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I didnt know I needed a building permit I swear! (Sailor Bliss!)(Double XP) - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSeptember 4th 2024, 12:42 am by Vorik

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I didnt know I needed a building permit I swear! (Sailor Bliss!)(Double XP)

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I didnt know I needed a building permit I swear! (Sailor Bliss!)(Double XP) - Page 2 Empty Re: I didnt know I needed a building permit I swear! (Sailor Bliss!)(Double XP)

Post by K'Ren July 25th 2016, 12:42 am

Clover had little to no energy to put up much of a resistance to Bliss’ forcefulness. She sure as hell didn’t have the strength for it. "I really don't think that's a good-" before Clover could finish protesting, she was hurled into one of the maintenance shafts just below the hallways floor. Water rushed in behind her, but with Karth using the water in the hallway as his only weapon against Bliss not much poured into the small crawlspace.

Karth looked on not visibly impress with Bliss’ quips or display of skill and power. He was more concerned with protecting his people and preventing harm from befalling them. For that reason alone, Karth found all the strength he needed to face his foe head on with a clear conscious and outright ferocity. Though the muscular Atlantean King could have probably over power Bliss with sheer strength, he continued to flex his mastery over water as an element. Bliss’ telekinetic blast hit Karth square in the chest and sent him back a few feet, though his fall was broken as the water seemed to rise up and support Karth from below, before placing him softly back on his feet.

Below the fierce battle, Clover found herself barely able to crawl as her muscles wanted to give way beneath her. Luckily for the young girl she was literally a walking power plant, and her supercharged cells did everything in their power to prevent the girl from succumbing to the dangerous toxin that flowed through her system.  

After being safely secured by his ally, the water, King Karth immediately went back on the offensive. The imposing Atlantean lunged forward and swung his arms forward sending a wave of air at Bliss to distract her from his next move. “You land dwellers are all the same. You believe yourselves to be a superior species. Your arrogance blinds you!” he roared as the drew in all the hallways water towards himself. Karth swung his arms forward once more this time sending two massive torrents of water at the woman.

While the battle waged on in the hallways, the siege for the command center was gaining little ground as Winston and several of the security guards on duty did their best to prevent the invading Atlanteans from securing the central hub.

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I didnt know I needed a building permit I swear! (Sailor Bliss!)(Double XP) - Page 2 Empty Re: I didnt know I needed a building permit I swear! (Sailor Bliss!)(Double XP)

Post by Bliss July 25th 2016, 1:39 am

Massive waves of water flew at Bliss. Bliss thought about it for a moment and flashed a smile. "Arrogant huh?" The force behind each wave could be felt as they impacted into Bliss' force fields. The force pushed Bliss back a little, and a touch of the water splashed against her face, but Bliss stood strong. "Oh, I'm sorry." Bliss raised her hand to her chest. "Were you just saying humans were too arrogant? I mean, unless I'm just awesome, I'm guessing maybe you're just a little weak. And, maybe are just trying to, I don't know, make it less to yourself?"

The muscles on this guy looked like they took days off to work on their muscles, but it was fine, two days ago Bliss spent two hours looking for her remote control all around her house. Ever since then, she kicked the late twenties in the ass. "Nice tattoos. Are they just as douchey in crab person society as they are in ours?" Bliss started to push all of the water in the room towards the sides of the room, hoping to drain the excess power source from King Karthus.

Once her telekinetic push moved the water, Bliss ran forward to drop herself three feet in front of Karthus. A pull of her force grabbed a beam from the ceiling, pulling it down to move just in front of Karthus. Bliss would punch the beam with telekinetic force, sending the beam towards Karthus.


Mitsy's Boutique


I didnt know I needed a building permit I swear! (Sailor Bliss!)(Double XP) - Page 2 D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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I didnt know I needed a building permit I swear! (Sailor Bliss!)(Double XP) - Page 2 Empty Re: I didnt know I needed a building permit I swear! (Sailor Bliss!)(Double XP)

Post by K'Ren July 25th 2016, 2:37 am

Bliss continued to push the Atlantean King’s buttons to no avail. Either he was completely ignoring them all together or they were just going over his head. Whatever the case was, the one truth was Karth was getting increasingly agree with the woman before him. Despite his best efforts to drown the woman, she continued to press forward and push back. There was some slight symbolism in the power struggle between the two, and in the end it was the surface dweller that took the round. As Bliss slid across the floor and into Karth’s range, the king reached down to lash out at her only to receive a heavy dose of metal to the face.

