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Fly Trap

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Fly Trap  Empty Fly Trap

Post by Mourning Star March 28th 2017, 2:40 pm

Fly Trap

"This planet is terrible and cold, please get me off of this terrible world...before I resort to new ways to keep warm..."

The Bio

Real Name: Unknown
Renegade Name: Fly Trap
Title: The Venusian Man Eater
Alignment: True Neutral
Age: 15
Gender: Feminine in nature
Race: Venusian
Hair: None
Eyes: Black
Height: 6’3
Weight: 154
Blood type: N/A (Chlorophyll)

The Looks

As a Venusian; Fly Trap in her proper Venusian form looks very reminiscent of Dionaea muscipula with large mandibles designed for catching prey. Her leaves are pale green with purple stripes straight down the middle. Leafy vines extend from a thick stalk, these are used both offensively and defensively. In addition, purplish grey flowers sprout from her “hair” - which is a darker green - at times. Her body is reminiscent of an earth pitcher plant, being translucent in the light.

Her form when attempting to fit in on earth is that of a green skinned feminine humanoid with black bug like eyes, a leafy dress, and dark green hair. She is thin, with an angular face and pretty features. Long legs protrude from the dress, leading to bare feet that look extremely human like. Her arms are also very thin, with no covering whatsoever on them.

The Personality

Fly Trap is very cautious of her new environment, tending to stay in human form most of the time that the sun is out, so as to avoid possible conflicts with humans, and tending to try and stay out of conflicts when they arise. However, she is also very curious in nature. Sometimes putting her in situations she should avoid.

Fly Trap doesn’t like eating humans, as they are a sentient race. But, unfortunately they are the most plentiful and high energy food that she can still move around with while digesting, as such; prey can likely talk their way out of digestion if they reach her on her a more personal level.

The Story

Fly Trap was “born” on Venus. A harsh planet in the sol system, and the closest planet to earth both in distance and size. She is one of the Venusians, a race of plant like people who were once proud hunters. However, as prey became scarcer, and scarcer, they evolved to absorb their nutrients from photosynthesis, acid rain, and the minerals within the soil. Now, Fly Trap was nothing special in her race. She mainly just explored her environment, trying to find a place to reproduce and leave her mark on the planet.

Meanwhile, on planet earth; the human race's top scientists were working on a way to open a stable wormhole without using more energy than has ever been produced by human beings. Surprisingly; they succeeded. The first wormhole that was opened was opened into the vacuum of space, and was forced to quickly close before everything was destroyed. But they knew that they had done it. They had successfully ripped apart space and made it their own. The next step was obvious. Call in the head scientist, tell him that it worked, and open it again.

Fly Trap was minding her own business, settling down to root in for the night; when she was suddenly thrown into a cold and bright place  Fly Trap arrived on earth, and she was scared and suddenly… starving.

The Priority

1. Agility
2. Endurance
3. Reaction
4. Strength

The Powers

Venusian Physiology - Fly Trap is a Venusian, and a prime member of her species. She uses powers that strongly rely on energy which she gains from digestion of food, mineral absorption - whether from the actual ground or from acids  - and sunlight. Her powers include

• Rooting - Fly Traps physiology grants   her the ability to extend roots into the ground in order to absorb nutrients from the soil. This comes with a few benefits. For one, it allows her to better absorb sunlight. Secondly, absorbing the energy warms her; and allows her healing processes to kick into overdrive. Using this ability, she could feasibly heal from minor injuries such as scratches or leaf breakage within moments, and larger injuries; such as being torn down the middle within hours so long as no more injuries take place.

• “Limb” extension - Fly Trap has the ability to extend her vines out from her body, extending them around 30 feet at a maximum.

• Size-Shifting - Fly Trap has the ability to increase her size to around 20 feet tall, by using more energy than usual. Leaving her with around half the energy she would gain from normal photosynthesis.

• Shapeshifting - Fly Trap has the ability to shapeshift into any form that seems more appropriate to her environment. This means she has access to shapeshifting into anything relatively her size or up to 30 feet larger. This ability requires a small amount of energy to pull off, maintaining it however requires energy over time. It’s around a tenth of the energy she would gain over 24 hours, however; the longer she maintains the form the more energy she requires. She can maintain human form for around 14 hours without the use of any of her other powers. For instance, Size-Shifting would take that time down to 4 hours. The more complex, and large the size; the more energy it takes to maintain. For instance, becoming a car would last only 2 hours. Maintaining human form while at full size would only be able to last around 1 hour. Fly Trap can easily be told apart from any average item that she may be shapeshifted into, seeing as it is made of the same material she herself is made of. Colors do however change.

• Acid Spit - Fly Trap can spit acid from her mouth up to a distance of 10 feet away with a single shot.

