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Broken Wings: Aftermath

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Broken Wings: Aftermath Empty Broken Wings: Aftermath

Post by Red May 1st 2016, 8:29 pm

Lucius laid down on a high tech table as various robotic arms first stripped him of his armor, and then got to work applying some of the most advanced medical procedures currently available. His vision was a bit of a blur, the rush of the previous encounter getting to him. He swatted away thoughts of if what he was about to do was right. Why go back now? There was no way. Eventually, he was for the most part healed up, including his teeth being placed back where they were supposed to be. Soreness set in though, and he was a little wobbly when he got off the table.

It's done, i won....... The Talons will be seen as weak, vulnerable.... Even if the story doesn't hold up, i got what i wanted....... But was it worth it?

The thoughts rang through his head. Why was he doing this? Phoenix was dead, from what he was told. Sure there was the possibility he would return, but for the most part he was gone. So why go through with this thing with Tyuki? Well, perhaps to make her forget. Force her to go on with her life. She didn't need the memory of him creeping up inside her and forcing her down yet again. How much of her losing him could she take? She just ended up ruining her life further. Lucius was doing Tyuki a favor.

He put an all black suit on, slightly limping as he walked into the contained room that held Tyuki. All that was in it was a table and chair, as well as a bottle of Bourbon and a few glasses, and of course something in case she freaked out. Tyuki was placed on the ground and had yet to wake, and would be quite weak from her poisoning and then sedation, which also did the job of mostly clearing her system of the allergen she had been effected by. If she wanted to fight, she probably wouldn't be able to. Especially in the Sanctuary.

Lucius grunted as he sat at the table and poured himself a drink. He was hurting, you could see that. Dark circles under his eyes were further contrasted by pale white skin. He seemed almost sick. The reason for that wasn't just his injuries though, it was the familiarity of this situation. He had done something horrible, but it was necessary. People like Phoenix were dangerous, they couldn't be tolerated. He just hoped Tyuki could understand why he did what he did, and what he was about to do. Once he heard Tyuki wake up, he would speak. He was confident she would hear him just fine.

"Did anyone ever tell you the story of the Rhine bridge? Well, you see, in 55 BCE our favorite Roman general, Julius Caesar, had an issue. This issue was a large river, known as the Rhine. He couldn't get his horses and siege weapons across, and his infantry only had a slightly better chance of making it to the other side. It stopped his campaign dead in its tracks. But Caesar was a determined and ambitious man, he had to get across if he were to crush the Gauls and take power in Rome." Lucius said, his voice filling the room and echoing off the walls. He took a sip of his drink and continued.

"So, with the celebrating drunkard Gauls counting on him turning and leaving, he ordered his men to cut down the forest, and to build a bridge. Some thought he was insane, others figured it wouldn't be strong enough. But by the end of just ten days, they had a three hundred foot bridge, deliberately built better then any Gaulish construction to show the unprepared barbarian forces Roman superiority. Their laughter and mocking of the Romans from across the river quickly turned to worry, and then outright fear. He showed them there was nothing that would stop him. He was greater then them, and he would achieve his goals no matter what mockery was sent his way. This quickly got around, and the masses knew there was no chance of victory for the Gauls. They were weak, the Romans were strong." Lucius mused. He was getting at something, that much was clear. But what wasn't apparent just yet.

"You see, i stood in front of a man threatening to burn my world to the ground. All i worked for, gone. With the power and support he had, he could have very well done what he said. But i changed the rules. I used something he didn't expect, i used you. You were my bridge, and i crossed the river into victory because of you. Now, this time the world sees Rise as strong, and the Talons, as well as 'superheros' as a whole as weak. Their era is over." Lucius said, sipping his drink. He wasn't being arrogant or trying to get a rise out of Tyuki, he was simply stating the facts.

