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How Dire ended up in The necessary (Direy)

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How Dire ended up in The necessary (Direy)  - Page 2 Empty Re: How Dire ended up in The necessary (Direy)

Post by Dusker September 13th 2016, 11:02 am

Astrid became a little uncomfortable when he said he was desperate. When Tyler saw the discomfort on her face Tyler just smiled at her and answered his question.

"Currently the only woman on the team is Astrid..." Tyler said, breaking the silence between them...

((OCC: When this is taking place we haven't recruited any of the girls. Just thought I should explain that...))

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Number of posts : 213
Registration date : 2016-07-29

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How Dire ended up in The necessary (Direy)  - Page 2 Empty Re: How Dire ended up in The necessary (Direy)

Post by TheDastardlyDire September 13th 2016, 3:47 pm

[OOC: Oh yeah, I'm down. Just making Dire be the strange but fun person he is.]

He made a face when this guy explained there was only the pompus girl up front. He looked at her.
"I'll pass on that one... No offense." He smiled.

These people were nice enough.
Malik really needed to work on his people skills.
To... Toooo....
"Hey, you guys never introduced yourselves!" He spouted out spontaneously at that thought.

He then began tapping his fingers on his leg, "How far away IS this mansion anyway?"

Theme Song
Dire's App
Dire's New Powers!
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "CSSH. I'm not unstable, just obnoxious, over."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 614
Location : The Messier Version of the Batcave.
Age : 124
Job : World-Class Mercenary
Humor : So a hero, a renegade, and a villain walk into a bar...
Registration date : 2016-07-25

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How Dire ended up in The necessary (Direy)  - Page 2 Empty Re: How Dire ended up in The necessary (Direy)

Post by Dusker September 13th 2016, 4:21 pm

"A lot taken!" Astrid answered with anger. "Why would you pass on me? Not that I care anyway, it's not like I like you anyway!" she asked with a furious tone.

"Malik don't you think that was a little unnecessary?" Tyler asked, taking Astrid's side.

When dire mentioned that they hadn't introduced themselves he made a quick introduction for the both of them. "I'm Tyler Kristoffer Wolfee, that's Astrid Gilligan. Are alter egos are called Dusker and-." as he introduced them he paused and tried to remember what Astrid's hero name was. "What is your alter ego name Astrid?" Tyler asked, genuinely curious about her answer.

"I think it's something stupid like the light controller." she answered, keeping her eyes on the road.

When Malik asked how far there place was Tyler asked him rhetorically "Do you know where beverly hills is? that far away."

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Posting Apprentice

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 213
Registration date : 2016-07-29

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How Dire ended up in The necessary (Direy)  - Page 2 Empty Re: How Dire ended up in The necessary (Direy)

Post by TheDastardlyDire September 13th 2016, 8:13 pm

He laughed when Astrid got her panties all in a bunch about him saying he'd pass. He turned on his best anime schoolgirl voice (which was sadly VERY good) and said, "Aw, darlin'! You making all this fuss over me? You're so sweet!!! But I truly thought our love was blocked by Tyler over there!" He laughed indicating he was joking.
"Oh yeah, I'm gonna love this team..."

"Heh, is that our name? The Unecessaries? I can see it now. 'Breaking news! The Unecessary brings down group of baddies! Their devilishly handsome merc, with the girl he passed up and his competition!" He turned an eye, grinning at Tyler. This was an indication that he was joking, he hoped Tyler picked up on that.
"And he is quite the devil himself. Between these two handsome fellows, Astrid is quite mediocre!' Aw, man! That would be a headline!!!" He threw his head back and laughed, hoping these schmucks weren't complete serious sues.

"Beverly Hills???" He groaned "Man, I thought it was like down the street. Wonderful how the brain works when it wants something to happen..."

Theme Song
Dire's App
Dire's New Powers!
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "CSSH. I'm not unstable, just obnoxious, over."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 614
Location : The Messier Version of the Batcave.
Age : 124
Job : World-Class Mercenary
Humor : So a hero, a renegade, and a villain walk into a bar...
Registration date : 2016-07-25

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How Dire ended up in The necessary (Direy)  - Page 2 Empty Re: How Dire ended up in The necessary (Direy)

Post by Dusker September 14th 2016, 1:17 pm

When dire mentioned the thing about Tyler blocking Astrids and his love Astrid went bright red. if this was anime then Astrids face would of filled up with pink. She didn't give him an answer and looked at the road. 'What does he know? dumbass.' she thought as she drove.

"The Unnecessaries huh..." Tyler said, considering a name for the team, up until this point Tyler hadn't even thought about the team's name. Tyler completely ignored the stuff about him being his competition and continued thinking about the team's name.

