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Beach Bodies and Ice Sculptures (Ryan)

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Beach Bodies and Ice Sculptures (Ryan) - Page 2 Empty Re: Beach Bodies and Ice Sculptures (Ryan)

Post by Kubi Tsuru Mon Jun 13, 2016 12:24 am

It wasn't far to the place Kubi called home; or more accurately one of the many homes dotted across the United States. One of the benefits of having money is never wanting for a place to stay. On the walk, Kubi took this opportunity to marshal his thoughts. As much as he hated to admit it, Ryan had his thoughts all scattered. And Kubi with his thoughts scattered wasn't as impressive as a Kubi with his mind straight. It wasn't quite a crush, not really; just an admiration of his power and looks. ”And his hands. He looks like has some very capable hands.” A second after this thought formed, Kubi groaned.

”Why the fuck am I always attracted to the straight ones? For once can't a gay guy be both attractive and interesting? But no. We get one or the other. I swear, I'm gonna-”

His thoughts were cut short as they came up the walk off his driveway. It was a small one-bedroom like every other on the block, with a small front lawn, light posts illuminating the cobblestone path and a palm tree growing in the front yard. The house was dark and shuttered, visibly so even in the bright summer sun. The only significantly different thing about this house was the symbol drawn of the door; a black circle inside an inverted triangle. It was carved into the wood expertly, dominating most of the door.

”Welcome t’ m'home.”

The inside of his house was nearly bare, the telltale signs of a man who barely spends any time at home. There were no pictures on the walls, no clothes in the closets, and the sight of an open suitcase resting on his bed was visible from the entryway. The only signs of habitation was a worn punching bag blocking access to the dining room and a plant, adding a little bloom of color to the otherwise barren house. Despite its cleanliness, the house had the feel of a morgue, as if a dark shadow lay over this corner of the world, but whether it was the lack of attachment or some darker, more supernatural force would be hard to tell.
”Make yerself at home. Got some beer in th’ fridge, maybe some leftovers. Help yerself. Unless y’ wanna join me?”

He hated this house. He hated the front yard, the palm tree, he even hated the floorboards. Every inch of it reminded him of Masaki. They never stayed here, not really. They never visited Las Angeles, no matter how much she might have wanted to. It was always her dream to go to Hollywood, to see movie stars and swim in an ocean that isn't two degrees below no way. She died before it could happen. Maybe that was why he came here, to live her dream for her, to experience what she couldn't. There certainly wasn't anything else here for him, just a tenuous lead on a metahuman capable of controlling fire. There was nothing that brought him here - except, maybe, the desire to just take a freaking break. It was so hard to live for someone else, even if it was for their revenge.

And that was why, with a wink and a seductive grin, he have the offer to the young man. Maybe he was lonely, or just feeling a little raunchy; honestly, since his wife died he's had a hard time deciphering his own emotions. But the offer was made, Kubi hoped he would accept. He was certain he'd at least think about it. Regardless of whether or not he was followed, he needed a shower; the salt was beginning to itch. So he walked up the stairs, stripping to nothing just in time to enter the bathroom. The door was left slightly ajar, an invitation to a certain cryokinetic to join him.

Kubi Tsuru
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Beach Bodies and Ice Sculptures (Ryan) - Page 2 Empty Re: Beach Bodies and Ice Sculptures (Ryan)

Post by Jordan Reynolds Mon Jun 13, 2016 1:22 am

It did not take them too long to get to their place, Ryan following along behind the rather tall of stature male. The male appeared deep within thought, Ryan’s mind sorta skipping around places that it would in its erratic fashion. Honestly, the only thing that drew him from his thoughts was the male groaning about something, though he didn’t hazard to actually ask what they were groaning about. Maybe that was also partially that they had actually arrived at the house that this guy lived at. It was dark looking, curtains drawn as if someone was not supposed to live there. It looked like a place that  should have been inviting but then again the dark air about it ruined that whole thing. The door itself had an odd looking marking upon it, something that ran supernatural and something that Silus would know more about. Still, it sent a chill up his spine as he walked through the door into the dark, sparse looking home.

