat something. Food always calmed her down. Also stopped her from using that accent she had just used. Gods she was bored.

Patting her pockets for that shiny plastic card that held some funds, Euna paused for a moment. A very settled moment. She went lax in her stature and leaned back. Her cheeks began to hurt as her mouth watered, her second teeth made an attempt to push themselves out. "No!" She yelled out, straightening up and slapping herself. It didn't do anything to her, but it was enough to stop her from going any further into that state of euphoria.

"Why do I keep fuking smelling it!? I can't stand this shit." The demon muttered to herself, having turned in the direction of the smell. Her senses had dulled over the years, no longer gifted with a nose for scents, yet this scent seemed to pull her back, tug on her very being. The smell of an Arcadian.

She had been smelling it for quite some time now. Here and there. All over the city really. More like a lingering scent. Someone was moving very quickly and their smell wafted, stuck around, not strong enough to really catch her attention, but to make Euna curious. It wasn't till she smelt pure... Pure Arcadian a while ago that she felt the old hunger she thought gone. Some building in the butt fuck of no where had, she knew, because she worked construction on it as some asses had gone and torn the roof up. Some Arcadian asses and another fucked up smelling thing she had never smelt before.

Whatever the reason for Arcadian's of all demons to be here, Euna wasn't sure. But because they were here, no matter how short a time, she found herself catching the scent more and more and this time. She didn't have a job. And she was really hungry. Hungry enough to let the smell pull her along. Which was why she was now walking in its general direction. New York use to be a big city, before it got blown up. While it was once more pretty big, she knew about every street in it. And this smell... She was close. She'd find it. And then... Well, not even Euna was sure what she'd do then. Just that she needed to get rid of it, get rid of this returning hunger, one way or the other.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 25
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Arcadian Royalty. Empty Re: Arcadian Royalty.

Post by Johanna Sharpe March 21st 2018, 10:11 pm

The warm afternoon air washed over Johanna as she swung from building to building. She didn’t have any particular place she needed to be, but ever since the events that occurred a few weeks ago, she had found herself spending much more time away from home. She couldn’t stand to look at her parents, not any more. She still couldn’t believe she had been deceived by them twice. Maybe that’s why she hadn’t been spending much time at home. The less she was around her parents, the less there was a chance of her getting burned for a third time. She kept partially hoping that one day she’d wake up and it would have all been a dream. She knew that would never happen. A quick glance at her right arm made sure of that. The flesh had been replaced by a brilliant silver shiny metal.

Still despite how upset she was over the whole situation, the prospect of actually being a demi god was quite something. The perks that came with the discovery of her true heritage weren’t bad either. Thinking about these things actually stung a bit as well. Her mother hadn’t bothered to show her face in these past weeks. *So much for ‘connecting’* she thought. The ashen haired girl would come to a stop on the side of a building. She clung to the sleek surface and took a long hard look at her reflection in the reflective glass. She found her eyes kept shifting to her metal arm. It really stuck out. She couldn’t stand looking at it for another moment. With a small growl she angrily ejected from the building and began to swing back through the city.

Her swinging would eventually take her to the small clothing shop she worked at. With a soft thud, she’d land in the alleyway behind the shop. A slight smile appeared on her face as she stared at the back entrance door. It made her think back to the time when her and Jake had swapped genders. As annoying of a time as that was, it was still an entertaining memory. Johanna would take a few more seconds to reminisce before entering the building. Once inside the small shop she made a b-line for the clothes. “Oh hey Jo! How’s it going?” a girl no older than Johanna sat behind the counter. “How does it look like it’s going, Olive?” Johanna snapped as she pulled a long sleeved shirt off the rack.

“Isn’t it like too hot outside to be wearing long sleeves?” the girl asked. All she’d get in return was a very annoyed glare. “It doesn’t matter how warm it is outside, I can’t stand to look at this arm another second.” she said as she approached the counter. “Oh! Yeah, I’ve been meaning to ask you about that.”
“How about you don’t?” Johanna quickly snapped back. “Sheesh fine I wont. If you’re worried about covering it up, shouldn’t you have like a glove to cover your hand to?”