"Actually we don't have a name yet, I'm going to think about that when we have a full team." Tyler said out of the blue as he looked out of the window.

"What do you mean mediocre!?" Astrid said, completely baffled by his rudeness.

Tyler just laughed at them before intervening. "Astrid trust me, you're not, he's doing it because it gets a funny reaction out of you." Tyler explained with a smile as he turned on the radio and a certain song started to play from his playlist (here). Tyler started to hum the song and watched the palm trees whiz by as they passed venice beach. "This song is the best for car journeys..." Tyler stated as he rested his arm on the side of the car, making wave gestures as he hummed...

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Posting Apprentice

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 213
Registration date : 2016-07-29

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How Dire ended up in The necessary (Direy)  - Page 2 Empty Re: How Dire ended up in The necessary (Direy)

Post by TheDastardlyDire September 14th 2016, 3:21 pm

Malik chuckled, "Aw, man! I wanted to see how long it'd go!"
He leaned a safe distance to Astrid and said
"I deeply apologize. It doesn't matter how I feel about you anyway. Though you are one of the fine gems, you just don't seem to be my type. Also you said yourself, you don't like me. So that indicates a mandatory friendship."

When Tyler turned on the song, he bounced in his seat excitedly, "I love this song!!!"
He began humming along with Tyler in perfect harmony.
One of his many gifts was being REALLY good at singing, so in turn his humming was great as well.
Yeah... REALLY gonna love this team...
He thought as the beautiful scene passed him by.

Theme Song
Dire's App
Dire's New Powers!
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "CSSH. I'm not unstable, just obnoxious, over."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 614
Location : The Messier Version of the Batcave.
Age : 124
Job : World-Class Mercenary
Humor : So a hero, a renegade, and a villain walk into a bar...
Registration date : 2016-07-25

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How Dire ended up in The necessary (Direy)  - Page 2 Empty Re: How Dire ended up in The necessary (Direy)

Post by Dusker September 14th 2016, 4:14 pm

Astrid simply shrugged at Dire in response to what he said and starting humming with both of them. It wasn't her favorite style of music but it sure was catchy.

As they approached their neighborhood Tyler pointed over to their house, it was the one that towered over the rest. "Look we're almost there." Tyler said, breaking his hum.

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Posting Apprentice

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 213
Registration date : 2016-07-29

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How Dire ended up in The necessary (Direy)  - Page 2 Empty Re: How Dire ended up in The necessary (Direy)

Post by TheDastardlyDire September 14th 2016, 5:08 pm

The house that Tyler pointed out was HUGE!
It was almost insulting to the other houses in the area.
"Surely that really big one isn't the one you're talking about... Right?"
He was amazed that they were able to track him... Hell, even find info on him!
He didn't know and he didn't really care.
He looked at the house.
"So is the entire house the base or is there a secret base somewhere?" He tilted his head
"Please say the second one..."

Theme Song
Dire's App
Dire's New Powers!
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "CSSH. I'm not unstable, just obnoxious, over."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 614
Location : The Messier Version of the Batcave.
Age : 124
Job : World-Class Mercenary
Humor : So a hero, a renegade, and a villain walk into a bar...
Registration date : 2016-07-25

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How Dire ended up in The necessary (Direy)  - Page 2 Empty Re: How Dire ended up in The necessary (Direy)

Post by Dusker September 15th 2016, 11:12 am

"Nah that's not the whole thing, most of the 'base' base is underground but you're gonna be sleeping in the mansion." Astrid explained as she entered the street her house was on.

When parked Tyler quickly jumped out of the car and stretched his legs. "So, what do you think?" Tyler asked with a yawn.

My stuff:
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Posting Apprentice

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 213
Registration date : 2016-07-29

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How Dire ended up in The necessary (Direy)  - Page 2 Empty Re: How Dire ended up in The necessary (Direy)

Post by TheDastardlyDire September 15th 2016, 9:14 pm

Malik grinned from ear to ear.
His dream had always been to live in a mansion.
ESPECIALLY one with a secret base.
He had two options.
1.) Be cool and professional.
2.) Fangirl mode.
He decided to do what any other cold heartless merc would do...
"O-M-G!!!!" He wrapped them both a very friendly and VERY contagious hug.
"This is awesome! Though I will have to teleport back to my apartment to get my car..."
He was really excited to see this team grow to be historic.

Theme Song
Dire's App
Dire's New Powers!
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "CSSH. I'm not unstable, just obnoxious, over."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 614
Location : The Messier Version of the Batcave.
Age : 124
Job : World-Class Mercenary
Humor : So a hero, a renegade, and a villain walk into a bar...
Registration date : 2016-07-25

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