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Burning hearts and the St Valentine's day adventure! (Quinn) (Double xp)

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INV ONLY Re: Burning hearts and the St Valentine's day adventure! (Quinn) (Double xp)

Post by Pyrrha February 20th 2017, 7:28 am

Penny brought her hands up to her face and began rubbing her eyes and massaging the bridge of her nose. She couldn’t believe that Quinn woke up the child now, instead of when Penny had asked earlier. The trio would embark once more, this time they had directions from the mute little girl. It wasn’t enough that they were sneaking through people’s back yards, but the added addition of having top hop fences warranted several loud annoyed sighs from the blonde bar owner. For being so young, the little girl seemed to have an impeccable sense of direction. She still hadn’t uttered a peep, but she did seem to know which direction the group needed to go in, in order to reach her home.

In the back of Penny’s mind she was quite glad she had set the van on fire. The sudden combustion of evidence seemed to have proven to be a good distraction. After some time had passed, the little girl had led them safely to her home. It was still a shock to Penny, how nonchalant Quinn was and how little she gave a damn. Penny found herself shaking her head in disbelief as Quinn just waltzed into the little girl’s home. Rather than following them inside, Penny circled around to the front of the house and awaited Quinn’s return. The pink haired girl seemed to be taking longer than usual and it began to worry Penny. Quinn had said earlier that if the girl’s parents were bad people she would take the girl. Perhaps they had woken up and found the bubbly kidnapper and gotten into an altercation. Just the thought was enough to cause Penny to enter the house.

With all the stealth she could muster, Penny entered the house and stood in the living room at the foot of the stairs. Several seconds after entering the small residence, Quinn would reappear. The two girls would exit out the back door and the house would lock up behind them. [i]*Probably more of that scribbling she seems so found of.*[/color] Penny thought to herself as they circled back to the front of the house. Quinn had brought up a good point, she had returned the girl just as Penny had asked, but now raised the question what was next? Madeline hadn’t been particularly specific when asking Penny to watch Quinn, nor did she specify for how long the fiery biker would have to do said task. “Well what would you li--”

“FREEZE! PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR!” a deep voice boomed over a loud speaker, cutting Penny off mid-sentence. A flood of headlights all clicked on at the same time, nearly drowning the two girls in their fading yellow tinted light.

Penny’s head snapped in the direction of the voice, nearly dropping her bottle of alcohol in the process. “Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me!” she shouted upon seeing the squad of police gathered in a neat crescent shaped blockade.

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INV ONLY Re: Burning hearts and the St Valentine's day adventure! (Quinn) (Double xp)

Post by Quinn February 20th 2017, 11:24 pm

Quinn had noticed all the cops waiting for them when they got back out front but didn't see a reason to say anything, though that rapidly changed the moment they decided to turn on their spot lights. Quinn screams out in pain and covers her eyes, switching over to heat vision as she tries to blink out the blindness that they had painfully gifted to her. Luckily for the cops that had demanded for the surrender of the two girls, Quinn was too busy trying to see again to do anything to them, though they wasted their chance away by standing there waiting for them to surrender.

Having been given enough time to regain her sight, Quinn glares at the cops, mentally cycling through her available weapons. She points at the cops, about to make Penny's fears come true. "I am going to break all of you." Though Quinn had threatened the cops, instead of trying to attack them here, outside of the girl's house, she grabbed Penny's hand and started to run away, not wanting to wake up the little girl that she had just put to bed. Now that she isn't holding a girl in her arms as she jumps the fences, it took her only a moment to get across, though she had to wait for Penny since she was so slow. "Come on, we need to get farther away before we can deal with those jerks. I do not want to wake up the little one."

They could hear the sirens as some of the cops got back into their cars in so that they could cut them off, while others were charging after them, jumping the fences right behind the duo. As they jumped another fence, Quinn looks around, trying to see a good path for them to get into an open area. "Do you know of any places we could get to? I do not want to fight where there could be any children." Quinn waits for Penny to take te lead, seeing as how she is the person who knows this area the best.
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INV ONLY Re: Burning hearts and the St Valentine's day adventure! (Quinn) (Double xp)

Post by Pyrrha February 21st 2017, 1:19 am

Penny’s head slowly turned in terror as Quinn stood firmly next to her and threatened all the police. To her amazement none of the officers seemed threatened enough to open fire on the two girls, thought that was more likely do to them wanting to reduce any sort of collateral damage. At this point Penny didn’t think the situation could get any worse. Though she wasn’t one to fully respect the law, the police did kind of have them cornered, not to mention Quinn’s safety came first and if that meant playing by the rules, well then that’s what she’d do.