They had mentioned something about beer, though Ryan had no actual interest within drinking. Honestly, his mind was wondering over why he was here, despite the fact that he had a vague idea about that. Perhaps it was the tone the tall male took, or maybe that smile that made him stir in all the right/wrong places, and yet he had an idea of what he physically wanted. Still, just standing around this place gave him a feeling that he did not want, an almost alone feeling that shook him to the bone. He was reminded of his parents, though their house was smaller, yet it was still filled with love. This place was a void almost, empty and Ryan did not want to be alone within this room. For a moment he just internally pined for those he loved, family and otherwise.

To alleviate the loneliness, he would follow the male up the stairs, aware of what he was doing and yet it didn’t fully matter. Sure, this was not his as Michael would say but that did not make it any less nerve wracking. Eventually his eyes fell upon the bathroom door, ajar enough that he could open it should he want. His mind reeled for a moment, before he walked forward and opened the door with a tentative push. Despite his silence, as he stepped through the door his ears became keenly aware of the water rushing. His feet touched what felt like the swimming shorts that the male was wearing, looking down to them anc back up to Kubi as he...couldn’t really control the immediate embarrassed reaction, something that faded quickly.

Afterall, they had said that he could join them. ”I thought I could join.” He said, following suit and kicking off his shorts, followed by the shirt.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Beach Bodies and Ice Sculptures (Ryan) - Page 2 Empty Re: Beach Bodies and Ice Sculptures (Ryan)

Post by Kubi Tsuru Mon Jun 13, 2016 3:31 am

”Glad you could join me.”

For once he was serious, a true, genuine smile on his face. He didn't know how much he was looking forward to this, and as the man before him joined him, he pulled him into his arms. Already his skin was warming, body tensing under the water massaging his muscles. Tentative at first, but growing stronger as they grew to know each other he kissed him, mouths parting to taste each other. And inside, a wild excitement grew that had nothing to do with what was coming; he had found what he was missing! This excitement, this raw sexual energy is something he needs in his life. He can't drown these urges in whiskey. And with those thoughts on his mind and his taste on his lips, he kissed down his lovers neck …

Somehow they had ended up on the bed, only barely covered in a blanket that had recently been thrown to the floor in a fit of frustrated ecstasy. He glanced, almost lovingly at the form next to him and smiled, mouth forming a genuine smile, an expression he didn't often make since Masaki’s death … and now Ryan drew it out of him twice in as many hours. He stretched, long limbs easing the kinks out of his body that had been put there in the last hour or so. He was a surprisingly good lover, gentle and caring. It was a nice change from the raw passion he's recently had. There really is a difference between sex and making love, and Ryan was definitely the latter.

He stood then, and walked to the shower (having performed some very unclean acts, rendering his recent bathtime moot) and showered, the smile still in place like it was stuck there. ”Been a long time since I've felt this way …” A reel of film flashed in his head, of blonde hair, long legs, and a voice that sent a shiver down his spine, even diluted through memory. It brought back everything, the pain, the guilt, the white-hot fury at her death. The years of cold and blackness as he slipped further and further into addiction. ”God damn …” He turned the water off, drying himself off as he walked back to the bedroom. It was harder, now, to pretend that the tears were leftover from the shower.

”So wudya wanna do for dinner? Did we need t’ stop by yer place t’ met yer folks or somethin’, getcha another change of clothes? ‘Course,” He followed this with a mischievous grin, the type seemingly designed to send shivers up the neck of anyone attracted to him. ”If we order in, we could always skip th’ clothes. Ever eaten pizza in jus’ ya underwear? So liberating. Yer choice, though.”

Kubi Tsuru aka Titan
Kubi's Thread Tracker
Kubi Tsuru
Kubi Tsuru
Retired Moderator
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Quote : "Power isn't the ability to hurt people, but rather the ability to resist temptation."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 85
Location : Everywhere, pretty much
Age : 44
Job : Fire Hunter
Humor : All kinds and constantly
Registration date : 2016-06-10

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Beach Bodies and Ice Sculptures (Ryan) - Page 2 Empty Re: Beach Bodies and Ice Sculptures (Ryan)

Post by Jordan Reynolds Mon Jun 13, 2016 3:55 am

The feeling of two people mingling was something that Ryan could never fully prepare himself for, granted his newness to it did pay a part. Starting with the moment their lips met, so more than just that he was drawn into a sort of passion that took over like a fire within him, lighting him up in a way that for a moment made him feel as warm as the water that was washing over him. Time from there passed quickly, and here he was laying on a bed, naked and feeling somewhat drained.

