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I Didn't Know I needed a Building Permit to Launch a Rescue Mission! (Clover Sinclair)

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I Didn't Know I needed a Building Permit to Launch a Rescue Mission! (Clover Sinclair) - Page 2 Empty Re: I Didn't Know I needed a Building Permit to Launch a Rescue Mission! (Clover Sinclair)

Post by Bliss August 2nd 2016, 1:01 am

"Just think happy thoughts and don't throw up." Bliss closed her eyes as the familiar setting of the besieged submarine faded away. "Don't throw up." Nothing shook up her stomach, so plan A could continue. Bliss opened her eyes to the same room she first traveled the ocean floor in. "So, let's just stay on-"

"Oh my god! My arm!"
Tori held up a stump of an arm to the rest of the group, gathering wide eyed looks. A giggle cracked from between her cheeks as she lowered the rest of her arm. "Just kidding." Ashley thought long and hard about hurting Tori, but decided against it while Bliss put herself in between the two. "Just a little joke. No reason to get upset."

"Well there kind of is, because you're words were 'my arm fell off'!"
Ashley dropped air quotes with her fingers.

"I actually said-"

"The ship is flooded." A firm hand to the floor gave Sara the information she needed about the layout. "I can give us some holes to move around, but we're going to need to shut off the flow of water. Do you know how they drain the areas to keep prisoners?"

"Nope, but it sounds like we need Tori on this one." Bliss looked over to the weird membranes along the sides of the corridors. "Go through those, beat up fish people. We're going to follow the demon through the part of the the ship that is still good for humans and humanlike entities to get through. Sara, stay above Tori and open up a hole if things get bad for her."

"If they get 'fishy'!" Ashley chimed in, knocking Bliss' eyes down to her cheeks.

"If they get fishy." Bliss echoed, hoping to use the movement in her cheeks to raise her tone to simpler world ten seconds ago.

"Gotcha!" Tori did not waste any time getting to the passageway to the lower decks of the submarine, with Sara keeping proximity of the area above her.

Ashley hopped in the air to loosen up her legs while bobbing her head in excitement. "Let's go give our stick it to this fish king. We can-"

"I'm begging you not to make a fish stick joke. Let's just make sure the seventeen year old doesn't die." Bliss grabbed Ashley's wrist and pulled her through the opening, taking up the trek blazed by Clover and Madeline.


Number of posts : 2166
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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I Didn't Know I needed a Building Permit to Launch a Rescue Mission! (Clover Sinclair) - Page 2 Empty Re: I Didn't Know I needed a Building Permit to Launch a Rescue Mission! (Clover Sinclair)

Post by K'Ren August 2nd 2016, 11:01 pm

Clover trudged through the hallways of the ship. Ankle deep water covered the floor, making all her snake attempts extremely hard. It was especially hard with Madeline’s heavy boots crashing down with each step. She lacked any sort of sophistication at all. Bliss and her companions had been left in the wake of Clover’s inpatients, she wanted to get back at king Karth so bad that she was being reckless and impulsive.  

Clover turned a corner and walked smack dab into the back of one of the ship’s crew. Both were spooked by the sudden ordeal and the crewman turned around to see the invaders. He quickly turned tail and tried to run off to warn the rest of his people. The Atlantean warrior was met with a red spectral spear to the chest. His body fell lifeless to the ground to reveal the one that had kept their intrusion from being foiled. Madeline walked past Clover and approached the spectral Spartan warrior. She peered over her shoulder, her amber eye locking on Clover’s confused face. “Gotta be more careful next time kiddo.” She brushed her hand across the warriors helm in a seductive manor before the apparition vanished from sight.

Clover pulled herself up on her feet and brushed past Madeline, not bothering to give it a second thought. The demon goddess liked the young girls spark, but if she didn’t start using that big brain of hers, she was going to put everyone in danger. Madeline’s reached out with her metal arm and grasped Clover by the shoulder. “Hold up kid. Wait for the others.”

The angsty teen let out a loud sigh as she leaned back against a nearby wall as she waited for the others to catch up. Once the group was altogether, Clover would push off the wall and continue with her rushed pace.

Karth continued to pressure his men into attacking the retreating enemy ship. The ship’s cannons fired relentlessly. With each shot the Atlanteans’ aim improved as each shop continued to get closer and closer to hitting their mark.