"But you know what Caesar did after he crossed? He dismantled the bridge. He got rid of it so no one could use it ever again. You've been stepped on all your life...... You have been eclipsed. I want to show you a life where you can be your own person. I want to free you, as i have done for so many. I see now that you don't deserve to be used by anyone, not me, not Phoenix." Lucius said, pouring the woman a drink and outstretching his hand to give it to her. It was almost like taking it would be agreement from the way he did so. Hopefully she didn't freak out, all Lucius wanted to do was talk to her.

Last edited by Red on May 16th 2016, 2:19 pm; edited 1 time in total


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

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Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1255
Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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Broken Wings: Aftermath Empty Re: Broken Wings: Aftermath

Post by Chellizard May 1st 2016, 9:47 pm

Broken Wings: Aftermath Tumblr_o2lmc2zmLk1u6fq9ao1_500

Unconscious for the transfer from Canada to Belarus, Tyuki felt nothing. She dreamnt of nothing, and she thought of nothing. For once in her life she was completely free of pain, worry, and responsibility. But, as soon as she came in contact with the cold floor, she stirred from her unconscious state and just laid there. Everything ached. She felt so broken.

Her chest was tight with pain, tears threatening her eyes. Using her left arm, she pushed herself up, and continued to do so until she heard foot steps. She laid back down and just breathed softly, focusing on that for now. She had to not make a noise. She didn't want to make it known she was awake. Not yet.

She laid there for what felt like hours, but it was clearly just over five and a half minutes. She used this time to look over Lucius' face. She had never seen him before. She had only heard stories from Andrew. She was unsure of this whole situation, and part of her wondered how she was even alive.

A subtle groan escaped her, giving Lucius the queue to being his speech on Julius Caesar, a bridge, and how Caesar was not going to let anyone belittle him, or something along those lines. Tyuki had to hold onto consciousness, her whole body tingling with intense pain. She breathed gently, her breath casting a soft fog on the cold marble floor. She tried to push herself up again now, her wings just dead weight against her back. She shifted them gently, a whimper escaping her as tears finally rolled down her cheeks.

"... I... don't... care about... Caesar..." she finally said, looking up to Lucius as he poured a second glass for her.

"... Analogies are stupid, because History is in the past for a reason..." She had to grit her teeth and speak in one solid breath, but she made her words come out in a string this time. But as soon as she was done speaking, she gasped for breath and moved a hand to hold onto her ribs.

She wanted nothing more than to just heal herself, but she just felt no energy to do so. She felt so weak, and broken.

"... So what, you're some douche bag that just happened to one up some early twenty year old heroes that only have intentions of helping others--" she cried now, whimpering more as she got herself propped up, her back leaning against the cold wall. Her wings laid haphazardly on the floor, sprawled out and bent in very awkward positions. She grimaced every time she looked at them.

"... if you're gonna kill me, just get it over with. What's the point in letting me suffer?" She asked, her breath shallow, jagged. She was just barely conscious, and her will to reason with Lucius was the main thing keeping her going.

"... Well...?" She asked, her head leaning back on the wall, her eyes closing as she focused on her breath. Her fingers danced over the edge of her rib cage, counting as she did. Two were clearly broken, and one was definitely jabbed into her lung. Every time she moved it hurt, and her breathing was wheezy and shallow. She coughed and it made her cringe, more tears spilling down her face.

"Of course you won't kill me..." She gasped and looked at him, her eyes bloodshot. "You're a coward, after all."

She felt a bit of confidence well up inside of her, the sedative and grape toxin finally processing through her blood stream - or what little was left of it. She was slowly feeling better, slowly regaining strength. Her eyes flashed white for just a moment, her healing powers activating for a short second. Nothing happened, though. Nothing of significance, of course.

"You look like shit," she finally said, looking at his face again, finally changing the subject to something she could find amusement in.

-My DeviantArt-
Broken Wings: Aftermath JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5015
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Broken Wings: Aftermath Empty Re: Broken Wings: Aftermath

Post by Red May 1st 2016, 10:36 pm

Apparently Tyuki missed what he was trying to say, but then again that could have been the pain and spite talking. She was clearly delirious and hurt, her powers not seeming to activate yet. Lucius had figured they would, but apparently she needed a hand. However, she just seemed to think he was trying to kill her. He sighed, taking out his sword once she called him a coward and then slowly approached her in a half fencing stance. He looked like he would indeed kill her, an irritated sneer on his face. But in reality he was just mad she wasn't listening.

