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Kalorus Character Application

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Kalorus Character Application Empty Kalorus Character Application

Post by KalorusBinge May 21st 2017, 6:48 pm


"I don't believe in that  good side bad side bull. There is only the mystical energy that binds us."

The Bio

Real Name: Maxton Sharp
Renegade Name:Kalorus
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Age: Lets just say he's not a spring chicken
Gender: male
Race: Warlock (half demon/ half homosapien)
Hair: stark white
Eyes: grey
Height: 6'2
Weight: 125
Blood type: Unknown

The Looks

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The Personality
Many are drawn to his looks, but his personality is very cold and calculating, and very judgmental. He is very blunt, and can be very insulting at times. He has a very peculiar humor, and one can never tell when he is  joking or not.

The Story
At some point in time, a human had an affair with a demon, some thousand years ago, and conceived a pale boy with white hair, grey eyes. The mystics, (magic gods) took note of the sudden power change in the fabric of space and time, and took the boy under their wing. The boy was taught the most complicated enchantments, curses, bindings, spells (everything magic). He is sent on multiple missions, (mostly on Earth) to seal runes, destroy escaped demons, etc. His adventures usually get him into trouble with the local communities, heroes, villains and so forth. He doesn't ever really claim a specific side, only true loyalty to the mystics, guardians of the universe.

The Priority

1. Reaction
2. Strength
3. Endurance
4. Agility

The Powers

Spell casting: He can cast many diverse spells, (light wielding, fire casting, water dancing, demonic binding and expelling, can use  the dark arts, such as the demonic drain, which dampens ones powers to near death: this is forbidden among the mystics, he can use light wielding for many things, such as blinding, creating a double effect, which makes it seem like there is two of him, he can also seemingly become invisible by using the light to coat himself with it, seemingly vanishing for a couple of seconds, he can use water dancing to heal by holding the water steadily over someone's cuts or bruises, and the wound will vanish)
Portal casting: Can cast portals to travel long distances (Makes him weak for hours)
Flight: Can fly for very short distances due to his sprouting demonic wings (Yeah, he has those)
Rune writing: Can write runes to protect, heal, and destroy (He also uses a lot of fatigue runes to slow down the bigger opponents. His most powerful rune to date would be the restriction rune, which crushes the opponent when the rune is written on them, and they cannot move, putting them in a state of painful paralysis, he can use runes to create doors or openings Ex: Kalorus is in a cave, he uses the open rune, to create a hallway to walk right through the cave, taking a major shortcut, he can create animals with the creation rune, but they have to be small animals, like bats, mice, insects etc.)  
Being half demon, he has demon eyes, which when activated, his pupils widen, covering most of his eye, and help him see things  that others cannot detect, (Ex: Well hidden lies, demons, angels, mystical beings, cosmic sources, runes, etc.)
The Weaknesses

Low Endurance when wielding magic: Magic takes a lot out of him, and wielding too much can put him on his apparent death bed (although he has cheated death thousands of times)  
He can be easily defeated after using  a powerful  spell, enchantment, or rune
Because of his immortality, he can be  very arrogant, and lowers his guard, and highly underestimates his opponents..
His wings are small compared to a full fledged demon, and can only carry him maybe fifty meters, seventy five at best
Using up too many spells can injure him physically, too much rune writing, and his organs will begin to rupture (I know, gross right?) Too much spell casting and the element of spell will hurt him based on that, (Ex: Fire blast will burn his hands, Water wielding will turn into ice and cut his body, light will blind him for a few hours, and although he doesn't always use dark arts, if he were to fail when wielding a dark spell, he would drain himself of his own bodily energy, dying slowly from the draining of the dark energy)
Although he is a demon, he seems to be very crippled when around demon orbs (Orbs native to the demon dimensions used in their weapons of destruction), and if the exposure is too intense, he will drop into a state of paralysis, and being unable to respond. The Mystics are the only ones to know of his staggering weakness.
When in his demon eye phase, he is susceptible to major blinding attacks, as all demon eyes are sensitive to light (Their dimensions don't have a sun)
The Items

