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A angel and an atlantean (Lorelei)

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A angel and an atlantean (Lorelei) - Page 2 Empty Re: A angel and an atlantean (Lorelei)

Post by Shadowoof April 14th 2017, 12:47 pm

Jake at first had merely grumbled to Lorelei's first commit, taking it more as a friendly jab then anything else, but as Lorelei continued explaining who she was, Jake went though a rather varied range of emotions. From his mouth being wide open before shutting to look sensible to looking concerned to just going a bit blank. Yea, Lorelei deserved to have fun, to have enjoyment right now. A princess with an evil father and a sister who was demanding far too much.

And of course that event from when they met was.. Well a cause, Jake knew the identity of the suit or at least, he had an idea. A strange one. But he hadn't exactly shared his findings, was a little caught up in bleeding out from the amount of metal shards stuck in his back and the very broken and damaged arm. He didn't know if he should share the information now, if it would only cause more problems for the girl in front of him.. No he had to work on making her feel better, it was why he was here, besides the food of course.

"Well... I don't really know what to say to any of that... But I also have to say something I mean.." Jake scratched the back of his neck, thinking.. thinking.. "It seems... Clover is upset... And she's taking it out on you. She needs a reason to be upset... But.. What your doing? It's fine. She needs to cool. She needs time alone. To think. Plus... Being the princess of a underwater kingdom, this freedom gives you the space to find out who you are on the land. Who you want to be without a guiding hand." Jake finished before grabbing his menu and looking though it, eyes quickly catching onto a certain name of a  Spaghetti dish that just made his stomach rumble loudly, enticing him to make that his choice.

"Plus. When Clover calms down. She'll realize what she was doing to you and come begging to take you back. All hugs and presents. You'll be fine.. Okay?" Jake said as he lowered his menu and smiled a sad smile to Lorelei, she seemed to suffer a hell of a lot more then him. She had a father that was 'evil' and had probably lived with that father for some time, his mother was nothing but kind, albeit distant, she had a new family that was splitting apart... Jake didn't even know who his mom was right now. He considered if comparing his own problem would actually be a benefit for Lorelei, show that she isn't suffering alone over broken family or something. But he was content to remain silent on the matter. It could also seem like a attempt to drag pity from her for him, which was something he had... Had he originally thought of doing that? The mere thought now disgusted him, even if he couldn't remember. No, now wasn't time for self pity. It was her that should be worried for now.

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A angel and an atlantean (Lorelei) - Page 2 Empty Re: A angel and an atlantean (Lorelei)

Post by Johanna Sharpe April 15th 2017, 5:06 am

Lorelei gave a shrug at the end of Jake’s little attempt at making her feel better. She figured in due time that Clover would probably apologize for everything she had done, but did she really need to be the one apologizing? After all, Lorelei felt that most of the blame should fall to her. If she had only been stronger, more in touch with her powers, she could have beaten that metal clad thug, but she failed….She failed miserably. For someone who shouldn’t have felt any sort of guilt, the little blue Atlantean’s heart hanged heavy. Lorelei kept a smile on her face despite all these thoughts. The last thing she wanted to do was ruin such a pretty afternoon, dwelling on the past. “You know, you’re right! No more feeling all doom and gloom!” she cheerfully shouted while raising her glass of water.

The young girl truly wanted to see the positive side of things like her friend did, but she just couldn’t get past the argument she had with Clover. Lorelei had been through quite a bit in her life, and for that she was a tougher individual, but nothing cut quite as deep as Clover’s words or the look in her eyes as she shouted at Lorelei.

Lorelei returned to scouring the menu for any dish that stood out or looked particularly good to her. One of the advantages of being adopted into one of the most powerful families in the world was all the great restaurants she got to visit. The draw backs of course being that there almost seemed to be nothing that she hadn’t already tried. One would have thought that with as much time as Lorelei had kept her head buried in the menu, that she would have found something to eat by now, especially with how hungry she was at the moment.

The waitress eventually finished her rounds with the other tables and had wandered back to the table, her note pad at the ready. “Ya’ll know what you’re having?”

Lorelei’s head quickly snapped upward, the look on her face seemed to convey that while she still hadn’t made up her mind, she was willing to order something anyway. She glance over to Jake and gave him a slight nod of the head. “You go first!”