There was the tale tell ache in his lower back, butt hat was something that he could get over quickly enough when he had gone through worse pains. Ryan stretched out on the bed, a few of his joints popping audibly as the other male would stand up. His eyes followed them silently, watching them walk into the bathroom and close the door behind them. Honestly, this whole thing was a little disorienting to him, yet he had enjoyed himself more than he had in a long while, save for being around those few people that truly mattered now. Having that warm feeling flowing through him made it all feel worthwhile.

There was then that small buzzing of his cellphone, followed by a tone. Someone was texting him, so Ryan rolled over and saw that for some reason his phone was lying on the floor, quickly snatching it up to find that it only really had a small crack on the screen. This was something that Jordan could easily fix, so all he would have to do was ask them to do so, and it would be done. The number was from Michael, that brother of Jordan’s that seemed to become a fried of his pretty quickly. Might’ve been the way they talked or how they were so nice to him, but theirs was a friendship that happened pretty fast.

Sup Squirt?

Not much. I’m just out and about, doing Ryan things. He texted back.

Haha. Well be safe ;) That message made him wonder for a moment if they knew more than they were letting on, but the text conversation from there went pretty well. That being until Kubi returned to the room, Ryan flashing them a small smile as his eyes settled upon them.

That smiled seemed to falter ever so slightly when they mentioned his folks, but that wasn’t something that lasted very long. ”How about we….go out for dinner, and then maybe we can do the whole being in our underwear thing later?” He asked, dangling his legs over the edge of the bed, and resting his elbows on his knees as he thought over things.

”Though I probably need to get something better than just swimming trunks if we wanna do that.” He then noted, standing to his feet with hands rested on his hips.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Beach Bodies and Ice Sculptures (Ryan) - Page 2 Empty Re: Beach Bodies and Ice Sculptures (Ryan)

Post by Kubi Tsuru Mon Jun 13, 2016 4:20 am

”Heh. Sounds good t’ me. I think m’ clothes are a bit big on ya. Tell ya what. You c’n either go home, getcha own clothes. Or i c’n but ya somethin’ t’ wear. Again, up t’ you.”

He began to dress then; regardless of what Ryan decided, Kubi was going to look great. On went the underwear, then a tight undershirt - with as many scars as he has, it's the only way to prevent wrinkling his suits. Because, probably surprisingly, the rough man owned several suits. And now he was wearing one, a beautifully tailored grey suit designed to bring out his eyes and grin, his two best features. A quick comb through his hair, and he was good to go.

Kubi Tsuru aka Titan
Kubi's Thread Tracker
Kubi Tsuru
Kubi Tsuru
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Power isn't the ability to hurt people, but rather the ability to resist temptation."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 85
Location : Everywhere, pretty much
Age : 44
Job : Fire Hunter
Humor : All kinds and constantly
Registration date : 2016-06-10

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Beach Bodies and Ice Sculptures (Ryan) - Page 2 Empty Re: Beach Bodies and Ice Sculptures (Ryan)

Post by Jordan Reynolds Mon Jun 13, 2016 4:36 am

Ryan tried to imagine wearing the big guys clothes, and imagined being smothered by them more than anything else. Still, that didn’t stop the smile from playing along his lips as Ryan appeared to think over the suggestions given to him for a few seconds. While he did that, the older male would dress up in what looked to be a rather impressive looking suit. Something that showed a certain amount of  style within the male, one that he had been told several times that he actually lacked. Luckily a few of his friends followed stereotypes, so they could actually help him pick out a wardrobe that matched him for the most part. Honestly, it just sounded nice to get himself some new, better clothes than the ones that he usually wore. Sure, they gave him the sort of ragged young surfer look, but then again that did not work very well for fancy dates.

Regardless, he wasn’t the type to go out and try to actually let people buy him nice things. ”We can stop by my place.” Ryan responded with a small nod, retrieving his boxers, and slipping back into them. That was followed by him just wearing the clothes he had before, at least briefly until he had something better to go around in. Jordan had been sure that his closet was always in order, which made finding what he needed easier once he knew what he was looking for. ”Just...give me a second and i’ll get that myself actually.” He said, walking to the bathroom that he had done so much in what only felt like moments ago, rapidly turning into a liquid form and seeming to slip into a puddle of water he formed within the shower.