He would sweep the blade to her neck very quickly, as if he were going to cut her throat, but he didn't. It only gently touched her chin. That's when something strange happened. Energy would surge through the blade, and would move into Tyuki, wiping away the chemicals and allergen in her and kick starting the healing process, even closing up wounds and the like. In moments, the swords energy along with her own healing factor would likely have her back to normal.

"You. Aren't. Listening." Lucius said, sheathing his sword and turning back to the table to sit down. He took a drink from his glass, and then set it back on the table. He looked at her with an odd stare. It was not commanding or arrogant, not rage filled or evil, it was apologetic, compassionate.

"I'm not your enemy, i never was. You were convenient, a tool. But, i considered something. What you said on the field i can understand, all of us can. The strength you showed, the will, it made me second guess what i was going to do to you. It...... It reminded me of someone. And that's why i want to help you. You don't have to be a tool anymore, Tyuki." Lucius said. He did look like shit really, distraught almost. Why would he look like that after a victory? The reason wasn't really apparent, but you could tell something was upsetting him. It loomed over his head like a cloud, casting a horrible chill over the room.

"I don't want to use you, i don't want to let others do that either. Phoenix, he was guiding you in a direction you didn't want. His love was forced on you, because he wanted you as some trophy. Well what do you want, Ms. Gold?" Lucius said. He gathered most of this from what she had said, and what he knew of the pair's relationship. He saw it wasn't a mutual thing, Phoenix used his power and his strong personality to force her back to a time that had passed long ago. He was holding her back, clipping her wings. Well, now it was time she took flight on her own.


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1255
Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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Broken Wings: Aftermath Empty Re: Broken Wings: Aftermath

Post by Chellizard May 2nd 2016, 2:42 am

As Lucius approached her with the blade, she tried to press herself even further into the wall. No matter how much pain it caused. She moved and pushed backward until she was slowly sliding up the wall, but falling down it. She was afraid of dying. It was evident based on her reaction.

She started to cough as she backed up, blood passing her lips as she gasped again, the pain shooting up her spine. A cold feeling pressed against her chin, and she looked to notice the blade. She felt the sudden surge of energy rush over her body. Sickening pops sounded off throughout the room as her wings folded and stretched, the bones aligning themselves as her hair turned stark white and her eyes began to glow magnificently.

Iridescent energy enveloped Tyuki from head to toe, coating her entire body. She felt more alive than she ever had. Something about that blade kick started her powers, and boosted her immune system. It was crazy, but it felt like magic. Something she could relate to.

As soon as her wings were back to normal, they vanished in a poof of iridescent glittery energy. Now that they were healed, they could go back to being in the mystical realm they hide in when she hasn't summoned them. She felt so good she could jump off of the walls! She stood up and stretched, her lips curling into a smile but it suddenly faltered when she noticed his facial expression.

"Fine. Talk." She'll say, standing now with her arms lightly crossing in front of her.

As he talked, it made her sympathetic. She felt the need to help him, now. It was crazy how charismatic people always had that one up on Tyuki, and she almost always fell for their silver tongue. But here, now, she was actually paying close attention to how he was speaking and the words he chose so that she wasn't pulled into another trick.

She kept her bright emerald irises on him the whole time, the sudden feeling of her mask being gone hitting her hard. The added 'Ms. Gold' made her realize she was definitely bare to the world.

Sighing, she just crossed the room with her hand outstretched.

"What I want?" she furrowed her brows. She had never been asked that. And if she had, she didn't remember it... it was a rarity to be asked what she wanted.

"To just... save the world, one step at a time. Make a difference. Be a better version of myself." Her hair became stark white as she talked, her eyes as well. The same iridescent energy that had coated her was now collecting in her hand. She moved forward and pressed her hand straight into Lucius' chest.