After the boy placed his order, Lorelei would turn her gaze once again to the waitress and greet the young blonde’s smile, with one of her own. “I’ll…um…I’ll have the personal pizza please. Mediterranean style. Thank you!

Lorelei waited patiently for the waitress to move on before taking another sip of her water. She gently placed the glass down on the table top before folding her hands and leaning forward a bit. “So what else should we talk about?” At this point the young Atlantean would be fine with any subject so long as it had nothing to do with her fight.

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Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
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A angel and an atlantean (Lorelei) - Page 2 Empty Re: A angel and an atlantean (Lorelei)

Post by Shadowoof April 15th 2017, 10:17 am

Jake brighten his smile to Lorelei's words but kept the feeling that this bravado was just a show. It wouldn't be right to keep pushing her for an answer, if she wanted to tell him more, she would. He got enough for now. For now he was happy to try and not stare in Lorelei's direction, usually looking for anything interesting that he hadn't noticed before about his friend like the markings that could be seen every so often, maybe they had a story behind why. Or maybe they were apart of being a underwater princess. Still amazing to think about.

When the waitress came back, Jake nodded to Lorelei and ordered the spaghetti dish, an ear to Lorelei, who ordered a pizza, making him question why they didn't just go to a pizza place if that was what she was going to order but he didn't think too much on it, let alone speak his thoughts. It was her money. But it was then that Lorelei asked him a question Jake was not sure how to answer. What do they talk about now. Jake wasn't sure. He wanted to ask Lorelei more about her royalty, her past, but he thought that might strike too close to home on there previous conversation.. But he did get an idea.  

"Well. Seeing as you are an underwater Princess. I will see if I can match it with what I am." Jake said before facing Lorelei, trying to look as serious as he could be. "A while after we first met. I encountered a man named Samael. And he was the son of a Demon Prince of hell called Malphas. The king of Ravens. Sam being a half demon son, they did not get along. Anyway, while I was in costume, I helped out Sam and got sent to the Pit of Ravens. Where I learned. I am a Nephilim. The child of a human and angel. So I'm a half angel. Not a Underwater princess but still impressive if I do say so myself."" Jake said with a quick smirk, he didn't say what he was to try and compare, he just... It felt nice to say it, and to be fair, he thought Lorelei would ether find it interesting or not believe him. Ether way, he had one hell of a way to prove it so. A treat he hoped Lorelei would like. It would be a hell of a lot better then the jumping he had taken Lorelei to when they rushed to get to crossbones. Fun too.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
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Registration date : 2014-10-18

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A angel and an atlantean (Lorelei) - Page 2 Empty Re: A angel and an atlantean (Lorelei)

Post by Johanna Sharpe April 17th 2017, 5:24 am

A single index finger rose to press itself against the young girls lips. Mentally she tried to take note of everything Jake had said. *Neph…ilim….* She recited the word several times in her mind trying to not only get it’s pronunciation right, but also to try and figure out where she had heard the word before. Despite Jake’s simple and accurate definition of the word, Lorelei was still trying to piece it together with information she had more than likely read in one of the many books Clover had lining the walls of the library back at the mansion. The world was filled with so many fascinating mysteries for her to discover. Jake telling her about himself was only further proof of that fact.

Lorelei took a few more seconds to reflect on the subject before her mouth fired out a question that she hadn’t quite thought out. “So which one is which?” she blurted out, only to clasp both of her hands over her mouth as if she was trying to stop the question from coming out, albeit on a massive delay. She was of course referring to the boy’s parentage. Lorelei’s general curiosity got the better of her in this instant as she genuenly wondered which of her friends parents was the angel, and which one was the human. “I….I’m so sorry, that was rude, I didn’t mean to be so blunt like that. You…You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to!” the young girl said in a mad scramble to recover from being so rude.

Her head sank a bit in embarrassment as she waited for Jakes reaction. Amidst all this the waitress had circled back to the table to refill the two glasses of water before notifying the two that their food would be ready shortly. Lorelei kept her pink gaze towards the ground as she tried to avoid eye contact with everyone. The only acknowledgement she gave to the waitress was a slight head nod.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
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A angel and an atlantean (Lorelei) - Page 2 Empty Re: A angel and an atlantean (Lorelei)

Post by Shadowoof April 17th 2017, 6:10 am

Jake sat back when Lorelei blurted out her question, only for her face to say it all. Jake gave a small laugh as she babbled on. A soft smile spreading over his face, he had given the question himself some serious thought and had come to a conclusion, even if it wasn't fully backed up. It had some... evidence. "It's fine Lorelei. Really it is." Jake said to reassure her, before relaxing back into his seat.