Despite how durable the brutish Atlantean was, he was certainly not expecting Bliss to be so resourceful let alone to pull a stunt like that and it cause him to go reeling. Karth gripped his face in pain as he staggered about in frustration before turning his focus back to Bliss. “Your continued attempts at belittling my people is only a testament to your own arrogance. I will not you leave this place alive!” he proclaimed.

With the Atlantean king getting his own ass handed to him in a one on one battle, his men were beginning to lose the battle for the command center as well. With Winston leading the charge it wasn’t long before all of the Atlantean’s attacking the room were apprehended. With the threat of losing the command center neutralized, Winston was able to collect the rest of the security staff from around the base and lead a crusade to free the rest of the staff from their captivity.

---Meanwhile Back at the Plot---

Karth and Bliss continued to trade blows back and forth. For every foot or so that Karth managed to push Bliss back, she pushed back twice as hard, eventually frustrating the King into a fit of rage. His movements became more and more sporadic and animal-like in an attempt throw his enemy off. Using his control over water he skated around the rectangular arena of a hallway, throwing several punches and kicks at Bliss.

Still in the duct below them, Clover had made little to no progress in moving. The Poison had all but slowed her down to the point of her just laying still for several minutes at a time while she struggled to breathe. She clenched her fist in frustration, not so much for being unable to move, but more so for being so damn weak, at least in her own scope of things. Clover was in one of her rest phases as she listened to the struggle just overhead, with each step both Bliss and Karth made, she could almost pin point where each of them were standing. The young girl lifted her head off the ground and looked up at the floor above, to try and better track the action.

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Quote : "Power comes in response to a need, not a desire, and I need power"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 114
Registration date : 2015-08-04

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I didnt know I needed a building permit I swear! (Sailor Bliss!)(Double XP) - Page 2 Empty Re: I didnt know I needed a building permit I swear! (Sailor Bliss!)(Double XP)

Post by Bliss July 25th 2016, 3:01 am

Every little thing Bliss did was magic. But, the King of Atlantis did not feel like talking anymore. Fine. Bliss did not need a spoken word to aid. It just mad the beatdown have more personality. "Alright, so it's going to be quiet? Cool. I can do quiet." Two of her telekinetic blasts failed to meet any contact with her target. Instead of an overly calculated king, she now squared off against a more resourceful and vigorous opponent. Who kicked really hard.

Bliss flew back towards the wall, only to have another shot throw her to the ground. The water began to pool back again in the hall, running up to Bliss' face. "Good one. Maybe we should talk more." While Bliss began to pull herself up off the ground, another swift kick landed in Bliss' stomach, flipping her onto her back. A last attempt to throw Karth away flew out of her hands, but the blast fell much more subdued than her previous attacks.

As Karth stepped closer towards Bliss, she began surveying the room for any last effort she could make to push this creature back. The electricity surging through the lights would fry him, but it would also take Bliss as well, and Bliss loved her some Bliss. In an effort to begin making an island for herself to avoid electrocution, Bliss used her telekinesis to push the waters towards the side of the hall.

Her efforts fell to naught as Karth delivered one more kick to hit Bliss in her chest. "Oof. So, how about we talk this out?"


Mitsy's Boutique


I didnt know I needed a building permit I swear! (Sailor Bliss!)(Double XP) - Page 2 D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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I didnt know I needed a building permit I swear! (Sailor Bliss!)(Double XP) - Page 2 Empty Re: I didnt know I needed a building permit I swear! (Sailor Bliss!)(Double XP)

Post by K'Ren July 25th 2016, 4:01 am

Karth’s impressive might eventually allowed him to overpower his foe. This was going to be it, once he was done with Bliss he would take care of Clover, the one responsible for building this godforsaken monstrosity. Even with her back against the ropes Bliss continued to battle back and look for ways to bring down the vicious king. Karth would not let the filthy land dweller bring him down and he soon realized what she had been trying to accomplish while he had her pinned to the wall.

The brutish Atlantean delivered a swift kick to the woman’s chest before backing away from her. “You had this entire time to talk, and you wasted it on witty remarks that held no substance. Your time is at an end.” Karth held his hand above his head and the room began to rumble, but not just the room, but the entire facility. It seemed Karth was going to use the very sea to obliterate Bliss and the facility along with her.