It was then that the blonde biker felt a tug at her arm as she was jerked backwards by Quinn, who had already started to flee the scene. Penny spun around and stared wide eyed at the pink haired girl as she sped off. She let out a low growl of frustration as her feet were on the same page as Quinn, while her mind was still trying to warp itself around the whole situation. As Penny hopped the first fence she could her several car doors slam, followed by screeching tires. The police were no doubt going to peruse the two girls.

A few of the officers continued on foot and chased after Penny and Quinn. Each time the police had a clear view of either of the girls they would fire off a few shots. After jumping the last fence Penny caught up to Quinn. The young blonde’s head shifted from side to side as she tried to get her bearings. Her concentration was severed when several shouts rang out followed by a loud bang. Penny let out a loud groan as one of the officers bullets pierced her shoulder. Even with an indestructible skeleton, Penny was still subject to pain, at least if her skin was involved. Now visibly pissed off, Penny took a large chug from the bottle of liquor and swished the liquid around in her mouth.

Spinning around quickly, Penny would spray the alcohol out of her mouth in the direction of the officers, while simultaneously transforming. As her body burst into flames, the alcohol would catch the flame and turn into a makeshift flamethrower. The intense flames caused the officers to reel back in fear for their lives. The flames would engulf the surrounding area creating a makeshift barrier to hold back the few officers that were brave enough to chase the two girls. Penny turned back to face Quinn in all her flammable skeleton glory. “We can follow the drainage channel south. It will lead us to the edge of town and to a garage we can hold up in while we figure out how to deal with the cops.” Penny of course was referring to the garage she had traced the group of gangsters from earlier to.

As the two girls began to rush off, Penny could hear the police still shouting for the two girls to stop and surrender. Penny turned to them and flashed them her middle finger. "Kiss my flammable skeleton ass!" she shouted before walking off.

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INV ONLY Re: Burning hearts and the St Valentine's day adventure! (Quinn) (Double xp)

Post by Quinn February 21st 2017, 8:02 pm

Quinn normally would have nodded and headed straight for the garage that Penny had just talked about, but seeing as how she just turned into a flaming skeleton she had much more pressing matters on her mind. Like, such as, slowly reaching out to touch the flame coming out of Penny's skull, wondering if it was real or not. "Ow." A burned finger later proved that the flames did, in fact, burn things. Now that any curiosity she had was taken care of, though with the side effect of getting a burned finger, Quinn sets off, heading towards the garage.

Though they managed to lose the cops that were directly behind them, that the flaming skeleton that the police had looked for was now in plain view meant backup, lots and lots of backup. They could hear the sirens all around them as the cops searched for where they were, trying to box them in so that they could arrest the vigilante and the suspected murderer. When they finally got out of the drainage channel, Quinn was starting to pout on how boring this day was starting to become. Of course, there was already cops waiting for them at the end of the channel, though it wasn't even half a dozen of them.

Not even trying to have the two girls surrender, the cops just open fire, sending Quinn into a blur of motion. After they empty their magazines towards the two girls and start to reload, wondering how every single shot somehow missed both of the barely moving targets. They removed that thought from their minds when Quinn casually drops all the bullets they fired on the ground, giving them wide smiles. "Do you want to play a game?" The cops all look at each other, then get into their cars and drive away, clearly figuring out that they aren't even remotely ready to handle the duo. Quinn frowns, not liking that they decided to leave instead of play with her. "That is not any fun."