Madeline had taken to following the group from the rear. She had only been there to make sure Bliss and Clover didn’t die or get themselves into any more trouble, but she had a new motive. Madeline had seen something, no better yet, she had found something in that Atlantean spire that angered her to the core. Her hatred towards the Atlantean king rivaled that of Clover’s.

As they trekked onward, Madeline felt a tug on her jacket that prompted her to stop in her tracks. The fiery demon spun around, a look of shock overtook her face. “What the hell are you doing here? I told you to stay put.” She said in a hushed tone. It was impossible to tell who the demon queen was talking to with how dark the ship was, and she had even crouched down, completely obscuring whoever it was she was talking to.  

“I…I got scared. There were loud noises and a lot of shaking. I panicked and squeezed the little gem you gave me. When I opened my eyes you were right in front of me.” a shy and timid voice of a young girl echoed from behind Madeline’s body.

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Quote : "Power comes in response to a need, not a desire, and I need power"

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I Didn't Know I needed a Building Permit to Launch a Rescue Mission! (Clover Sinclair) - Page 2 Empty Re: I Didn't Know I needed a Building Permit to Launch a Rescue Mission! (Clover Sinclair)

Post by Bliss August 5th 2016, 2:50 am

"There's still water all over the place Tori." Sara put her hand on the lip of coral she created around the hole now leading into the lower areas.

"Yeah, it's really wet down there too." Exactly how to drain the boat rested somewhere in the machines all around the engine room, but the ability to function under water and control water did very little for aquatic engineering understanding. "I'm trying to find a release valve, or something that looks like it would hook up to a release valve."

"Break time's over." Sara pushed Tori's head back down. "Although, I would love to see exactly how these membrane doors work."

Each terminal before Tori worked to some degree of of the unique biology of the Atlanteans, putting her in a tough place. Movement began shaking all through the water filled corridors around Tori, someone wanted to be in the same room as her. And fast. Air bubbles floated closer to her ear. Then stopped. Then a second stream ensued. A valve placed in between two terminals opened every few seconds, pushing forth a blast of air. Looked like half the battle was over for Tori, but closing a deal never came easy.

She swam to the ceiling and tapped on the coral. Coral began parting before her, leaving her to surface in Sara's corridor. "I found a valve. Can you clog it?"

"Give me some room."
Submerging herself in the waters of the engine room, Sara moved her bearings in the direction Tori pointed, pulling coral from the walls with her. Reversing the flow of water did not seem like something she could very well do on her own, but she knew just how to shut the valve down. Coral entered the valve, invading every free inch along the way. The immediate ending of the stream came just as expected with the lack of water moving out of the valve. Two terminals shook with mechanical frustration. An overload pushed one of them off its hinges and through the ground, opening up a layer into the bottom level of the ship.

A lack of oxygen struck Sara as a more dangerous situation to remedy than the absolute collapse of the ship. Buoyancy pulled her back to the relative safety of the dry corridor belly first, giving Tori a leg to grab and pull up on. Now, she just needed to figure out the best way of escaping the off balanced boiler room before any of this got worse.

And it would get worse.

Bliss followed behind the rest of her team as Madeline continued to make short work of anything before them. It always made Bliss feel a little better to know Madeline gave so little fucks. The only time Bliss ever had misgivings typically came when she woke up the morning after their long nights out and could not get to the puke bucket in time. No one liked that.

"This looks familiar." The long walk from the conference room to the outer hull went through several halls spanning the ship with the same coral, but the primary corridor could not be mistaken. Eloquent markings of gems depicted sea creatures of the deep- some unknown to Bliss. The span of the corridor was large enough for Karth to allow his men to march Bliss and Clover out side by side when he brought them to his capitol. "That door! Alright, Madeline, get ready!" A massive red door, studded with jewels, held the corridor together at the far end, but Madeline did not appear to be near Bliss, Clover, or Ashley. "I got it."

A pull of telekinetic force ripped the doors off their hinges. Water poured out of the room. Two doors on either side of the corridor opened behind the trio, pushing water around them. Ashley put up a barrier of telekinesis, keeping them relatively dry and uncrushed by the rushing waters. "We gotta move fast."

"That could have gone better." Bliss pushed forward with her own trail blazing telekinesis. She only needed to push a little of it backwards in order to part the sea, opening up a pathway to King Karth's coral kingdom. "Go get it Clover!"