She gave him no choice. She was back to one hundred percent, and her strength would beat him. She held her hand there, allowing her healing energy to envelope him from head to toe. It spread throughout his circulatory system, his lymphatic system, nervous, cardiovascular, and so on. As soon as she was certain he was healed completely, and the bags under his eyes were less severe, she pulled her hand away and moved to sit down in the chair opposite of him.

"You're... Lucius Alba. I read a paper with you in it and your wife..." Tyuki said after sitting there for a solid two minutes not saying anything.

"... I'm sorry for your loss." she said, looking at the glass of bourbon. She thought about drinking it, and finally settled on a sip not hurting. She picked up the glass and took a swig of it, her face puckering at the sharp taste.

-My DeviantArt-
Broken Wings: Aftermath JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5015
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Broken Wings: Aftermath Empty Re: Broken Wings: Aftermath

Post by Red May 2nd 2016, 4:25 pm

Lucius found himself being healed by the woman in front of him, who seemed to finally be accepting the fact she wasn't in danger. His pale skin flushed with color, and the circles under his eyes subsided. He had a lot more energy now, but all the healing in the world couldn't fix what was going on in his head. He learned that long ago. He sipped his bitter Bourbon, and listened to what Tyuki said she wanted. Along with that, she mentioned Isabella.

A news paper flashed through his head. He remembered that one. Isabella and him were standing atop a stage, unveiling their groundbreaking teleportation technology in the middle of a crisis in New York. People rallied around the couple. What a lot didn't realize was that Isabella was as brilliant as she was beautiful. She wasn't just Lucius' love, she was his partner in innovation. He smiled at the memory of when he kissed the short haired woman and the camera flashes snapped rapidly for what would be on the front page. The smile quickly faded when Tyuki said she was sorry though, as if he were reminded of her demise.

"Well....... Thank you. But it doesn't bring her back." Lucius said, looking away from Tyuki for a moment to stare at the wall, as if he were contemplating something. He then turned back to the woman, grey eyes scanning her every mannerism.

"Don't you see, we want the same thing. Since i was a boy all i have desired is innovation and progress. I want to save this world from itself. To make an impact. To improve myself and others.... Granted, our means are different. But I'm not the villain everyone thinks i am." Lucius said as he sat at the table. He meant every word, truly. Yes her method of saving the world usually ended up making things worse, but they had the same goal. He wanted her to realize that the only beef he had with the Talons was the fact they would stand in his way on a path to a more secure and more accepting society.

"I want you to sit down........ I'm.... I'm going to tell you something." Lucius said, finishing off his drink and setting it aside. He was preparing for something, looking for the right words.


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1255
Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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Broken Wings: Aftermath Empty Re: Broken Wings: Aftermath

Post by Chellizard May 2nd 2016, 5:26 pm

Tyuki sat her glass down after taking the swig, glad that it was just to accept the gesture and nothing more. She stood for a few more moments, listening to him and watching him as he reacted to her apology.

She scoffed and clicked her tongue behind her teeth, a little sign of annoyance welling up in Tyuki.

"You're no the only person who has lost people you care about." She said, standing a little taller now. She refused to sit with him. His dismissal of her apology and his blatant disregard made her want to punch him, bu she knew he was just a bag of flesh and bones without his suit. There was no reason to hurt this man - it wasn't something Tyuki would do.

Licking her lips, she looked at him with her expression softening.

"You sure have a hard time showing it," she commented in reference to his 'not the villain you think I am' sh-peal.

She waited for a few more moments before he instructed her to sit. She narrowed her eyes and shook her head.

"I'm fine, thanks." She said, her weight shifting to lean on her right leg, her hip protruding to accentuate her posture. With arms still crossed, she watched him, waiting for him to go on.

-My DeviantArt-
Broken Wings: Aftermath JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5015
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Broken Wings: Aftermath Empty Re: Broken Wings: Aftermath

Post by Red May 2nd 2016, 5:45 pm

It seems when someone makes up their mind as to who you are and what you're about, you can't get that out of there no matter what you do. This is why he didn't care about, and sometimes embraced the titles of Devil and Monster and Villain. If people weren't going to change their minds then you might as well give them what they were expecting. But this girl, this girl he didn't want to be that way towards. He was too tired. But she would never understand by the looks of it. Lucius' eyes shot to her, and he softly smiled at the comment about not being the only one. As if this were news to him.