Seeing as how there was nothing between them and the garage now, they head inside. Quinn started to explore it while looking for anything interesting, not worried at all about the cops that could be surrounding the place right now.
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INV ONLY Re: Burning hearts and the St Valentine's day adventure! (Quinn) (Double xp)

Post by Pyrrha February 21st 2017, 10:47 pm

Penny let out a curious “Huh?” as she heard the pink haired girl mutter something, as if she had been hurt. The fiery skeleton reared its menacing head in the direction of the girl to find that she had burnt her finger. Penny immediately let out a huge gasp at the site. “Are you crazy? What made you think that you wouldn’t get burnt?” Penny looked around for anything she could use to mend the burnt figure but was immediately sidetracked when she heard several officers call out. Her head whipped around in the direction off the police who were already at the shirt first ask questions later stage of their pursuit.

A series of gunshots rang out and Penny tried to shift her body in between the cops and Quinn, only to find herself body blocking air. She tried around once the firing had stopped to find Quinn releasing a handful of bullets on to the cold pavement at her feet. The young blonde wasn’t they only one shocked by the stunning display of speed and agility put on by Quinn. The police were so horrified by the pink haired girls speed and the flaming monstrosity that was Penny, that they all hopped into their police cruisers and sped off.

Still shocked by how fast Quinn had moved, Penny simply led the girl to the run-down garage in silence. Once the two were inside Penny would revert back to her normal state and let out a sigh as she stared at the empty bottle of booze in her hand. *No amount of alcohol if going to save me now* she thought, before dropping the bottle in a nearby trash bin. Towards the back of the abandoned garage sat a tarp that was strung up in the most peculiar way. Penny had put it up before she left earlier, in an attempt to hide the bodies of the three thugs she had chased here earlier.

The blonde biker would let out a sigh as she leaned up against an old beat up pickup truck that lay dormant in the center of the garage. Just as she was beginning to enjoy the nice moment of silence her ears picked up the feint sound of gravel shifting under the tires of several vehicles, followed by the screeching of breaks. Penny released one more sigh as she kicked off the truck and burst back into flames. She began to approach the closed doors when she stopped dead in her tracks.

The earth beneath their feet rumbled a bit as something heavy had just hit the ground. The loud thud and mini quake was followed by several other odd sounds. Seconds late the there would be a series of thuds and the garage doors would get blown off their hinges by a hulking brute that was brought in as part of a meta human swat team.

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Quote : It's a bit hot in here....Oh wait that's just me.

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INV ONLY Re: Burning hearts and the St Valentine's day adventure! (Quinn) (Double xp)

Post by Quinn February 22nd 2017, 9:22 am

Quinn was having fun checking out the garage, seeing if she there was anything even slightly interesting going on inside. However the squeal of breaks from outside made her look up from the tarp she was just checking under. Letting the tarp drop back in place, Quinn stands up and wanders over to where the garage doors were. Deciding that the people who were about to break in deserved a gift, she gets ready for them to enter, humming a tune to herself as she does so. The whole building shakes a little as a thud is clearly heard from outside, following by what sounds like heavy footsteps coming closer before a brute just slams the garage doors off of their hinges. A squad of five normal people followed in the giant man's footsteps, their attention focused on the flaming skeleton in front of them.

That means that when Quinn started tossing grenades at them they didn't notice until they heard the sound of something metal hitting the ground right in front of them. Looking down, the squad just saw six metal objects rolling around, only the two farthest away even having a chance to respond, diving back out the garage door as the six grenades go off. The hulk wasn't even moved, but the other five were hit hard, three of them dying near instantly as the shock wave ripped through them. Two were lucky enough to be able to react, taking minor wounds and having some issues hearing but still able to fight.

The hulk looks back at his three killed friends and his face hardens, tells the two that survived to go after Quinn before turning to fight the skeleton by himself, clearly believing that he can handle it. The two go after Quinn, more than a little pissed about the girl who just blew up half of their squad. Giggling as she sees them start to go after her, Quinn disappears into the garage, playing hide and seek with the swat team.
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INV ONLY Re: Burning hearts and the St Valentine's day adventure! (Quinn) (Double xp)

Post by Pyrrha February 22nd 2017, 8:45 pm

The monster responsible for caving in the garage doors was far larger than Penny could have imagined anyone could be. He nearly took up the entire doorway by himself, and had to hunch over slightly in order to peek inside. The large brute let out a small snort when his eyes fell upon his flaming target, taking her for face value and not knowing what she was truly capable of. The hulking meta swap member’s rage filled eyes peered into the black abyss of Penny’s eye sockets and while the two briefly shared in the brief stare down, it was Penny who would budge first.