Johanna glared up from the shirt she was holding. She let out a sigh. Olive was right. Without saying a word, Johanna would turn away from the counter and head off to find a pair of gloves. Within a few minutes she return and frustratingly slam the gloves on the countertop. “that will be thirty-two fifty.” Olive said with a bit too much glee. Johanna would reach into her pocket and withdraw a wad of hundred dollar bills. She’d drop one of the bills on the counter and collect her items. “Keep the change Olive.”
The young girl sat there somewhat speechless. “Where did you get all that money?”
“Story for another time amigo!” she’d say, waving goodbye to the girl and heading out the back entrance to the alleyway. Once in the alleyway, Johanna would begin to change into the long sleeved shirt she bought.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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Arcadian Royalty. Empty Re: Arcadian Royalty.

Post by Shadowoof March 21st 2018, 10:53 pm

"Hey! Wha-" A young man yelled out right before he got pushed aside by a rushing Euna who had bumped into him just a moment ago. That was the third meat-stick she had ran into while on this arcadian hunt, her sense of smell was perhaps a little more off then she had thought. And some turns ended with her running into someone.

But at all times, she was making progress. The smell was closer, as if it had stopped, whoever it was had stopped was her conclusion, duh.

Which was why she was now outside a clothes store, of all places. What? Entering inside for a moment, Euna would look to the girl behind the counter and then ignored her not a moment later. Too young, too human smelling. Sniffing, Euna scanned the store and found nothing, but the scent lingered a moment longer and she realized that it was so very... Door. Back entrance.

A few seconds later Euna would burst though the door with a kick, wild eyes looking left and right and then. Her. A young girl like the one in the store yet not like her at all, getting changed, looked like she was finishing up. Euna almost disregarded her as well, if not for the fact the smell almost covered her. Yet she looked human... "Hey! Girl!" Euna yelled out loudly as she stomped over, getting close to this white haired teen and sniffing. The smell was making her irritable. And really hungry.

"Okay where is he? Or she. You smell like an arcadian has slathered themselves all over you so where is the boyfriend, or girl- You get what I mean!" Euna rudely stated, her hands on her hips as she looked down at the young girl, a angry, frowning glare focused right on her. The girl was far too human and from what Euna remembered from the many arcadians she had... Somewhat. Met. Even with her memory bad as it was. None of them were human looking.. In the ways that mattered. "I'm not a racist!" She snapped aloud a second later, looking angry at herself before redirecting the anger back at the white haired girl with a glare that could end all glares as Euna liked to think.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 25
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Arcadian Royalty. Empty Re: Arcadian Royalty.

Post by Johanna Sharpe March 22nd 2018, 12:43 am

It wasn’t until Johanna had removed her shirt completely and was standing there in the alleyway in her bra, that she realized she could have just slipped the long sleeved shirt over what she was already wearing. Despite this oversight, she went unnoticed. Or at least she thought she did. The sudden crash of the shop door being kicked open came while she was in the middle of slipping the long sleeved top on. Before she knew it, a red skinned girl was upon her. Johanna’s head recoiled in confusion as the girl began to sniff her.

It wasn’t until the girl started talking of Arcadian’s that Johanna noticed the horn protruding form her head. “Didn’t your parents ever tell you its rude to sniff?” Johanna said, backing away from the strange looking girl. With a much better view of the girl, Johanna was able to take in all the little details. The girls hair was a inky black, her skin far to red to be normal, and her body was adorned with bright blue markings. She had only ever seen two other beings with marking on their bodies like that. She had to be a demon from where ever Madeline and Thalia were.

What really confused Johanna though, was that this girl wasn’t aware that Johanna was the queens daughter. For some reason Johanna felt like this wasn’t going to be a friendly encounter. With these two things in mind, Johanna decided to try and play off the girls ignorance. “What the hell is an Arcadian? What the hell are you for that matter?” she said slowly sliding her metal hand behind her back. She had yet to put the glove on thanks to the sudden interruption.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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Arcadian Royalty. Empty Re: Arcadian Royalty.

