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Cash Session Gone Wrong(Cut off at 4 people)

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OPEN Cash Session Gone Wrong(Cut off at 4 people)

Post by Logic April 14th 2017, 2:00 am

Cash Session Gone Wrong(Cut off at 4 people) AHS5Lut
|Cash Session Gone Wrong |

[The music really sets the mood, I would advice listening to it while reading XD]
Characters Color Sigs:
Kenny D. (E Motive)
Derick (Lil D.)
The night was still young, the lights radiating through the stillness of the night. Those who looked from above wouldn't have been able to take his eyes from the glorious sight. On the ground, however, people were going about their routines ignoring the time change and even the beauty of the night. Traffic was starting to slow down, however the sidewalks remained filled. The air was misty from a passing storm that did nothing more but set up the situation even more. Tonight was really the perfect night.

"Alright guys. Today is the day. " "Wait ..i thought it was night time.." "What kinda statement..." Mitchel sighs. "Alright, tonight is the night. Better?" "Yeah!" "Cut it out you two, this is serious. Sheesh." "Sophia's right, nows not the time." Kenny glances up towards the two, who were now as silent as the night. "Go ahead Mitchel, all eyes on you."

Mitchel glanced up and gulped, nodding slightly before reaching underneath the table. He held up a large rolled up piece of paper that when rolled out covered up most of the table. Red circle marks and red X's were marked all over, arrows pointing in all directions. It was schematics of the jewelry store known as Peat's Jewels. Even though the name sounded like it was a run down place, it was actually the top of the top. This was a score they were planning for months. Mitchel also known as Dexs, was the brains of the operation. Hands pushing on the front of his glasses as he did a small snort. "Alright guys, Tonight is the night. An operation we've been planning for months." His right index finger pressed on the center of the schematics, as he started going over the plan and everyone's individual role. He was speaking as if he rehearsed this for days, and the actuality of it was that he did.

Cash Session Gone Wrong(Cut off at 4 people) ZBIRlBb

After everyone's' role were established, Mitchel used this time to go a bit deeper into the plan. His right index finger sliding over and stopping on a single picture. "This guy here..every day at approximately 2 o'clock am. They switch guards and through close examination the ones that rotate this position always hand off a key. " He held up a hand to hold off any oncoming questions, he was on the roll. "I know this..because every time they switch the two guards always shake hands and reach into their pocket at the same time which is no coincidence. It makes sense because the building has a security code to get in after hours. So those on watch would need to have a way to get in. Kenny. You and Sophia would be in charge of getting the key off of him. In whatever means necessary. The key looks like this." His hand slid over to another picture off to the far left. " There shouldn't be anyone inside, Derick that's where you come. You're small- " "Hey!" Mitchel held up a hand once more. "You are small, which makes you the perfect one out of us four to be able to sneak inside undetected. Able to hide behind almost anything, this is your moment."   Derick couldn't help but to blush from what he took as a high moment of praise. "Better not mess it up." Sophia managed to add in as the feisty girl crossed her arms.

"What will you do?" Kenny asked, hands pressed on the table as he was giving the schematics a close examination. " After Derick sneaks in and presses the security button in the main office underneath the desk and disable everything. We will have exactly 10 minutes before the security system resets. 10 mins to get in, take whatever we can, and get out before anyone notices. I'll come in from behind the building and meet you at the exit with this.." He motioned his hand behind him and out rolled a large mechanic box. You could see the surprised glances on everyone's faces except Mitchel. " A moving carriage unit. It'll be perfect so we don't have to strain ourselves, it can move 60 mph ignoring the weights. A good way for us to escape." He smiled and rubbed his finger underneath his nose. "That's amazing!" "Heh I know, so now that's everything is in play." He looked up towards Kenny. "Right, let's do this. All in guys." They each placed their hand on top one another in the middle of the table. "Tonight is our night!" "Yeah!" Everyone cheered, before moving over to pack up their things. It was time, for the score of the century.

Cash Session Gone Wrong(Cut off at 4 people) Rgecu1f
[Just picture this at night lol]

Moving through the stillness of the night, and underneath the noise of honking traffic and conversations. The three set off towards their destinations. The crowd was thinning as they got closer to the two. Kenny and Sophia separated into a nearby alleyway next to the store. While Derick hunkered behind a nearby track can shielded between two bushes. Slowly, Kenny reached into his pocket and pressed on a tiny walky talky. "Alright guys here we go. Everyone knows their jobs and only use the walky talkies in case of emergencies. Everyone ready?" He listened in as every was giving their sound offs. " He peaked over the edge a bit. " We have eyes on the guards now. Let the plan commense. Also, don't forget to use code names if you do use the walky talkies, and in public. We have then for a reason yall. Let's do this." He released hold of the button and placed the walky talky back into his pocket. "Alright Mezzy, it's your time to shine." She turned and began walking past Kenny and pressing lightly on his chest. "Don't worry about it. I got this handled." Like off rehearsal she stepped out into the light, and raised her hands up towards her chest and dropped to the ground. Faking crying. It wasn't long until the front guard turned and went rushing towards her. "Hey, are you okay? What's wrong?" He said, slowly reaching to place his hand on her shoulder. Simultaneously she turned and pointed towards the dark alleyway. "*sniff* A guy in there stole my pocketbook, it was my moms and *sniff* *sniff* If I don't get it back. I'll be in so much trouble."