Mitsy's Boutique


I Didn't Know I needed a Building Permit to Launch a Rescue Mission! (Clover Sinclair) - Page 2 D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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I Didn't Know I needed a Building Permit to Launch a Rescue Mission! (Clover Sinclair) - Page 2 Empty Re: I Didn't Know I needed a Building Permit to Launch a Rescue Mission! (Clover Sinclair)

Post by K'Ren August 5th 2016, 11:04 pm

The mission was taking longer than expected. Clover had half hoped that they would have made their way to the king by now so that Bliss and her could take care of business, but alas here they were in one of the ships many hallways, doing absolutely nothing. She was about to storm off when she heard Madeline talking to someone. Whoever it was, they weren’t part of the original group. The raven haired girl kicked off the wall and began to wade through the water towards the demon goddess.

Madeline let out a sigh as she pat the young girl on the head. “You really shouldn’t be here, but I guess it’s too late to send you back now.” She said, as she heard Madeline shifting towards her. The demon goddess stood up and hid whoever it was she was talking to, behind her. Clover was about to ask what it was that Madeline was hiding, but for she could, the large Atlantean ship let out a terrible groan.

Clover had been so interested in what Madeline was hiding, and Madeline had been too busy trying to keep secrets that neither of them were prepared when the corridor began to flood. There was a timid yelp from behind Madeline as the water rushed towards them. Ashely and Bliss had enough wits about them to throw up telekinetic barriers to keep the group from being overpowered by the flowing water and the current they were generating.

When Bliss called out to Clover, she spun around, her emerald eyes locked with the jewel encrusted door and knew exactly what to do. Clover let all of her frustration out in a single blast that screamed down the hallway. The bright green blast collided with the door blowing it completely away, and almost taking the front half of the ship with it.

Madeline let out a loud groan. She had tried to warn the young girl that her anger was going to be a problem, and now not only did Karth know what was actually going on, there was even more water flooding into the hallways.

The large blast rocked the control room of the Atlantean ship, causing Karth to spin around in shock. As the smoke was snuffed out by the torrent of water now rushing into the ship, the proud Atlantean kin could faintly make out the silhouettes of his would be attacks. Several of the crew tried to rush through the door but were quickly met by ethereal Spartan spears. Alarms began to ring out across the ship, calling the tribal Atlantean’s to arms against their intruders. Karth erupted through the torrent of sea water and took his place in the flooding hallway.

Several of Madeline’s spectral warriors advanced on the king, but they were in his element know, and he quickly dispatched them with a few writhing tendrils of water before turning to his assailants. “I should have known you’d be too much for the witch to handle. But how glad I am to see you here. I see you’ve even brought me more victims.”

Madeline turned to the girl behind her and gave her a reassuring pat on the shoulder. “Sorry kid, but this is your stop.” The girl didn’t have a chance to reply and was once again teleported back to her room on the Sinclair submarine. She tried to find the gem Madeline had given her so she could rejoin them, put the demon goddess had slyly taking the gem from the girl knowing what she would try to do.

The fiery redhead turned to the fish king, her amber colored eyes seemed to be ablaze. Her disdain for the king was much greater after she had found out his dirty little secret. She advanced through the water, cracking her knuckles as she moved forward. “I know you two really want to turn this guy into a salmon burger, but I call first crack at him. Don’t worry I’ll save you guys a leg or something.”

Karth watched as a new challenger approached him. This woman was much different than the other two. Madeline held her hand out in front of her, causing a black thin line to appear. She took a firm grasp of the line and a brilliant ivory and gold trident appeared in her hand. “You guys use tridents right? I’m not just being totally racist am I?” she said in a taunting manor. She was going to tear this good for nothing king apart.

The Characters
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Power comes in response to a need, not a desire, and I need power"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 114
Registration date : 2015-08-04

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I Didn't Know I needed a Building Permit to Launch a Rescue Mission! (Clover Sinclair) - Page 2 Empty Re: I Didn't Know I needed a Building Permit to Launch a Rescue Mission! (Clover Sinclair)

Post by Bliss August 9th 2016, 5:07 am

Clover brought more water down on them. Well, not Clover exactly, but the events she set into motion caused the hallway to fill more rapidly. Just how much water was in the ocean? No attacks even flew from Clover before Madeline pushed her way through. Bliss remembered Clover staying behind for some reason, but to be honest, Bliss assumed it was to show up fashionably late- like her arrival to help Sara and Tori after letting them get captured.