The pounding footsteps became much quicker paced and were even accompanied by even heavier thuds. The sounds of Battle roused Clover from unconsciousness, and prompted her to start crawling back toward the hole that Bliss had thrown her down. Each labored thrust from Clover’s legs and she tried to push herself closer to her goal only pushed her frustration further. Clenching her fist, she slammed it into the floor beneath her, a flash of green popping off her hand once it made contact.

Clover’s increasing frustration at her own weakness began to fill the girl with rage so much so that the energy from her body began to flare off of her. Each second spent like this seemed to give Clover more and more strength to push onward. As Clover made her way to the opening the entire facility began to rumble violently. Rather than stopping Clover was only fueled further to make her way back into the hallway.

As soon as the massive underwater facility began to rumble Karth lowered his arm and looked around in bewilderment. With his hand lowered the structure continued to shake. The king looked to the downed woman angrily. “What are you doing? You mean to bring this entire facility down on top of me? You will fail!” she shouted as he began to advance on Bliss, thinking she was responsible for the shaking due to her powers. A loud and angry yell broke out from behind him as Clover rushed Karth. The quake growing stronger and stronger as she ran down the hall with a sword of pure energy in her hands.

Karth turned to see an unexpected surprise and he was most certainly not prepared to see Clover on her feet, let along charging at him. The utter disbelief of the moment led to Clover’s blade piercing the massive muscle bound king’s abdomen before she crashed down into the water face first and the rumbling came to a stop. Clover turned her head and let out a small chuckle. “Kept you waiting huh?” she said before passing out. Clover’s surprise attack had opened up an opportunity to Bliss to rid them of the Atlantean intruder once and for all.

Karth staggered around clenching his abdomen where he had been pierced, the energy blade had dissipated but left a nasty stinging sensation and a decent sized hole where it was lodged. “Urgh you little witch I’ll make you pay!”

The Characters
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Status :

Quote : "Power comes in response to a need, not a desire, and I need power"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 114
Registration date : 2015-08-04

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I didnt know I needed a building permit I swear! (Sailor Bliss!)(Double XP) - Page 2 Empty Re: I didnt know I needed a building permit I swear! (Sailor Bliss!)(Double XP)

Post by Bliss July 26th 2016, 3:11 am

The tendrils pinned Bliss tightly to the wall, keeping her arms bound to her side. "Are you really going to villain monologue me?" More tendrils wrapped to pin Bliss' wrists to the wall while her ankles found themselves under wraps from the same invading force. "Surprisingly, this is the first time this has happened to me. By a fish king at least."

The wall began to shake. Lights bounced up and down as the hall surrounding Karth began to compromise in strength. Bliss struggled to break loose from the tendrils keeping her restrained, but she could not manage to get a telekinetic grip on a strong point. Glass shattered around her as the pressure in the room began to drop. Pressure built up in her ears. Instead of focusing attention on escaping, Bliss held her telekinesis in check to close her nostrils so she could pop her ears.

While the facility continued to diminish under the compromise of pressure, a surprise came over Karth. His accusation lashed out at Bliss. "Me? You're the one crushing this place? Even if I were the one doing it, which I'm not, because why would I, wouldn't it just speed up your master plan?"

The answer to the question shot out of the wall and impacted a glowing blade into the king's abdomen. A brief reprieve of a quirk sprang from Clover's mouth, before she fainted to the ground. Vitriol dripped across the brow of King Karth, taking his attention away from Bliss.

A fine time for her to hone her powers into a little water relocation.

Karth divided his attention into wrapping Clover up with a tendril attack to leave her in the same predicament as Bliss while the facility collapsed. With no supervision, the water pooled up around Karth. It only took one spark from the lights ahead to warn Karth of the impending trouble, but it was too late. Bliss brought down the light fixture from the ceiling into the pool of water surrounding Karth.

The lights flickered. A telekinetic pull from Bliss tugged Clover away from danger. And, then there was nothing left. No body to claim as proof of demise. No, voice to echo the truth of his fate. But, the shaking ended.

For a moment Bliss relaxed, then she felt the tendril still wrapped around her. "We might be here a while Clover." No response would most likely come from the unconscious girl, but it did not matter. The facility safe, Bliss only needed to await a rescue crew to come pry her from the wall so she could go about reaping the benefits of her just victory.