"Oh, thank you for telling me. I've been laboring under the delusion that nobody except those i care about parish." He said sarcastically. No, he wasn't going to play this game. He wasn't going to watch every step he took in front of this girl just to prove he wasn't as horrible as people said. He was more dignified then that.

"Did you ever consider i have a hard time showing it because of this world beating me down? You don't know me, and you cannot even fathom what i have seen, done, and been through. The guilt and grief would send you over the edge of insanity, yet here i sit." Lucius said, his usual subtle and amused smile creeping up on his lips. He was annoyed with this woman.

"You brought up the tragedy of my fiance, i didn't ask for your half baked pity. Yet you say 'you're not the only one', as if i were on my knees begging for sympathy before you said anything. If you're going to play games, please do it well." Lucius said, then turned his head back to the chair and outstretched his hand, insisting.

"Sit. Neither of us is better then the other, so lose the pride." He said, pouring another drink for himself.


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1255
Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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Broken Wings: Aftermath Empty Re: Broken Wings: Aftermath

Post by Chellizard May 2nd 2016, 6:32 pm

Shaking her head at first, but stopping to only scoff and roll her eyes. His sarcasm was cute, but she knew better. He was being a huge baby at this point. A grown man child. It was pathetic. His idea of her being the prideful one was ridiculous. She just added that she had lost people too, showing that she understood his pain. Showing she knew what it was like and that he wasn't alone, but of course he would take it like this. Of course he would.

"Look. I'm not here for a dick measuring contest, just as you said you're not. So let's stop this. I only brought up my losses to show you that you weren't alone." She said, using her hand to wave and point toward him.

"Obviously you're smart enough to know that you aren't the only one in the world that lost people, and yeah I used a pretty horrible tone of voice when I brought it up, but c'mon man. You have a huge gloomy cloud over you, and for what? Because you persevered and got rid of some demons, but you let their ghosts haunt you?" Her head began to shake again, sighing this time as she paced a bit, walking to one end of the room, and back toward the table.

Once close to it, she took his invitation to sit finally, seeing as, despite being healed, she still felt just a twinge of soreness. Maybe it was phantom pain, maybe not.

Sinking into the chair, she absentmindedly took another swig of the bourbon, puckering again from the taste. It wasn't her liquor of choice.

"So, what did you need me to sit down for?" she asked, crossing her left leg over her right, her hands relaxing on her lap.

-My DeviantArt-
Broken Wings: Aftermath JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5015
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Broken Wings: Aftermath Empty Re: Broken Wings: Aftermath

Post by Red May 3rd 2016, 3:00 pm

Perhaps he took it wrong, or perhaps not. From the way she said it it seemed that's what she meant, and Lucius wasn't known for being a poor judge of attitude. She could have just been making some excuse. Regardless though, she was rude, so he was rude right back. Debating the semantics of one statement wasn't going to get them anywhere. Tyuki then asked why he had 'a gloomy cloud' over his head. Honestly he could go on and on about why, but he didn't feel he needed to. This was about her after all.

"I'm not upset about my ghosts or demons...... I'm upset because i believe i just repeated history. I didn't want it this way but, well that's how it turned out." Lucius said, avoiding the kicker until after he took a drink of his liquor and rubbed his face. There was no kind or easy way to put this, at all.

"Phoe-.......... Andrew, Andrew is dead....." He said, locking eyes with the woman. He knew she would freak out, cry, lash out, but he stood his ground. With no armor and no powers he was prepared to take what the woman dished out, but of course he was hoping she wouldn't. He figured she would be less inclined to beat the tar out of him if he didn't have his gear, and that's why he didn't bring it, but you never knew what heartbreak would do. Despite this though, you could tell he was truly sorry. Truly feeling awful for what had happened.

