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House Tamamoa (Bridget)

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House Tamamoa (Bridget) Empty House Tamamoa (Bridget)

Post by Danny The Sphinx October 8th 2017, 2:26 pm

Taking a week off from school would help Danny out a lot. Of course the school aspect she hated most typically involved monsters, or robots attempting to subvert the school's computer to release a deadly virus from the labs, or a half crazed clown trying to go full crazy and blow up the school with balloons, but just getting away from the Stanford campus would be a nice change.

Danny rolled down the half mile drive way towards her parent's regal estate. It looked as empty as ever. With Danny coming home for Fall Break, she called ahead and told the groundskeepers and house staff to take the week off, gifting Danny with the entire mansion to herself for a few days. She could clean up after herself for a few days. She did it with villains all the time and luckily, no villains ever paid her a visit at her home.

Stepping out of her camaro in a pair of short jean shorts and her Stanford Cheerleading jacket, Danny walked through the garage and into the spacious entry way. She hit the lights, illuminating the room under the glow of the chandelier. From the circular entry way, a direct opening to a large living room full of bookshelves and circular couches all centering a table with a globe in the middle. The massive kitchen and its ten burner stoves sat to the side, along with a dining room capable of hosting the entire archaeology department from Berkeley. The stairs led to the upper bedrooms and the other assorted workout rooms and studies.

For now, Danny just wanted to go check out what her parents found in their adventures. Walking over to the globe in the center of the room, Danny took off her locket and pressed it into the indentation of the Tamamoa family crest on top of the globe. The table moved away and a staircase emerged, letting Danny descend past the wine cellar and into the Tamamoa family vault.

Artifacts, armors, arts, pottery, jewelry, and weapons all adorned several display cases situated throughout the room. Most of them failed to catch Danny's eye from the past times she saw them, but something new in the back wanted to speak with her. "You!" The voice in her bracelet called out as she approached the swords. "These swords are cursed! Destroy them!"

Danny lifted the bracelet closer to her mouth. "Yeah, I'm not even supposed to touch things without gloves. I don't think destroying things will go over too well."

"The family that abandoned you knows nothing of this evil!"

"Well damn bracelet, tell me how you really feel." Faced with a problem she knew she could not ignore, Danny decided to remove herself from the vault. Once the spirit of the antiquity could not activate her bracelet anymore, at least Danny could get some quiet. She locked the vault behind her and put the locket back around her neck, sealing the access to the vault tightly.

Danny went upstairs to her own living room and plopped down in front of the computer. "Time to find out what those swords are logged as and where they came from."

House Tamamoa (Bridget) Giphy

Danny's Partners (Tsukimi, Tori, and Abby)

The Dress Shoppe Danny Stole From Bliss
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 849
Registration date : 2014-09-28

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House Tamamoa (Bridget) Empty Re: House Tamamoa (Bridget)

Post by Bridgit October 9th 2017, 10:48 am

As Danny went upstairs, a head emerged from behind the drinking cabinet. Black hair under a black cap, grey eyes locked on the girl. Trunk looked at Danny in total silence. It was fortunate and unfortunate that the girl arrived so soon. Unfortunate, because Trunk had planned to empty the mansion’s vault before she arrived. Fortunate, because Danny just showed Trunk where that crazily well hidden vault actually was.

Trunk was told a lot about the family she was currently robbing. Danny and her parents had enemies, some real sinister enemies. One of them hired Trunk to steal certain items. Her new employer, who wouldn’t give her his name and didn’t show his face, had given Trunk a shopping list. Certain items in the vault that he was willing pay enormous amounts of money for. Swords; gems and bracelets and stuff. A perfect job for Trunk.

She had picked the perfect day. Usually, the mansion was filled with servants, but today not. The spoiled brat sent them off. Trunk entered the mansion the minute they left through a window in the second kitchen. That had been the easy part: disabling the security systems, removing the lock on the window. That was routine for Trunk.

And then she spent a good 90 minutes looking for the hidden vault in vain.

A hidden staircase! A keypad hidden in a globe! Was this the Indiana Jones family? Her employer warned her for the girl, who apparently had some tricks up her sleeves. Was that his cryptic way of telling Trunk that the key was hidden in her locket? Annoyed by the delay and the ingenious hidden room, she made sure was out of sight before she walked toward the globe. She had plenty of tools to break into normal places, but this clearly wasn’t normal.