Within less than second he would be within his personal bathroom in the Prodigy base. Stepping through the door was all it took to reach his room, making use of a nifty little hydroport power of his to cut down on some time, as he dug through a few drawers, pulling out a shirt, pants as well as what looked to be a rather neat looking leather jacket. His outfit came together rather nicely within his own opinion, taking around two minutes before he made the return trip. Returning to places he had been before was much easier than trying to return to places he had been to a long while ago. Appearing back within that bathroom he walked out looking a lot better dressed than before, running fingers through his hair to give it a slightly unkempt look.

”Tada.” He said with a sweeping motion. ”So lets get goin, i’ll show you the way.” He said, restaurant already in mind. It was a nice little Italian restaurant that he occasionally went with his friends to, and man did they have really nice food as well as the whole atmosphere was really nice.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Beach Bodies and Ice Sculptures (Ryan) - Page 2 Empty Re: Beach Bodies and Ice Sculptures (Ryan)

Post by Kubi Tsuru Mon Jun 13, 2016 5:08 am

”Heh. The best part about younger guys is the way they always take my little joking comments seriously. It's so cute.”

Kubi didn't say this out loud, of course, focusing instead on fixing his tie, a splash of color that tied the whole thing together. But he barely noticed what he was doing, mind lost in meadows of memory, such on fragments of a life that he couldn't have back. It returned, occasionally, at the worst times, the guilt and despair. She always hated this part of him, how easy he had given it up. Masaki was many things, but easy was not one of them. They didn't sleep together until their wedding night, and even that was mostly controlled by Masaki. Many outsiders were surprised to notice that the short little spitfire wore the pants, and even more surprised to hear that Kubi let her. There was no competition between them; she had no powers, yet still she controlled him as easily as a lion tamer.

”Yo, I don’ think ya gonna find any clothes in there. Jus’ a heads up.”

This was said with humor, but Kubi was a million miles away. Again he fished through his suitcase, knocked aside in the ecstasy of the moment, until he found them. Photos in gilded frames of a beautiful blonde in various stages of undress; one was barely a step above pornography. This is where he stayed, fingers stroking against the stilled face of his ex wife, until he heard the bathroom door open and he quickly hid the picture, drying his eyes of what was most definitely not tears.

”Find what you're looking fer? Didja get clothes from the toi- wha-?”

The sarcasm about to drip from his lips was frozen solid as he saw the drastic change over Ryan. It was obviously his erstwhile lover, but now in a leather jacket and a shirt that somehow hid everything yet nothing, and jeans and boots that just completed the look. Honestly, if Kubi hadn't seen him naked, he would think he looked his best as he is now. Of course, that begged the question of how that happened in the first place … but that could wait. There was just one little problem.

”Fuck You, Frosty, now I'm overdressed.”

It was said seriously, though with a playful smile. Thankfully, it was a simple fix. The tie was pulled loose, jacket unbuttoned, and top buttons of the shirt let loose, revealing his muscled skin and the beginning of a knotted scar. Finally he lost the loafers for a pair of combat boots, looking a little worn, if polished. A quick hand through his shaggy hair and, wham! From fancy to freak in a matter of moments.

”Well, let's get goin’, dinner ain't gonna eat itself. Unless y’ get the octopus, then we gotta be careful.”

Kubi Tsuru aka Titan
Kubi's Thread Tracker
Kubi Tsuru
Kubi Tsuru
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Status :

Quote : "Power isn't the ability to hurt people, but rather the ability to resist temptation."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 85
Location : Everywhere, pretty much
Age : 44
Job : Fire Hunter
Humor : All kinds and constantly
Registration date : 2016-06-10

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Beach Bodies and Ice Sculptures (Ryan) - Page 2 Empty Re: Beach Bodies and Ice Sculptures (Ryan)

Post by Jordan Reynolds Mon Jun 13, 2016 5:22 am

Their surprise at seeing him in something actually half decent looking was palpable, and all Ryan could do was smirk. People tended to be surprised by his ability to cross vast distances pretty quickly, but then again not many people had handy dandy teleporting powers. Sure, there were people that could run fast, but nothing really beat being able to just sorta be somewhere when ever you wanted to be. He barely noticed the male running his fingers over his eyes, taking that as a sign of fatigue more than anything else. If anything else Ryan was not the type to pry into things, when he had his own secret store of angst to deal with. The said something about being overdressed, the humor familiar enough for him not to take that as him doing something wrong. ”I think you look fine.” he said with a grin, burying his hands into his pockets, as the male would proceed to make themselves look less fancy regardless.