"I don't know my father. Never met him. But my Mom.. I think she is the angel... She... She's always been a bit stranger then the other adults... She never tells me about her past or my mysterious uncle I have. And lately..." Jake paused, his smile fading. Lately.. he could walk by her like he was invisible. He could hear her mutter things he didn't know. A ritual. Pain. Zaapiel. And her eyes... kept changing from the blue he loved to a dangerous black he didn't know. He didn't say anything for a few short seconds before blinking and bringing back the smile he had worn before he said those words. "But yea. Mom I do say. Is the angel. It's... Amazing when I think about it.. A angel.. Stuff of legends..." Jake stared at his hand as he trailed off, wondering if the red energy she so proudly used, as it broke each and every bone in his hand was a by product of his mom, just like his wings.

"I umm... You never said anything about your mother? You don't have to if you wish not too." Jake sought ti change the subject from himself back to Lorelei. If he spoke about his mother any longer, he might have started telling Lorelei about recent evens and he was not going to drag the already sad girl into his problems.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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A angel and an atlantean (Lorelei) - Page 2 Empty Re: A angel and an atlantean (Lorelei)

Post by Johanna Sharpe April 17th 2017, 6:31 am

The little blue Atlantean let out a sigh of relief, the question wasn’t as distasteful as she had thought, and Jake seemed ok with it as well. There were so many things about this world that Lorelei knew nothing about. She found her mind once again trailing back to happier times at the Sinclair estate and the study session she would have with Gabriel, Clover’s grandfather. The kindhearted old man did everything he could to prepare and teach Lorelei about the world above the waves, but everything still seemed so foreign to her. The concept of angels and demons was one of those things she could never truly grasp as every book Gabriel read to her about the subjects always seemed to be based on speculation.

Her thoughts were disrupted when Jake asked about her mother. A look of confusion on Lorelei’s face said it all. She searched deep in her mind trying to grasp for any memory she had of her mother, but there were none. Lorelei gave a slight shake of the head as she looked back up from the ground. “I never got to meet my mother. Every childhood memory I have is just my father, and the room I was kept in. I truly have no memories of my mother and my father never spoke of her….then again we never really spoke either.” In her mind, the young Atlantean liked to imagine a time or world where her father wasn’t such an evil individual. Perhaps things were different when her mother was alive.

Lorelei slowly reached up for her glass of water before taking a sip and putting the glass back down. “It’s probably a good thing that I left my home….the one in the ocean. The others like me weren’t exactly treated with much kindness. I don’t know why that is, and I doubt I’ll ever find out.” There was a slight hint of sorrow to Lorelei’s voice as she thought about the great open sea and the large gilded towers of her home. Deep down she wondered if she’d ever go back, and if she did, would she even be excepted? Would the others even know who she was?

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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A angel and an atlantean (Lorelei) - Page 2 Empty Re: A angel and an atlantean (Lorelei)

Post by Shadowoof April 17th 2017, 6:54 am

A different gender of parent, but they shared something about there parents. Both of them didn't ever meet the other, nor knew about them. Jake waited silently as Lorelei continued, his glass of water, besides a few sips it had remained untouched and he contemplated on weather he should down it more or not. It was then that Lorelei spoke about her... containment.. as it seemed and water drinking just seemed off. She use to live in it...