Mitsy's Boutique


I didnt know I needed a building permit I swear! (Sailor Bliss!)(Double XP) - Page 2 D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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I didnt know I needed a building permit I swear! (Sailor Bliss!)(Double XP) - Page 2 Empty Re: I didnt know I needed a building permit I swear! (Sailor Bliss!)(Double XP)

Post by K'Ren July 26th 2016, 3:53 am

There were no cries of pain, no screams of torment, the combination of Clover’s surprise attack and Bliss’ quick thinking ensured that the only thing Karth would ever rule over again was a litterbox. The King and his troops held some form of telepathic link and with the brutish tyrant now dissolving into some sea water in a remote hallway, the remaining Atlantean’s that hadn’t been rounded up just yet, took it as their que to surrender. Winston and the security would move from hallway to hallway, hub to hub rounding up the rest of the rogue saboteurs.

The rescue team made their way to where the guests of the event had been held. Upon their arrival Winston noticed that a very key figure was not amongst the head he counted. He went into a deep panic as he realized he couldn’t find Clover anywhere, and to pile on the grief, one of the gusts was still unaccounted for as well. It was at this time that one of the staff members stepped forward. It was the same member that had been given the container of poison. She explained what had happened and without a word Winston rushed off to find the young girl. Wadding through flooded hallways Winston came to the pumping station.

The room was completely obliterated from the blast that had occurred in both of its joining hallways. Winston rushed over to the bulkhead that separated him from the hallway that Karth had used as an arena. The butler banged on the door several times calling out to Clover first, then when she didn’t respond he called out to Bliss, finally getting a response. Winston reached for his walkie-talkie, luckily it was water proof and he chimed into the command center demanding that they open the door.

The thick metal door had been warped extensively from all the collisions it had sustained. When the door finally began to move the vibrations caused by the door grinding against its frame caused the water to dispel, and both the unconscious Clover and Bliss plopped right down in the water right at Winston’s feet.

“Ms. Sinclair! Ms. Sinclair!” he shouted and he reached down and clutched the girl in his arms. He turned to Bliss, sorrow in his eyes and fearing the worst. Silence over took the hallway before very energetic and spry voice broke through. “Did we do it?!” Clover asked as she seemingly sprung back to life. Her body had finally burned through all the poison in her system thanks to the overexertion she placed on herself when she launched her surprise attack.

She looked around the hallway taking in the carnage but noticed that they were down one sea king. She turned to her butler with a grin. “You can let go of me now big guy.” She jumped to her feet with impressive ease. For someone who had been barely alive only moments ago, Clover looked like she was ready to go another round with the Atlantean king. She turned to Bliss and offered her a hand up. “Thanks for saving the day.”

The Characters
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Quote : "Power comes in response to a need, not a desire, and I need power"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 114
Registration date : 2015-08-04

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I didnt know I needed a building permit I swear! (Sailor Bliss!)(Double XP) - Page 2 Empty Re: I didnt know I needed a building permit I swear! (Sailor Bliss!)(Double XP)

Post by Bliss July 27th 2016, 1:50 am

It took a few minutes, but the tendrils finally wore away, letting Bliss pry herself from the wall and slide to the ground. The smell of burnt fish still hung around in the air with the low intensity of electricity buzzing around the room. The water in the room began an unequal movement, bouncing to the rhythm of pounding on the door. If another attack came, it would be a tough fight, but Bliss needed to protect the girl with a raging nerd boner for her. "Time for a fish fry."

Clover looked terrible, but before Bliss could pull Clover over her shoulder, the door sprang open. Bliss rolled out of the room, almost catching Winston in the head with her boot. Her very stylish boot. "Yeah, I'm fine too. Thanks." Water pooled around her hands, making it a little tougher to push herself up, but the every resourceful woman still managed to get to her feet. "I would say I think my job is done, but in all honesty, I'm sure there are other things I could do."

Clover hopped up and pulled Bliss to a straighter posture. "You know what? I don't say this very often without ulterior motives behind it, but you are welcome. It was cool of you to distract that guy. We make a good team. I think you can learn a lot from me." Bliss wedged herself between Clover and Winston, wrapping her arm around Clover's shoulder. "Clover, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."


Mitsy's Boutique


I didnt know I needed a building permit I swear! (Sailor Bliss!)(Double XP) - Page 2 D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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I didnt know I needed a building permit I swear! (Sailor Bliss!)(Double XP) - Page 2 Empty Re: I didnt know I needed a building permit I swear! (Sailor Bliss!)(Double XP)

Post by K'Ren July 27th 2016, 7:54 pm

Clover let out a noticeable squeak as Bliss wrapped her arm around her. “You really mean it?” the raven haired girl said in response to Bliss’ comment about friendship. The two trudged through the flooded rooms of the facility with Winston following closely behind. The staff for the facility and the VIPs that had been invited to the unveiling were ushered into the large dinner hall where the tour had begun. They were soon joined by the trio and greeted them to a round of applause. In the end Karth’s master plan had backfired incredibly and rather than discouraging mankind from exploring the sea, he made them ever more eager to do so instead.