Post by Shadowoof March 22nd 2018, 2:57 am

"If by parents you mean anyone who told me I was weird for doing it, sure." Euna would throw back, stepping away from the girl for a moment to look her over. She had seen everything and nothing about this girl seemed Arcadian.

Baring her teeth for a moment, Euna would lick around one of her elongated canines. Before huffing and stomping her foot on the ground. She didn't believe this girl. Maybe it was intuition, maybe it was that she didn't seemed so freaked a red skinned woman with a horn was questioning her, or maybe she was stu- Brave. "Okay girl. Let me explain. They might be red or so, have markings or generally look weird, but sometimes, if they're lucky, they'll be like me. Sexy with a nice ass. Bullshit you don't know. This smell..." Euna would take in a deep whiff, growling a little before stomping her foot again, blue like electricity sparking off her feet and along the ground for a bit before fizzing out.

"You're ether shagging one or it's eating you and you got some regenerative powers. Or, that arm was a sacrifice. In which case, really? You could do better." Euna crossed her arms, firm that one of things she said has to be the truth... But then, she looked at this girl, with teal like eyes, who smelled of Arcadian blood and flesh, but also human.

Narrowing her eyes, Euna looked confused before her eyes widened in surprised. "No... Are you a half breed? Holy fucking shit." Euna found all of a sudden that her hunger vanished. She swore off eating meat. The idea that this girl was half of what made her hungry, it sealed her mind away from any thoughts. She didn't eat human meat, that was final. "Wait, do you really not know? Oh honey, you need some education, you could eat someone if you're not careful."

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 25
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Arcadian Royalty. Empty Re: Arcadian Royalty.

Post by Johanna Sharpe March 23rd 2018, 1:54 am

Johanna’s eyebrows continued to furrow and arch out of confusion. This girl was a strange one. The type of crazy, that Johanna just wasn’t in the mood to put up with. Plus she was pretty sure this red skinned demon had no idea what they were talking about. Johanna had only ever met two Arcadians, her mother, and the little hunter. Neither of them looked anything like this girl, or the way she described them. Johanna found her mouth slightly agape. She was mere seconds away from correcting the girl about how ‘Arcadians' looked, but she wanted to be done with this encounter asap.

The best way to ensure that this conversation and encounter ended was for the ashen haired teen to continue feigning ignorance. So when it seemed like the demoness had figured out Johanna’s secret, she responded with a made up excuse. “Shagging? Ewe. There’s nothing ‘eating’ me either.” she said signaling air quotes. It was then that she caught her metal hand out of the corner of her eye. Just how did the girl spot it that fast. Well it was no use hiding it now….sort of. Johanna let out a sigh and pulled the pair of gloves out of her back pocket and slipped them on.

“I’m having a really hard time understanding anything you’re talking about.” she said turning her back to the girl. Her turquoise eyes looked about the alleyway. She was already planning her escape plan. “This is just a really state of the art prosthetic. My parents head a major R&D company. Made it for me cause I lost my arm in a accident.” she lied.

Every word out of this girls mouth only seemed to further show she had no idea what Arcadian’s were like. Or maybe it was Johanna who was in the dark on the true nature of her kin. Still, she didn’t care. She had other plans for the day and getting away from this thing was top priority. “Like I said I’ve got zero clue what you’re talking about. But I aint one of these Arcadian things you think I am.” She’d glance over her shoulder. “Well it’s been nice Hannibal, but I got places to be so uh….Bye!” She’d say before looking forward and attempting to walk out of the alley. If the girl tried to follow her or something else, Johanna would just swing her way out of trouble like she had done so many times before.

Last edited by Johanna Sharpe on March 23rd 2018, 3:44 am; edited 1 time in total

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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Arcadian Royalty. Empty Re: Arcadian Royalty.

Post by Shadowoof March 23rd 2018, 3:42 am

Euna gave the girl a scrutiny look over once more, stepping back to give her some space. Maybe she was going crazy. Thousands of years without the scent of an arcadian and here she was, imagining that this girl had it... Right? But it was so clear, clear as day really. And Euna wanted to know, for her hunger, for her own self need... For the idea she might not be so alone anymore. Bitch all she wanted about Arcadian's. They were her people. And that mattered where it was needed. And she wasn't talking about her stomach this time.