"I'm sorry. I'm, prepared to do all i can to fix this...... I don't want you going down the path of grief again, not like i did.... Please, i want you to consider taking my help."  Lucius said, guilt in his eyes. He realized he had pretty much done what was done to him. But this relationship, it was false wasn't it? Tyuki was better without her knight in shining armor. She would see that.


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

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Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1255
Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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Broken Wings: Aftermath Empty Re: Broken Wings: Aftermath

Post by Chellizard May 3rd 2016, 11:46 pm

She relaxed in the chair, actually feeling a calming in the air around of herself. It was like she could trust him. There was just something about this man - something deeper. It was just the sorrow she saw in his eyes as she looked into them. She knew there was something bothering him, and how he began his little explanation made her realize it was bad news.

She just chuckled, though, and brushed it off. What could be worse? It's not like anyone had died.

She was alive, she was sure Sean, Zell, and Andrew were fine. All the talk on the battlefield was just to prove a point. She had dealt with a lot of nasties - well, three - in her heroine days and nights, so she could tell when someone was actually going to kill someone or not.

But, what he said next caught her off guard. Her hand around of the glass of bourbon squeezed, completely shattering it and sending bourbon spilling onto the tabletop.

Her jaw fell slack, her eyes widened. Her breath caught in her throat, and she just stared at him, her whole body trembling.

"... No... N-no... You're... lying..." she stammered, her voice shaking as she squeezed the shards of glass in her hand. She was grinding it down into a soft, fine sand. Her skin was impenetrable by such measly force.

She let the dust seep from between her fingers as she stood up, slowly, her eyes cast downward. Her hair fell around of her face, masking her emotion. She finally looked up at him, her eyes filled with tears, and her cheeks stained to match. She was red faced, anger not being the only emotion she was feeling at this moment in time.

"I... should hate you." She said, her voice firm despite the tears.

"And I DO! SHUT UP! Don't say his name!" She roared, her voice raising and so was the temperature in the room.

As she began her fit of rage, the iridescent energy that usually appeared when she healed people started to resonate on her body, pulsating with each word she flung at him.

"Your HELP? Are you CRAZY?" As the last word crossed her lips, large tendrils composed of bright iridescent energy spread from her back and lashed out, slicing the table in half, leaving scarred marks on the walls, and the floor.

The tendrils moved so quickly, efficiently, slicing and slashing at anything it could hit. She moved forward and aimed to punch Lucius square in the face, but she stopped herself, one of her tendrils wrapped around of her wrist, pulling her fist back away from him.

Deep down, she knew it wasn't right to beat a man - a human - no matter how many horrible things they did.

Sobbing now, she collapsed to her knees, her arms and face landing in Lucius lap. She sobbed there, not knowing what to do.

"I should hate you..." she said between sobs, her body trembling as the tendrils of energy slowly faded away, leaving her as just an average, down trodden girl.

-My DeviantArt-
Broken Wings: Aftermath JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5015
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Broken Wings: Aftermath Empty Re: Broken Wings: Aftermath

Post by Red May 4th 2016, 12:20 am

As he guessed, she freaked out. There was little he could do to stop it, he couldn't talk to her like this. He knew she needed silence, he had been through this plenty of times himself to know that much. The energy tendrils actually scared Lucius for a second, like they were about to pierce right through him. He hated being vulnerable. But instead, they hacked through the table and lashed out at the walls. What he really had to worry about was the punch heading his way, which he knew would knock his head off. He figured he was dead right there, and it was his stupid choice that caused it, but no. The fist stopped about an inch from his face, and he stared at it, sighing in relief.

Eventually, her out of control power faded, and she, well, dropped into his lap like a little girl. He was surprised at first, hesitant, she did almost kill him, but after a few seconds, he patted the back of her head and rubbed her back, like a father would to a upset child. It was uncomfortable sure, but she needed some amount of consolation. He understood that more then anyone.

"Yes....... Yes you should." He said as he, um, hugged her crying form. He wondered what she meant. Should hate him? Did she not?