"Um, who the fuck are you talking to?" With her resentment in an overload, Bliss entered the room behind Madeline as she made her proclamation to defeat the fish king. "This is my guy. I got him." To be fair, Bliss did 'get him' in their first fight before he started running around the room throwing kicks and tethering her to a wall, and of course Bliss refused to let the second fight count for the score card. "This asshole anchovy is mine." Bliss looked back for a moment. "And, I guess Clover's too. But, mainly mine. No one ties me up and takes me to their weird underwater castle. I'm not sure if that happens to Clover, but she's a pretty cool kid, so I figure the answer is no. Unless she has some weird hobbies that I don't want to know about or judge." In the middle of a rant, Bliss found time to telekinetically pull the trident out of Madeline's hand. "It's not racist unless you make him cry. Now stand back while I get super racist."

In terms of hand to hand, Bliss did not possess the skills she did in computer programming. She did not possess the skills she does in telekinetically making herself a pot of coffee. A long list of things could go in this spot before reaching where her hand to hand trident skills fit in, so it will merely come up as somewhere in between telling Tyuki how much she liked Girl Alive!'s songs and her ability to dribble a basketball. "I like that one song with the snazzy guitar rift. I have to warn you though, I always have to get my salmon fileted at the market because it takes me twenty minutes to do it and I lose half the fish to errant knife cutting, but I'm sure that won't matter."

With enough of her talking displayed, Bliss jabbed forward to try and pin the fish king with her trident. The king would easily knock away Bliss' horrible advance and she knew it. So, she cooked up something for after the feint. The entire time Bliss pushed forward, telekinetic energy vibrated the trident. Once it impacted, Bliss would continue the charge, using her own powers to push the trident further into the fish, hoping to pin his armor to the wall.

Off in the bowels of the ship, Tori and Sara realized exactly what they did. And why the ship began to rumble so much.

"We gotta get out of here."
Tori treaded water while Sara began pulling coral apart and making a hull. "Can you make a sub or something."

"I can make a coral husk, but it won't have lifesupport and we will run out of air pretty soon." A platform pushed Tori into the same room as Sara. "So, you and me are going to find Bliss and Madeline by building some walls to clear the way. And then, we are using those portals to get out of here."


Mitsy's Boutique


I Didn't Know I needed a Building Permit to Launch a Rescue Mission! (Clover Sinclair) - Page 2 D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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I Didn't Know I needed a Building Permit to Launch a Rescue Mission! (Clover Sinclair) - Page 2 Empty Re: I Didn't Know I needed a Building Permit to Launch a Rescue Mission! (Clover Sinclair)

Post by K'Ren August 9th 2016, 6:21 am

Madeline didn’t even flinch as Bliss approached her and forcibly removed the trident from her hands. The ever dramatic Bliss was once again making things about her and it didn’t much impress the demon queen who simply stood there with a disinterested look on her face. She flourished her hands and relinquished her shot at the Atlantean king and slowly backed away from Bliss. “He’s all yours then sailor scout.” she said with a slick smile.

As Bliss lunged forward at the tyrant, he braced to deflect the blow. He wouldn’t get the chance however as a loud snap broke through the uproar caused by the rushing water flooding the hallway. In the blink of an eye the trident vanished from Bliss’ hands as she charged forward, followed by a single “Oops” and a snicker from Madeline.

Clover had enough wits about her to know Madeline was going to try something funny the moment Bliss went after her. She was prepared for the treasonous action and saw down the hallway that Karth was getting ready to retaliate against the empty handed Bliss. A bright green bolt of energy rocketed down the hallway and pegged the king in the chest, sending him back into the command room from whence he came. “What the hell Madeline!” she questioned the demon goddesses actions and only received a shrug and a slick smile from the demon.

King Karth erupted from the control room very visibly angered. The young girl had caught him off guard once again. Here he was the king of the mighty Atlantean people, and yet he had been bested on two occasions by land dwellers. Karth retaliated out of frustration using his number one advantage, water. A mass of writing tendrils of water formed and lashed out at the closest target, which was Bliss. A loud crash of water echoed through the hallway as the tendrils failed to meet the mark. They crashed into the menacing metal arm of the demon goddess.

Madeline gave Bliss a sly smile. “Figured it was the least I could do for you.”