But here she was right now, in a situation where this girl ether truly thought her crazy and Euna was indeed crazy, or she was hiding something and out of need of pride, Euna was more inclined to believe that this girl was hiding something. But what? What Arcadian would not want to flaunt that around. Less... She was a champion? Euna barely remembered what the word meant, having read small texts and something her... Maybe her father said something about them or something. She just knew she remembered something about the word that made it important to the Queen or something. Lot's of freaking somethings.  

"Are you a champion then? Well... By the law... Of the fact my Dad is King of Arcadia. I order you to tell me the truth as I am mother fucking royalty." Or something. One last ploy. One last chance to see if the girl really knew anything or not. Maybe Euna was crazy, maybe this girl just knew how to keep a straight face. If so. Euna liked her already. So she was okay with that lie, enforced with the toothy know it all grin she had practiced over the decades. Euna wasn't really royalty, and she had no clue if dear ol Dad was still King or not, or if he even considered his own daughter royalty because of that. But any champion or Arcadian would be quick to correct her. Or bow, that'd be pretty fuking neat.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 25
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Arcadian Royalty. Empty Re: Arcadian Royalty.

Post by Johanna Sharpe March 23rd 2018, 4:26 am

Johanna’s arm was moment’s from raising to the sky. She was literally seconds away from being done with this chick. Then the demon had to go and open her mouth. It was at this point that Johanna could no longer play dumb. She didn’t know why, but she found herself turning to face the girl with coy look on her face. “Oh you poor thing. I don’t know if you were hit on the head recently or what, but there’s only one ruler of Arcadia and SHE is my mother!” While Johanna may have said this with a big prideful grin, she found herself questioning just why she was taking pride in it.

She had gone out of her way to cover up her arm as it was a reminder of that day. Yet here she was, now making claim to a painful truth. Her grin quickly shifted to an angry glare. “I have no idea who your dad is, but dudes obviously lying to you. Don’t worry, my parents were the same way. You’ll get over it.” She indeed probably would not get over it. Hell, Johanna still hadn’t gotten over the first lie. She let out a sigh, shook her head, and then turned her back to the demon.

It was just her luck. She had a knack for meeting the normally challenged. “Like I said before, I’ve got places to be. Last thing I need is to have another existential crisis.” Too late. Johanna let out a groan and proceeded to drive her metal fist through the side of the buildings lining the alley. She’d pull her hand from the creator. A faint black flame whisked off her hand. In her palm was a piece of the building’s brick exterior.

She’d let out another growl of frustration before crushing the chunk of building to dust in her palm. “Great! Just Great! I try to have one day where I can pretend like my life hasn’t been one big joke, but noooooooooo.” The ashen haired girl would raise her hands to the sky before placing one hand on her hip and massaging the bridge of her nose with the other.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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Arcadian Royalty. Empty Re: Arcadian Royalty.

Post by Shadowoof March 23rd 2018, 4:47 am

Euna got what she wanted all right. She just didn't expect what she got. Not. One. Bit. The one true Queen. Euna knew about that woman. Not a lot. But she knew. Madeline. Euna had only seen her once before. Asleep. She didn't remember much else about her. Just that the sight of her made her hungry. "Well shit girl. You telling me you're the daughter of the Queen huh." Euna took a step towards her, frowning.

Following what this girl said, she must have learned this not too long ago. Recent... Maybe as recent as that torn building. Fuccck. No wonder she was pissed. "Euna. Name's Euna Paw. And no, my, I haven't seen my Dad in quite a few thousand years. He was the king however back then, back... Pfft. Wow. Back when you're momma was in a coma, guess that happened. But I certainly wasn't royalty then, that was just to get the truth out. Sorry." Chewing on her lower lip, she watched the girl a little longer before sighing. Looking around, she realized she might actually own a place near here...