Her head moved off the large man for a moment as a chipper little tune was being hummed out just to the side of her. Her gaze shifted over to the other side of the truck to see Quinn happily skipping towards the front of the garage. If Penny still had a face her expression would be that of panic as Quinn walked into the line of fire for the swat team. Before the raging inferno of a woman could stop Quinn from proceeding any further, the pink haired girl produced a series of grenade and rolled them right past the large meta blocking the door.

The resulting explosion of the combined cluster of grenades produced a strong enough shockwave that Penny’s flames flickered and danced about as debris was lifted into the air and carried into the garage. By the time the smoke had cleared the officers surrounding the building had begun to scramble to the swat teams aid. Quinn’s little surprise attack had succeeded in taking out three of the team members and leaving two badly injured. The injured swat members had risen to their feet with incredible resiliency, hatred for the pink haired girl filled their eyes.

It was in the aftermath of Quinn’s little surprise that the giant man spoke. He had been unphased by the blast of the grenades, but was moved with conviction, a desire to see these two criminals brought to justice. He ordered the two remaining swat members to pursue Quinn, despite their injuries they complied and chased after the girl. Again, for like the fifth time tonight, Penny was filled with a sudden dread as Madeline’s words filled her head. She had no time to worry about the large meta blocking their exit, she had to make sure Quinn was out of harm’s way first. As Penny tried to maneuver around the truck, the hulking swat leader made his move. Stepping in quickly, he would catch Penny by surprise and capture her in a bear hug.

The brute began to squeeze Penny tightly, with the intent of breaking a few ribs and putting her out of commission, but his attempts were only met with deranged laughter from the flaming skeleton. “I hate to break it to you amigo but I’m indestructible….Looks like you didn’t get the memo.” Penny let out a low growl that quickly escalated into a roar as the flames surrounding her body began to flare up. She burned brighter, hotter, and through his super durability, the giant brute could feel the warmth beginning to build up. If that wasn’t enough of a problem he also had a raging inferno in his face, which obstructed his field of vision.

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Quote : It's a bit hot in here....Oh wait that's just me.

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INV ONLY Re: Burning hearts and the St Valentine's day adventure! (Quinn) (Double xp)

Post by Quinn February 23rd 2017, 1:11 am

Quinn skips deeper into the garage, ignoring the curses of the policemen behind her. She was going to find a perfect place for them to play at before stopping and letting them catch her. Finally finding a dead end, Quinn turns and smiles at the two people who somehow thought that they had her trapped. As they approached, Quinn creates a sword in each hand, getting ready for combat. The two policemen look at each other before nodding, getting ready to take down the little girl who just blew up half their squad.

As they charge towards Quinn, instead of meeting them as they expected, she just disappears. Appearing behind them, she giggles, causing them to turn and stare. "Now that you cannot run away, shall we play a game?" This time Quinn was the one to charge, her two blades acting in concert to push both of the officers back, forcing them deeper into the dead end. Side stepping a strike, the officer barely dodges a counter attack as her other blade keeps the second attacker back. Quinn then takes a step back and does a sweeping slash to make sure they stay there before stepping forward again, her smile slowly disappearing even though she is fighting two people. One of them is fast enough to deal with her speed, but clearly the second one doesn't have a useful power.

Already growing bored with these two, seeing as how she is easily matching them in physical ability. "You two need to get better." Taking a step back, she ponders for a second before shrugging. "Well, maybe you can try again next time?" Stepping back into range, Quinn becomes a blur, first blocking any attacks heading her way before cutting off the hand of the slower one, making them stagger back. It suddenly become a one against one, which make the speedster sweat a little as Quinn was able to fully focus on him. Barely keeping ahead of the dance that Quinn was doing with her weapons, the policeman only lasted for a good thirty seconds before he finally reacted too slow, one of her blades going through his vest and finding his heart. Letting the weapon go, Quinn casually tosses her other sword at the remaining police officer, finishing that one off.