How deep? Jake was brought back to reality. He had been underwater, deep underwater. It hurt. It didn't hurt as badly as many things have but... if she had lived under it for most of her life. Just how strong was she physically. "Who knows.. You have a family here. Friends. Maybe one day. Go back. When your stronger.. Maybe go back. So if your father is still evil. This time. You can face up to him and show him that your better then he could ever be." Jake offered the words of encouragement, knowing there was not much else he could do. Besides not encouraging her to fight, now that he realized it, not the best choice of words.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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A angel and an atlantean (Lorelei) - Page 2 Empty Re: A angel and an atlantean (Lorelei)

Post by Johanna Sharpe April 18th 2017, 10:07 pm

“I don’t think I’ll ever go back there. Like I said, Atlantean’s like me are treated as second rate. Imagine the shock when they find out their princess is geokinetic.” The truth was the self-exiled Atlantean princess had no plans on going back to the sea. Her home was here on the surface now, and there was still much for her to discover and learn. The young girl took a deep breath in to clear her mind. Her nose caught wind of a sensation aroma emanating from the kitchen of the restaurant. Instantly the little blue girl regretted ordering a pizza over any of the other exotic entrée’s on the menu.

The two shared in a moment of silence as they awaited the arrival of their meal. The wait wouldn’t be long as the Waitress swung by the table with a large black tray resting on her palm. A plate of spaghetti found its way in front of Jake, and a small personal pizza was placed before Lorelei. “Ya’ll enjoy yourselves now.” The waitress gave a slight bow before wandering off to tend to her other tables.

Lorelei’s eyes lit up with excitement as she glared at the pizza before her. Her stomach roared in anticipation of the feast she was about to partake in. That being said, the young girl couldn’t stop her gaze from looking over at the bowl of pasta Jake had ordered. The aroma that built up around the table was a fantastic mix of spices and other enticing ingredients. The little blue girl wasted no time in reaching for her pizza and grabbed a slice. “Let’s eat!” She said in the midst of munching down on her pizza.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
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A angel and an atlantean (Lorelei) - Page 2 Empty Re: A angel and an atlantean (Lorelei)

Post by Shadowoof April 18th 2017, 11:30 pm

Jake sighed a small sigh of relief. He had not done anything bad. "That's your choice. For now, you are on the land." And possibly exploring the air next, if she so chose too soon enough. And so the wait ensured, a busy lunch it was, so time would be taken in delivering the two teens there meal but he wished it would come sooner. He usually liked silence, but with Lorelei, silence just didn't feel right.

Luckily enough, the waitress soon arrived with the two dishes, placing them down, Jake gave a swift nod of thanks before the aroma of spices and smells dragged him back to the dish, it was... Having effects on his stomach. It was food, really good food, the first bit of food he had in a while, but even then it got him thinking. Thinking about his mom, who in memory and mind, now that he focuses on it. She never really ate, she made food, sometimes ate food, but she never seemed to eat too much. Thinking about it made him shiver and with a inviting toast from Lorelei, Jake picked up the utensils given and dived into the spaghetti dish.

He could have been slow, but he was hungry, and it tasted divine. Happy to have a big mouth, Jake would inhaled the pasta and mince lob by lob, in a minute of eating, his dish till there was but less then a quarter of what was once a pile of pasta left behind, his lips had smear of red from the sauce of the mince, a ineffective effort to lick the sauce came and went, leaving Jake to lean back into his chair with a happy sigh. "I have never loved food so much... Ever... Thank you Lorelei."

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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A angel and an atlantean (Lorelei) - Page 2 Empty Re: A angel and an atlantean (Lorelei)

Post by Johanna Sharpe April 22nd 2017, 4:29 am

Lorelei turned into a magician the moment the pizza had arrived and did her best to make it disappear from sight. The young Atlantean devoured the food before her all in an effort to satiate her hunger. Lorelei took a moment to flash Jake a smile while she was in the middle of chomping down on the second to last slice of her personal pizza. “You’re very welcome!”

After finishing up her pizza, Lorelei reclined in the comfy leather booth seat. Her pink eyes rolled around as she checked out all the people that had stopped by the restaurant for lunch. A few of the tables were lined with middle aged or elderly men in suits, who no doubt worked in one of the nearby skyscrapers. A few of the tables were host to families that had decided to have lunch together. The sight of the dining families made Lorelei feel a bit home sick. Her and Clover would always hang out with each other and would often visit a different café each day during lunch, just to try out something new.

The smile faded from Lorelei’s face, but only for a moment. When her glance returned back to her friend, her smile returned. As she sat there enjoying the liveliness of the restaurant, the young blue girl’s eyes caught a glimpse of a small spiral bound book that sat tucked behind a basket that held the salt and pepper shakers. The young girl brought both her arms up to the table, one reached for her glass of water, and the other reached for the spiral bound book. As she slid the book out from behind the basket her eyes lit up with joy. In large fancy yellow letters read the word desserts. Lorelei struggled to navigate the straw in her glass into her mouth as she was to enthralled with the dessert book and all the sugary goodies that lined its pages.