Taking another step towards the ashen haired girl, the demon clicked her tongue and gave another sigh. "Hey, I know you're pissed and all. But walk with me. Or don't. I don't fuken care. But I'm offering some food and perhaps some... I don't fucken know. Comfort? You obviously don't know too much. I can help. I guess." Euna said as she began to walk away, not waiting for the girl to catch up. She came and she found what she wanted... Well, not exactly. But her mind was clear, her hunger diminished.

So if the girl followed her, Euna expected her to be quick about it. The girl wasn't stupid and she was certainly no ordinary being... Daughter of the Queen huh. That was funny. But no matter, Euna was heading towards one of her... Old homes, an ancient building that looked about as antiques as what resided in it. Today was a hell of a day. And it could be so much more depending on the girls choice.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 25
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Arcadian Royalty. Empty Re: Arcadian Royalty.

Post by Johanna Sharpe March 26th 2018, 12:43 am

Johanna seemed to completely ignore everything the demon was telling her. She had already expressed how little she cared for this other side of her, and nothing the girl said was going to change that. She quietly let the demon leave the alleyway. Instead she sat there in silence for a few minutes, just staring at her gloved hand. She balled her hand into a fist out of frustration. The glove was covered in brick residue and the sleeve of her shirt was now dirty. A groan of anger escaped her as she tore the shirt off her back and threw it on the ground.

The ashen haired teen couldn’t hold back her temper and as the shirt hit the ground she began to repeatedly stomp on it. The only thing that managed to break her out of it, was the sound of the old metal door slowly opening. A soft voice called out to Johanna. “Are…Are you ok Jo?” Olive asked, as she timidly stepped into the alleyway. Johanna spun around quickly, her eyes somewhat wide. She had been completely caught off guard by the girl and was now sitting there without a shirt on, staring at her coworker.

The sun gleamed off her metal arm and brought Olive’s attention to it. “Oh wow. D-d-does it hurt?” The girl asked, blushing from embarassment after catching Johanna in the middle of changing. She quickly turned away to give Johanna some privacy. The princess of Arcadia turned her back on the timid girl and began to put her old short sleeve shirt back on. There was no way she was going to put the long sleeved one on after having stomped it into oblivion. “It’s none of your concern Olive.

Olive tried to turn around and explain her concern to Johanna, but the angsty teen was gone. Vanished into thin air. Olive sat in the alleyway for a moment before making her way over to the shirt Johanna left behind and slipped it into her bag. Johanna on the other hand, found herself once again swinging from building to building. She was cursing at herself silently as she was now following the demon from a distance. She had already told herself she wanted nothing to do with this chick or her mother for that matter, but much like back in Chicago, Johanna found herself pulled in the direction of the demon girl.

She wouldn’t catch up the the girl. No, that would make her seem like she actually wanted to be there, when in fact her feelings were quite the opposite. She instead kept her distance. It wasn’t too hard to spot a red skinned figure in the mass of normal looking people. Johanna would follow the demon until she came to one of New York’s older residences. The ashen haired teen let out a snort of anger, she couldn’t believe she was actually doing this. That being said, Johanna wouldn’t just approach the front door. Instead she’d make her way onto the roof and sneak in through the attic.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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Arcadian Royalty. Empty Re: Arcadian Royalty.

Post by Shadowoof March 26th 2018, 1:37 am

When Johanna made it inside the attic, she'd find that space would not be so easily found. The house itself was rather large, and the attic contained a myriad of objects, a majority of them contained within protective glasses, containers with fresher looking ones contained within plastic, framed. The walls were aligned with news paper clippings, a rare some with pictures of Euna on them dating back to the early 20th century, with other news papers from even earlier times stating random facts. Several paintings also adorned the walls, some looking as if a child have gotten a hold of a paintbrush, before moving on till it seemed someone of some skill painted a harsh world, blanketed with shadows and storms.

Along the ground were a large number of chests and storage's that were closed with old looking locks on them. An open one showed a antique dress, covered in dust, while also seeming to be torn. Near the seemingly open stairs that lead down to the second floor, on a ornate stand, was a wooden staff, plain in appearance except for the broad, wooden spear shaped head on one side. Also covered in a layer of dust, in fact, the entire attic seemed to have not had a single foot stepped in it for what one could assume was months, maybe even years.

