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Hired (Jeannie Rose)

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Hired (Jeannie Rose) - Page 2 Empty Re: Hired (Jeannie Rose)

Post by VoidOfEclipse November 17th 2016, 10:25 pm

"Yes, well, that's pretty obvious I would think..." Maura stated matter-of-factory, no emotion in her voice on account of being too caught off guard by the comment of her not needing a mask. Such an open statement made her want to put it on and never take it off again. But it seemed Jeannie didn't seem too bothered by it. The brunette followed the blonde through the Museum's entrance. No one was taking an entrance fee inside, and Maura assumed that to be because literally half of their collection was gone. Some beautiful paintings still held fast on the walls, but there were plaques with nothing above them in many places, police tape stretched across several areas that held nothing but evidence cards.

"I guess your guy liked a lot of the art in here." Maura mentioned as she walked up beside the excited Jeannie. Her eyes scanned the area, noting that there weren't too many people observing the paintings this night. One man caught her eye. He was standing alone at a painting with a slightly miffed expression. What stood out about him to Maura was that he wasn't looking at the picture he was in front of, but at the empty space beside it . Maura nudged Jeannie and pointed to him, "Let's see if that guy knows something, he's acting fishy."

Post Mate
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Registration date : 2016-06-15

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Hired (Jeannie Rose) - Page 2 Empty Re: Hired (Jeannie Rose)

Post by Jeannie Rose November 18th 2016, 12:34 am

huh yeah I guess, just checking never worked with a spy before. When they got inside Jeannie looked around and saw the empty walls.

Yeah really cleaned the place out just missed him. On the bright side, I'd say we just missed him so where on the right track. She looks over at the guy she pointed outok then She goes over to the man standing beside him trying to see what his looking at.

Hey mister doesn't it work better if we look at the painting? Or is it like one of them artsy perspective thingys where we try to see what draws our attention to it?
Jeannie Rose
Jeannie Rose
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : crazy but that's how i roll
driving everyone else insane
i'm the conductor of the crazy train Smile

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2489
Location : where ever my next adventure is :)
Job : universe's greatest bounty hunter
Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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Hired (Jeannie Rose) - Page 2 Empty Re: Hired (Jeannie Rose)

Post by VoidOfEclipse November 18th 2016, 11:40 pm

"Ah, huh? Oh, uh, no, Miss. Actually I'm a detective from the NYPD." the man answered Jeannie, and Maura drew her coat collar up a little bit closer to her face so as not to give him a full view. "I was called in about fifteen minutes ago to record some new evidence found on one of the paintings stolen, but it seems that there has been a mix up to what painting was stolen. Sorry if I disturbed you viewing."

Now Maura had to be interested. "Whacha' mean there's been a mix up?" She asked politely in her best Brooklyn accent, which wasn't bad at all. The detective looked at her and sighed.

"Well, the painting they said was stolen is right here, police tape, evidence cards, and all! The one that was supposed to be here is gone....! He huffed and pointed to the empty space he'd been staring at. "The curator swears that it was here just before I came, and that this one had been stolen."

"Weird. Well, we'll letcha get on with ya case now, detective." Maura said and the police man nodded, looking back at the scene in befuddlement. She whispered to Jeannie immediately afterwards. "I think your theif just left this place! He must have changed his mind on which piece of art he wanted. If we go behind the scenes, maybe we'll be able to catch him. Got any ideas?"

Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Black just suits me, I don't have a favorite color."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 109
Location : The Heights of Peru
Age : 29
Job : Espionage and Infiltry
Humor : Make me laugh and I'll kill you.
Registration date : 2016-06-15

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Hired (Jeannie Rose) - Page 2 Empty Re: Hired (Jeannie Rose)

Post by Jeannie Rose November 19th 2016, 1:38 am

Jeannie ponders on the new information they got from the detective. How odd a mix up of paintingsthat's quite odd for a thief to change his mind mid-heist. Things like this are usually planned ahead of time in great detail. Oddly unprofessional,we should talk to the curator. If we can find out what was stolen it might give clues to what the thief is after. If there're any more paintings with a connection of some sort might also be on his shopping list.