Here's where she sealed the deal. Tiny teardrops began to drop onto the pavement. He reached and grabbed his nightstick. "Don't worry little lady, I'll get it back for you." He turned and slowly began to creep down the alleyway with a flash light in one hand and the nightstick in the other. Kenny was hiding behind a nearby trash bin, and lightly pressed his right hand on the ground. A large flow of lightning whipped across the ground and into the Security guards feet. "Gahhh!" The alleyway flashing rapidly with blue lights until the security guard fell on the ground now unconscious.

Kenny ran up and kneeled beside him, as Sophia quickly stopped the fake sobbing and met him by the unconscious body. "He'll live, let's move. The others are waiting for us. Mezzy go be on a look out while I get the key. Make sure no one's around." She nods and moves to the edge of the alleyway looking towards the street. She was surprised no one seemed to notice, the cover of the storm and traffic really made this perfect. She signaled towards Kenny who was pressing on the security guard's body in search of the key, finding it in his right pocket. "Alright, let's go." He reached into his pocket and pressed on his walkie talky. "Lil D you're up."

As swift as the wind, Lil D appeared in front of the door meeting E-motive and Mezzy out at the front. He handed off the key. *whisper* "We will keep watch, you know what to do." Lil D nodded before swiping the key, unlocking the door. He moved slowly, and as silent as the blowing wind. It truly was an amazing sight, if anyone was able to watch it. He really had a gift at things such as this. Getting a view of the store's layout beforehand, made this truly a breeze. He made his way into the office and just as Dexs spoke of. He found the button underneath the work office. He lightly whispered to himself. "Guess they never really planned for people to rob it at night. Only one guard sounds like an aw-" He stopped as there laid a guard napping in the seat, almost yelping. He was able to catch himself, slowly and quietly he slide underneath and pressed the button. Sliding back underneath the desk and lightly closing the door, reaching for his walkie talking. "There's a guard sleeping in the office, but the security is down let's go."

He went over and opened the back down, where Dexs was there waiting. E-motive moving in while Mezzy kept watch. One by one they began cutting openings in the glass and grabbed the jewels. Tossing them into the large mechanic box. It was all going well, large quantity of jewels were being obtained and they still had 5 minutes to go.Until there was a loud sudden yell. E-motives turned sharply towards the entrance. There was Mezzy being held hostage by the security guard, the same one they knocked out in the ally. "Let go of me!" She yelled, stomping on the officer's foot and elbowing him into the stomach. Causing him to lose his hold on her, his hand did manage to reach over and pull on the alarm. The sirens blaring inside the store as every began covering their ears. Quickly, E-motive raised his hands while they began emitting a large blue light they flew towards the guard and the alarm system. Shocking the man til he passed out once more, and short-circuiting the alarm causing it to turn off. "You guys think the authorities were alerted?" It was all quiet until the quiets sounds of a door knob turning alerted the group. The security guard had woken up. Quickly, E-motive hands radiated once more, a single bolt of electricity zapping on the door magnetizing it shut. "No way he's getting out of that anytime soon." There was banging and slamming  on the other end, and a large struggle of the door knob being turned rapidly. "Hey who is in there! Open this door!"

E-motive raised his hand beside his ear, tiny ways of electricity emitting and adapting to the radio waves used by police. His eyes widened in fear as he heard. "All units report, security going off at Peat's Jewelry. Calling all units to check it out." There wasn't much time to waste. "Everyone move! We have to go!" Rushing through the back door, cops were blaring through the streets heading towards the jewelry store.  