Honestly, despite their attempts to look less than fancy, they still had a certain air about them that Ryan could not quite miss. That, and he still found them rather good looking when he had to put some thought into it. ”Alright, lets get goin.” Ryan nodded, motioning excitedly as the thought of food was enough to get him motivated into going somewhere. His eyes ran over what looked to be a scar peeking out from the shirt, wanting to ask and yet he did not. Maybe that had a painful story or maybe it was something best saved for when they weren’t apparently going on a nice date. He would let them drive, considering that he truthfully did not even have his license. Ryan never really saw the use in driving when he could just get to places much faster.

The way there would take around...maybe ten minutes, but they would eventually reach it. Silus had said that it was really good, and apparently it was where his dads got engaged, though that was more minor trivia than anything else. Just looking at the place made his stomach rumble, imagining just...well eating really. Ryan was hungry, so that was no surprise. It had this really charming name that Ryan could not pronounce for the life of him, but that did not matter if he knew his way there.

”Heeere we are. This place has some pretty great food, the seafood pasta thing is...really great.” He motioned with a hand, letting Kubi take initiative and go first, unless he didn’t, then he would go ahead.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Beach Bodies and Ice Sculptures (Ryan) - Page 2 Empty Re: Beach Bodies and Ice Sculptures (Ryan)

Post by Kubi Tsuru Tue Jun 14, 2016 3:10 am

”Yeah, I know. I'd return th’ compliment, but really there's no need. Ya know how good ya look.”

Kubi accepted the compliment his usual way; without any sense of humility. His eyes twinkled and the corners of his lip twitched as he watched Ryan's eyes, the luminescent orbs lingering on the scar just faintly peeking out above the collar of his shirt. To be fair it is a rather interesting looking scar, like an iron rod was bulging underneath the skin. Age has turned it a silver color, standing in sharp contrast to his tanned skin. It drew the eye life a magnet, one that brought to mind a terrible battle, quite possibly with a dragon. Or at least Kubi let himself think.

”Eyin’ m’ scar, huh? Well, if yer interested, I c’n tell ya th’ story.”

They walked to his garage then, revealing an absolutely massive hummer. It had the sheen and new car smell that indicated he rarely drove it, if ever. The cab was larger than it appeared at first, the ceiling and doors open to the elements. Obviously custom designed for a man of his size. The engine roared to life surprisingly quiet for a machine this size, and they rolled into the street. And as they did so, Kubi began to talk, weaving his story.

”Well, I weren't much older ‘n you, barely an adult, thought th’ world revolved ‘round me 'n people didn’ know me ‘n other angsty bullshit like tha’. Tell y’ th’ truth, I was an annoyin’, entitled li'l shit. Just cuz I was attractive ‘n won a few fights, thought I could have anythin’ I wanted. Women. Men. Drugs. I weren't shy ‘bout how I got it either. I weren't always the upstandin’ citizen ya know me as. Forcin’ people t’ do things, druggin’ drinks 'n shit. Honestly, I'm surprised I made it t’ the age I am now. The way I treated th’ people closest t’ me, always pickin’ fights 'n shit. Mind ya, not everythin’ has changed, but now I know how t’ make a joke.

Back then I worked fer a mob boss, went by “Shiiro no Tora” - the White Tiger, roughly speakin’ - but he was fuckin’ ridiculous. I mean, he wore fuckin’ heels t’ make himself seen taller. Imagine an overweight pig wearin’ a pair o’ stilettos and y’ got yer mental image. Now this asshole, he liked t’ collect freaks - sorry, metahumans, he weren't as progressive as y'all are here in th’ States. Anyway, yeah, he'd collect homeless with th’ genes, somehow he knew, and would take ‘em in, raise ‘em t’ be loyal t’ him 'n shit. He didn't find m’till I was a teen already, but tha’’s a different story. Sometimes he'd even create th’ kids. Y’know, find a family with a kid who's got th’ gene, have there parents killed, sweep in ‘for th’ state c’n. There was one kid like this, some Russian dude he found abroad. Name something completely stereotypical; Nikoli, I shit ya not. From way ol’ Nikky talked, the sun shone right out of the Tigers ass. Would do anything for him.