Tilting her head as she looks at the corpses, Quinn turns and hums a tune as she skips back to where Penny was, wondering how she was doing in her fight.
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INV ONLY Re: Burning hearts and the St Valentine's day adventure! (Quinn) (Double xp)

Post by Pyrrha February 23rd 2017, 2:42 am

As Penny squirmed against the massive brute’s vice-like grip, looking for any opportunity to get free, she could hear the officers that had chased Quinn into the shadows of the garage begin to grunt and scream. Feeling some concern for his squad mates, the hulking leader’s grip loosened up a bit. Penny could feel some of the pressure around her body begin to alleviate and took it as a chance to break free. She let out one more demonic roar, causing her flames to rage furiously. The heat the brute had been feeling reached a tipping point and began to actually sting his flesh.

Using her demonic strength Penny began to push the man’s arms apart, eventually freeing herself from his grasp. The second her boots hit the ground she quickly delivered a spinning back kick to the brute’s head causing him to stagger back a few feet. Not wasting any time, the sole champion of Arcadia went on the offensive. The bones in her hand let out a sickening crunching sound as she clenched her hand into a fist. In a burst of fury and rage, Penny unleased a heavy fire infused uppercut. The torrent of flame and bone landed square on the swat leaders chin, launching him backwards several feet before landing with a loud thud on the cold hard ground.

Seconds after the juggernaut had been launched from the garage Penney emerged in all her flaming glory. Her gaze shifted side to side at the remaining officers that had gathered around the garage. They all pretended to feel safe as they used their car doors as shields and kept their guns drawn on the monstrosity before them. It was in this moment that the swat member spoke for only the second time since arriving. He ordered the remaining officers to open fire and the obeyed.

Deep down Penny felt a little sorry for the officers, they had no idea what they were up against until it was too late. The barrage of bullets sent Penny’s way, were absorbed in the flames that were her body, others hit her charred bones and did nothing. Bits of molten metal began to fall all around Penny. The flaming skeleton let out a low growl as the gunfire stopped. Her right hand began to form a fist and the ground around them began to shake. Raising her hand to the sky, Penny would cause pillars of fire to erupt from the ground beneath each cop car. The raging infernos consumed everything in their paths until all that was left were the burnt and mangled frames of the police cruisers and the ashes of the officers that stood by them.

The assured destruction of his comrades, his brothers in arms, was enough to drive the hulking beast of a man into a rage filled frenzy. He quickly rose and launched himself at Penny. With a thunderous headbutt he sent the demonic warrior careening into the garage. A loud bang could be heard from within the garage as Penny’s body collided with the stationary pickup truck.

Hearing the sound of the woman colliding with metal but a brief moment of satisfaction to the hulking swat leader; that was until he heard the woman let out another demonic roar and the inside of the barn light up with the familiar orange glow of flames. The aggressive revving of an engine soon followed, then screeching tires, followed by the sight of the derelict pickup truck barreling toward him with a brand-new demonic upgrade curtesy of the power of Arcadia. Flames spewed out of the grill of the truck and wrapped around its sides and its tires were lit ablaze with the raging hellfire of Arcadia, leaving a burning trail behind them. Death came, and it rode in on four wheels!

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Quote : It's a bit hot in here....Oh wait that's just me.

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INV ONLY Re: Burning hearts and the St Valentine's day adventure! (Quinn) (Double xp)

Post by Quinn February 23rd 2017, 3:19 am

After skipping back to to where Penny was currently fighting the brute, getting there just in time for Penny to get slammed through the air. She watches as she considers whether or not the flaming skeleton needed any help to fight the brute. That is, until she heard the tires squeal and the flaming truck fly across the garage and right into the brute, leaving him at least wounded. Figuring that she doesn't need to do anything else here, Quinn decides that she would rather go find something interesting to do and skips out of the garage. She looks around for a bit before spotting a police motorcycle, something that causes her eyes to shine. She had driven a car before, but a motorcycle wasn't something that she had the pleasure of messing around with before.

Skipping over to the motorcycle she pulls out her marker and starts to draw on it, wanting something a little more interesting than the boring bike that the police use. Channeling a bit of magic through the runes, she watches as it changes itself into a sleek motorcycle that uses mana to power it's engine, making it so that she never has to worry about fuel. Now that she has a far more interesting bike, Quinn gets onto it and powers it up, revving the engine a little before taking off, heading back towards the bar.