I wonder if this one and the one he took have a connection. Once we get an idea of what his after we can go behind the scenes like you said and see if we can catch him. If we come up with a plan for getting cops to share with us that could help. The detective said he was checking evidence on it. They might have some stuff that could feel in the blanks and give us more to work with if they have some evidence on some of the robberies.
Jeannie Rose
Jeannie Rose
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : crazy but that's how i roll
driving everyone else insane
i'm the conductor of the crazy train Smile

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2489
Location : where ever my next adventure is :)
Job : universe's greatest bounty hunter
Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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Hired (Jeannie Rose) - Page 2 Empty Re: Hired (Jeannie Rose)

Post by VoidOfEclipse November 19th 2016, 11:31 am

"Sounds like a plan." Maura said in slight shock. Jeannie actually had sound mental capability and descision making skills. Maura felt doubt flicker through her. Apparently this girl was going to be harder to figure it than she thought. Maura turned to head toward's the admission desk and asked where the curator was.

Turns out he was just finishing talking to a police officer and heading in their direction. She walked up to the round old man and smiled, "Excuse me, sir. Would you mind telling me what all paintings were taken? I can't seem to find a few that I was looking forward t observing." Truthfully Maura thought this was a bit of a roundabout way of doing things, she herself would have chased after any clues that lead to the probable nearby location of the thief. But of course, this was way more logical.

"I'm terribly sorry about that, my dear." The robust man apologized, "Nearly the entire Berggruen Klee collection was taken, the bastard! We had just put up Veni Vidi Vici by Rudolf Kalvach, and that was taken, too! And Children's Fashion by Susi Singer as well, now! I swear it was here only a few minutes ago and not Kasperl Theater! All masterful pieces, gone!"

The man looked near tears by the end of it, and Maura made sure to put on her best sympathy face, "Im sorry sir. I'm sure the police will get to the bottom of this!" The sad curator just nodded at her words with a sigh and teetered off towards the detective. Maura looked for Jeannie again, "The pictures of those paintings are all in your little folder, right? Are you seeing any other connections so far? They seem to still be all European related. The artists are definitely of that origin."

Maura looked at all the evidence markers around the museum tha she could see from their current position. That would be next on her list of things to check out if Jeannie didn't do it first. Then the cops, because she really didn't feel up to dealing with New York's finest at the moment. Or ever, for that matter.

Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Black just suits me, I don't have a favorite color."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 109
Location : The Heights of Peru
Age : 29
Job : Espionage and Infiltry
Humor : Make me laugh and I'll kill you.
Registration date : 2016-06-15

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Hired (Jeannie Rose) - Page 2 Empty Re: Hired (Jeannie Rose)

Post by Jeannie Rose November 19th 2016, 6:24 pm

Jeannie looks at the pictures of the paintingsthere all funny too. Maybe the thief doesn't like cartoons. there all from the early 1920's two. huh, they have a similar style. Jeannie looks aroundwonder how they got in and out see any windows or vents that look some could climb, though?If we get an idea of how it was done might help identify the thief most of them will have a method they use on all their heist

Jeannie notices Maura looking at the evidence cards see anything useful on them? Jeannie joins her in looking them
Jeannie Rose
Jeannie Rose
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : crazy but that's how i roll
driving everyone else insane
i'm the conductor of the crazy train Smile

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2489
Location : where ever my next adventure is :)
Job : universe's greatest bounty hunter
Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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Hired (Jeannie Rose) - Page 2 Empty Re: Hired (Jeannie Rose)

Post by VoidOfEclipse November 19th 2016, 6:33 pm

"Well, that card, over by the wall." She pointed out white evidence card on the ground next to what seemed to be a smudge mark on the floor. The black streak ended against the wall, as if something had been drug through it. She thought about her own powers and walked up to the mark, "Maybe your guess about it being a ghost wasn't so far off, it looks like something went right through the wall here."

Maura looked around and saw no one was looking. She then crossed the police tape and set her hands on he wall where the painting used to be. The wall began to ripple like a puddle of water until her hands started to slip though it. She looked back to Jeannie, "You can walk through here, quickly though! Maybe there are clues on the other side of this wall." She said, needing Jeannie to go though first or she wouldn't be able to keep up her powers, plus she didn't want anyone to see her using them since not many people liked Metahumans anymore. Hopefully there was nothing bad waiting for them on the other side.

Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Black just suits me, I don't have a favorite color."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 109
Location : The Heights of Peru
Age : 29
Job : Espionage and Infiltry
Humor : Make me laugh and I'll kill you.
Registration date : 2016-06-15

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Hired (Jeannie Rose) - Page 2 Empty Re: Hired (Jeannie Rose)

Post by Jeannie Rose November 19th 2016, 9:43 pm

Jeannie's eyes light up excited when Maura did whatever it was she just did to the wall.She follows her instructions to walk through the wall. Well, wouldn't be the weirdest thing Jeannie's done.

On the other side, she waits for Maura to join her Jeannie giggles amused how they just walked through a wall! that was so cool. are you a ghost too?
she pokes Maura on the shoulder to see if she went, though.
I didn't know ghost could turn off there going through stuff. cause when we were on your motorcycle I touched you. Also didn't know ghost could take people thought things with them. your hero name makes a lot more sense now.
Jeannie Rose
Jeannie Rose
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : crazy but that's how i roll
driving everyone else insane
i'm the conductor of the crazy train Smile

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2489
Location : where ever my next adventure is :)
Job : universe's greatest bounty hunter
Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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Hired (Jeannie Rose) - Page 2 Empty Re: Hired (Jeannie Rose)

Post by VoidOfEclipse November 19th 2016, 10:10 pm

"Nope, not a ghost." Maura said with reasonably amused tones. She let Jeannie poke her and didn't comment on the name thing. She looked at the ground and noticed the black mark continuing outside, "Well, this ghost looks like it dragged something with it through the wall.... woah."

Maura trailed off as she followed the mark to a wall that had been painted white. The entire side of the building that the wall belonged too was covered in art. And not just any art, but a perfect black and white replica of Veni Vidi Vici. It was at least twenty feet tall and probably just as wide.

"Someone has serious talent."

Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Black just suits me, I don't have a favorite color."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 109
Location : The Heights of Peru
Age : 29
Job : Espionage and Infiltry
Humor : Make me laugh and I'll kill you.
Registration date : 2016-06-15

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Hired (Jeannie Rose) - Page 2 Empty Re: Hired (Jeannie Rose)

Post by Jeannie Rose November 20th 2016, 12:24 am

Jeannie follows Maura and looks at the wall they found in amazement.yeah that looks like the stolen painting. so the ghost stole the painting to paint them on the side of the wall. that an interesting reason to steal paintings. What do you think pretty weird. Jeannie goes to the black mark at the tunnel.

She gets down on her hands and knees and follows it. Smelling the ground following it over to the wall then goes around in a circle before stopping and pointing in a direction.

I think the ghost went that way,maybe his looking for some paint to color it in with.
Jeannie Rose
Jeannie Rose
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : crazy but that's how i roll
driving everyone else insane
i'm the conductor of the crazy train Smile

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2489
Location : where ever my next adventure is :)
Job : universe's greatest bounty hunter
Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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Hired (Jeannie Rose) - Page 2 Empty Re: Hired (Jeannie Rose)

Post by VoidOfEclipse November 20th 2016, 1:04 am

Maura was going to give her opinion as to why the ghost theif had painted this, but forgot what she was going to say at the sight of Jeannie. Sniffing the ground. Like a beagle puppy. She cocked her head to one side as Jeannie pointed, not bothering to look and instead intrigier by the girl. She couldn't keep this cold act up anymore. Her insides burned to know just what in the world was going on with Jeannie.

"You can smell the theif?" She ended up blurting out uncharicteristically. So much for keeping things impersonal. "I mean, yeah, we should follow the scent. And I think maybe this is just a calling card, but... and it's none of my business, really... why were you just on the ground like an animal?"

Maybe people acted like this all the time and Maura needed to get out more. Or maybe she was being weird and just didn't care. It would settle Maura's mind either way to know the reason behind it.

Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Black just suits me, I don't have a favorite color."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 109
Location : The Heights of Peru
Age : 29
Job : Espionage and Infiltry
Humor : Make me laugh and I'll kill you.
Registration date : 2016-06-15

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Hired (Jeannie Rose) - Page 2 Empty Re: Hired (Jeannie Rose)

Post by Jeannie Rose November 20th 2016, 4:50 am

Jeannie looks at Maura amused when questions her investigation technique well how else are you supposed to follow a scent? I'm part blood hood so yes I can smell the thief . one of my super powers I have a puppy dog sense of smell Jeannie smilesI'm acting like an animal cause animals taught me how to follow smells. I have puppy dogs and playing with them I watched how they'd follow stuff and learned how to track like doggies.