Now Nikoli was a coupla years older ‘n me, but he couldn't write, could barely read. We always said he was a bit touched, like one o’ them - Wudya call it - savants. He weren't too smart, but damn, this kid had a gift. Anythin’ this kid held, he could kill ya with. I swear, he killed some chick with a napkin once. Ol’ Tora called it something like “Precision Assassination", and the scary thing was, it worked just by lookin’ at y’. For a reason we were often placed t’gether. I'd provide th’ brute force, and on the rare occasion we'd encounter a freak, Nikoli told me how t’ kill it.

It was on one of these that he got me. See, we were s’posed t’be movin’ some old documents; I thought it was jus’ receipts and other shit I got no interest in … but Nikoli, well he dropped a folder. Turns out we were movin’ a bunch o’ the Tigers ol’ plans. Nikoli was staring straight at the detailed plan for his parents own assassination. Poor kid went ballistic, started ranting in Russian, swingin’ this big ol’ blade around. I tried to calm him but … well, as I said, the asshole knew how t’ cut me. I was lucky I didn’ die. He went straight t’ th’ White Tiger and killed ‘im. With a sex toy, if I remember correctly.”
Kubi ended his story just as they were pulling into the parking lot. ”The real funny thing is, it was th’ Tora himself who taught Nikoli t’ read. Came back t’ bite him pretty hard, eh?”

As they out of the door, Kubi had to hide a somewhat sad smile. While he certainly didn't miss the days of being underneath somebody's thumb, he did miss the emotional freedom, of being able to rage and hate and love with equal measure. Nowadays, even a flicker of irritation left him with guilt, as if he was dishonoring her memory by feeling angry. Masaki hated displays of callous emotions. They were weaknesses, she said, and you should never indulge in a weakness. Turn your weakness back onto the one who made you angry.

”That's difficult to do when you're dead.”

He was shaken out of his thoughts as he crossed the car and opened the door for Ryan, offering his hand to the young blond. A smile lit up his face.

”Well, we're here. Time fer ya t’ take th’ lead.”

Kubi Tsuru aka Titan
Kubi's Thread Tracker
Kubi Tsuru
Kubi Tsuru
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Quote : "Power isn't the ability to hurt people, but rather the ability to resist temptation."

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Number of posts : 85
Location : Everywhere, pretty much
Age : 44
Job : Fire Hunter
Humor : All kinds and constantly
Registration date : 2016-06-10

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Beach Bodies and Ice Sculptures (Ryan) - Page 2 Empty Re: Beach Bodies and Ice Sculptures (Ryan)

Post by Jordan Reynolds Tue Jun 14, 2016 3:39 am

They were right enough that he was curious about their little scar, though all he did was nod when they asked about the fact that he was curious about the thing. A story about how he got the thing would follow, though the story itself was somewhat long winded, not that he really minded just listening to him as he talked. Ryan was the type to just enjoy hearing people talk, attentive eyes focused on them as a person would continue on with whatever they were saying. It ended up delving into the males past, something that sounded less than savory just from the starting part of things. Learning more about him was interesting within itself, so that managed to keep his attention as the time of their drive went by rather quickly. Honestly, he was there before he even knew what was happening, taking the lead as well as their hand.

They would open the door, a song greeting them, though he could not quite place who it was by. Ryan would step through first,  taking a quick scan of the room before turning back to Kubi. While they weren’t overly dressed for the occasion, he felt...well he felt rather confident within himself. That was something that he could not claim to have felt in a really long time, so he enjoyed that for however long it would last.

As usual there was some manner of waitress, one that he had seen a few times before when coming around. The two of them would be brought to a table, Ryan giving them a small wave as they walked off to do whatever after taking their orders, as well as drinks. Ryan had chosen a seafood pasta dish and garlic bread, something that he always got every time he went there as well as a sprite because he liked that stuff. ”I’ honest here. I’ve never actually been on any kind of date..if that’s what this is I mean.” He said in the silence between waiting for their food and whatnot.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Beach Bodies and Ice Sculptures (Ryan) - Page 2 Empty Re: Beach Bodies and Ice Sculptures (Ryan)

Post by Kubi Tsuru Wed Jun 15, 2016 3:16 am

It was a nice restaurant, some upbeat orchestral music pumping in from the speakers hidden discreetly hidden around. The staff were pretty and professional and, interestingly, seemed to know his young date. He felt his eyebrow raise as they took their seats, listening with a grin to Ryan mumble something about not being used to this. It was hard for Kubi to restrain his laughter; poor kid was so nervous and anxious, like a high schooler trying to steal a kiss at prom. It was cute, in a way, but Kubi did wonder if he'd ever get over it.