It actually took her far longer driving than it did walking to get back to where the bar was. She first had to find out where she was so that she could start heading back towards it. Then there was the fact that she was side tracked at least three times. Once was when a couple of kids was messing some a homeless man. They were kinda stupid and had said yes when Quinn asked them if they wanted to play. Luckily they had gotten away with just some broken bones and being the awesome person Quinn was, she gave the homeless man nearly a million in gold coins, letting him do what he wants with it.

Finally having gotten back to the bar, Quinn stands in front of the locked door, wondering what she was going to do to get inside. Figuring that since Penny worked for Madeline, her demon friend also owned the bar. With that in mind, she decided to let herself in and as such, out came her well loved marker. Drawing a quick rune on the door she powered it, smiling as the door's lock clicks open. Once inside she skips over to where the jute box was and powers her rune again, having some of her music start up. Now that she has some tunes to listen to, Quinn goes around behind the bar and starts to look at all of the alcohol lined up, wondering if drinking it would be something interesting to do.
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INV ONLY Re: Burning hearts and the St Valentine's day adventure! (Quinn) (Double xp)

Post by Pyrrha February 24th 2017, 5:11 am

The hellfire pickup truck collided with a thunderous crash against the Hulking swat leader’s body. The resulting impact dislodged the man and sent him flying back several feet before coming to a skidding stop several yards away. The tuck’s engine continued to rev heavily, causing flames to erupt from the grill and out of the small gaps in the hood. The brute began to finally get a sense of his bearings after having his bell rung. As he slowly struggled to rise to his feet, the back tires of the truck began to peel out. A cascade of molten hot dirt and fire spewed from the back end of the truck like some angry dragon.

The second the large man stood up Penny’s foot let off the breaks and the truck blazed across the driveway. The hulking brute was ready for the truck this time, bracing himself as the hellish vehicle raced towards him. Just a few moments before impact the brute would reach his hands out to stop the truck dead in its tracks. The swat leaders’ actions were exactly what Penny had been expecting. All of the trucks momentum traveled to Penny, who capitalized on the brute’s actions and the sudden stoppage of the truck to propel herself through the windshield. Arms outstretched, the flaming skeleton would grab onto the man’s oversized head.

All of the force behind Penny’s body was enough to drive the large man to the ground. Once there, Penny would mount herself on top of the man’s chest and position herself so that she was looking right into his eyes. Though he didn’t show it to well, Penny could tell that the hulking swat leader was definitely afraid….He had every right to be. The burning biker’s skeletal grip tightened on the juggernauts cranium and heat began to build up. The discomfort began to build up, and the dread began to mount for the large man. Though he was durable, he was not fireproof, and Penny’s flames were born of Arcadia’s rage and fury.

The man shot the flaming skeleton an angry glare before letting out a roar of desperation. The roar was met in kind with one of more ferocity. A torrent of fire poured from her mouth and engulfed the man’s head. He screamed and writhed in pain, but eventually would fall silent as all that was left of his face were the charred remains of his skull.

Penny would let out an exhausted sigh as she would rise up off the man’s body and back towards the barn in search of Quinn. She returned to her normal everyday self as she entered the dark garage only to find the small metal shack short one pink haired girl. That being said, Penny did find the bodies of the two officers that had chased in after Quinn. If she hadn’t just finished burning their friend to a crisp she might have felt sorry for them, only instead, she felt shock. She knew little to nothing about Quinn, but from what she had seen so far tonight, there was a monster behind that cute and innocent looking face of hers.

With one problem out of the way, Penny was faced with a new problem, she had to figure out where the little pink haired girl had wandered off to. Before beginning her search Penny thought it would be wise to head back to her bar….you know for a drink or two….or three. With that decided, Penny held her hand out in front of her. Fire began to peel back the flesh on her hand till her bones were showing, once she could see her knuckle bones, she clenched her fist and a breach in space was torn open by the flames.

Before Penny could step into the portal she could hear music coming from the other side and arched a brow in confusion. As soon as the blonde bar owner had stepped through the portal she found the source of the music. Quinn had left the garage and decided to make herself at home in the bar, or rather behind it. “Hey what do you think you’re doing? I’m pretty sure your not even old enough to drink. Out from behind the counter right now.” she said, placing her hands on her hips and staring at Quinn with an annoyed scowl.