“ENOUGH! I WILL NOT BE MADE A FOOL OF BY SOME FITHY SURFACE DWELLERS!” the perplexed king shouted out of frustration. The flustered Atlantean raised his hands in preparation for an attack. The ship again let out a nasty rumble as its inner workings began to fail. The land dwellers were on borrowed time, and if the king could hold them here for just a little bit longer, he could rid himself of his problem once and for all.

The Characters
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Power comes in response to a need, not a desire, and I need power"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 114
Registration date : 2015-08-04

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I Didn't Know I needed a Building Permit to Launch a Rescue Mission! (Clover Sinclair) - Page 2 Empty Re: I Didn't Know I needed a Building Permit to Launch a Rescue Mission! (Clover Sinclair)

Post by Bliss August 10th 2016, 4:47 pm

Bliss noticed her plan went awry very quickly. "Curse your sudden, but inevitable betrayal!" Fighting Karth with a trident would take a lot of trickery and subterfuge. Fighting him without the trident looked like his foot print would be right in Bliss' gut. Moisture bounced off Bliss' face as water began to pull from the environment, pulling together in the form of a massive tendril. "Well, shit."

A blast of water splashed against Bliss' face, but no worse than a stream of water from a shower head. "You always find a way to do the very least of things for me." Bliss put her hand against Madeline's back. She then shot a telekinetic blast into Madeline, throwing her towards Karth.

Walls of coral continued to seal water as Tori and Sara made their way towards the head of the ship. Tori continued to pump water as Sara pulled more coral from the walls, creating a series of hatches. "We're almost there." A continued rumbling shook through the spine of the ship. "I hope this ship stays in one piece." Sara took stock of the coral moving along the walls, hoping she would not collapse the wrong part of the ship and depressurize their nice, cozy air bubble.

The still waters around Ashley's barrier began to rustle. Her attention followed the coursing tide, preparing for whatever ensuing horror would come with it. "Clover, things might get watery in a minute." Ashley moved slowly, keeping hold of her barrier as she stepped closer to the door, inching the door closer to the lip of the hatch.

A coral bar wedged the door ajar. "Wait a minute." Tori pushed herself through the door. "We're here too, but we'll make sure to close the door behind us."


Mitsy's Boutique


I Didn't Know I needed a Building Permit to Launch a Rescue Mission! (Clover Sinclair) - Page 2 D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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I Didn't Know I needed a Building Permit to Launch a Rescue Mission! (Clover Sinclair) - Page 2 Empty Re: I Didn't Know I needed a Building Permit to Launch a Rescue Mission! (Clover Sinclair)

Post by K'Ren August 12th 2016, 12:51 am

Bliss one upped Madeline in the brief moments following Karth’s failed attack. Before the demon queen could give a witty retort to Bliss’s comment, a strong force sent her flying through the air. Karth was just as unsuspecting as Madeline when it came to Bliss’ surprise attack. Madeline turned her head, barely able to see past her thick fiery mane of hair. Her amber eyes caught a glimpse of Karth shocked face and let out a laugh. Using what precious few seconds she had, Madeline rotated her body so that her metal arm was facing the king and with a loud thud, she shoulder checked him back into the command room.

Clover rushed to Ashley’s side, feeling slightly guilty that her unchecked emotions led to her blowing a hole in the side of the king’s ship, which in turn led to them being threatened by the possibility of drowning. She reached out to erect a barrier of her own when a familiar voice called out. Tori and Sara had returned from their sabotage mission. Once the two saboteurs were through the door and next to Clover and Ashley, the young girl went back to enacting her original plan.

“You guys, we have to go!” Clover shouted out to Bliss and Madeline, the roaring water nearly drowning out her words. They couldn’t afford to stay on the ship any longer, even if they hadn’t finished off Karth.

Madeline rose up out of the water after having been blown nearly the length of the hallway. She faintly caught what Clover was trying to say, but she wasn’t ready to leave yet. Karth had to pay for putting both Bliss and Clover’s lives in danger, let alone the discovery she made before they left the underwater castle. The demon goddess advanced on the command center like a feral beast stalking its prey.

Karth struggled to pull himself off the ground after being hit by the wrecking ball that was Madeline’s body. He lifted his head above the water, only for it to be met by a metal fist. The impact of the punch sent the tyrants back beneath the water and right into the floor of the ship. Madeline proceeded to lift Karth’s head above the water and threw another blow. She did this several more times till she was certain that her foe was unconscious before dragging his unconscious body back to the group of females. “Alright everyone knows the drill, come on now hold hands.”