Pen: A pen used for rune writing
Mystic book: A book from the library of Mystics, to guide him when he is lost  
Angel Sword (Alsatane): A mystical sword he carries on rare occasion (For the tougher foes), and for intimidation against regular mortals who tend to give him a hard time- they die. It can also blast magic depending on how powerful the wielder is. In this case, Kalorus can only fire it once, as he is not in tune with the sword as of now. Weaknesses: Can blast powerful magic blasts, but he can currently only blast once. It is very heavy, so he has to lug it wherever he goes, lowering his already low stamina. As a half demon, it is hard to master the Angel sword, as they are complete opposites. Sometimes, the polar opposites messes with his dueling, and the sword will not comply with his wishes. (Ex: Kalorus tries to swing Alsatane, but the sword has grounded itself, refusing to move. He curses to himself, getting ready to fight the demon with his fists and a good old rune)

The Minions
Doesn't have any to date

The Fluff

Always walks with hands in his pockets
Can wield many different kinds of weapons flawlessly, (Ex: Muskets, pistols, rifles, swords, spears, etc.)
Being half demon, he has demon eyes, which when activated, his pupils widen, covering most of his eye, and help him see things  that others cannot detect, (Ex: Well hidden lies, demons, angels, mystical beings, cosmic sources, runes, etc.)
Immortality: He is immortal, and therefore cannot die of old age or anything of the sort
Likes to insult his opponents, getting personal with them if he can, bringing up past family pains and such that he dug up from his research of the target
Kalorus likes to be manipulative in some cases, manipulating someone to take out his own opponent for him, although he doesn't do this if it isn't necessary
The RP Sample

He pried his eyes open, enough to see the beast standing in front of him. Large black arms, with eyes full of hatred. "Oh, great. And who are you supposed to be?" The pale man sighed. Hunting demons can be exhausting, even for an immortal such as himself. It really wares on his patience, which he doesn't have anymore. He pulled out his rune pen and smiled, as  demon charged. The pale man launched himself into the air, landing on the beast's broad hairy back. He began to scribble the runes for a fatigue spell. The mystics wanted this one alive. He almost finished when the beast skidded to a stop, throwing the pale man off. "OK. So that is how its gonna be is it?" He cracked his knuckles, cocked his neck to either side, and spat twice on the ground. "Lets dance." The beast charged him again. This time he held his ground. The beast set off the pale man's trap. A ball of blue light encased the beast, which began to roar in anger. The pale man felt the magic drain out of him. "Well then. That wasn't that bad now was it?" He held his hands out, and clapped, closing the blue ball of light simultaneously, sending the beast to the mystics overhead. He did a silent hand motion, to signal that his time here was over. Time to head to the next location. He tapped his finger quickly on his temple, then frowned. "Damn. My work calls in... Russia. Dammit." He recalled that the Russian mob was responsible for the false alarm last time he traveled to Moscow. And he hated the cold. It didn't suit his body temp. He tossed his pen in the air, and then clapped, creating a pocket portal for the pen to fall into, making it magically appear in his pocket. He knew it was a waste of magic to do such tricks that didn't need to be done, but when you are in the Amazon Rain forest, and you have had enough demon hunting for a year, it makes you want to just take a load off. With a little set up for a teleportation circle (An oval with torches at each far end of the oval) he recited the words for safe travel through the fabric of reality, and appeared in Moscow, in a matter of two seconds.

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Last edited by KalorusBinge on May 24th 2017, 6:54 am; edited 5 times in total (Reason for editing : Not enough detail)

Status :

Quote : "Magic is like intelligence in you humans. Hard to find, and hard to master."- Kalorus

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 10
Location : All over the world, always doing things for the mystics
Job : I have years of knowledge when it comes to the mystical fibers of our world. What more do you want from me?
Humor : Sarcastic/ dead serious
Registration date : 2017-05-21

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Kalorus Character Application Empty Re: Kalorus Character Application

Post by Alpha May 24th 2017, 6:05 am

For the magic and runes, I would suggest putting more examples of what they can do such as basic spells, as well as the bigger stuff and giving two weaknesses for both.

Immortality can be in the fluff since it doesn't really affect anything in the short term beyond not aging.

You'll need even more weaknesses, around maybe six overall.

I'd also suggest a weakness for the angel sword because it's tougher than your average sword.

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Kalorus Character Application Empty Re: Kalorus Character Application

Post by Alpha May 24th 2017, 6:33 am

The demon eyes would count as a power, so it would go in the power section.

I'd say give a few more examples with the two magics and those should be good, things more in the mid range. Move the sword weakness under the items and add another weakness, then this should be ready for approval.

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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Kalorus Character Application Empty Re: Kalorus Character Application

Post by Alpha May 24th 2017, 6:56 am

Approved until stated otherwise

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Kalorus Character Application Empty Re: Kalorus Character Application

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