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Quote : It's a bit hot in here....Oh wait that's just me.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 152
Registration date : 2016-08-23

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INV ONLY Re: Burning hearts and the St Valentine's day adventure! (Quinn) (Double xp)

Post by Quinn February 25th 2017, 12:40 am

Quinn glances back at Penny, freezing while in the middle of reaching up to grab one of the more expensive bottles that she had behind the bar. Frowning, she stops from the tips of her toes and takes a step away from all the bottles, clearly pouting a little. "Okay." Quinn skips out from behind the bar, heading over to one of the tables and sitting down. "Do you have any games we can play? I looked around the bar and could not find anything interesting." As she was talking, she also pulled a phone out of nowhere and started dialing, putting it up to her ear the moment that it started ringing.

After sitting there for a while the other side answered the phone. "Maddie! The bar is not as interesting as I thought it was. You should come over and play some games with us." She kicks her feet as her friend talks, pretty much completely ignoring what she was saying though. "That does not matter, you should come! It will be fun." Once she said her piece, Quinn hangs up the phone without letting Madeline get a second sentence in, the phone disappearing after Quinn was finished with it. Now all she had to do was wait.
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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INV ONLY Re: Burning hearts and the St Valentine's day adventure! (Quinn) (Double xp)

Post by Pyrrha February 25th 2017, 3:39 am

Penny gave the little pink haired girl, the meanest of stink eye as she pranced out from behind the bar pouting. “Don’t give me that look. Last thing I need is for you to get drunk or something….especially with that marker in your pocket.” As soon as Quinn had moved out of the way, Penny moved behind the bar and reached for the same top shelf bottle that she had caught Quinn reaching for. She brought the bottle down to her mouth and clamped her teeth around the cork and gave the bottle a nice tug. With the type of night she had, had, the blonde bar owner knew there was no way any of the expensive liquor was going to remain in the bottle and so she spit the cork off to the side and into a small silver trashcan she kept behind the bar.

As she walked out from behind the bar she grabbed a tiny shot glass and wandered over to the table Quinn was sitting at. That’s when the young girl prompted the question about games. Penny stopped dead in her tracks and looked around the bar, taking note of the various pool tables and dart boards. “Judging by your definition of fun, I’d say no. But pool is usually the go to game for my less…unique clientele.”

Before Penny could reach the table, the pink haired girl had produced a phone out of thin air. At this point the shock and awe factor of her magic tricks had gone out the window. She would however freeze dead in her tracks when she heard Quinn utter the name Maddie. The young blonde woman began to back away from the table now filled with dread that Quinn would spill the beans about what all had happened tonight. Instead Quinn just complained about how boring the bar was and how she wanted the redheaded demon to join them. Off in the corner Penny shook her head back and forth while trying to wave off Quinn’s attempts at having Madeline join them. She should have known it wasn’t going to work, but she still tried. When the call ended Penny let out a defeated sigh.

The young bar owner proceeded to lift her arm in an attempt take a nice long chug from the bottle of expensive alcohol. To Penny’s confusion, the bottle never reached her lips. She opened to find a familiar metal appendage holding her arm at bay.

Madeline reached out with her other hand and retrieved the bottle from Penny’s clutches and gave her a quick wink. “Awe, you shouldn’t have sugar.” she said before taking the bottle fully and then taking a swig from it before turning to her adorable pink haired friend. “Miss me? Sorry you had to be stuck here with this one, I know how much of a stiff she can be from time to time. Did you have any fun at all?” she asked before taking a seat at the table with Quinn. The demon goddess placed the bottle softly on the table and raised her metal arm, using it to beckon Penny over to the table. “Come on over here chica. Don’t be a stranger now. Come ‘mere and take a seat.”

Penny shot Madeline a glare of annoyance before joining the two at the table.

The Characters
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Status :

Quote : It's a bit hot in here....Oh wait that's just me.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 152
Registration date : 2016-08-23

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INV ONLY Re: Burning hearts and the St Valentine's day adventure! (Quinn) (Double xp)

Post by Quinn February 26th 2017, 1:51 am

It didn't take Madeline long at all to just appear in the bar. Quinn jumps up when she does, running over and giving her friend a big hug. "Maddie!" Once she got the hugs out of the way, Quinn sits back down, ready to tell Madeline all about her day. "Yes I missed you and of course I had fun! Well, I had some fun. A bit of it was boring." Quinn gives herself a moment to get into story teller mode, wanting to tell Madeline how her whole day went.