Cash Session Gone Wrong(Cut off at 4 people) GTAIV_2015-05-03_16-04-35-521.thumb.png.58fda07e806a10575dd746f462d1b291

Last edited by Logic on April 20th 2017, 4:10 am; edited 3 times in total

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Quote : "Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself."
-Professor Matheus

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 44
Registration date : 2017-04-12

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OPEN Re: Cash Session Gone Wrong(Cut off at 4 people)

Post by Knightfall April 14th 2017, 2:56 am

Jasper had been tuned into the police station's line and perked up slightly at the sudden sound. Wiping his eyes the sound of his glass hands rubbing against the glass of his face an unwelcome sound. "I've got to get better about doing that..." Getting up from his mattress, stretching, he listened in to the details of the broadcast. "A robbery at a jewelry store? Classic. That's about two blocks from here." Turning around he stared at his reflection in the mirror his glass body standing before him. He then took a deep breath bracing himself for the chill and stepped through the mirror into the Mirror Maze. He never liked walking through here, looking all around you and seeing nothing but pitch black and mirror after mirror stretching on endlessly. Jasper shook his head and focused on his destination walking through a mirror nearby and out into the jewelry store, walking out of a shard of glass from a broken beer bottle in the alleyway the kids were escaping into from the backdoor. "Alright now put your hands behind your heads and get down on th-" He stopped suddenly noticing that the robbers weren't your ordinary goons in ski masks, these were kids, around his age too. The fact that they'd made it this far probably meant at least one of them was a meta-human. Then he heard the police sirens quickly approaching in the distance. "I'm not here to arrest you, I'm like you guys. Now if you want to avoid being arrested by an actual cop I suggest you come with me okay?" He focused on the area around him and four separate shards of glass from the display cases they'd smashed earlier zoomed out of the open backdoor now hovering at their ankles ready to zip through their flesh and incapacitate them.

Last edited by Knightfall on April 14th 2017, 3:59 am; edited 1 time in total

Cash Session Gone Wrong(Cut off at 4 people) 2rggabb
Post Mate
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Status :

Quote : "Woo yeah! I'm like fucking Spider-Man bitches!" -Knightfall
"Didn't your parents ever teach you not to play with guns?" -Knightfall

"Show me a hero and I'll write you a tragedy." -F. Scott Fitzgeral

Warnings : 2 Warnings
Number of posts : 160
Age : 32
Job : Whatever pays well.
Humor : Dark and sarcastic.
Registration date : 2017-01-19

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OPEN Re: Cash Session Gone Wrong(Cut off at 4 people)

Post by Hyperion April 14th 2017, 3:31 am

It had felt like forever since he visited  New York and somehow the city managed not to change whatsoever. Normally he was one to take more expedient methods of moving about, but this time Michael decided to take a plane like everyone else from Los Angeles. However, his trip there was for more than just tourism, as much as he would have liked to give the place a look over. His dad had said a few good things about the place, though he imagined that anything nice said about Brooklyn was from nostalgia blinded eyes. Maybe he would give that a once over after he did this small job for a certain annoying tattooed lady, if that job went well at all. As soon as Michael reached his hotel room, he made the call from his disposable cellphone. It rang twice before getting an answer.

”I’m in new York, waiting for the next part of things.” Michael said pressing the phone to his ear, looking out over the neon cityscape stretching below him. For a second he caught sight of something flying through the air, but it moved a little too quickly for even him to keep track of. Likely one of the cities many heroes going about doing their thing. So long as they didn’t get in his way, well then there would be no problems whatsoever. ”Yes, I know what I’m supposed to be doing.” He then said as the voice on the other side continued to speak in what could be construed as a dismissive tone. Apparently, they expected him to fuck up stealing up a certain object from a jewelry store, or maybe this would have been harder than he thought.

”Tomorrow morning you’ll have your shiny trinket. Yeah, I know I can steal anything else just not the thing.” There would be a few shiny things, and he had a feeling Jordan would love a new shiny thing. ”Okay, I’ll be out now.” hanging up before anything else could be said he slipped the phone into the pocket of his cargo pants, narrowing his eyes for only a second.

Well, now he had to get moving and that meant moving by his favorite means which came down to a motorcycle, without a helmet of course. Rather than stopping too close he chose a good block from the store itself, kicking the stand down and leaving the usual anti-thievery measures there. Nothing obvious would stop people from stealing it, but having their hand rot off was a good enough thing to discourage them from ever touching it again. From there he decided to take the rooftop, leaping onto a building adjacent to the one he was supposed to be breaking into. His movements were mostly silent, nearly inaudible compared to the street noise, just a small shape moving through.

Landing on the roof with a thud, he stopped only a second before looking for a means to slip downwards. It was the first floor of whatever one would call this kind of building, though he was more focused on the thievery bit of things. As he dangled from a fire escape, slowly making his way down the sound of a siren rang through the air and caused him to tense up all in the span of a second. Someone had set the alarm off and it was likely not the security that was usually on duty.

Someone else had the same idea, and that meant that he likely had to deal with another person trying to steal something, maybe even what he was going after. Pulling himself into the shadows that he was using, his strength kept him aloft as people ran from the back door with the sounds of sirens closing in. Well, this was not going to be good at all. Police, now this is just going to get messy. He thought to himself, rolling his eyes and hearing then another sound.Letting green speckled silver eyes scan upwards, he took note that using the fire escape would let him access the building indirectly.