Down the stairs, Euna could be heard nosily humming to herself to a old like tune, the sound of cutlery being moved about, pans and pots being slammed down on benches. But a moment later all sound from her would stop, as she stood still, staring at a photo that adorned the wall in her kitchen. "Three hundred years... Three hundred years I don't see a single arcadian and now... Stupid, Stupid nose." The demon mused to herself as she went from staring at the photo to pulling cans out of cupboards and fruits from a modern fridge that did not match the rest of the house.

"Girly didn't follow. Doesn't matter anymore Euna. She decided she didn't want anything to do with you and can you blame her? You'd be pissed in her situation. I mean... Maybe I could have told her some things I know... I don't even know what it is she might want to know. Thought I was crazy, now I know I'm just stupid. What would I even done? Feed her and say how arcadians are stupid? She's the daughter of the freaking Queen. She must think she's some... Princess... Holy shit. She is. Right? Would that even be a thing? I certainly wasn't one while he was King. Right? Arr fuk if I know. Wonder if those rebels would even care about a princess... Are they even a thing now? I should stop talking." The demoness seemed to ramble on as she cut into vegetables and fruits, peeled open cans of fruits and other delicacies, her voice loud and echoing throughout the old building.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 25
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Arcadian Royalty. Empty Re: Arcadian Royalty.

Post by Johanna Sharpe March 28th 2018, 1:35 am

Johanna crept quietly through the attic. She did her very best to minimize the sound of her footsteps against the dust layered wooden floor. Moving silently was a challenge Johanna had come to master, but moving silently through this attic was a whole different ball game. There were display cases all over the place and each one contained some sort of antique. Of course Johanna had to occasionally stop and take a gander at the objects to see if any were worth stealing. Eventually her eyes were lead her over to one of the walls. It was covered from top to bottom in various new paper clippings. Many of them looked pretty old, but the ashen haired teen cared very little in finding the dates.

Instead she was more drawn towards the terrible paintings. The majority of them looked as if a child had made them. Johanna chuckled to herself. “Nice paintings Picas-Oh! Well then.” she’d say as her eyes eventually found their way to the more masterfully painted pieces. *Someone’s obviously had a lot of time on their hands* Johanna would manage to reign in her curiosity long enough to move from one end of the attic to the other. It was here at the top of the stairs that Johanna found the most interesting of all the items in the attic. A wooden pole sat atop a pedestal. Unlike all the other items in the attic, this one sort of commanded Johanna’s attention. It was the same sensation she had experienced when she went to the museum in Chicago.

Her metal arm extended out to reach for the weapon. Again, much like the sword and shield in her mothers exhibit, Johanna wanted to pic it up. Her hand hovered mere inched from the wooden staff, but quickly recoiled when the sudden sound of cabinet doors being slammed filled the house. The sound of the demoness’ voice began to echo throughout the house as she began to talk to herself. Following the trail of the voice, Johanna began to cautiously descend the stairs. Eventually the ashen haired teen would make her way towards the kitchen where she could see the demon girl chopping up an assortment of fruit. “You know, you should get a cat. It would make you look less crazy.” Johanna would say, leaning up against the opening to the kitchen.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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Arcadian Royalty. Empty Re: Arcadian Royalty.

Post by Shadowoof March 28th 2018, 1:57 am

Euna had remained silent, cutting and washing and cooking. If one noticed, everything she had at least attested to a vegan lifestyle. If it wasn't for the eggs and other assortments that vegans wouldn't eat. Noticeably however, their was a lack of meat, but enough of the rest the demoness could feed well over a family.

And Euna was quite happy to work her way to the end goal of putting all of it in her stomach, if not for the surprise voice that alarmed her enough to pick up a knife and aim it at the voice, her eyes narrowed... "Oh..." Euna spoke, sighting Johanna and frowning for a small bit, her hand setting the knife down as she examined the girl. "How did you? Did you come from upstairs? You didn't touch anything did you? Not that it... Matters, bunch of junk anyway." She'd scoff at herself, setting aside what she was doing and motioning towards the next room, the  living room, which seemed equally old, tables, chairs and pictures, some painted, some taken.