The demon goddess would wait till everyone was sharing contact with one another in some way shape of form and snapped her fingers, sending the group back to the Sinclair battle sub and into the large empty hanger that Sara and Tori had originally launched from. This wide open area would be their new arena for battling the Atlantean king. This place would mark his grave.

The Characters
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Power comes in response to a need, not a desire, and I need power"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 114
Registration date : 2015-08-04

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I Didn't Know I needed a Building Permit to Launch a Rescue Mission! (Clover Sinclair) - Page 2 Empty Re: I Didn't Know I needed a Building Permit to Launch a Rescue Mission! (Clover Sinclair)

Post by Bliss August 15th 2016, 2:54 am

A change of scenery could not come sooner. After the entire ordeal finally began to shake back to a normal run of events with Bliss using someone else as a tool to further her own goals. "I've done that with a star girl before, but a metal demon might actually be better for the future." The crushing sound against Karth made a very fulfilling crunch. "Sara, wrap him up so we can go."

Bars of coral wrapped around the king of Atlantis. Bliss smirked. She smirked a lot. Ashley took one of her hands while Tori grabbed the other, completing the circle, complete with the incapacitated king. Ashley closed her eyes and chirped up. "And, away we go!"

The smirk left Bliss' face. "Don't throw up. Don't throw up. Don't throw-" Tori put her hand over Bliss' mouth to hold back any flim. "Mpphh?" A savage slap from Bliss took Tori's hand to the her side. "I got it!"

Sara walked towards the controls where Winston kept control of the situation. "Winston! We disabled the engines of the enemy vessel!"

"We captured the king. We're good to go!" Ashley followed in stride with a glow in her cheeks. "Anchors away!"

"Checkmate!" The triad became complete with Bliss stepping towards the dais. "Submarines don't even have anchors. Tori, Google, if submarines have anchors. Checkmate is the phrase to say. Checkmate, Winston. Periscope down!"


Mitsy's Boutique


I Didn't Know I needed a Building Permit to Launch a Rescue Mission! (Clover Sinclair) - Page 2 D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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I Didn't Know I needed a Building Permit to Launch a Rescue Mission! (Clover Sinclair) - Page 2 Empty Re: I Didn't Know I needed a Building Permit to Launch a Rescue Mission! (Clover Sinclair)

Post by K'Ren August 15th 2016, 4:53 am

As Tori, Ashley and Bliss all wandered off to the control room, Madeline and Clover stayed behind with their aquatic prisoner. Karth rested before the two females on his knees, still unconscious from Madeline’s knockout blow.

Winston spun around in the captain’s chair with great surprise as to how fast they had returned. He looked over the three women noticing that Clover was not among them. “Where is Ms. Sinclair? She did come back with you right?”

“Relax big guy I’m here. Just keeping an eye on our very important guest.” Clover’s voice rang out over the intercom as one of the monitors flickered a bit before the feed switched to the hanger. Clover stood side by side with Madeline. The demon queen let out a smug smile as she looked up to the camera and waved. “I’m ok to! Thanks for asking Winsty.”

Winston let out a sigh of relief before turning to the rest of the crew that occupied the command center. “what do we do with that sir?” one of the staff asked, pointing to Karth’s ship. They had a clear chance to destroy the ship, but Winston elected it was a terrible decision and Clover would never authorize such an act. [color:97ad=005b7f] “Leave it.” Winston said as he returned to the captain’s chair. “Helmsman take up back to port if you’d be so kind.”

The staff member hovering by the subs controls nodded and turned the submarine around.

Meanwhile back in the hanger, Madeline had spent several minutes pondering on the fate of the Atlantean king. She turned to her young apprentice with a sinister smile. “You know, no one’s watching. You could totally just off him right here and now.” She began to pace around Clover, as if she was wrapping her up in some invisible web. “Go on. You know you want to. Just think of it was payback for everything he’s done to you today.”

Madeline’s mind games wouldn’t work on Clover no matter how hard she tried. Still, Clover did still have some unresolved anger to work out, and this would be the perfect opportunity to alleviate some of that anger. Her fist clenched tight and even began to glow a bit. Madeline’s eyes shifted down to Clover’s fist and a large smile and feeling of satisfaction came over her. She positioned herself right behind Clover and grabbed the young girl by the shoulders. “Do it! Wipe this pitiful excuse of a king off the map. Destroy him!” She shouted.