Hopefully he could avoid having to confront these people, and waste any time that he actually had. With a hushed breath, he pulled himself up and landed on the metal that was the fire escape, creating negligible noise  as he fell into a crouch, making himself as small as possible within the cover that the shadows did offer him. He was next to a window, one that all he had to do was open, though maybe once these people were gone.

Shael Atterrius
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OPEN Re: Cash Session Gone Wrong(Cut off at 4 people)

Post by K'Ren April 14th 2017, 4:48 am

A black luxury sedan crept ever so slightly trough the heavy nighttime traffic of New York. A pair of emerald eyes peered out of the rear passenger window. Condensation built up on the surface of the glass with each exhale of breath. A thin index figure reached up to the glass after a sigh escaped Clover’s mouth. With her head resting in her palm, she took her free hand and drew a sad face into the condensation. The young philanthropist had been filled with guilt ever since her argument with Lorelei. *What was I thinking?* She thought to herself as her gaze turned forward to look at her butler through the review mirror.

“Winston….Is….Am I doing the right thing?”

The large burly butler glanced back at the young lady with his steely blue eyes. “I believe you carry with you a great burden, and anyone else in your shoes would have cracked a long time ago. You’re a very strong young lady Ms. Sinclair. Give it some time, I’m sure she’ll forgive you sooner or later.”

Winston’s gaze returned to the road before him. Clover’s gaze shifted back to the window. “I’m the one that should be sorry.” she mumbled to herself. The car continued to move slowly through the city until eventually coming to a standstill. The police had blocked off a portion of the road and had set up a checkpoint and perimeter to accommodate for a recently reported burglary of a nearby jewelry store. The two were in a bit of a jam now as there was no way to turn around or go forward. Several other drivers had gotten out of their vehicles to confront the cops about the traffic jam and were kindly escorted back to their cars where they were told to wait.

All the waiting around was getting to Clover, who’s leg had begun to feverishly bounce up and down. Her heel collided with the floorboard of the rear seat, causing an annoying thumping to fill the cabin of the car. Winston knew all too well what Clover’s fidgeting truly meant. With a slight chuckle, the large butler turned around an gave the young girl a slight nod. “Go. Just remember to stay safe. Your grandfather would kill me if anything happened to you, much like last time.”

Clover didn’t even bother acknowledging Winston’s last comment, and flung her door open. Tightening her navy scarf around her neck, and buttoning the middle button of her coat, Clover broke into a sprint as she headed for a nearby alley, using the piled up cars as the perfect cover to sneak past the busy police officers.

In order to find her way to the jewelry store, Clover retrieved her phone from her coat pocket and typed in the address of the store, and used the map to navigate through the winding alleyways until she came to a complete standstill. Before her stood a group of kids no older than herself. They seemed to be carrying bags that were no doubt line with stolen jewels. Oddly enough the kids didn’t seem to be in much of a hurry despite the blaring sound of approaching sirens. That’s when she noticed several shards of glass hovering just behind each of the kids. Her emerald eyes trailed over to see a translucent person standing behind them.

Matching the floating glass to the see-through person, Clover came to the conclusion that the kids had been caught. “You can ease up with the blade works there looking glass! While she wasn’t out to let the little thieves go, she could only imagine how much more stressful the situation must have been for them at knife point. Hopefully her message got through to the crystalline individual.

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OPEN Re: Cash Session Gone Wrong(Cut off at 4 people)

Post by Logic April 14th 2017, 7:54 pm

Cash Session Gone Wrong(Cut off at 4 people) ZPfYSpB
The situation took an even bigger turn for the worse. Kenny and his friends halted in their tracks, holding up their hands up in the air in a lazy way. What else could they do, they were taken completely off guard. Minds racing at once. The situation was really getting heated. The streets illuminated with red and blue flashing lights, the cops were getting closer to the point where you could hear the sound of breaks quickly coming to a halt. Screeching against the pavement and swirling to the side, more and more cops began to gather at the front of the building. "We-we gotta get outta here, what'll we do!?" Everyone was afraid for their lives, including Kenny, but this was no point to panic. It wouldn't be long until the cops move to batter the door down.

They were at a complete standstill, and what made matters worse. The figure that began to and I quote, ooze from one of the glass covers that was placed over the jewels and taking the form of a kid. Began holding them hostage with broken shards of glass. They wasn't sure what he said, but being held at knife point with glass they could probably guess what was going to happen. " What do we do? We don'-" Before Kenny had gained the chance to even finish his train of though, a lady emerged through the thicket of the chaos and confronted the glass being all by herself. Frightened glances shifted between the two, until Kenny's eyes locked towards Mitchel then towards Sophia and then towards Derick. He tilted his head a bit, towards the exit they each began to pick up where he was headed out. "That's right guys..teamwork. We will get through this yet." Kenny thought to himself and nodded towards the others, and slowly motioned his hands up to cover his ears.