A variable magnet with a hand computer appeared out of thin air in Trunk’s hand and she tried to pick the lock. She pressed the magnet in the indention and spend a few minutes rotating through common frequencies, but without any luck. It had to be some kind of magnetic lock, right? She couldn’t find any lock pins or movable parts. When it didn’t work, she crawled over the floor, looking for seams. But even though she knew where to look, she couldn’t find them.

Well, so far the trouble-free way. Upstairs was the key. All she had to do was take care of a little girl. How difficult could that be?
Trunk climbed the stairs slowly and carefully, deciding how to stun the girl. Taser or bat?

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 16
Registration date : 2017-09-27

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House Tamamoa (Bridget) Empty Re: House Tamamoa (Bridget)

Post by Danny The Sphinx October 9th 2017, 8:19 pm

"Why do we have so many swords?" Danny kept scrolling through the logs until she finally came across the latest entry. "Country of origin: Denmark. Time period: 865. Location found: cairn outside of Edington" A few key strokes took her further down the scroll to the details of the excavation. Nothing in the notes looked particularly troubling, until it came to the man involved in the blade's final resting place. Or men. "So, Vikings?"

Danny pushed her chest down on the pillow giving her support. She flipped through a few more details to try and get a grasp on the notes. Just a year, a place, and a country of origin. "Vikings went to England about that time and just about sacked every city, so-" Danny lifted the bracelet up to have a look at it. "Are you English or something? I'm pretty sure I've used Viking fighting before. And, I found you in south east Asia."

When she could not find something in the database, Danny knew she would need to turn to the Internet in order to solve these messes. Luckily, she could turn to a source a little more trusted than Wikipedia now. Entering the Stanford archaeology databases let her enter in: 865 England. "Great Heathen Army. Sounds terrible." Danny kept scrolling through every single conquest and sack the army made across England. Until they finally stopped at Edington. "So we've got some cursed Viking swords. Right next to the wine cellar. Yeah, this was a normal house to grow up in."

Danny shook her head while she started to drag and drop notes over to the family vault's database. Never once did she turn around to pay attention to the door in the mansion she thought completely vacant though.

House Tamamoa (Bridget) Giphy

Danny's Partners (Tsukimi, Tori, and Abby)

The Dress Shoppe Danny Stole From Bliss
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 849
Registration date : 2014-09-28

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House Tamamoa (Bridget) Empty Re: House Tamamoa (Bridget)

Post by Bridgit October 11th 2017, 12:49 pm

It was easy to find the cheerleader. She talked to herself, so all Trunk had to do was follow her voice to the girl’s bedroom. She overheard Danny speaking to someone inside the cellar and was afraid she had called someone. Fortunately, the girl just happened to have the habit to speak out loud every thought she had. She made sure to make no noise as she reached the room and carefully glanced past the door frame. Turned out there was another living room upstairs and the girl was sitting with her back to the door behind a computer screen.

It was her lucky day. Trunk listened to the girl’s notes for a few second, then she entered the room. Carefully she snuck up on the girl, staying low at the floor and making sure there were no reflections that could give her away. This was one of her skills and she managed to approach the cheerleader.

If she stretched her arm, she could touch her back. That was close enough for Trunk to use her powers. Her mind reached out to the girl, connected to her belongings. The cheerleader’s phone, wallet, Iphone and keys, everything slowly dissolved inside her pockets. Then Trunk quickly focused on the locket around her neck, which also disappeared. It went incredibly smooth and most likely Trunk could have left the room without Danny ever noticing her.
But robbing a place with a possible witness upstairs was a risk Trunk wasn’t willing to take. In her hand appeared a small taser strong enough to knock out a horse. She yelled: “Give me an A, cheerleader!” Before Danny could react, she pressed the taser against her neck and pressed the button.

Nothing happened. No spark, not even a click. Was the taser not charged? Dang, I should have picked the bat!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 16
Registration date : 2017-09-27

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House Tamamoa (Bridget) Empty Re: House Tamamoa (Bridget)

Post by Danny The Sphinx October 11th 2017, 1:09 pm

Danny scrolled through a few more paragraphs of history, dragging some of the more pertinent information relating to executed kings and flayed men into the database. "If you're bringing cursed swords into the house, you should probably make sure to label them as such." Danny typed out in cadence with her speech. "Don't need ghosts sneaking around this place."

She leaned back, taking a look at her work, as she felt her seat adjust slightly. She thought nothing of the removal of her wallet and just as much as the rest of her goods disappeared. Her chair shifted slightly as she exercised her bad habit of leaning back on the back two legs. She blew a loose strand out of her face and began to focus on a shadow growing on the screen.