“Man these all look soooooooooooooo good! I think I’m gonna get one….or three. You want one?” she asked, turning her gaze back to Jake while taking a sip of water.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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A angel and an atlantean (Lorelei) - Page 2 Empty Re: A angel and an atlantean (Lorelei)

Post by Shadowoof April 22nd 2017, 5:07 am

Jake felt like his eyes bulged out his head as Lorelei offered to buy him dessert, even if they didn't, he sure as hell felt like it. Lorelei, was offering him dessert after that. He wasn't use to this, he never went out like this, with money to spare, just how rich was she? Maybe he was overthinking it, two meals for a friend wasn't that much money... was it? Hell to past events and surprises, she deserved something from him for all of this. Something to make her happy... he hoped. "No thank you Lorelei. But... I've been thinking a way to thank you for the food. And.. Now stay with me on this. Remember how I can jump really high." Jake stopped and leaned in a little closer, a cheeky smirk tipped the corner of his lips.

"Perks of being a child of angels is. I can fly. And. I'd like you to join me in flight as a... Well. A thank you for this afternoon." Jake said, the smirk extending into a smile as he leaned back and began to sip his water once more, waiting for a answer from the sea princess. Huh, a sea princess high in the sky, that had to be banned somewhere. And if so, he was ready to break it. She deserved it and in a way, maybe it was time he took the wings out for a proper spin, rather then hiding them. Ugly grey in color, weird and strange and slightly uncomfortable to think about, excuses. He had them, they were his, if he was going to use them at all. This was the time to.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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A angel and an atlantean (Lorelei) - Page 2 Empty Re: A angel and an atlantean (Lorelei)

Post by Johanna Sharpe April 23rd 2017, 6:58 am

After a few minuets of perusing through the menu of delectable desserts, the friendly young waitress circled back to the table after noticing that the platter that once held one Mediterranean personal pizza, was now empty.

“Looks like you’ve found the dessert menu. Would you like to place an order for one?”

Lorelei nodded her head quiet excitedly as the young blonde woman pulled out her little note pad. The young girls pink eyes remained fixated on the dessert book as she began to call out a hefty list of sweets. The young Atlantean had developed something of a sweet tooth while living with Clover, and it was definitely showing here as she named off about six items from the spiral bound book. The list of goodies included an expensive sounding chocolate mousse and at least three different types of cheesecake.

Jake’s words didn’t seem to completely register in Lorelei’s mind until after she had finished ordering all of her delicious desserts. “YOU CAN FLY!” the young blue girl shouted. The sudden outburst earned the young girl the annoyed and very grumpy glares of two elderly men that had been enjoying lunch at a table next to them. The sound of silverware hitting the porcelain plates echoed in Lorelei’s large pointy ears, which prompted the Atlantean to glance over in the direction of the two elderly men. She immediately placed a hand over her mouth and sank a bit in embarrassment. “Sorry!” she mumbled shyly before turning back in her seat.

Lorelei quickly leaned over the table, pulling herself closer to Jake, almost to the point of hovering over the boy’s plate of spaghetti. Lorelei took one of her hands and used it to shield her words from disturbing the men again. “You can fly! Since when? That would have totally been useful when we fought that weird metal person!” she whispered intensely to Jake before leaning back in her seat and nodding in agreement with herself. “A trip through the skies does sound really neat though. OH! And we could totally use it to find my new place faster!” There was a degree of visible excitement on the young girls face.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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A angel and an atlantean (Lorelei) - Page 2 Empty Re: A angel and an atlantean (Lorelei)

Post by Shadowoof April 23rd 2017, 11:02 am

Jake was hesitant in his smile to Lorelei's outburst that had drawn some attention. But he let it go, so what if people now looked at him with the idea of wings. Sitting back into his chair as Lorelei brought herself towards him, Jake let the smile shine widely. But as soon as she spoke her next words, it drooped a little, the fight with the metal person, Chroma. "Like I said. Learned I was angel born after that. Got them as well." The thoughts brought him back to the final moments he had with the older woman. How challenge, her want. For him to get better, stronger. Those wings would have helped plenty, the red vision would have helped as well... They were things he could use in battle, not just the basic things he has used it for.