Everyone quickly picked up on the notion and started doing the same. Iron clashing against glass, the police started ramming on the door with a large battery ram. Slowly giving way each moment of contact. Time was running out. The sound of someone on a megaphone, however, started breaking the intense silence. "This is the police, we have this place surrounded." It was clearly a bluff, they knew this first hand. It was a common think police officers said that Kenny and the grouped picked up on after watching police chases and of course movies, the great resource known as television. Usually farfetched but they did have their similarities. This being one of them.  "Come out with your hands up! Or we will continue to force entry. Give up and the punishment will be minimal!" Glances between the four of them were exchanged, hands still pressed on their ears. As if they would ever give up.

Kenny locking eyes with the others he nodded, he had a plan. Glass was definitely a good insulator for lightning, but there was also a way to get out of situations like this. One just has to think hard enough to figure out a good solution. He came up with an idea to kill two birds with one stone. Everyone's hands pressed on their ears, a long streak of electricity shot from Kenny's right index finger and zapped into the alarm system.

Cash Session Gone Wrong(Cut off at 4 people) AjmJCsB

Instantly turning it back on, however it didn't cease there. More and more electricity began pouring into it and the alarm acted accordingly. Louder and louder it went but for some reason it sounded completely different. The frequency of the alarm was being rapidly changed, until it finally happened. One by one, the pieces of glass by their ankles began to shatter, almost looking like they were detonating themselves. They were the first to go due to their small composition. But soon after that the remaining cases of class covering the jewels began to burst aswell. Even the glass windows at the front of the store began cracking bit by bit, and with the glass boy being inside. He was sure he wouldn't take this tone well either.

Hand still pressed on his ears, the other three. Derick, Sophia and Mitchel began running towards the exit. With Kenny following up behind them. He wasn't sure how Clover was dealing with the large blaring sounds, but that was something he would have to worry about on another day. They needed to leave and now was the time. Electrical energy still coursing through the security system, it didn't seem like the noise was going to stop any time soon. Even the cops were going crazy outside covering their ears, and dropping to the ground.

If the group of four would make it outside, Kenny would use this opportunity to magnetize the back door shut as they went out. Meeting up with this large metallic box with wheels, each throwing their bags of jewels inside while the platform closed locking them in."Alright guys split up, i'll meet you back at base." He held up his right hand to interupt any talking, unaware that there was someone else back there with them. "Just move!"

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Quote : "Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself."
-Professor Matheus

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 44
Registration date : 2017-04-12

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OPEN Re: Cash Session Gone Wrong(Cut off at 4 people)

Post by Knightfall April 19th 2017, 10:45 am

Distracted by Clover's comment, Jasper let his guard down and let the shards of glass fall to the ground. He didn't expect what was coming next as a high frequency pierced through the quiet air as the alarm blared. He could feel himself start to crack as the sound continued and he attempted to shift his focus back on the retreating gang. "Why..." His head and chest shattered and glass erupted from his body and as the sound continued the rest of his body cracked and shattered.

Cash Session Gone Wrong(Cut off at 4 people) 2rggabb
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Quote : "Woo yeah! I'm like fucking Spider-Man bitches!" -Knightfall
"Didn't your parents ever teach you not to play with guns?" -Knightfall

"Show me a hero and I'll write you a tragedy." -F. Scott Fitzgeral

Warnings : 2 Warnings
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Job : Whatever pays well.
Humor : Dark and sarcastic.
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OPEN Re: Cash Session Gone Wrong(Cut off at 4 people)

Post by Hyperion April 19th 2017, 3:57 pm

Michael expected to have to force the window open the old-fashioned way, but suddenly the alarms grew louder, and then something else happened. Fluctuation pitches followed, and the window he was crouching before shattered, raining shards of glass down upon him. The feel harmlessly against his skin, creating a few annoying rips within his clothes. The sound itself however did leave him covering his ears for a few seconds, until it no longer proved annoying anyway. With the way in now much easier accessed, he pulled himself through the broken window and landed on the floor beyond. There was an office he was supposed to be looking for, and from there he could do his own thing. Drawing to his full height of only around 5’5, Michael moved through the building without much thought of stealth.

Unless he were trying his best to make a lot of noise, it wasn’t as if the alarms could be heard over. Moving through the hallways, he found himself coming to what looked to be an office, with a desk and the occasional furnishings that belied such a place. ”Now if I were to put something hidden in my office, where would I do that?” Michael muttered to himself,  considering everything in the dim light. A mask hanging on the wall, oddly enough something he could use to conceal his identity if he needed to. Wherever it was, he had to find it quickly before cops arrives and made things even more annoying. That was of course when the alarm shut itself down, following by the faint click of something behind him. Almost like a gun, which did not sound good at all. Normally people waited until the put your hands up part of things to do that.