Once all the guests had been given a chance to calm down, the facility let out another low rumble and the massive underwater structure began its ascent. Upon surfacing, the hanger doors were opened and several military choppers accompanied by a few local law enforcement choppers touched down. They had been signaled the very instant the facility had been damaged. One of the many failsafe’s the facility held in the event of some unknown occurrence.

The rogue Atlantean’s were turned over to the FBI as prisoners and the guests were all led back to their helicopters. Despite how horrific the whole unveiling turned out to be, the guests were more than willing to back Clover in her endeavor and actually claimed it to be a success as a major discovery had been made. Man was most defiantly not alone in the universe, but with the findings put out by Clover’s company, man now knew he was also not alone on their own planet. Just beneath the ocean’s surfaced laid an entirely new frontier ripe for exploration and Clover would lead the way.

As each of the VIP’s took their leave, one remained behind. The one who without their help this whole endeavor might have sank literally to the bottom of the sea. Clover turned to her savior and new best friend. “I still can’t thank you enough for all your help today. If there’s ever anything you need, please let me know.” she said, before giving Bliss a polite and respectful bow.

The Characters
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Status :

Quote : "Power comes in response to a need, not a desire, and I need power"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 114
Registration date : 2015-08-04

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I didnt know I needed a building permit I swear! (Sailor Bliss!)(Double XP) - Page 2 Empty Re: I didnt know I needed a building permit I swear! (Sailor Bliss!)(Double XP)

Post by Bliss July 28th 2016, 4:59 am

Every time Clover held a comment Bliss made in high regard, Bliss could not help but want to speak ever more. She had to sit back and think about whether or not it actually did her ego a favor to set past it, or if it helped Clover out more. Either way, Bliss could only go about wanting to help Clover get what she wanted.

Watching each of the helicopters depart made Bliss for aware of the certainty she and Clover would be moving on soon. Bliss let Clover know exactly how to contact her at any given moment, and when Bliss planned on being back on the west coast. Clover bowing to Bliss was cute, but Bliss almost refused to bow back in return. Almost. Bliss even did so well to go as far down as her rarely stretched back muscles would allow her.

A breeze from the coast swept up, tossing the ruffles of Bliss' skirt about. Of course she forgot something. "I gotta go find where I stashed my bag. Don't want to forgot my clothes; those are comfortable shoes." Bliss started to walk off towards the hatch leading back into the facility. "So, just call me whenever and I can come out and help you with whatever computer systems you need installed or maintained- or even broken into, but we'll keep that one away from the cameras." Bliss put a finger over her mouth as she mentioned her computer security skills.

A quiet rumbling shook a pool of water in the corner of the hallway. It would take some time before all of the water would be removed from the underwater facility, but no attention from Bliss went to the puddles other than to avoid directly stepping into them. As the duo stepped passed the pools along the edges, the water began to shift and follow them. It picked up size and momentum, and within a few seconds the water sized up into a tempest around the duo. King Karth reappeared in a vastly altered appearance, leaving behind his traces of falsified humanity. "I shall have my revenge! The two of you will accompany me to my kingdom- as my honored guests!"

The water from the vortex would continue to storm around them, slowly pulling them, as well of Karth out of the facility- and into a new, dangerous encounter with a familiar, foreign enemy.


Mitsy's Boutique


I didnt know I needed a building permit I swear! (Sailor Bliss!)(Double XP) - Page 2 D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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I didnt know I needed a building permit I swear! (Sailor Bliss!)(Double XP) - Page 2 Empty Re: I didnt know I needed a building permit I swear! (Sailor Bliss!)(Double XP)

Post by Adam Johnson August 2nd 2016, 11:33 pm

You all got dat double exp

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The Son of The Raven - Samael Christensen
Osiris - The Undead king
Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
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Number of posts : 125
Registration date : 2016-07-28

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I didnt know I needed a building permit I swear! (Sailor Bliss!)(Double XP) - Page 2 Empty Re: I didnt know I needed a building permit I swear! (Sailor Bliss!)(Double XP)

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