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Samuel Glase | Paladin

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Samuel Glase | Paladin Empty Samuel Glase | Paladin

Post by Red Ring December 12th 2016, 6:43 pm


"If you think mercy's an option after everything, you have no idea what you've done."

The Bio

Real Name: Samuel Glase
Hero Name: Paladin
Title: N/A
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Race: Metahuman
Hair: Naturally black, dyed dark blue
Eyes: Brown
Height: 6'1", appears to be 6'4" in Paladin armor.
Weight: 186 lbs.
Blood type: O-Positive

The Looks

Medium-length, dark blue hair covering one eye, dark brown eyes. His skin is pale, and his head is kind of egg-shaped, with a ski-slope nose. There is stubble on his face. His physical build is fairly muscular, though he still appears stronger when suited up. As Samuel Glase, he normally wears a business suit while on the clock managing Glase Tech, or whatever he finds lying around otherwise.

As Paladin, he wears bulky, metallic, dark green armor. The shoulders and chestplate in particular have more covering them, being bulkier than the rest. The suit in general is bulkier than he is in civilian garb. He wears a Paldium helmet with a black, transparent visor letting him see through his eyes, giving way to dark green, metallic jaws down at his mouth.

The Personality

You would be forgiven for thinking Paladin and Glase as two different people, as Samuel manages a very different personality to that of his superhuman self.

As Samuel Glase, he seems like a friendly sort. He speaks in an informal tone - even whilst managing his company, he speaks in a casual manner to his employees. He can be a real prankster, to the rest of management's dismay, playing jokes on his employees fairly often - if asked about why, he'll say the positive atmosphere keeps morale high. He has a particular tendency to bad puns, to everyone's dismay. However, when he needs to be strict, or someone steps out of line, people learn just why he's the head of Glase Technologies rather than his brother; he can be downright scary when he's mad. Eagle-eyed people who have seen Paladin before may notice similarities in tone of speaking and body movement between what others call "boss mode" Samuel and his super-human self. When news pops up about Paladin or other superheroes, he'll feign hatred for them so as to reinforce keeping his identity secret, stating that "protecting this city is the police's job, not some vigilantes in technicolor costumes."

As Paladin, he's not quite the friendly man Samuel appears to be in his day-to-day life. He speaks in a dark tone, attempting to frighten or intimidate his opponents. When he speaks, it's often to berate or interrogate his opponents, or to self-admittedly boss around his allies. And if you're trying to get away, you'll also notice that he's extremely determined. Once he has sight of you, expect him to give chase for as long as his stamina will let him. He prioritizes catching the criminals over minimizing collateral damage, knowing that he can't save everyone anyway. He can be ruthless with criminals, not caring about injuring or even killing them just to get them off the streets. Finally, he's heavily against repeat-offender violent criminals, and will place them at top priority.

The Story

Growing up, Samuel Glase lived with his parents, Maxwell and Samantha, as well as his baby sister, Jessie, in New York. He was to inherit the company, Glase Technologies. His life was about as "normal" as it would get, for a multi-millionaire. He played pranks on his sister and his parents often, and when he was old enough, found himself to be quite the romantic. He was raised learning about business and technology.

Soon, however, would come the destruction of New York City.

In the wake of the assault, he found himself going into hiding, with Jessie, who was, at the time, still a teenager. His parents were nowhere to be seen. The battle was long and hard, and with each passing day, the two lost hope that their parents would find themselves in the shelter. Eventually, they were found and rescued, and made off to the Glase Technologies office in Chicago, Illinois, where Samuel would be running the company until the day his parents would come back.

However, that day would never come. In 2020, 2 years after the assault on New York, he got unsettling news. In the rubble of New York, they had found his parents. Dead amongst the collapsed buildings and other acts of destruction performed by the villains in the destruction of New York. This is where he was done. Done hiding in the shadows, waiting for them to strike next. He'd work on a way to fight them back, to end it.

And that day will come soon.

Present day, 202X...

Jessie still lives with him, now aged 21. About 9 months before where Glase starts now, he had discovered his Meta-Gene by accident. The ability to summon hard-light spears to attack with. Just what he'd hoped for - a way to combat the superpowered criminals on the street. He's alarmed that he has one - this means that one, or both, of his parents had a similar Meta-Gene and never informed him. But he decided to worry about that another time.

At the same time, a new mineral, a bit stronger than steel, has been discovered. Samuel named this material Paldium, and set up mining operations to collect it. He worked with the material privately at first, not wanting other employees to know what he's building. Secretly, he built a suit of armor out of the Paldium, and turned the basement - previously used for storage - into a hidden lair. He publicly announced the first Paldium experiment as "a failed project," not wanting to give away what he's created. To the outside world, he's the owner of Glase Technologies, but secretly, he uses his powers to fight crime as the Paladin.