“Put your hands up and turn around slowly.” Okay, there that was.

Michael was beginning to follow the command, raising both hands on a seeming gesture of surrender, though that was just something to keep him from noticing the next move. In one quick motion he whipped around, and used the strength within his legs to shoot forward, letting a small amount of ethereal energy seep into his legs to shoot him forward. There was the sound of a gunshot, and the bullet slamming uselessly into his shoulder, followed by the crunching of bone as he slammed a fist into the guy’s face. He flew back, slamming into the wall as he slid down, leaving a bloody smear there. ”Great, more dumbasses will come now.” He growled, turning to the obvious painting on the wall and moving it aside. Behind was the typicial little safe, something that didn’t have the door rip off when he attempted to do so, even when augmenting his own strength.

So, Mike opted to do the next best thing, resting his hand on the door and letting nether flow through it. Metal quickly turned black, and like a thing devoured like rust the door fell away. Beyond was a few large wads of cash that Mike took happily, and then a large gem. Milky black with points of colors like stars within an infinite system. It looked pricy and he was going to be paid well for it, so now complaining from him. The next thing he did was slip the mask attached to the wall on, pleased there was some excessive cloth part that made it less likely to have someone just shatter it. Now getting out of there was the next step, and he was hoping no heroes decided to suddenly jump in. Because he had a feeling the police would come, and maybe even some anti-metahuman types if they actually got moving.

Shael Atterrius
Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 428
Registration date : 2011-05-24

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OPEN Re: Cash Session Gone Wrong(Cut off at 4 people)

Post by K'Ren April 20th 2017, 3:42 am

The situation had seemed to come to a total standstill. Everyone remained extremely still in the heat of the moment, but it was only a matter of time before something took this entire evening south. One of the thieves decided that surrender was not in their vocabulary. An arc of electricity struck a nearby panel for the security system and kicked it into overdrive. The initial blaring of the alarm was enough to cause Clover to shield her ears with her hands. The young girl’s method for shielding her ears from the harsh noise proved to be of little use as the continued barrage of electricity into the security system continued to short circuit the speaker system. The resulting increase in pitch of the jewelry store alarm drove Clover to her knees, it also caused the see-through individual to shatter along with every other piece of glass in the building.

The Thieves took the opportunity through the mass confusion to bolt out the back door. Clover would have definitely not noticed the speedy getaway the kids pulled of, if it wasn’t for them kindly locking the door behind them as they left. It was clear what the young girl had to do know, she needed to give chase to the thieves and bring them to justice. Shortly after the kids had left the building the alarm cut off. There was still an intense ringing in Clover’s ears as she staggered towards the back door. She looked to the floor at the pile of shattered glass that was the would be vigilante and sighed. “I really hope he can come back from that. I’d feel really terrible if he couldn’t.” She mumbled to herself.

The sound of Clover’s shoulder drummed through the quiet little store. No matter how hard she tried she couldn’t get the door to budge, so she resulted to plan b. Holding her palm to the center of the door, a greenish blue magical sigil flashed for all but a moment and in the blink of an eye a surge of ethereal tentacles blasted out of her palm, sending the door flying from its hinges. As the door sailed through the air Clover got a glimpse of the thieves, they were all beginning to split up but one thing stood out the most to the young girl. Amidst the thieves there was a strange cube shaped object on wheels.

A single solitary boot made it out of the door and splashed down into a small puddle before Clover’s attention was drawn elsewhere. A gun shot had rung out from within the jewelry store, which meant there was someone else there. *Is there another thief?* she thought to herself as she turned back to glare into the dark shop. She looked back and forth between the escaping kids and where she thought she heard the gun shot come from. Clover’s fist clenched in frustration, she had to think of something and she had to think of it fast. The young, green eyed girl held her hand out towards the cube shaped vessel. A light aura began to form around Clover’s hand and her hair began to move about as a slight breeze danced around her.

The ground beneath the cube began to shake and rumble just moments before a large seal appeared below it. Eleven large ethereal tentacles poured out of the seal and began to lash about while a few of them attempted to seize the object. “You guys stay put!” she shouted to the kid thieves. She didn’t want to leave them un attended in case they escaped, but she was also curious as to who fired off that gun shot.

Looking away for but a moment, Clover turned her body so that she was facing the inside of the building once more. She placed her hands up to her mouth and shouted out to whoever it was that was still inside with her. “Listen here pal! I’m gonna give you to the count of three to show yourself, otherwise I'll bring this building down on top of you!” The young girl then proceeded to count loudly and slowly.