"But you don't? Why? Even i hate me..... I'll be the first to tell you I'm a devil, a monster...." Lucius said, eyes becoming a bit bloodshot as he saw what he had put this girl through. It was the same thing that created him. Did the world need more grief stricken monsters? No, but he was great at creating them it seemed.

"But this monster, he understands.... And he would have, given the chance, wiped it all clean. Forgot about all the evil done to him, for his own sake and that of his victims. I never got that chance, but you have it. I want to help you, dear." Lucius said, trying to lift Tyuki's head so he could look at her in the eyes. His eyes were watery now, but he wasn't crying, not like her. He meant ever word. This wasn't some scheme to get back at Phoenix, he was already dead, this was to truly help the girl he had hurt in the process of doing what he had to.


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1255
Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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Broken Wings: Aftermath Empty Re: Broken Wings: Aftermath

Post by Chellizard May 4th 2016, 12:38 am

The sudden pat on the back of her head, as comforting as it was, sent a chill down her spine like no other. She felt her skin crawl, and at first, she wanted nothing more than to destroy him right then and there.

In reaction, the tendrils made their way back into existence, a defensive mechanism to ward off Lucius if he tried anything funny. It was a subconscious reaction, and Tyuki had no idea it was happening. She felt nothing, she just cried, and wondering why he was being so kind to her.

"I... lost him before. I just got him back..." sobbing through her muffled words, it took her a while to get them out as she stained his fancy dress pants with her tears. As she cried, bits of energy flecked from her tears and floated to the sides, her eyes closed as she just cried.

The tendrils flexed and arched, moving toward Lucius and pressing against his jacket. A bit of smoke rose as they made contact at first, the pure energy being alike to fire, but it was clearly some form of light manipulation. Tyuki's heart felt like it was about to jump out of her mouth. She just didn't know what to do.

The tendrils eased back, however, giving him room to lean down and actually hug her. The compassion was real, and she knew that, but she didn't want to admit it. There was always some good in people... in everyone, and Tyuki believed that - no matter what.

"I've been getting kidnapped and taken my whole life... for once I'd like it to stop. For once I'd like everything I love to stop being taken from me. I just want to live my life in peace, keep people from killing each other, and make the sick not sick, and the poor not poor, and the hungry not hungry and I just... I just..." she stammered over her words as his hand lifted her chin up to face him. Her eyes opened now, they being a bright white as the tendrils waved and swayed behind of her.

She could see the pain in his eyes, and she was sure there was some ounce of good in him... but what was she now? What would she become? And that's when she noticed the signs of the new power.

"Am.. I a monster?" she asked, bewildered as one of the tendrils slid into her view, finally catching her eye. She gasped and moved back from Lucius, her rump hitting the floor. She kicked and pushed away from him, sliding backwards as she looked from side to side. The tendrils lashed out in a panic as she freaked out, doing more damage to the floor, walls, and ceiling yet again. Her breath quickened, and she continued to panic, shrieks and screams escaping her as she looked from side to side, watching the damage she was doing.

-My DeviantArt-
Broken Wings: Aftermath JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5015
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Broken Wings: Aftermath Empty Re: Broken Wings: Aftermath

Post by Red May 4th 2016, 1:01 am

This..... This was odd. Even Lucius had no idea what was happening. From what he knew of Tyuki she didn't have light manipulation, but here it was, tearing up his containment room and nearly killing him every few seconds. The energy fluctuated in intensity with her panic, and now she was panicking again. Lucius could understand why she was messed up, but she was literally going to impale him if this went on.

He fished through his pocket, and found a bottle of pills. These were the same ones he had given to Lucas when he had trouble controlling his powers. They in a sense numbed the part of the brain responsible for using metahuman powers, and also relaxed the body to prevent any body based powers from freaking out. He outstretched his hand, snapping back a few times to avoid the tendrils.

"Here...... I promise they aren't anything that will hurt you. It will calm you down........ You aren't a monster Tyuki, you're a wonderful creation of nature, you're just upset." Lucius said, a tad frantically as he tried to simultaneously evade the energy and hand her the pills. He hoped she accepted them, he promised, and he always kept his promises. But it wasn't like she knew that. Besides, there was no one more qualified in the metagene then the man in front of her, at least on this side of the world.

