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I have just found this site and I was thinking of creating a technology based character...similar to Lex Luthor. Now...my char would specialize in brainwashing/mind altering technology. The concept is simple...he has devices that rewrites the activity of brain, altering other people's sense, perceptions, and even influence their brain signals( for example block the motor signals from the brain, thus paralyzing the target.) And combined with his psychology knowledge he will try and corrupt people to become his underlings/slaves. This is the basic concept only. The theme revolving around my character would be, a normal human, but due to his technology he has many powerful people under him.
First question would be: how could I make this acceptable? I was thinking of several "devices". A gun that paralizes the nerves it hits(if he hits the arm, that person cannot use it's arm for some time), a wave emitter(like an aura) that slows cognitive process, or sends a specific suggestion to the targets around, a brainwashing devices that rewrites the "brain programming" changing it.(An example would be that the person can't feel pain or feel it more intense, Not being able to perceive a certain person or approach it, inducing fabricated feelings, or even inserting/modifying memories). I am trying to put the devices to influencing so that I avoid controlling another person's character. So basically I am making an Overlord with the sole abillity of dominating others, and enhancing them.
The second question : what is the xp advancement slot? I didn't quite understand it. Those are powers/device slots?
I have just found this site and I was thinking of creating a technology based character...similar to Lex Luthor. Now...my char would specialize in brainwashing/mind altering technology. The concept is simple...he has devices that rewrites the activity of brain, altering other people's sense, perceptions, and even influence their brain signals( for example block the motor signals from the brain, thus paralyzing the target.) And combined with his psychology knowledge he will try and corrupt people to become his underlings/slaves. This is the basic concept only. The theme revolving around my character would be, a normal human, but due to his technology he has many powerful people under him.
First question would be: how could I make this acceptable? I was thinking of several "devices". A gun that paralizes the nerves it hits(if he hits the arm, that person cannot use it's arm for some time), a wave emitter(like an aura) that slows cognitive process, or sends a specific suggestion to the targets around, a brainwashing devices that rewrites the "brain programming" changing it.(An example would be that the person can't feel pain or feel it more intense, Not being able to perceive a certain person or approach it, inducing fabricated feelings, or even inserting/modifying memories). I am trying to put the devices to influencing so that I avoid controlling another person's character. So basically I am making an Overlord with the sole abillity of dominating others, and enhancing them.
The second question : what is the xp advancement slot? I didn't quite understand it. Those are powers/device slots?
Ranganok- Status :
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Registration date : 2016-07-25
Re: Questions...
This type of character could be possible - but all of his "mind" based controlling powers would need to be permission based. As in, you need to make sure whoever you're RPing with agrees to allow your character's tech to work on them.
The XP Advancement slot is used for buying off weaknesses, or buying even more tech/powers to advance your character as they grow through RPing.
Because, as you know, each power or item your character has at conception requires 1 weakness to balance it out.
Anything else?
This type of character could be possible - but all of his "mind" based controlling powers would need to be permission based. As in, you need to make sure whoever you're RPing with agrees to allow your character's tech to work on them.
The XP Advancement slot is used for buying off weaknesses, or buying even more tech/powers to advance your character as they grow through RPing.
Because, as you know, each power or item your character has at conception requires 1 weakness to balance it out.
Anything else?
Chellizard- Retired Moderator
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Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers
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Registration date : 2009-11-15
Re: Questions...
Thanks. That clears things up. And yes...one more question...I suppose that power and tech is the same depending on char abillity slots. So how many can you start with...I see in the template power 1 and power 2( so the max is 2 for starting?)...If I have tech based char it means device 1 and device 2? Which i put them in items/minions?
Ranganok- Status :
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Registration date : 2016-07-25
Re: Questions...
You can have as many as you want (both for powers and tech), you just copy the power 1 - 2 thing and put in as many as you want. And weaknesses for tech work a little different from powers. For powers you need as many weaknesses as powers. For items, you need a weakness specifically attached to each item. Splitting hairs yes but it makes a difference.
Thorgron- Mega Poster!
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Re: Questions...
So...once I start...if I want to develop a new Item/power I need to spend xp right?
Ranganok- Status :
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.
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Registration date : 2016-07-25
Re: Questions...
Yep, adding an additional item (or items), power (or powers) all require that you spend XP
Thorgron- Mega Poster!
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.
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Registration date : 2013-04-16
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