The Characters
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Power comes in response to a need, not a desire, and I need power"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 114
Registration date : 2015-08-04

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OPEN Re: Cash Session Gone Wrong(Cut off at 4 people)

Post by Logic April 20th 2017, 5:42 pm

Characters Color Sigs:
Kenny D. (E Motive)
Derick (Lil D.)

The group was slowly beginning to pack and get ready to set off. Mitchel pressing the button on the side of the box with wheels activating the bot. "Alright guys, it should be able to do the rest of the heavy lifting. We just have to make sure it stays in one pi-" They stopped at the sounds of a constant slamming against the door Kenny magnetized shut. "Don't worry guy it's magnetized shut, there's no way anyone is getting through that." They all jumped as another strong slam went against it, kicking the door wide open and emerging from the dark doorway was the woman he saw earlier.

"Though I've been known to be wrong before." The crew readied themselves as the woman emerged, standing firm she pointed a hand towards the ground. What happened next was a mystery, all except for Sophia who had her own hand at the magical arts. Able to decipher what exactly was going to happen.

Cash Session Gone Wrong(Cut off at 4 people) Hkzoqey

"Everyone get down!" She yelled, pushing into Kenny. Mitchel grabbing Derick and pulling him to the side, as the robot began to get entangled with a few tentacles. While the others continued to flop around crazily. The each hunkered down and took cover away from the chaos. "Mitchel you're up." Nodding, he closed and eyes and slowly began to concentrate, setting a telepathic calm link to allow everyone to exchange information just with thoughts alone. Keeping their mouths closed, they each were positioned in separate areas behind the building. "What the heck is that thing? Derick thought while pressing his back against the dumpster. " By the seal on the ground, I can say that it's a creature from another dimension. My guess is that lady who barged in here was a magic user." Sophia thought, communicating to the group with their telepathic link. They all jumped at the sound of a gun shot. "And what was that?!" Kenny glanced over towards the building. "Trouble.."

"Well what do we do about this tentacle thing. If we don't get rid of it;we won't be going anywhere." A worried glance shifted between the group. " I can do it, but it'll take some time. If yall can stall long enough. I can maybe reverse the spell and close the gate. But it will take some time. Everyone nodded as they were getting ready to start. Sophia going off into the far distance, body getting illuminated in a pink veil and slowly ascended into the air. Only inches off the ground, mouthing words in a whisper her hands started radiating a bright pink aura, her eyes soon followed.

"Alright guys, while Sophia do our thing. Let's make sure she doesn't get distracted." Kenny turned towards the door and pointed his right hand, reclosing the exit they left out of and magnetizing it once more. "I won't make the same mistake this time." He began to send heavy objects like giant trash contains and large boxes that began to stack up behind the magnetized door.

Cash Session Gone Wrong(Cut off at 4 people) LZtjfk9

While Kenny was doing that, Mitchel began sitting still and concentrating. Making sure to keep Derick in like through telepathic thoughts. "Alright Derick until we can get rid of this monster you have to keep it busy. We know you can do it. But make sure not to damage the robot." Derick nodded and looked towards the monster, raising up his arms to generate tiny speed tornadoes towards the creature, crashing into two of the wiggling arms that thrashed violently. "We can do this guys!

While they were outside doing this, the cops outside of the jewelry store in the front jumped at the sound of a gunshot. "We are being fired at! Return fire!" One reaching into their radio com and issuing a full breach. "Everyone let's go go go breach breach!" Lining up they began ramming into the door once more until they were finally successful. Shattering the glass on contact and destroying the door. It was all quiet, they each glanced around the empty room all they saw were broken glass. But turning to hear the sounds of conversation going down the hallway, it was Clover. But through the darkness, they couldn't tell who was who and slowly began creeping. Guns held in their right hands and flashlights held in their left, the group of cops began to slowly infiltrate. Others building up more outside. Whoever the mystery burglar was, things were definitely going to get a bit interesting for him, and hopefully, Clover wouldn't get shot in the crossfire.

Status :

Quote : "Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself."
-Professor Matheus

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 44
Registration date : 2017-04-12

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OPEN Re: Cash Session Gone Wrong(Cut off at 4 people)

Post by Knightfall April 21st 2017, 2:50 pm

As Clover busted back through the door at her words the numerous shards of glass clinked and shuffled on the ground moving towards a central point. Now more glass from outside and inside the building began rushing out the back door meeting up and swirling falling into place. "This isn't over yet." Said Jasper as the last piece of glass settled into his arm, he was now three times his previous size thanks to all the glass in the store. The back door slammed itself shut again and Jasper frowned slightly. "Well that's no good." Jasper then slammed his fist into the door shattering it and causing a resounding bang to issue throughout the store. Then he proceeded to punch the bits of glass on the ground into a powdery state, then flew them through the crack under the door past all the boxes and out the other side letting the flying mass of powdered glass hover as he shattered the rest of his body and moved it through. Once inside he reformed his body back to normal size and turned all the remaining glass back into lethal shards. "Good to be back." Jasper then sent his whirlwind of glass at the kids and swirled it around them surrounding them as well as the box and tentacles completely with the shards allowing no window of escape. "Had enough?"