"You're a good person, not a monster. Better then i am. If that is really what you want, to help people, and help yourself, just....... Just let me do something i couldn't do for myself so long ago." Lucius said, backing away and keeping his eyes locked on the girl. She was hurting, sobbing still. She needed help.


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1255
Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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Broken Wings: Aftermath Empty Re: Broken Wings: Aftermath

Post by Chellizard May 4th 2016, 8:08 pm

"You did this! Someone did this to me! How long was I asleep?!" her voice cracked as she screamed at him, her whole body convulsing as she lurched forward, the tendrils stabbing into the wall and lifting her off of the floor. She hovered there for a few moments, the iridescent tendrils of light whipping as if an industrial fan was set off in the room and it was blowing them around. But now, the tendrils started to manifest as some sort of new armor around of her body, a tightly woven set to protect her from Lucius as he dare to come closer.

With each step, the tendrils lashed at him, but never hurt him. They wound singe his clothes, rip his shirt, and just barely graze over the atmosphere around of his head. The dangerously close strikes were all warnings, meaning to tell him to not do anything or he would get impaled.

Her eyes fell onto the bottle of pills. She watched as he outstretched an arm and pushed them out toward her. The tendrils subsided, gently letting Tyuki stand back on her own two feet. She looked like some sort of alien being with the tendrils gently swaying at her sides. They twisted together and formed a large tail like shape behind of her, swaying gently still as she grabbed for the bottle.

"UPSET? That doesn't even BEGIN to cover it!" she said, anger rising. The tendrils split from the big tail into separate smaller ones again. She read the label, like it would do any good. She was too freaked out to care.

Wrenching the bottle in half, the plastic gave way to her strength as if she were breaking a measly toothpick. She dumped two pills into her palm, then doubled it and shoved them into her mouth and swallowed.

One by one the tendrils began to fade, gently blinking out of existence as if someone was turning the lights out via a panel. She choked gently on the pills, but swallowed them down successfully, a few hiccuped sobs racing through her as she sniffled and felt a sudden calm wash over her.

"... Why is it that all the people that had it the worst always try to do the best?" she asked, looking at Lucius with just a few sniffles now.

-My DeviantArt-
Broken Wings: Aftermath JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5015
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Broken Wings: Aftermath Empty Re: Broken Wings: Aftermath

Post by Red May 4th 2016, 8:28 pm

Lucius was seriously considering moving to plan B at this point. The woman was in hysterics, and the looming tendrils that lashed out at him were proof of that. They burnt his suit, his shoes, and everything else, all but him and the one that was creating them that is. He kept his hand outstretched the whole time though, determined, even if it did get him impaled. He was fearless, and he stood his ground. It was easy to do when you were invincible, but like this he could be killed with a thought, yet he remained his imposing and unrelenting self. All that stuff people called pride wasn't, it was will, will and determination, at least in Lucius' mind.

"Here. Take them." He said through slightly gritted teeth as smoke came off his clothing. The tendrils were so close, but he wasn't backing down. Eventually she did take them, and they did their work. Lucius sighed in relief, looking to the girl who had just looked, indeed, like a monster. But she wasn't, she was just a hurt child. A victim of his devices.

".....Because they feel obligated to. They want to make it so no one else feels their pain.... That's what drives you, and it's what drives me. We don't want people to hurt anymore." Lucius said, keeping his distance but also putting his hands up, doing a sort of calming motion. He took a few steps forward, trying to place his hands on her shoulders as he looked at her and spoke.

"I can figure out what's going on with you, and in the process, i can make you not hurt anymore. After that, you never have to see my face again." Lucius would say, pale grey eyes looking down at the girl with a pity. As if he were watching a child or animal in pain. Once she pulled away, he would respect it and take a step back. He just hoped, now that she was mostly calm, she would accept his offer.


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
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Status :

Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1255
Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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