Lorelei's words made him focus on that fact now, made his mind spin and crank, the gears whirring into action. For that fight, he had to use them. He had to use those advantages. They were apart of him, he can't hide that no matter how much red he wore. Letting the thoughts go for now, Jake tried to focus on what Lorelei had said after that, something about the skies being neat and a new place, a word that made him chuckle a little. "Finding a new place will not be that easy... Maybe, I mean, you could stay at hotels. Or buy and or rent an apartment. But sure, we could look around. Or... Nah. Just hurry up and enjoy your dessert and pay for this wonderful feast so we can go to the skies quicker." Jake had almost said something he couldn't back up. Could stay with me. Even as he thought the words he mentally smacked himself. She couldn't, not just for any other reason that seemed reasonable, laws or not. But because his mother, heck, in time, the bills were going to catch up. Even more reason he should deal with the problem... one he wanted to avoid more then anything. One he would avoid for now, he was here to enjoy himself, to have fun with a friend. Might as well.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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A angel and an atlantean (Lorelei) - Page 2 Empty Re: A angel and an atlantean (Lorelei)

Post by Johanna Sharpe April 26th 2017, 11:08 pm

“Oh no, no, no, that’s not what I meant.” The little Atlantean said, waving her arms back and forth in Jake’s face. She immediately followed up by turning slightly to her right. Lorelei began to rummage through the plain yet brand new olive green colored duffle bag she had been carrying around with her. She clicked her teeth and sighed several times and a small amount of frustration began to show on the young girls face. “Where did it go? I just had it!” she mumbled to herself as she continued to fiddle with the contents of the duffle bag.

Lorelei was so caught up in looking for whatever it was she so desperately needed, that she was completely oblivious to the fact that the kind young waitress was standing by the table with a platter lined with the desserts Lorelei had ordered. The young blonde cleared her throat and that seemed to snap the Lorelei out of her haze. The little blue girl quickly spun around to face the waitress. Her eyes lit up with joy as she noticed all the sugary goodness that was about to be placed on the table.

“Someone was ready for this!”

The little Atlantean nodded her head in agreement, as the waitress lined Lorelei’s side of the table with the various sweets. The blonde waitress gave a slight bow to the tow kids before heading off to tend to another one of her tables.

Lorelei stared for several moments at the desserts she had ordered, puzzled as to which one she should give a try first. Her pink eyes drifted up to Jake. “Are you sure you don’t want any?” Lorelei was banking on the fact that Jake was going to stick to his original decision of not wanting any dessert, because to be quiet frank, she didn’t really plan on sharing. As she reached over for her fork, she caught a glimpse of her olive green duffle bag and remembered that she still hadn't found what she had wanted to show Jake.

She nearly threw the fork back down at the table as she resumed her frantic rummaging. Within a few seconds she leaned back and held her hand out towards the boy. Clutched in between her index finger and thumb as a piece of paper with an address on it. “See! I didn’t actually mean find a place to stay, I already have one!” Lorelei placed the piece of paper down on the table halfway between her and Jake so that if he wanted to, he could grab the paper and look at it.

Lorelei then proceeded to pick her fork back up and began to dig into one of the soft  and fluffy chocolate mousses. “Gabriel knew I’d have a hard time finding a place to stay so he saved me the hassle by setting me up with a place to stay while this whole thing with Clover blows over……if it ever does.”

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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A angel and an atlantean (Lorelei) - Page 2 Empty Re: A angel and an atlantean (Lorelei)

Post by Shadowoof April 28th 2017, 7:17 am

Jake raised an eyebrow to Lorelei as she went on, so she had a plan then... maybe. She didn't exactly finish. Taking to letting her scrummage though her things, Jake looked around his surroundings, he took notice of the waitress moving close, desserts with her. He didn't know if he regretted saying no to having his own but he decided to not let that interrupt his search. The longer he sat here, the more itching he was to get flying, the more he itched to do something rather then this. He had his fill, he had his plans set in motion, now it was all on Lorelei.