The Characters
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Power comes in response to a need, not a desire, and I need power"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 114
Registration date : 2015-08-04

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I Didn't Know I needed a Building Permit to Launch a Rescue Mission! (Clover Sinclair) - Page 2 Empty Re: I Didn't Know I needed a Building Permit to Launch a Rescue Mission! (Clover Sinclair)

Post by Bliss August 15th 2016, 2:58 pm

The celebration began to take place as the submarine moved back towards the surface. Some sacrificed ego, some sacrificed safety, and some sacrificed security of mind, but in the end, their situation floated through the air, only to be swallowed by the canine jaws of victory. "Bliss! How was my first real mission?" Tori pumped her hand into Bliss' shoulder with a glowing face.

"It could have been better, but I don't think any of us felt too great about the first half of the mission- well, except for Madeline." Bliss took her eyes off Tori to try and find what environment the demon queen currently tried to corrupt. No wild jubilation requiring fire broke out, nor did any drinking- not even subtle hints of worshiping her as a goddess. "Hold on Tori, have you seen Clover or Madeline?"

Tori cast her nets but drew in nothing. "Um? Maybe Madeline took Clover to sick bay."

"Not likely." The door could not get closer to Bliss if it grew legs. "I'll be back."

While the sounds of celebration intermingled with the hum of machinery, Bliss only listened for the voices she could identify. The hangar bay rose with too much excitement- then devolved into too much despair. "Hey!" Canisters around the room began to shake as Bliss entered the room. "You're not in charge of this mission. I am! And I say there's not going to be any executions. Not by Clover-" Bliss shoved her nail into Madeline's chest. "And not by you."

It took a side by side comparison with a demon, but Bliss finally looked far more heroic in a situation. "Now, I know you don't want things to get ugly, so let's throw Karth in a cell and get back to celebrating a successful mission. Right Clover?" Bliss held her hand out to Clover.


Mitsy's Boutique


I Didn't Know I needed a Building Permit to Launch a Rescue Mission! (Clover Sinclair) - Page 2 D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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I Didn't Know I needed a Building Permit to Launch a Rescue Mission! (Clover Sinclair) - Page 2 Empty Re: I Didn't Know I needed a Building Permit to Launch a Rescue Mission! (Clover Sinclair)

Post by K'Ren August 16th 2016, 12:58 am

Madeline waited intently for Clover to unleash her inner killer, but the excitement would fade as several air canisters lining the hanger, began to shake violently. Bliss’ abrupt intrusion prompted a loud sigh of annoyance from the demon queen. The redheaded demon shot an expressionless glance at Bliss as she marched towards herself and Clover, as though she was on some crusade to keep the young girl pure and innocent.

A smug smile came over the goddesses face as Bliss drilled her nail into the shiny metal breast plate of the demon. A small chuckle broke the silence after Bliss’ little speech. Madeline had a way of drawing out the hidden talents of people. She was moments away from proving that Clover was a ruthless killing machine, and now she was proving that Bliss did in fact have the capacity to do something semi heroic.

Clover watched Bliss and Madeline’s exchange before slowly creeping over to Bliss’ side which was met by an over dramatic eye roll from Madeline. “Sorry Madeline, she’s right. We already beat him and he’s going to have to live with that for as long as he’s locked up. The damage is done.”

Madeline couldn’t help but plant, no, burry her face in her metal palm at the goody two-shoes in front of her. She turned away from them and approached Karth. For someone as resilient as an Atlantean, he sure was unconscious for a long while. She crouched down behind the king and grabbed his bottom jaw and began to work him like some morbid puppet. “Please kill me. I can’t live with the shame of letting down my people. The pain and embarrassment is too much to bear.” she said in a mocking tone before standing back up. “See! He’s practically begging for it. C’mon just off him. What good is keeping him alive going to do?”

“That’s enough Madeline! We’ve made up our mind. I think it’s time you went home.” Clover’s words echoed through the empty hanger with authority. The serious look on her face and commanding tone of her words came as a surprise to the demon queen. Despite being the strongest one in the room and probably more than capable of overpowering the two before her, Madeline hung her head in reluctant defeat. “Fine. Fine. We’ll do it your way…..for now.” Madeline brushed past Clover and Bliss, bumping into both of them on purpose as she headed towards the command center of the sub, leaving Bliss and Clover to deal with Karth.

The Characters
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Power comes in response to a need, not a desire, and I need power"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 114
Registration date : 2015-08-04

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