Cash Session Gone Wrong(Cut off at 4 people) 2rggabb
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Woo yeah! I'm like fucking Spider-Man bitches!" -Knightfall
"Didn't your parents ever teach you not to play with guns?" -Knightfall

"Show me a hero and I'll write you a tragedy." -F. Scott Fitzgeral

Warnings : 2 Warnings
Number of posts : 160
Age : 32
Job : Whatever pays well.
Humor : Dark and sarcastic.
Registration date : 2017-01-19

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OPEN Re: Cash Session Gone Wrong(Cut off at 4 people)

Post by Hyperion April 22nd 2017, 4:31 am

Michael stepped around the body, drinking in the entropic energy that his now useless corpse produced. The sudden rush that come along with it brought a certain euphoria, but something that he could not stay to enjoy. While the police were no real threat to him, Michael just did not feel like dealing with any kind of combat. Taking a deep breath, he tried to center the swirling energy within him. Anything that excited him too much, well that would just lead to so many problems he did not want to deal with. ”Okay, let’s get me out of here.” He muttered to himself, already feeling the annoyances that a mask would bring along with it. That was when he faintly heard someone yelling about breaching, which meant the blue guys we remaking their move.

So Mike pressed the palm of his hand against the floor below him, letting nether suffuse into it and within seconds it became too weak even to hold him up. Carpet grew black, wretched and then tore away as the every floor beneath him crumbled away into nothing and then within seconds he was landing on the floor beneath him.

There was a sudden impact with the floor but nothing that really hurt him. What he did not expect to happen as falling before a seemingly reforming child of glass, and someone telling into the building about collapsing it. Now this was proving to be annoying, more than he wanted it to be anyway. Shards of glass danced through the air, giving the masked man pause for thought but not too long. ”I don’t have time for this.” He muttered through cloth, rolling his eyes and seemingly walking through the field of glass produced with no problem, or rather no care.

Shael Atterrius
Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 428
Registration date : 2011-05-24

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OPEN Re: Cash Session Gone Wrong(Cut off at 4 people)

Post by K'Ren April 22nd 2017, 5:51 am

The worst possible scenario played out just like Clover had envisioned it.  The kid thieves were no ordinary thieves at all, they were prepared for this heist, a little to prepared. The door Clover had forced off its hinges was lifted up and slammed back into the door frame it had been dislodged from. To make matters worse, the magnetic lock that had held the door shut initially, was also reengaged. Clover turned towards the door, now faced with the dilemma of what exactly to do. Obviously throwing her bodyweight around wasn’t going to work, and from the sound of it, her otherworldly surge wouldn’t be enough to open the door and push aside whatever the kids has stacked against it.

The young girl brought both of her palms together around her midsection and slowly began to separate them little by little. Clover began to draw out the energy in her cells and focused them into a single point. The result was a bluish green ball of energy the size of a softball that continued to grow in size. Just as Clover was about to unleash hell on the back door of the jewelry store, her concentration was severed when the glass that lined the shops floors began to shake and jitter about.

It seemed Clover had worried about the glass person for no reason. Kind of just excepting that this was a thing that was happening, Clover began to slowly walk away from the glass being. She dared to venture deeper into the shop, only to stop dead in her tracks when a loud bang rang out from the front of the shop. Unlike the banging that was occurring at the back of the store, this bang wasn’t that of glass against carpet, it was more metal on metal. The front door of the Jewelry store burst open and a small squad of police officers began to flood in. They were using their flashlights to navigate through the building, no doubt in search of the thieves and the source of the gunshot from just moments ago.

*Shit!* Clover mentally exclaimed at the sight of the officers. Luckily for her, they hadn’t seen her yet. If she continued to cling to the shadows there was a good possibility she’d go unnoticed by the officers. Problems continued to mount as more fuel was added to this already raging inferno of a situation as a mysterious figure fell down onto the first floor. Judging by the hole in the ceiling, this person was no doubt another thief. Both of the young girls hand’s clenched into fists as she was now backed into a corner. Just what the hell was she supposed to do now? “Damn it Winston, why didn’t you talk me out of this like you always do?” she mumbled to herself as she tried to position herself closer to the back door, taking note of the masked figure along the way.

The Characters
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Power comes in response to a need, not a desire, and I need power"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 114
Registration date : 2015-08-04

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OPEN Re: Cash Session Gone Wrong(Cut off at 4 people)

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