• Dermal Armor - Fly Trap can resist two 40mm gunshots at point blank range before the armor fails to hold.

• Photosynthesis - Fly Trap can use the sun to gain minute amounts of energy.

• Burrowing - Fly Trap can dig into the earth and hide underground for periods of time if need be.

• Seeding - Fly Trap can reproduce with proper conditions by seeding. This requires a vast amount of energy. A full day's worth of energy, in fact. Once seeding, she goes into stasis. This does not include the energy she uses to stay alive. Seeding requires temperatures upwards of 460 degrees fahrenheit, and heavy pollution. The only place on earth that would be suitable for seeding, would be Zabol, Iran, Gwalior, India, and Allahabad, India. Chernobyl, Russia would also be somewhat suitable. This is only in account of the pollution, but flame would be easily managed. Once this is managed, she can produce 10 baby venusians at a time.

• Acid Resistance - Due to the heavy amounts of acid rain on her home planet, Fly Trap has evolved to be highly resistant to corrosive acids; able to stay in highly corrosive acids for around 3 hours at a time.

• Heat/Flame Resistance - Due to the heat of her home planet, Fly Trap can resist temperatures and flames of up to 872 degrees fahrenheit

The Weaknesses

1. Fly Trap requires more energy to survive in the climate and atmosphere, this means she needs to eat animals to survive. If she is unable to eat, she will go into a stasis where she will need time to recharge. This state will leave her entirely vulnerable to attack. In addition, Fly Trap cannot recharge without sunlight. So cloudy days just will not allow her a recharge.

2. Fly Trap is highly susceptible to ice, and cold. Requiring a device to keep her alive in the temperatures of earth. Any minor changes would result in hibernation.

3. Fly Trap cannot eat anything over 500 pounds, as it would be nearly impossible to move without digestion. In addition, trying to eat something above 800 pounds would damage her.

4. Fly Trap is more susceptible to attack inside of herself.

5. Fly Trap cannot reproduce without proper conditions and high energy levels. It’s unlikely to happen on earth.

6. Fly Traps acid is only as strong as human digestive acid, having similar composition inside of her own body.

7. Fly Trap requires time to digest, taking anywhere from 3 days to digest something to a month depending on the size and how active the prey is.

8. Fly Trap uses a vast amount of energy to grow to her full size of 20 feet.

9. Fly Trap’s armor gets weaker the larger she gets, leaving her with peak human durability at full size.

10. Fly Trap cannot eat heavily processed foods, such as nacho cheese, bologna, etc. etc. It makes her violently ill, and she will vomit anything currently within her “stomach”.

11. Fly Trap is heavily susceptible to electricity, immediately going into stasis after a 100,000 volt shock at medium ampage.

The Items

Space Heater - A device that allows her to survive the earth temperatures. It creates a livable temperature inside of her body.

Weakness - This device only keeps her as warm as she needs to be to survive, no more no less. She requires “food” to keep herself comfortable.

The RP Sample

Fly Trap stood inside of the lab that she had just recently appeared inside of. She was confused, cold, and extremely hungry. The wormhole she had just come through was completely gone. She needed to find a way to stay warm… then she saw it. Something inside of her stirred, long defunct genes activating as she quickly reached out with one of her vine arms. An animal, prey, food. She shoved a scientist into her plant like maw; and swallowed hard. The heat was more than enough to sustain her momentarily. She walked outside with the screaming man in her plant like body.

It was colder here, everything around her felt like she was stepping into ice. She was warming up however, and sensed heat elsewhere. Behind her in fact. It was so nice and warm. She quickly attached it to the inside of her mouth. Between the man and this device; she was so warm. So very warm. It was almost comfortable again. Finally able to concentrate, she saw that there seemed to be one dominant species on the planet. The man in her digestive tract must’ve been one of them. She would be able to use them to create energy. But somehow, she knew that she couldn’t possibly expect to catch prey or use them to get home - as they seemed to be the ones who opened the portal in the first place - if she looked like a monster to them. The ones that noticed her had begun screaming and running away. She quickly activated her shapeshifting ability; and became what seemed to be the feminine form of the species, turning her leaves into a dress and hair. She was now a green skinned version of the race that stood before her, albeit with a large moving midsection.

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Mourning Star
Mourning Star

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Registration date : 2017-03-25

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Fly Trap  Empty Re: Fly Trap

Post by Humanity March 29th 2017, 8:46 pm

Left Shark! Vexxie! Fly Trap  Approved-stamp-hi Vexxie! Left Shark!


Fly Trap  Humani11
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Fly Trap  Empty Re: Fly Trap

Post by FantasyBound April 13th 2023, 12:59 am

Reapproved and moved!
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Fly Trap  Empty Re: Fly Trap

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