”Jus’ calm down, Frosty. Y’ got m’ t’ strip already, I already like ya, don’ try t’ impress me. Jus’ be yerself and I'll see if I like tha’ asshole. We could start with your last name, or where ya grew up. It ain't too hard t’ go on a date.”

He winked at Ryan, a broad grin stretching his face before hiding his face in a menu. To be honest, it's been a little bit for Kubi as well; he hasn't been on a proper date since his wife died, and he hasn't been out with a man since … well, ever. He's never been on a proper date with a guy. Sure, there were a few instances in his youth when he picked some up, but one night stand don't count. And with Ryan it was so much different. There was attraction, yes, but even after sex, he has the desire to continue being in his company. In his mind, that was just not right, and was honestly freaking him out a bit.

”I'll start off with th’ soup. Then that Angel Wing pasta, and maybe a steak. I don’ know, I kinda skipped lunch. Why dontcha get one of ya friends over here t’ take our order?” His eyes twinkled merrily at him.

Kubi Tsuru aka Titan
Kubi's Thread Tracker
Kubi Tsuru
Kubi Tsuru
Retired Moderator
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Status :

Quote : "Power isn't the ability to hurt people, but rather the ability to resist temptation."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 85
Location : Everywhere, pretty much
Age : 44
Job : Fire Hunter
Humor : All kinds and constantly
Registration date : 2016-06-10

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Beach Bodies and Ice Sculptures (Ryan) - Page 2 Empty Re: Beach Bodies and Ice Sculptures (Ryan)

Post by Jordan Reynolds Wed Jun 15, 2016 3:44 am

So there was actual confirmation that this was indeed a date. Something about this made it even more awkward, if only because this was his first legitimate date, the whole cruise thing with Cale notwithstanding. There was also the fact that he was going on a date with an older and rather attractive guy that made him feel all weird in all the right ways. ”Don’t actually remember what city I was born in, but it was somewhere in Wisconsin. Might’ve been a town, probably too small or maybe I just didn’t bother to remember it.” He said trying to recall a few things, and coming up with almost nothing. Details that far back were always fuzzy, always hard to remember unless they considered them absolutely important. So things like his parents face, how they sounded and things like that were pretty important. "I' remember it later."

Ryan would motion for one of the wait staff to come along, the same person that had lead them to their table. They would take their menus. Honestly, this guy was a wonderful amount of charming, enough that it made all the bad things that happened in his life for a moment fade away into insignificance. “So what can I get for you guys today?” She looked familiar, and that was when it hit him. She was that girl at the movie theater that sorta just chewed out the guy trying to rob it rather than acting like a normal person. There was recognition within her eyes, though she didn’t say anything.

”I’ll have the seafood pasta, with the garlic bread.” Ryan said, not feeling all too hungry, so he didn’t order more than he could actually eat, and then Kubi would make their order. From there, the woman would walk off to do their job, well waiting would be the annoying part. ”I’ll be honest. I’m...actually really enjoying myself.” He admitted, feeling a bit of the nervousness slip away, or maybe he was just becoming more comfortable with the whole thing. He smiled softly, eyes flickering to the table and then back up to the male. ”beats just sitting around at the beach anyway, I do that all the time these days.”
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Beach Bodies and Ice Sculptures (Ryan) - Page 2 Empty Re: Beach Bodies and Ice Sculptures (Ryan)

Post by Kubi Tsuru Fri Jun 17, 2016 11:02 pm

He could see the wheels spinning in Ryan's head, the telltale signs that he was telling the truth; eyes tilting to the left, the million and one micro expressions Kubi had taught himself to read, he very subtle mouthing. He really didn't remember where he was born - only that it was somewhere in Wisconsin - and that alone was enough to pique Kubi's interest. But then there was the casual “I'll remember it later", which meant that either Ryan was lying (and was uncommonly good at it) or the memories were repressed; either way, it was a good idea to stray out of that particular area.

”Wisconsin, eh? Never took ya fer a Cheesehead.”