"Since I did not know the exact location of the bar I could not just teleport into it, so after I landed in the general area and got directions I came upon two jerk faces grabbing a little girl. Since it seemed like they were not the girl's family I made sure that they could not take any children ever again!" Quinn pauses, looking all proud of herself for murdering two men, though they were kidnappers. "After I took the girl away from them I finally managed to get to the bar, though I had to duck a couple of people who thought they could follow me. I never find out who they were. Once we got here Penny told me that I had to take the little girl back home!" Quinn almost glares at Penny for forcing her to take the girl back home, since she wanted to keep her.

"Once we found the little girl's home and put her back, the police suddenly showed up and blinded me with their spotlights. Since I did not want to beat them up and maybe wake the little girl we ran away. That was when Penny turned into a flaming skeleton! That was super cool! Though her flames did burn me, I did not like that." Quinn helpfully showed Madeline the burn that was still on her finger from where she poked Penny's flames. "We ran to this garage that Penny knew of and got inside, but the police tracked us there with some sort of super squad. There was this giant one that just punched the garage door off of it's hinges!" Getting into her own story, Quinn threw a punch to show what she meant.

"That guy was really tough. I tossed six grenades at the squad and they did not even make him flinch. He may have even lasted thirty seconds against you Maddie." Quinn nods at her words, believing that her friend would have had a little fun if they fought. "I then lured the two super police that managed to survive into the garage, but they sucked at fighting so they broke. After that I made sure Penny was fine and came back here, where I called you." Quinn falls silent, now that her story was done, waiting to see what Madeline thought of her day.
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 340
Registration date : 2015-02-27

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INV ONLY Re: Burning hearts and the St Valentine's day adventure! (Quinn) (Double xp)

Post by Pyrrha February 26th 2017, 10:26 pm

Madeline became completely enthralled in Quinn’s fantastical recap of her evening. The demon goddess gave the occasional “oh?”, “huh.”, and “really?” as Quinn described the events that led them to this very moment. When Quinn mentioned that Penny made her return the child she had kidnapped, and glared at the blonde biker, Madeline did the same. The fiery redhead would turn her amber gaze occasionally in Penny’s direction any time it was mentioned that she did something that went against what Quinn wanted. Every time Penny and Madeline would lock eyes, the blond bar owner would quickly avert her gaze and whistle nonchalantly as though she had no idea what Quinn was talking about.

Madeline’s right eye began to twitch as Quinn overturned her hand to reveal the finger that had been burnt by touching Penny’s flames. “Is that what I think it is?” She growled, once again turning in Penny’s direction.

Upon locking eyes with Madeline once again, Penny nearly lost the balance in her chair as she had been leaning back in it. The chair wobbled back and forth as she struggled to regain her balance. Once she had recovered she began to slowly sink in her seat as Madeline’s death gaze hadn’t moved. “What!? What did I do?” the young blonde pleaded, only to be meat with a very disapproving head shake.

Madeline clasped the hand Quinn’s burnt finger was on, and let out a small sigh. “Quinn darling, you should know that fire is going to burn you. That being said….I’ll make sure I deal with Penny latter.”

Madeline slowly rose from her seat and held her hand out for Quinn. The demon goddess flashed her pink haired friend a smile. “Let’s go Quinn. The night is still young and it sounds like you still want to have more fun.” Madeline took Quinn’s hand in hers and slowly led her friend out of the bar, no doubt in search of more adventure and ‘fun’.

Meanwhile Penny was left alone in her empty bar with a feeling of imminent dread in her chest. She let out a loud and anxious sigh as she rose from her seat and approached the bar. “I need a drink.” she mumbled under her breath in a defeated tone.
(The End)

The Characters
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Status :

Quote : It's a bit hot in here....Oh wait that's just me.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 152
Registration date : 2016-08-23

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INV ONLY Re: Burning hearts and the St Valentine's day adventure! (Quinn) (Double xp)

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