"Grab some fruit if you want something... And I have a cat, Bitch is at my other house... Maybe, she roams." Euna called out as she seated herself, a hand rubbing along her chin thoughtfully... She was not ready for this... Fuck... She didn't even know what it was the girl knew or wanted. She knew her mother, of course... Which meant that the Queen was awake.. So much must have changed. Deciding she should ask some basic questions before she could think of more... Tough ones. Euna waited for the girl to show before talking.

"So... Have you ever felt a need to eat others? Arcad.. Some Arcadian's tend to have that problem. And ummm... Are you hunted by demons you don't know? Being the princess of a War queen is bound to make you a target. Are you a princess? Fuck I was stupid, not that it gives you the right to think that girl." Euna finally warned, seeing what she could get answered and praying to whoever that the girl didn't have her own questions about Arcadian's. Euna wasn't sure she could give an answer to everything... But she did think this was nice, being able to talk to another one of her kind, even if they were a half breed that might as well be as clueless as she.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 25
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Arcadian Royalty. Empty Re: Arcadian Royalty.

Post by Johanna Sharpe March 28th 2018, 2:27 am

“Aint nothin of value up there as far as I could tell.” Johanna would follow the red demon over to a set of old looking furniture. She swore she could smell the dust all the way from the kitchen door. “I think I’ll stand thanks.” She said as she moved over to the fire place. It was just as bad as the attic. She’d let out a small sigh as she turned to the girl who began to ask her questions. “I thought you were the one that was supposed to be telling me about Arcadia…..Not the other way around.”

Johanna then leaned over the couch and stared at the demon for several seconds. “Does it look like I eat people? And I’m pretty sure that isnt a thing. My mom and the little one with her didn’t seem to have an apatite for human flesh.” Seeing that this was more than likely going to take much longer than she intended, Johanna leapt over the back of the couch and landed with a soft thud on the cushions.

A small cloud of dust filled the air and Johanna immediately raised her hand to fan it away. The next question the demoness asked Johanna got her thinking. When her mother arrived she tried to explain that she never told Johanna till now, in order to keep her safe. If what the demon was asking, was true. Well, then that meant her mother wasn’t lying. If her mother wasn’t lying, then that made Johanna hate this whole thing even more. The arm was already a sore reminder of the day. But this fact just meant that her mother, really was her mother. “Cant say that I’ve been hunted. You’re the only real looking demon I’ve seen.”

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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Arcadian Royalty. Empty Re: Arcadian Royalty.

Post by Shadowoof March 28th 2018, 2:47 am

"Well, information goes both ways you know." Euna retorted, but she got her answers anyway. The girl didn't eat, and perhaps Euna should have known. She was merely the daughter of a knight and some Arcadian she never met before. Why would the daughter of the Queen eat arcadians. Why would the Queen even. She was powerful enough as it was. Not that Euna ate for power... Not back then.

Still, it seemed Euna ran out of easy questions to ask... Far too quickly. She needed something to keep the girls interest. Why? Euna wasn't even sure. "Well. To clarify. Some Arcadian's ate each other for power, if some meant a lot of the ones that you... I guess you might consider common in human terms." Euna frowned, before she thought of something. The battle worn roof. A battle between Arcadian's had gone on there. She could learn enough there.

"And before you ask. Any questions. Are you sure about that? There was this rooftop. Torn apart by battle. Smelt like an Arcadian slaughter fest besides another smell. Strange one too. I've smelt demons before. Smelled like a demon and some other strange thing had a baby and the baby went and blended itself with a bunch of herbs. But umm. Ask away anything you have." Euna bit her lip as she waited for the answer and any questions the young girl gave, knowing that she could answer only so many... But the more she learned... The more she... What... Learnt? Why did she even care. She got by with a normal life for decades. Century's. Why was she ruining that, even the slightest bit, for this girl.

Maybe it was the Arcadian blood. Maybe Euna felt like she needed to respect that royal blood... Nah, she'd spit in the Queens eye if she had the balls for it, and she had rather nice ones at that... Just not brave ones.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 25
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Arcadian Royalty. Empty Re: Arcadian Royalty.

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