He threw him a perfect grin, light glinting off his eyes. For such deep, dark eyes, the melted beautifully, every smile turning them into melted chocolate. He found it cute, almost insufferably so, how nervous he was, how he didn't seem to know what to do. It was endearingly naive. But Kubi ignored this, for the moment, to instead focus on another interesting story; how the hell did he know their waitress? They both showed signs of recognition, and he was watching her, too closely for a gay man. He watched her leave (eyes inevitably trailing downwards) before raising an eyebrow to his date, a mock frown on his face.

”Y’didnt take m’t’ yer ex-girlfriends, didja? Cuz that would be fucked up. Smooth as silk, but really screwed up, yo.”

Kubi Tsuru aka Titan
Kubi's Thread Tracker
Kubi Tsuru
Kubi Tsuru
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Status :

Quote : "Power isn't the ability to hurt people, but rather the ability to resist temptation."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Location : Everywhere, pretty much
Age : 44
Job : Fire Hunter
Humor : All kinds and constantly
Registration date : 2016-06-10

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Beach Bodies and Ice Sculptures (Ryan) - Page 2 Empty Re: Beach Bodies and Ice Sculptures (Ryan)

Post by Jordan Reynolds Fri Jun 17, 2016 11:29 pm

Ryan was understandably confused by the statement about a girlfriend, considering that he had never had one of those within his life. Granted he had never had a boyfriend either, so that may have just meant he never dated anyone within his life. ”Girlfriend?” His tone held a small amount of confusion, looking to where the woman was walking and then back to Kubi. ”You think that….no. I just come here a lot with a few friends of mine. She always seems to be working, so we just recognize each other I guess.” He shrugged, internally wondering where the guy had gotten something like that, but then again maybe that happened before. Honestly, he didn’t really think of her as much more than a friend at best, if that was what they were. Ryan had no clue how this happened so quickly, and yet here he was on a date with some unknown guy.

”Sorry if I made it look like that.” He said, giving an apologetic smile, nervously tapping his fingers against the table. Ryan found himself just focusing on the fact that he was nervous, and this guy was just completely confident within themselves, externally at least. ”So..” Before he could say anything else, a familiar voice spoke up.

”Well, what do we have here?” Ryan froze up, turning to see a familiar face. Well kept short dark brown hair, rugged stubble and these strange silver eyes flecked with glowing green examining both of them curiously. Michael was for some reason here of all places, dressed in their typical clothes,  an off pink polo shirt and tan cargo shorts, sitting only a table away from them. ”Ryan on a date? What a twist.” They smirked,  jabbing their fork into a pile of pasta and twining it around the metal utensil.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Beach Bodies and Ice Sculptures (Ryan) - Page 2 Empty Re: Beach Bodies and Ice Sculptures (Ryan)

Post by Kubi Tsuru Mon Jun 20, 2016 2:19 am

Kubi laughed, an unabashedly amused chuckle, at the expense of Ryan. He was so serious and self-conscious about nearly everything, it was like going out with a thirteen year old, in the best way. He found it cute, the constant blushing and stammering and explanations, like watching a child tried to explain why his hand was in the cookie jar; and just like that example, it tends to be hilarious to anyone looking in and mortifying to the one doing the explaining. Though his reaction explained one thing; Ryan was gay. Like, pointedly gay (which was ridiculously obvious in hindsight, but there were times he doubted). And for a second - a small second, mind you - Kubi was jealous. His current lifestyle didn't lend itself to lasting relationships; no matter how much he liked a place, it's a temporary solution at best, at least until his wife was avenged.

But his jealousy - and the words forming on Ryan's lips - faded, washed away by waves of curiosity. He turned, a wicked smile stretching his lips, towards the source of the inquiry. He was an attractive man, for sure, with an easy, honest grin. Kubi liked him immediately. Of course, at that moment his phone rang, and while Ryan was distracted he checked it and felt his mirth fade. Reports of mysterious fires, instantly sublimating everything it touched in Downtown Chicago. Such a long way. And at that instant he made a choice. His fingers dipped into his wallet, pulling from it's leather interiors a credit card and pushing it to the middle of the table. He stood and in a movement almost too quick to follow, he grabbed Ryan and kissed him, lips crashing against lips like thunder against the cliffs.

”Sorry t’bail like this, but I got an emergency. If y’want t’ continue whatever this is, track m’ down. If not … well, it's been fun, eh, Frosty?” With a final wink, Kubi left, ordering the next immediate fight to Chicago.

Kubi Tsuru aka Titan
Kubi's Thread Tracker
Kubi Tsuru
Kubi Tsuru
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