The Priority

1. Strength
2. Endurance
3. Reaction
4. Agility

The Powers

Power 1: Paladin's Spear - Due to a unique Meta-Gene, Sam has the ability to form and throw bright green, glowing spears. Physically, these spears are just a bit weaker than steel, and apart from their green coloration and glow, they have no unique attributes compared to that of a normal spear. Sam can telekinetically control these spears, however they have to be close to him to telekinetically control, and launching them is equal to just throwing them by hand, making it more for effect than anything. He can summon up to 5 spears at a time, and he can desummon them at any time. Despite the fact that these spears are generally not powerful enough to penetrate solid concrete or the like, they seem to "freeze" when the blade hits the ground, creating the illusion of the spear being stuck in the ground.

The Weaknesses

Weakness 1: Spear Break - It is possible to shatter his Paladin's Spears. If a spear is broken, all current spears out will shatter, and he will not be able to summon more for 30 seconds.
Weakness 2: Heavy Armor - As useful as his armor is for not getting killed, it's pretty heavy. Definitely gonna slow him down, much more than he'd like.

The Items

Paldium Armor: An armor suit made out of Paldium, a metal discovered by Glase Technologies while mining for new resources. It's highly resilient, able to resist bullets - depending on the strength of the gun. However, after about 3 or 4 bullets on average in the same general area, the armor will be penetrated, and another shot in the same area could kill him.

The Minions


The Fluff

The RP Sample

As there are two different "personas" for this character, I decided to do a short story for each of them. I'm not the most detailed writer in the world, but hopefully this works.

As Samuel Glase

The businessman sits at his desk. He's called an employee in - they've been working hard, and with the recent surge in company funds, he wants to talk to them about a promotion. He's also got a new prank up his sleeve - he's been working on this one for a few days. Then, the employee walks in - he looks nervous, and he appears to be. It's as if he doesn't know why he called him in here.


"Roy. Have a seat," Sam says as he reads the employee's nametag, leaning back in his chair.

"Mr. Glase, why did you call me in here?" Roy asks meekly.

"I wanted to talk to you about-" Smoke fills the room, and Sam feigns being attacked, collapsing on the ground. When the smoke fades, Roy is still standing - apparently having not even taken a seat - and the owner is on the ground.

"Sir?" There's a pause. "Sir?" He approaches, and crouches down near his boss. Then, Sam springs up and grabs him by the tie. He jumps. They stare intensely at each other for a minute or so...And then Sam laughs.

"Ha! The look on your face..." With that, the employee facepalms, beginning to laugh under his own breath. It's not the first time Sam's played a prank on his employees - though this has been the most extravagant - so the employee was expecting something, but not this. "Oh, management's NOT gonna be happy with me for installing smoke dispensers in my office, but that was SO worth the trouble," he continues.

"So...Why did you call me in here again?" Roy asks.

He ends the day with a promotion and a small raise in pay.


As Paladin

A man runs through an empty street, panting heavily. Behind him, the sound of heavy metal hitting the pavement, over and over, is heard. He's still running. A spear, glowing green with energy, hurdles beside him.

"Dammit," a dark, grumbling voice curses behind him. The criminal turns, taking off in another direction. At first, it seems the other has lost him. Then, he hears the sound again. Another spear goes flying past, coming mere inches from his left. "Hold still," the voice says. The criminal trips, and a spear narrowly misses his ankle, pinning his pant leg to the ground. He turns, facing his assaulter. Dark green, metallic armor, as if it came right out of a video game. Spikes are jutting off from their heavily-protected shoulders, and their head is covered with a green metal helmet, a black visor with glowing green eyes behind them as another spear forms in their hand, green metallic jaws forming an end to the Paladin's face.

"Confess to your crimes now," the figure demands.

"Okay. I-I...I killed a man," the man says, fear in his eyes. The figure throws the spear, purposely aiming it so it would land mere inches from the man's head.

"Turn yourself in within 24 hours, or I'll be back. And you won't be so lucky next time," the vigilante states. He turns, and walks away, the spears around him dissolving. The criminal's fear will work to his advantage. From here, he hopes he won't have to intervene again - he doesn't need the police having more reasons to hate him. For now, he'll get back to the base, to prepare for the next one on the list.


Red Ring
Red Ring

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Samuel Glase | Paladin Empty Re: Samuel Glase | Paladin

Post by Alpha December 12th 2016, 9:20 pm

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