A calling card so you think the thief did it to let us know he stole that painting. So were looking for a ghost with a flair for the dramatics. gooing all out like that for a calling card I like his style.
Jeannie Rose
Jeannie Rose
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : crazy but that's how i roll
driving everyone else insane
i'm the conductor of the crazy train Smile

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2489
Location : where ever my next adventure is :)
Job : universe's greatest bounty hunter
Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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Hired (Jeannie Rose) - Page 2 Empty Re: Hired (Jeannie Rose)

Post by VoidOfEclipse November 20th 2016, 9:16 am

"Just one of your powers, hm?" Maura hummed as she took in the information. The cutsie talk made Maura wonder briefly if she could learn to track a scent from a... puppy dog, too. Then she shook the thought from her head. This girl's eccentricity was rubbing off on her. She refocused, "Well I'm glad you like it. It seems a bit overkill to me. Basically the theif wants to be chased after. Maybe they're bored. Anyways, pups, why don't you lead the way and we'll see just how far we can follow this guy."

Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Black just suits me, I don't have a favorite color."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 109
Location : The Heights of Peru
Age : 29
Job : Espionage and Infiltry
Humor : Make me laugh and I'll kill you.
Registration date : 2016-06-15

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Hired (Jeannie Rose) - Page 2 Empty Re: Hired (Jeannie Rose)

Post by Jeannie Rose November 20th 2016, 3:41 pm

ok then Jeannie follows the smell down the sidewalk. She finds it kinda annoying cause as they keep going there are more smells besides the thief as the area had more people having paced by.

I think I know where he got his paint fromJeannie smiles and points to a paint shop.[color=#FFC0CB]he's been in there recently. let us go in and look. maybe they can tell us if anyone bought a large amount of paint. enough to paint a wall should be easy for them to remember./color]
Jeannie Rose
Jeannie Rose
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : crazy but that's how i roll
driving everyone else insane
i'm the conductor of the crazy train Smile

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2489
Location : where ever my next adventure is :)
Job : universe's greatest bounty hunter
Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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Hired (Jeannie Rose) - Page 2 Empty Re: Hired (Jeannie Rose)

Post by VoidOfEclipse November 21st 2016, 9:06 am

"Just what I was thinking." Maura agreed as she moved to go into the paint shop. Two workers were inside with no customers. Oddly enough, there was no paint on one long, entire shelf to her right. She walked up to the counter and got the attention of the cashier, "Hey, where'd all the Valspar go? I need to redecorate!"

"Hey sorry! All the Valspar got robbed earlier today by a real character." Maura's eyebrow hitched a ride upwards. Yeah, this was their theif alright.

"Wow, that must've been tough. What was he like?" She asked.

He replied, "Tall, dark, gloomy, well... except for his creepy smile. That's the only part of his face I could see. He was wearing a super freaky coat with a huge hood." the man shivered, "Like the grim reaper but covered in paint splatters."

Maura said nothing and just looked over to Jeannie with big eyes. Maybe she could find out something else from the other guy.

Post Mate
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Quote : "Black just suits me, I don't have a favorite color."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 109
Location : The Heights of Peru
Age : 29
Job : Espionage and Infiltry
Humor : Make me laugh and I'll kill you.
Registration date : 2016-06-15

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Hired (Jeannie Rose) - Page 2 Empty Re: Hired (Jeannie Rose)

Post by Jeannie Rose November 21st 2016, 6:56 pm

Jeannie listen to the man tell them about the robberyA painting grim reaper? how interesting, yay now we now what the thief looks like. She looks around where the paint was taken from.

She follows some paint drips to a wall.over here i think he did his ghosty thing and went this way.
Jeannie Rose
Jeannie Rose
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : crazy but that's how i roll
driving everyone else insane
i'm the conductor of the crazy train Smile

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2489
Location : where ever my next adventure is :)
Job : universe's greatest bounty hunter
Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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