He didn't do this often, he was always moving nowadays. Not much happened, he would go here, go there. School became a distant memory, gymnastic still boiled his blood but training with Anita was out of the question. It was harder to control his strength, when he was reserved, back before he went out day and night to be a... 'hero'. He had it under-control, he held back, always. Now, the more he did, the more he had to not hold back, the more he had to use every ounce of it. He liked it, he wanted more of it. And the only thing stopping him was Lorelei. But he couldn't blame her, he wouldn't. She had her reasons, and if there was anything else that he knew about himself, it was that he could be patient if he needed to be.

As the dishes were placed down, Lorelei asked if he had wanted any but he was adamant on his decision. "It's fine. Enjoy." Jake felt his face contort to bring a smile, not that she had seemed to notice whenever he tried, Jake had finally begin to notice that, she seemed distracted on something, here or in her mind, on the past. Lorelei brought out a piece of paper, results of her earlier scavenger hunt, his eyes sprung to the piece of paper as Lorelei explained it, his hand reached over and would lightly tap the piece of paper towards himself, reading the contents. So she did have a place, and she meant if he could fly her there, it was something, a objective, they couldn't fly forever could they...

She spoke more and Jake leaned in to listen, he wanted to help her though this, but she was tight lipped, and trying to pry could forever lock those lips from telling him more. He wasn't very good at talking anyway, about these kinda things. He never really went though them, so it was... difficult.. he tried anyway, would keep trying. It was what friends were for, right? "Of course it will. Just need to give it some time. Anything broken can heal... Literally, metas.. angels. Underwater princesses. We're weird. In a good way." Just saying this, Jake felt the need to scratch his back, weird... maybe he should stop thinking about so many things, thinking so much was tiring. For now, he just had to let the blue girl finish her meals and then he had to get his wings out... by ether destroying his shirt or taking it off. Wonderful.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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A angel and an atlantean (Lorelei) - Page 2 Empty Re: A angel and an atlantean (Lorelei)

Post by Johanna Sharpe April 29th 2017, 4:43 am

Lorelei couldn’t help but notice that there was an air of quaint awkwardness. As Jake and Lorelei sat in the cafe, the world around them seemed to not matter, at least that’s how Lorelei felt. The loud voices of the other people visiting the restaurant seemed to almost fade out of existence as the two kids enjoyed their lunch. Lorelei took her time savoring every bite of the desserts she had ordered. In between bites she would look around the building, but her eyes always landed back on the boy sitting opposite from her. Just being there with him, brought to her some piece of mind, much in the way Clover did.

Neither of the two had spoken a word in quite a while, and as the little Atlantean geared up to eat her last slice of cheesecake, she noticed the uneasiness in Jake’s body language. Her pink eyes took note of every fidget he made, leading her to the conclusion that Jake was the type of person that didn’t like to stay in one place for to long, which was another quality he seemed to share with Lorelei’s adopted sister. Lorelei found it strange how someone could be so anxious to be on the move, to always have or need something to do.

After sliding the last bit of cheesecake into her mouth, Lorelei reached down to her lap and retrieved her napkin and then proceeded to lightly tap her lips with the black cloth. Lorelei gently placed the napkin down over the pile of plates she had accumulated before looking up to find the kind waitress that had been serving them. A simple nod of the head from Lorelei was all that was needed for the waitress to know that the young girl was ready for the check. Moments later she circled around to the table and placed a small black leather booklet on the table. Lorelei would produce a credit card from her seemingly over packed duffle bag and place it into the booklet.

“That was pretty good, I’ll have to remember the name of this place for next time.” she said cheerfully while awaiting the waitresses return with her card. Once they were done here, the two could head back out onto the street. The little blue girl began to feel an overwhelmingly nervous feeling grip her as the left the restaurant. If Jake was honest about what he had said earlier then they were moments away from taking to the sky. The prospect of flying filled the young girls heart with a bit of anxiety as she began to think of the logistics of the whole endeavor.

*How is this going to work? How is he going to carry me? What happens if I fall?*

Lorelei continued to think as she mindlessly wandered next to Jake, letting him lead the way as he was more familiar with the city than she was.

The Characters
Johanna Sharpe
Johanna Sharpe
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 211
Registration date : 2016-08-05

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A angel and an atlantean (Lorelei) - Page 2 Empty Re: A angel and an atlantean (Lorelei)

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