Before she could narrow her scope, a force from behind accosted Danny with a mocking cheer. "What the what?!" She felt the cool end of the taser go to her neck and saw the finger press down on the button with all the force her assailant could muster.

Then nothing happened. Danny wasted no time in getting out of Trunks' grip and forming a crossbow in her right hand. She went down to one knee and fire a bola at Trunks, hoping to incapacitate her. After the bola fired, Danny would release her crossbow and form a shield in her right hand. In her defense stance, Danny would move forward, hoping she snagged her prey.

This left her off hand free to try and grab the absent cell phone from her back pocket. "Prepare to be Instagram famous!" Part of Danny's fame came from her Instagram account full of food, clothes, and villains she beat up, most of the pictures coming in as she laid the beatdown on them. Of course, she needed to delete a few pictures when villains turned the upper hand on her and took selfies with Danny, typically in a less photo worthy pose. But, that only happened a few times, and Danny definitely cut all their careers very short.

House Tamamoa (Bridget) Giphy

Danny's Partners (Tsukimi, Tori, and Abby)

The Dress Shoppe Danny Stole From Bliss
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 849
Registration date : 2014-09-28

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House Tamamoa (Bridget) Empty Re: House Tamamoa (Bridget)

Post by Bridgit October 15th 2017, 12:26 pm

She pressed the button once more, but to no avail. And Trunk lost the element of surprise. It might be clear she wasn’t content with herself right now. She literally brought everything for this evening, from torch burners to signal scramblers. Yet now her taser was malfunctioning, her first line of defense, perhaps her most used weapon.

Her opponent was quick on her feet. And on top of that, she possessed some superhuman ability, almost like her own. The cheerleader instantaneously summoned a crossbow a shot a rope construction that immediately wrapped around her legs and her upper body. Trunk nearly lost her balance, cursed quickly and watched at her target.
“Nice trick. But that’s a game we both can play..” she checked her inventory looking for a crossbow. She found something similar. The rope around her disappeared, trunk raised her hand and a harpoon gun appeared in her hand, which she quickly aimed at Danny.

It felt extremely wrong to keep the bola in her pocket dimension. The bola disintegrated - although it was difficult to describe exactly what happened - and it felt like a needle pinch inside her brain. Trunk did not know how Danny summoned the items, but clearly she should be wary to store them. She tried to mask the pain and spoke to the cheerleader:
“Listen up girl. I don’t want to fight you. I could have placed a bullet in the back of your head, but I choose not to. Now, I’m sure we can find a way to cooperate. You want to get rid of those swords, I’ll make sure you never see them again. So simple as that. So lose the shield, then I won’t pierce you and we can both walk away here unharmed.” She didn’t lower her harpoon gun yet. This girl clearly had a superhero complex; the urge to prove herself and fight whoever opposed her whatever the consequences might be.

“Oh, if you’re looking for this..” In her left hand Danny’s phone appeared briefly, then she made a gesture and like a magic trick it disappeared again. “... I’ve withdrawn your phone privileges until we’ve solved this. So do you want to do this the easy way?”

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 16
Registration date : 2017-09-27

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House Tamamoa (Bridget) Empty Re: House Tamamoa (Bridget)

Post by Danny The Sphinx October 16th 2017, 2:23 am

"And, that's how it rolls! Whew!" Danny spun around, celebrating what she assumed would be enough to take down a villain, after all, how many people expected the cheerleader to bust out magical items and just start fighting. "Now, what are you doing in my house, and- why aren't you wrapped up anymore? Shoot."

Her adversary began to give her options. Well, she gave her one: give her the locket, let her steal the swords, and just let her waltz out.

Danny added a new option. "Listen, I'm just going to do this my way. It's good you're trying to help me, but let's be real here, I can handle myself, but thanks for not shooting me in the head with a gun. I'm keeping the shield though."

The harpoon gun looked very troubling. And her ability to wrap her opponent up looked like it would not be an option either, so Danny would need to go for the 'let's hit it' option. An oldie, but a goodie. Danny let her shield up to give herself a shot at Trunk. She did not go for a blunt shot to Trunks, no it would only lead to Danny losing something she made out of thin air. Instead, she wanted to insert a very small fragment of turquoise hard light inside of the harpoon gun's main trigger, holding it close in the case of Trunk actually shooting at her.

While that kept up, Danny would try to rush forward and shield slam Trunk. "But, seriously, thanks for not shooting me in the head."

House Tamamoa (Bridget) Giphy

Danny's Partners (Tsukimi, Tori, and Abby)

The Dress Shoppe Danny Stole From Bliss
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 849
Registration date : 2014-09-28

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